Tuesday, March 4, 2025

My Funny Farm - Chapter 12 – Life Sucks – Part 2 of 2


My Funny Farm

By Karen Singer


Chapter 12 – Life Sucks – Part 2 of 2


Porn!  Porn!  Porn!  No, I never really stopped to think about why I was so fascinated by it, especially at this point in my life.  I had never really been into it when Rachel was alive, but there was no doubt I was enjoying it now.  Of course, I knew perfectly well that I wasn’t the only one on earth who was so drawn to it.  After spending so much time looking at those sissy sites, it almost seemed like everyone on earth was addicted to porn in one fashion or another.  In fact, how was I to know, maybe they were, and I had always been one of those few uninitiated holdouts all my life.  I didn’t fall into that category anymore.

For me, in my present bizarre and unwanted position, spending half and hour every day looking at the porn, only for it to be followed immediately by my afternoon nap period, was one of the highlights of my day.  As my minutes of computer time gradually ticked down, I was certainly looking forward to that nap…or rather, what I would be doing instead of actually sleeping…for a while.

Caitlin came in to rescue me from my computer almost the minute my time with it was up.  She already had another baby bottle in her hand as she led me back to my bedroom.  But that’s when everything changed on me again.  Instead of having me get into the bed for my nap, she had me sit down on the floor next to the bed, and she sat down right in front of me.  Yup!  I already knew what was about to happen.  More marathon confessing that I was nothing but a baby.  Except, it didn’t quite happen like I expected.

She reached out herself and removed the pacifier from my mouth.  Then she looked me in the eyes and asked.  “What are you?”

No surprise to me at all.  “I’m nothing but a baby,” I replied, now having figured out how she wanted me to say it.

“Right!” she replied.  “Remember that!”

I waited for her to tell me to keep saying it, and I wasn’t looking forward to it.  But instead, she changed it all up.

“Baby,” she said.  “I noticed that you’re not sucking on your pacifier the way you should be.  You’re chewing on it instead.”  She held my pacifier up and showed me the nipple.  “See how your teeth are chewing it up?  I shouldn’t see any teeth marks on it at all.  And the only reason they’re there is because you’re not sucking properly.  So I thought I would spend a little while today helping your learn to do it better.”

Once again in this new crazy life, I was flabbergasted.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out another pacifier, then she stuck my old chewed up one into her pocket.  She held out the new pacifier.  “Here,” she said as she reached across and pressed the nipple to my lips.  “This is one you haven’t sucked on yet, so it’s still new.”

By now, I was so used to them sticking a pacifier into my mouth that I never hesitated at all to suck the thing in.

“Now don’t let it touch your teeth!” she warned me.

I had to be careful.  It was too easy for my teeth to touch the thing.  Not that I really cared that much if I was chewing on them or not, but I was curious now about what she was trying to do.

“Okay baby,” she said.  “Now I’m going to tell you what to do, and I’m going to be watching very carefully to make sure you do it.  Ready?”

Ready?  I didn’t know if I was ready or not.

“Now suck it in,” she said.

Suck it in?  It was already in my mouth.

“No baby,” she said.  “When I say suck, I should be able to see that paci moving harder into your mouth.  And when I say out, I should be able to see you relax just a bit so it can ease up and come out a tiny bit.”

She had to be kidding!  But I realized after a second of thought that she probably could notice something like that.  In fact, I remembered watching my kids and my grandkids when they were babies as they sucked on something.  You really could see those things moving around as they sucked.

“Now try it again,” she said.  “Suck…”

I sucked a bit harder.

“Now out,” she said.

I eased up and felt the thing not pressing against my lips so much.

“Suck…out.  Suck…out.”

She kept saying it and watching that pacifier in my mouth as she seemed to set up a constant rhythmic pattern.  “Suck…out…suck…out.”  It wasn’t exactly once per second.  It was a bit faster than that, but it was something else – relentless!  “Suck…out…suck…out…suck.  Keep going,” she said as she watched me closely.  “Now as you suck like that, close your eyes.  Suck…out…suck…out…suck…out.”

With my eyes closed, I was far more aware of the sucking feeling and motion of the pacifier than ever, especially as her voice droned softly on and on, making sure the rhythm of it never stopped.

“Suck…out…suck…out,” she said.  “As you’re doing it, feel your worries and anxieties draining away.  Suck…out…suck…out, and feel yourself growing calmer and more relaxed as you do it.”

Okay, now I got it.  She was literally taking me back to what Doctor Clive had me doing, using the pacifier as a means to help relax me and get rid of my nervous anxiousness.  It was something I had stopped doing a long time ago.  Especially since I had now grown to resent that constant stupid pacifier being in my mouth more than ever.


It seemed to go on forever, and with my eyes closed, I was starting to become sleepy as she made sure I was concentrating on that pacifier.  Yeah, I was a bit sleepy, but it was also supposed to be my naptime, but still she never quit.  She finally said, “Keep going,” and her voice stopped, but even with my eyes closed I could tell she hadn’t moved away.  She was still watching me closely.

Suck…out…suck…out.  In…out…in…out.  I kept the motion going despite the lack of her voice.  Eventually though, I was not just growing sleepy, but my mouth was growing tired.  With her watching though, I forced myself to keep going.

All of a sudden I felt her grab my arm.  I stopped sucking and opened my eyes.

“Keep sucking,” she told me, and waited until she saw the constant motion of my pacifier resume.  “Come on,” she said as she pulled me to my feet.

I noticed she was still watching my pacifier closely.  And then she did something else unexpected.  Instead of me getting into bed, she climbed in instead.  She moved way over and rearranged the pillows so she could sit up.  “Keep sucking,” she said softly as I watched her settle herself in my bed.  “Come on,” she said.  “You know the position by now, but make sure you don’t stop sucking.”

I laid myself down on the bed, putting my head though against her breasts.  With a bit of difficulty, she reached out and grabbed that baby bottle.  She pulled the plug from my mouth and put the bottle to my lips instead.

“Suck…out…suck…out…suck…” she said softly, once again reestablishing the constant rhythmic motion that I had done with the pacifier.  The baby formula in the bottle began flowing into my mouth.  In, out, in, out.  I had to stop the motion pretty often though to swallow as she sat there and fed me the entire bottle, making sure I never once ceased to keep doing it the way she wanted.  It seemed like no time before that bottle was empty and she was pushing that paci back into my mouth.

“Suck…out…suck…out…” she whispered.  “Close your eyes.  Suck…out…suck…”  Her voice droned on for a while as she continued to hold me.  I don’t know how long her voice continued because believe it or not, I fell asleep.  Suck, out, suck, out.

When I woke up sometime later, not only was that pacifier still in my mouth, but I was still sucking with the same motion she had worked so hard to teach me earlier.  I was surprised by something else too.  Caitlin was still there in bed with me, holding me, while she was sound asleep.

Should I move?  Should I wake her?  I didn’t know what to do.  I did stop sucking though.  Sucking like that made me feel like more of a baby than ever, and I didn’t need that.  I laid there with my head still against her breast and peed into my diaper feeling the wetness wash all around me.  And still she slept.  I was just getting ready to try and move to a more comfortable position when she said, “You’re not sucking.”

Once again, I started the dumb rhythmic motion of the pacifier going in and out of my mouth.  And since she was still watching me so closely, I kept at it as she got me out of bed and sat me down in front of the TV to watch my afternoon cartoons.  I wanted to stop sucking, but she was staying way to close.  I had no choice but to keep at it, like it or not.

When playtime came after my cartoons, she didn’t play with me, but she did sit on the bed and continue to watch me closely.  Yes, I did my best to actually play with those toys.  With her watching like that, I didn’t have a choice.  I piled them together.  I tossed them around.  I did everything I could think of with them, which wasn’t much at all.  But I had no choice.  All while continuing to suck my pacifier the way she wanted.

Emily came home while I was…playing.  Right in front of me, Caitlin explained to her how she had been teaching me to suck properly.  Emily of course had to get down on the floor with me and watch my mouth just as carefully as Caitlin had for a few minutes.  Finally, she reached out and did that bopping thing on my nose again that I hated so much.  “Good baby!” she declared happily.

Since Caitlin had been too busy teaching me how to suck properly, she never had a chance to fix dinner for everyone like she had planned.  Instead, they ordered pizza…and ate it in front of me while I got to enjoy some delicious…baby food.  Oh joy.


Friday, February 28, 2025

My Funny Farm - Chapter 12 – Life Sucks – Part 1 of 2


My Funny Farm

By Karen Singer


Chapter 12 – Life Sucks – Part 1 of 2


It's amazing how aware I had become about the number of times I needed to pee during the day.  Yeah, of course I remember before this all started, having to go to the bathroom to pee, or do something else there.  I did it a number of times every day.  In truth, every few hours I guess.  But those trips to the bathroom were soon all but forgotten.  Now, I was more aware of that need than ever.

I wasn’t trying at all to hold back like they wanted me to, but I was no longer letting it build up in my system to that uncomfortable point that told me I had better get to the bathroom pretty darn soon.  Getting to the bathroom wasn’t going to happen, and using a toilet with those diapers taped on me was even less of a possibility.  The result was that while I was holding back, like they didn’t want me to, I was starting to get really good at peeing myself wherever I was and in whatever position I happened to be in at the time.  It was easier on me, but no, I wasn’t exactly proud of that ability.

Wednesday morning started out just like I expected, and just like every other day so far.  Emily woke me up way too early and Caitlin was soon there with my early morning bottle of baby formula.  I didn’t want the bottle, especially because I wanted them to remove that damn butt plug first.  Instead, they left the plug in, and plugged the bottle in between my lips.  I had no choice but to grab it and start drinking.  Despite my bedtime bottle last night, I did still have a bad taste in my mouth from getting it washed out with soap the day before, and they hadn’t even allowed me to brush my teeth before they put me to bed, so this new bottle helped somewhat by replacing some of the leftover soapy taste with baby formula taste.  Basically though, I was trading one bad flavor for another.

Emily kissed me on the forehead while I was drinking, said she loved me, and she was off to work where she could terrorize her students.  Caitlin stayed in my room and did some basic straightening up.  I simply laid there drinking, and wondering when she was going to take that plug out of my ass?  In the past, they had changed me while I was drinking my bottle.  Why not today?

Caitlin continued to putter around near me, despite how long it took me to drink that much baby formula.  Trust me, drinking anything from a baby bottle takes a long time, so she was in there with me for quite a while, and that plug was in my ass for a much longer time than necessary.  Finally, my bottle ran dry, and Caitlin watched to make sure I got the last dregs of what was in it.  Only then did she move in to check my diaper.

Hooray!  Finally!

“Those diapers really hold a lot!” she commented before actually touching anything.  “But I guess we better get that butt plug out of you.”

Hooray again!

She moved in close, but before she touched my diaper she put her face way too close to mine.  “We need to get some things straight!” she said sternly.  “First of all, what are you?”

Uh-oh!  I remembered going through this last night with Emily.  I paused, looking up at her for a few moments and saying nothing.  She didn’t move.  She just waited with her face close to mine.  I gave in.  “A baby,” I finally said.

“Good!  Now I want you to say, I’m nothing but a baby.”

I stared up at her, wondering what kind of game she was playing at now.

“I’m nothing but a baby,” she said again.  “Say it!”

I got the picture.  “I’m nothing but a baby.”

“Again!” she ordered.

“I’m nothing but a baby.”

“Keep saying it and don’t stop until I say you can.”

“I’m nothing but a baby.  I’m nothing…”  As I spoke, I noticed her checking the time on her watch.  Why?  Was there some kind of set time I’d have to keep saying it?  I talked on though while she pulled open the tapes on my diaper and seemed to check it.

“I’m nothing but a baby.  I’m nothing but a…”

“Roll over and keep saying it,” she told me.

I rolled over so she could get at my ass.  “I’m nothing but a baby.  I’m nothing but a baby.”

I felt her groping to grab that plug, then she started pulling.

“I’m nothing but…  Mm!  Ow!  a baby.  Ow!  I’m nothing…  Uh!”  I breathed heavily as the darn plug finally pulled free.

“Keep talking and don’t stop!” she said as she slapped my ass hard.


She slapped it again.  “Keep saying it!”

“I’m nothing but a baby.  I’m nothing but a baby.”

While I kept saying it, she had me roll back over.  She retaped that soggy diaper right back onto me again, then she checked her watch and stood there while she watched me.  My voice droned on an on.  “I’m nothing but a baby.  I’m nothing but a baby.”

It seemed like forever before she let me stop.  “Good!” she finally declared as she checked her watch one last time.  “Now get your butt up and let’s get you some breakfast.”

What was going on?  She certainly wasn’t being very nice to me today.  As if my treatment was ever very nice.  I felt the rumblings in my backside before I made it to the kitchen.  I knew what was going to happen to my diaper long before it even started.  As I waddled in that huge, soaked diaper, I tried tightening my asshole again.  I could barely tell if I did anything with it at all.  Not good!  While Caitlin fussed around in the kitchen making breakfast for both of us, I sat in my seat and waited, having no choice but to concentrate on those feeling building rapidly in my backside that told me trouble was on the way.

Emily set two bowls on the table, a colorful child’s bowl for me with a colorful spoon in it, and a normal bowl for her.  Her bowl held breakfast cereal.  So did mine.  Except my cereal was made for a baby.  Yuck!  And I could tell that more yuck was going to happen very soon.  I had barely started eating when it started happening.  Once again, no matter how hard I tried, my asshole was too worn out and numb to hold back.  The shit started flooding out of me, basically unchecked.  I lifted my bottom off the chair to help it along, while Caitlin did nothing but smile evilly at me.  Damn woman!

When it was over, I had no choice but to slowly lower myself back down into the seat.  Yuck!  Yuck!  Yuck! 

“Finish eating!” she ordered.  Then she got up and took her bowl with her, and her bowl was still half full.  I noticed her eating while standing at the kitchen counter on the other side of the room.  Yeah.  I smelled pretty bad.  Hey!  I couldn’t help it.  My smell didn’t exactly help the taste of that baby cereal she was making me eat either.

As per the way my life seemed to be working lately, as soon as I finished eating, Caitlin brought me back to the bedroom where she cleaned me up and changed my diaper for another one with different kiddie designs on it.  After that, as I expected, I got plopped down on the living room floor in front of boring cartoons on the TV.  Caitlin brought me my second baby bottle of the day.  By this time I was expecting it to be that good tasting vanilla stuff, but when she handed it to me, the liquid inside was brown.  I tasted it.  Chocolate!  Mm!  I think I finished that bottle in record time, which earned me a reward – my pacifier stuck back in my mouth.

Yeah.  Life was so interesting and exciting.  I mentally buckled myself in for a very boring day.

As soon as one of those cartoons ended, as I knew would happen, I got sent back to my room for another playtime.  Oh joy.  At least my diaper was still dry.  Caitlin came in to check on me after just a few minutes, which I fully expected, but this time she stayed and watched me while she made my bed.  Yeah, I tried to pretend to play with that stuff, but really what could you do with a few tiny colorful blocks, a tiny stuffed doll, and a spindle that held a few rings?  You can’t do anything with them!

And then Caitlin did something completely unexpected.  She suddenly plopped herself down right in front of me.

“Hi baby,” she said.  “How’re you doin’?”

How was I doing?

“Here,” she said as she grabbed one of those colorful rings.  She set it on the floor between us.  I watched as she grabbed one of the small blocks and set it on top of the ring.  “Can you do that?” she asked, speaking as if I really was a baby.

I wasn’t exactly sure what was going on, but I grabbed another of the rings and stuck one of the blocks on top of it.

“Very good!” she praised me, reaching out and cupping my face with her hands for a moment.  “Let’s do it again.  She grabbed another ring and balanced it on top of the block that was on top of the first ring.  I copied what she did, and she praised me again.  She picked up that tiny stuffed doll, shook it and said.  “You are such a good baby!”  With that, she reached that doll out toward my face, touched my face with it and made a big kissing noise.  Then she laughed.

Unbelievably, Caitlin stayed on the floor with me and literally played with me for the rest of the time I was stuck there.  It had to be one of the strangest experiences of my life.  It was certainly memorable.  She was paying a lot of close attention to me.  In some ways, uncomfortably close attention since she seemed to touch me a lot.  But I guess that’s what she would do with a real baby…which I wasn’t!  I wondered if there was some way I could turn those dumb toys over to her.  There was no doubt she got more enjoyment from them than I did.

And then she had to go and spoil it.  “Are you wet?” she asked.

I pulled the plug from my mouth.  “No.  I’m fine,” I told her.  Yes, I was dry.  But she didn’t need to know that after two bottles already that morning the need to pee was getting to the point where I would be letting it out very soon.

“Mm!” she grunted as if she was suddenly angry with me.  “I thought so.  You’re holding back again!”

“Uh….”  I shoved the pacifier quickly back into my mouth, knowing that I had been found out.

She leaned her face practically into mine again.  “What are you?” she demanded.

“Uh…a baby,” I replied.

“Right!” she said.  “And how do you say that today?”

Now she was confusing me.  What did she mean?  She must have noticed the confused look on my face.  “I had you practicing it earlier.  What are you and how do you say it today?”

Okay, things were quickly getting weirder.  “Uh…I’m nothing but a baby?” I asked uncertainly.

“Are you telling me or asking?”

“Um…I’m nothing but a baby,” I said.

“Say it like you mean it!”

Why did she have to keep her face so close to mine.  I tried backing away, only to have her practically crawl over on top of me so she could keep her face too close to mine.  “Say it like you mean it!” she demanded.

“I’m nothing but a baby.”


“I’m nothing but a baby.”

“Keep saying it, and keep making it sound like you mean it!”

“I’m nothing but a baby.  I’m nothing…”

She finally pulled her head back as I continued to talk, repeating that same stupid phrase over and over again.  I didn’t like this new game.  Just like I didn’t like my entire new life!”

“Keep talking!” she said as my voice droned on.  “I’m going out to get your bottle before your nap.  But I promise, if I don’t hear you keep saying it while I’m out there, I’m going to wash your mouth out with soap again.  Got that?  Now keep saying it…and mean it!”

Yeah, I absolutely didn’t like this new game at all.  I was still saying it loudly when she returned with another bottle for me.  I could tell from across the room that it held orange juice.  That was fine with me.  What wasn’t fine was that she was making sure I kept talking…as she pulled me to my feet and led me over to the bed.

“Keep saying it,” she told me as she pulled the covers back and had me lay down.

I was still saying it as she pulled the covers back over me.

“Okay,” she finally said.  “Just remember what you are, and start acting like it!”

She pushed the bottle nipple against my lips and rubbed it back and forth until I let it in.  I reached up and held the bottle myself.

“Your paci is here,” she said as she laid my pacifier back on the nightstand.  Except after she laid it down, she picked it up and seemed to examine it for a moment before setting it down again.

“I’ll check on you in a few minutes,” she told me.  “Now finish that bottle and go to sleep.”

She walked out and I was glad to be alone for a few minutes, even if it was alone with a baby bottle in my mouth.

My need to pee was now to the point where holding back was becoming uncomfortable.  I let loose and flooded that diaper, paying full attention to the now very familiar feeling of the pee washing all over me, filling my diaper with soggy wet warmth.  It was over soon and I laid there trying to feel the diaper soak all that wetness up, while I sucked the juice from my bottle, adding more wetness to my system that I knew would wind up in my diaper…eventually.

I’m nothing but a baby.  If I didn’t find a way out of this mess pretty soon, they were going to mentally reduce me to…uh…nothing but a baby…for real!


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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

My Funny Farm - Chapter 11 – What Are You? – Part 2 of 2


My Funny Farm

By Karen Singer


Chapter 11 – What Are You? – Part 2 of 2


When I saw where Caitlin took me, I came close to screaming.  Did you know that it’s hard to scream with a pacifier in your mouth and keep from spitting the thing out.  I had to sit there in the car and wait for her to come around and unbuckle my seat belt for me before she let me climb out into the parking lot.  She made sure I was still sucking my pacifier, then she took me by the hand and led me into…duh, duh, dunnnnn!...the grocery store.  It’s a good thing I was dressed normally, other than my pacifier, or I would have wet myself just getting from the car to the door.  I did worry about if anyone could see that I was wearing a diaper under my pants though, and that’s despite the giveaway sign of the pacifier that Caitlin was making damn sure I kept in my mouth.  How the heck do you hide something like that?  As far as I know, you can’t.

Caitlin grabbed a shopping cart, and made me push the thing, cautioning me that she wanted me to keep both hands on the handle all the time.  Hey!  If I did that, how was I supposed to ask her any questions?  I needed to remove my pacifier to talk plainly, and that would mean I had to take at least one hand off the cart.  I didn’t ask that though.  I simply pushed the cart around behind her, trying to think of some way to hide the baby pacifier stuck between my lips.  Did I feel embarrassed?  You figure it out.

We certainly didn’t rush through the store, but then I never expected her to.  Not if she was mostly out to humiliate me.  But I did notice that as slowly as we were shopping, the cart was filling up with food.  Lots of food.  When I had lived alone, by myself, like I wanted to be again, I had grocery shopped for just me.  It didn’t take much food at all.  Now with Caitlin, Emily, and Bill there, I guess we needed a lot more food than just for me.

It seemed like Caitlin pulled stuff from all over every shelf in the store, and that included the baby aisle.  Baby food in all sorts of containers and in a multitude of colors got thrown into the cart.  And then she pulled a few other things off those baby aisle shelves as well.  I was shocked to see her reach up and grab a colorful plastic set of baby dishes along with an assortment of colorful baby spoons to go with them.  I wonder who she got those thing for.  Nobody I knew.  I didn’t have to wonder though what I would soon be eating off of, and what utensils I would be using to eat with.

Aaannd…of course, two aisles later, I had to put up with her pulling my pants down, this time to my ankles, while she did another very thorough diaper check on me.

“You’re holding back!” she complained.  “Stop that!”

I quickly pulled the plug from my mouth.  “I’m not,” I told her.  “I just don’t have to go yet.”

“And I don’t believe you!” she told me.

“I don’t care!” I argued.  “I don’t have to go.”

“It’s been almost two and a half hours since we left home,” she told me.  “You can’t go that long without wetting yourself.”

“Damn it!” I cursed.  “How would you know?  I said I don’t have to go!”

She seemed to get very angry.  “Do you want me to remove those pants you’re wearing and let you finish shopping in just that diaper?  Trust me, I’ll do it, with no problem at all!”

I looked at her and I knew she wasn’t kidding.  In fact, she probably wanted to do it.  I also remembered she was supposed to be into BDSM like Emily was, so she had even more reason to want to do it.  “No,” I told her contritely.  “I’m sorry.”

“I am so tempted to take those pants away from you!” she told me angrily.

“I said I’m sorry.  This is all just…different.  Not to mention, very embarrassing.”

“Tough!” she said.  “Get used to it.  This is your new life for the foreseeable future.”

Ugh!  I knew she was right, and believe it or not, the damn police would back her up on it.  Fortunately, she pulled my pants up for me again and buckled my belt.

“Get that paci back in your mouth and this time suck on it!” she said threateningly.  “And so help me, the next time I check you, you better be wetter than you are now.”

“The next time?” I asked.

“Before we leave this store!”

I got the picture.  My pacifier went back between my lips where I chewed on it instead of sucking, and my hands went back to the cart handle.  Since she was threatening me with…I don’t know what, I figured I had better go ahead and wet myself again, despite the fact that we were out in public and there were lots of people who could see me doing it.  Yes, I had been holding back, ever since the doctor’s office.  She just didn’t need to know that.  Anyway, like it or not, I let loose in my pants and soaked myself again, right there in the store, praying that nobody would notice.

We traipsed through the final four aisles of the store before heading to the checkout.  By that time, I was sure she wasn’t going to bother checking me again, but once again I was wrong.  She chose a checkout lane where someone else was ahead of us.  And then she turned to me and stared unbuckling my pants again.  I simply couldn’t believe it.

“A skirt would make this a lot easier!” she complained as she fought to unbutton my pants.

A skirt…in the store.  Perish the thought!

In no time my pants were down to my knees again.  Her groping didn’t last very long.  “It’s about time,” she muttered.  “I knew you were holding back.”

I said nothing.  Especially with that pacifier in my mouth.  She pulled my pants back up and ignored the looks from the other shoppers around us.  I ignored their looks too, even though I was nothing but completely humiliated by the experience.

Eventually, we paid for our huge load of groceries, and I pushed the cart out to the car where we both unloaded the groceries into the trunk of her car.  She put me into the backseat and buckled me in before she herself took the cart to a place designed to hold them.  And finally, she drove me home.

It was over.  Or so I thought.  What I didn’t count on was Caitlin discussing everything that had happened with Emily and then both of them phoning James and Ashley about it.  I eventually figured out that a consensus had been reached.  They were going to punish me again.  Damn!  I didn’t want that butt plug shoved back into my ass.

It was different this time though.  Right after dinner, Emily and Bill both ganged up on me at the same time.  They tied my hands behind my back and dragged me into my bathroom.  Emily did something with my jaw that forced me to open my mouth, at which point she shoved something into it and stuck it between my teeth, forcing me to open my mouth even wider.  When she removed her hand, my mouth was stretched wide open, and I couldn’t close it.  Forget trying to ask what they were doing.  I couldn’t!  All I could make were noises.

“You were bad baby!” Caitlin told me sternly.  “Very, very bad.  Not only did you argue with me, but I heard you use a very bad swear word.  That’s not allowed.  So for that, you’re getting your mouth washed out with soap.

I was shocked.  “Ah!”  I couldn’t say anything else.  My mind desperately tried to remember what swear word I had used, but I couldn’t remember it.  Whatever it was, it had probably come out when I argued with her in the grocery store about checking my diaper.

Before I knew it, Emily was back, and she shoved a wet washcloth into my mouth and started scrubbing all around in there.  But the washcloth wasn’t just wet, it was thickly covered in soap, which tasted even worse than the baby formula they kept making me drink.  I tried to fight them, but with my hands tied behind me, and that thing keeping my mouth wide open, and Bill holding onto me, there was nothing I could do.  Emily went at me hard and scrubbed and scrubbed until I felt soapy bubbles constantly dripping down not just my chin, but more so down my throat.  I coughed and gagged, completely miserable, and she kept scrubbing, doing nothing but making it worse.

Finally, she removed the washcloth.  Then she went in and removed whatever she had put in my mouth to keep it open.  I saw some kind of black rubber block.  She took me by the hand and pulled me over to my bed.  It was earlier than usual, but she removed my diaper and lathered me up thoroughly with baby lotion and powder.  Then horror of horrors, she and Caitlin rolled me over onto my stomach and they inserted that damn butt plug again.  I was turned over and they pulled up that thick nighttime diaper between my legs and fastened it.  I had no doubt that once again I was going  to be spending another sleepless night with that thing in my ass.

Emily leaned over me and pulled my pacifier from my mouth.  “We all have to get used to treating you like nothing but a baby,” she said.  “And you’re going to have to get used to behaving and considering yourself to be nothing but a baby.  All the time!  You need to get that through your thick head.  You’re not an adult anymore.  Not as far as we’re concerned.  You’re nothing but a baby, and you’re going to stay a baby, and nothing else.  Now tell me, what are you?”

She stared at me, waiting for an answer.  I didn’t give her one.

“What are you?” she insisted.

I still said nothing.

“Do you want me to wash your mouth out with soap again?”

My mouth still tasted absolutely horrible.  “No,” I replied.

“Then tell me what you are.  And it better be the right answer.”

She wasn’t going to let up on me.  “A baby,” I finally replied.

“What are you?” she asked again.

“A baby.  Okay?”

“Not okay!  What are you?”

I sighed.  “A baby.”

“Good.  Remember that.  I think we’re going to all have to keep reminding you of that fact for a while.  Maybe it will help you remember your place from now on.  It’ll probably help to remind us of that fact as well.  What are you?” she asked one more time.

“A baby,” I replied.

She nodded.  “No extra loving tonight.  We’re not going to hold you to feed you your bottle.  You can lay there and hold it yourself.”  She leaned down and kissed my forehead.  “Night-night, baby.  Caitlin will bring you your bottle in a few minutes.”


Friday, February 21, 2025

My Funny Farm - Chapter 11 – What Are You? – Part 1 of 2


My Funny Farm

By Karen Singer


Chapter 11 – What Are You? – Part 1 of 2


Please remind me to never get punished again.  Please!  Spending all night with a butt plug shoved up your ass is not fun.  After a long time in there, the nuisance of the thing finally died down to a dull roar and I was able to get some sleep, which I doubt lasted long since I woke up to pee, before trying to get back to sleep again, only to wake up to pee, before going…you get the picture.  But as always, it was all night.

Little Miss Emily was there to wake me up bright and early Tuesday morning…and I do mean early!  Ugh!  I was sleeping for heaven’s sake.  And why did she have to seem so…uh…chipper about it?  I certainly wasn’t happy to be getting up.  I wasn’t happy having a butt plug shoved up my ass all night, I wasn’t happy about being in my ridiculous position, and I especially wasn’t happy that they weren’t allowing me to kill myself, something I thought I deserved now more than ever!

“Good morning baby,” Emily said so, ugh!, nicely to me as she turned the light on and gave me a quick peck on the cheek.  “Time to wake up.”

If I wasn’t so worried that they might punish me for it, I would have killed her!  That is, until she unfastened my diaper right away, then rolled me over, and went to work removing that darn plug.  Ouch!  That hurt to get out.  And that’s despite how totally numb by asshole was by that time.  Trust me, stretching it that much wider hurt!  Did I say ouch?  Well, I meant it!  I tried tightening the muscles around my asshole, and totally failed.  I was guessing that fact didn’t exactly bode well for me.  And of course, Emily rolled me back over again and refastened my way too wet diaper right back on me again.

“No leaks!” she said happily.  “And those tapes that restick are marvelous!”

Caitlin rushed into the room.  “How’s it going?” she asked quickly.

“All done,” Emily told her.

“Oh good.  Thanks Em,” Caitlin replied.  “Any leaks from that one diaper?”

“None at all.  It’s pretty wet,” Emily replied, “but it still looks like it can hold  a bit more.”

“Good!” Caitlin said.  “That’s one we know will work then.”  She looked at me.  “Just lay there baby,” she told me.  “I’ll get your morning bottle.”

My morning bottle.  Oh goodie.  I was jumping for joy.  NOT!  Now if my morning bottle was a bottle of bourbon, maybe I could get a bit more excited about it.  In fact, I’d be a lot more excited about it, and willing to drink it.

Caitlin rushed off while Emily pulled the covers back over my naked body and carried that butt plug into the bathroom, a room I only seemed to go into anymore in the evenings, shortly before they put me to bed for the night.  And the only reason they let me in there was probably because there wasn’t a bathtub in the living room.

Emily finally came out of the bathroom just before Caitlin came back with my baby bottle that wasn’t bourbon.  Darn!  Emily leaned over and kissed me.  “Bye baby,” she said.  “Have fun today.”

Fun!  What did she know about it?  This was probably all fun for her.  In fact, I was sure it was.  Wasn’t she the one that was into that BDSM stuff?  And then I remembered that Caitlin was supposed to be into it too.  They were both probably enjoying the heck out of what they were doing to me.  I figured I better drink that damn bottle before they decided to punish me for something else.  I’d had more than enough of that darn butt plug for one lifetime.  I put the bottle to my lips and took a pull.  Baby formula.  My usual morning drink.  Ugh!

Was it the drinking, or just the fact that the miserable butt plug had been stuck in my ass all night?  Either way, my overly stimulated, yet somewhat numb system, decided that it was time to finally do something I didn’t want it to…especially not into my diaper.  Yup!  You guessed it.  I pooped myself, quite seriously, while lying there on my back drinking a baby bottle full of baby formula.  And trust me, I tried holding back and got nowhere.  My ass was still too exhausted.  It all just came out of me.  By the time I was done, I was far more miserable than I had been all night, and I really, really needed that bottle I was drinking to be bourbon instead of what it was.  I really, really needed a diaper change too.  As if I needed to mention that.

When Caitlin came in, she immediately sniffed the air.  “Somebody made a big stinkie today.  Didn’t you!” she said as she took my baby bottle from me.  What did she have for bopping me playfully on my nose?  It was annoying!  And I had to wonder what she expected after keeping that plug in me all night.  Or I guess maybe she did expect it.  Just like I expected to get my diaper changed.

Didn’t happen.

Nope, she pulled me out of bed and forced me to figure out how to get into the kitchen all by myself, despite that load in my diaper.  It was only after I was almost to my chair that I figured out that maybe crawling would have been the easier option.  When I got there, I certainly didn’t want to sit down in that messy diaper, but I wasn’t given the choice.  I lowered myself into the chair very, very slowly, feeling every bit of that mush in my bottom squishing against me as I sat.  And of course, they gave me more of that damn baby cereal for breakfast.  The very last thing I needed.  The cereal tasted awful, and I smelled awful.  What a combination!

Trust me, so far, this day wasn’t starting out to be the best for me.

Things didn’t start to look up for me until after breakfast when Caitlin took me back to my room (yeah, I should have crawled, but I forgot) and cleaned me up.  I found out then what was in another of those boxes that had arrived yesterday.  More diapers.  This one wasn’t nearly as thick as that night diaper they had put me in, but it was still a lot thicker than the ones I was used to wearing.

“We’ll just see how well that holds up today,” she told me.

How well it holds up?  What was she planning on doing to it?  I realized that was the wrong question.  What was she planning on having me do to it?

Once diapered, she dragged me into the bathroom where she surprised me by shaving my face again.  She and Emily had just shaved it last night, but now she was running my razor over it again.  Why?  I wasn’t about to complain though and since they had shaved me last night too, the process didn’t last very long.

This time I was given one of Caitlin’s loose dresses to wear.  If I hadn’t been too embarrassed about possibly liking it, I would have told her how pretty it was and how thrilled I was to wear it.  Instead, I did my best to look like I wasn’t happy about wearing the thing at all.  Um…did I mention it was pretty?  But was I pretty wearing it?  Don’t make me laugh!

I was soon sat down on the floor of the living room to watch those awful excuses for cartoons again.  And…my day began, just like all the other days I had been forced to go through already.  One thing, then playtime.  Another thing, then playtime.  My usual…for my funny farm.

Things didn’t change for me until after lunch.  Caitlin took me back to the bedroom where she changed me into a completely different looking diaper.  It was still fairly thick, but somehow it felt very different to wear.  With that done, I was sent to my corner to play as usual while she disappeared.

I had been in there a while by myself before Caitlin finally came back.  I noticed right away that she had changed her clothes and looked a lot nicer than she had earlier.  This time when she came in, I soon realized that she wasn’t there to just check on me or drag me off to do something else.

“Okay baby,” she said happily.  Let’s get you ready.

Ready?  My very soul decided to panic.  And then I remembered that it was Tuesday, my day to see Doctor Clive.  Trust me, I was very happy to see Caitlin pulling my usual, normal, clothes out of my closet.

No, don’t even think it.  I didn’t get to dress myself at all.  She literally dressed me in everything as if I was a total…um…baby.  It was great to be wearing my clothes again, especially with shoes and socks.  It just wasn’t great to still have that diaper on under my pants, and a wet diaper now at that.  And Caitlin knew it was wet because before changing my clothes she had done a thorough diaper check and praised me for not holding back.  Ha!  Fooled her!  I had been holding back.  I just didn’t hold back too much.  Holding back too much would have been pointless.

Eventually, she put a sweater on over my shirt and dragged me out the door.  Hello my old faithful truck that’s been parked in the garage and not used for way too long.  Goodbye old truck.  I was soon out in the driveway where Caitlin put me into the back seat of her car and buckled my seatbelt for me herself.  “Make sure you keep that paci in your mouth!” she told me firmly.  “Don’t let me look back and catch you without it!”

I had to wonder if that counted as cruelty to…uh…babies.  A minute later, she was backing out of the driveway.

Yes, like Emily had done, I was forced to keep that pacifier in my mouth not just the entire time she drove me there, but also walking from the car into the doctor’s office, and also sitting there waiting to see the doctor.  But eventually I was called and went in for my session.  It felt strange walking in there.  It felt strange because of the thick wet diaper I was wearing under my pants.  It felt strange because of the darn pacifier still in my mouth.  And it felt strange because for once I was going into to see the doctor alone, while Caitlin stayed out in the waiting room…waiting.

“How are you doing Craig?” Doctor Clive greeted me kindly as I walked in.  Was my thick, too wet diaper showing too much?  She didn’t seem to react to it.  I plopped my soggy bottom down into one of her chairs and removed the stupid pacifier from my mouth.

“How am I doing?” I replied.  “I’m angry, confused, upset, bewildered, and a whole lot of other things.  I don’t understand this life at all.  It’s not really one thing, and it’s not something else.  I feel like the proverbial round peg that someone is trying to shove into a hole that was never designed to hold any peg at all.”

She laughed.  “I’m sure it must feel that way.”

“Well trust me, it does!”

“How are you adjusting to it?” she asked.

“Adjusting?  How can anyone adjust?  Everything seems to be set up to drive me insane…more insane!” I corrected myself.  “I can’t get used to any of it.”

“No?  Like what?” she asked, seeming to be interested.

I had to think of something, so I started with a biggie for me.  “They make me take two naps during the day, and then I’m put to bed so early every night that I can’t sleep.”

“Craig, you yourself know that babies sleep a lot during the day, and unfortunately, they don’t always sleep all night.”

“That may be true,” I told her, “but then they go and wake me up too early every morning, when I’m actually managing to sleep!”

She chuckled at that.  “It may seem a little early,” she told me, “but did you ever think that there might be more to your daily schedule than you think?  I helped them put that schedule together for you.  A schedule that was designed to put as much consistency and routine in your life as possible.  Don’t you think that maybe there could be a reason for getting you up at that time?  Maybe you should think about that.”

“What reason?”

She shook her head.  “Figure it out.”

“Figure it out?  If there’s a reason, then why can’t you just tell me?”

“Craig, therapy doesn’t work that way.  “I can suggest things to you or point you in certain directions, but I can’t give you the answers.  Only you can come to those conclusions.  You have to figure those things out for yourself, otherwise, those answers are useless because they wouldn’t be your answers, answers that specifically mean something to your life.  Otherwise, you won’t make any progress at all.”

I was even more frustrated.  “If you won’t tell me anything, then what the heck am I doing here?  What good will this do me?  Just like this stupid therapy as everyone keeps calling it.  What good is it?  It’s useless.  It’s stupid.  Not to mention, why should they even bother to have such a strict schedule for everything?”

“Craig, I spent a lot of time with James and Ashley while you were in the city behavioral center.  There’s a reason behind everything in your schedule.  And no, of course you can’t follow it exactly every day.  For example, you’re here talking to me now instead of doing…whatever else you would normally do at this time.  There are things built in there to alter it from day to day depending on the situation.  You yourself have a way to alter it every day, depending on what rewards or punishments you might get.”

“Alter it?  How?  As far as I can tell, everything is scheduled and timed down to the minute…every day.  Except I can’t always tell what time it is because they removed the clock from my room, I’m guessing because babies can’t tell time.”

“Why are you so concerned about the time?” she asked.  “What difference does it make?”

“What difference?  Did it ever occur to you that I simply might want to know?”

“Craig.  Maybe you’re too ruled by that clock.  Try to enjoy what you can while you’re doing…whatever it is that you’re doing.”

“Whatever I’m doing?  Most likely playing.  Or I’m supposed to be playing.  But playing with the toys they gave me is simply impossible.  You want to know the truth?  I sit there and don’t play with them, and then whenever they come into the room, that’s the only time I even touch those stupid things.  And the worst part of it all is that playtime seems to be the most common thing on my schedule.  I do this, then playtime.  I do that, then playtime.  All day long.  There’s too much of it, especially since it’s impossible to play with toys like that.”

Doctor Clive leaned forward.  “Craig.  Think for a minute.  Since there’s so much playtime in your schedule, is it possible that there’s a reason for it?”

“Of course there is.  To give me something else to do instead of spending all day watching the most useless cartoons on the planet.”

She nodded then leaned forward.  “Craig, this week, I want you to spend some time thinking about your playtime and those toys they gave you.  And try to consider that there’s a reason for all of it.”

“What reason?”

“Ah-ah!  I told you, you need to figure it out for yourself.”

“Ugh!  Useless!” I complained.  “Just like this entire…situation.”

She chuckled.  “I have no doubt that you feel that way now.  It’s going to take some time for you to get used to it all.  Maybe a lot of time.  Be patient with it.”

“Be patient?  It’s more like being in prison…except that in prison I’m sure they wouldn’t feed you awful tasting baby food and baby formula to drink.”

“Be patient and try to go with the flow.  Try to get into the feeling of being an actual infant.  Let those simple feelings wash over you and enjoy them.”

“Huh!  The only feeling that washes over me is the feel of my own pee soaking my bottom a dozen times a day…or more.  And I can’t even count how many times it happens during the night.  Diapers are a lot to try to get used to.  You can’t get used to them.”

“I have no doubt it’s going to take time,” she told me.  “Just try to do the best you can…and think about things.  Like I said, there’s a reason for every bit of it.”

“Well, it sure doesn’t seem like it to me, except to embarrass and humiliate the shit out of me.”

She chuckled again.  “I have no doubt it’s going to do that.”  She leaned back in her chair.  “Now, tell me, what is it about your wife that you miss so much that you think you can’t live without her?”

My head was spinning by the time I walked out of her office.  Caitlin was still sitting in the waiting room…uh, waiting for me.  She got up as I approached her.

“How did it go?”

“Frustrating!” I complained.  “She won’t tell me anything!  She just says I need to figure it all out myself, whatever that means.  Basically, she’s no help at all.”

“Sorry to hear that,” she told me.  “Hold still.”

With that, I nearly lost my mind when she grabbed my belt and started to unbuckle it right there in the doctor’s waiting room.  There were other people around!  “What are you doing?” I complained as my hands tried to stop her.

“Hold still!” she commanded.  “And babies don’t worry about things like what I’m doing.  You’re a baby now.  Get used to it!”

I simply couldn’t believe it.  I wanted in the worst way to fight back.  To stop her.  To do anything at all to not go along with what I had no doubt was about to happen.  But she had reminded me that I had agreed to this…therapy, and if I didn’t go along with all of it, they would quickly haul me right back to that nut house of an insane asylum, where they had hired high school kids to impersonate doctors.  I forced myself to stand there and let her pull my pants down to my knees, exposing my diaper, and then let her grope me thoroughly to see how wet I was.

“You’re still just as wet as when I got you dressed earlier,” she decided.  “You haven’t wet any more at all.”

“I can’t go that often,” I told her.

“Yes you can!  Learn!” she argued back.

Fortunately, she pulled my pants back up for me and we got out of there.  Trust me, I was ready to go home after that.

Except, we didn’t go home.


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

My Funny Farm -- Chapter 10 – Just Another Normal Day


My Funny Farm

By Karen Singer


Chapter 10 – Just Another Normal Day


I knew everyone had to go to work on Monday.  I had asked the night before, and no surprise, Mrs. Lowrey was scheduled to be there with me again.  But Caitlin was quick to tell me that she was changing her schedule starting this week so she could have Tuesdays and Wednesdays off from now on, but in return she would be working Saturdays and Sundays instead.  That way Mrs. Lowrey wouldn’t need to be here so often, plus, she could take me to my therapy appointments with Doctor Clive.  Since it looked like I was going to be stuck in this position for the foreseeable position, that sounded good to me.  I also had confirmation that they were going to make sure I got to see a qualified doctor every week.  I certainly didn’t consider that high school kid they made me talk to at the behavioral center to be qualified.

Once again they woke me up early, only to immediately shove a bottle of baby formula into my mouth for me to drink – before they wanted me out of bed.  Drinking anything from a baby bottle always takes a while, but when I finished I got up and carried the thing out to the kitchen myself.  And yes, three layers of those diapers were a lot of trouble to walk in, especially with as wet as I had made them during the night.  I expected to be given baby food for breakfast, but I got scrambled eggs and bacon instead.  Fantastic!  And I didn’t even have to cook it myself.

After breakfast, Emily took me into my bedroom where she cleaned me up and changed me.  Something I was very happy about.  I was starting to get used to one or both of the girls seeing me naked like that.  I simply didn’t know if that was a good thing or bad.  After the fresh diaper though, instead of putting Caitlin’s too-small nightie on me, Emily stuck me into some kind of a red dress of hers that she called a tunic dress.  It had gobs of material and wasn’t fitted close to my body at all, so it was far more comfortable than that little nightie I had been forced to wear the day before.  Caitlin’s tiny nightie hadn’t covered my diaper much at all, this dress covered all of it with room to spare.

From there I was put on the living room floor for my morning TV time and once again they brought me a bottle of something to drink.  I noticed the pure white color again and quickly tasted it.  Yes!  The good stuff, whatever it was.  A few minutes later, I thought I recognized the flavor, vanilla.  I liked vanilla.

It was while I was still drinking that bottle that Mrs. Lowrey showed up.  She looked me over as I sat there on the floor with my bottle still in my hand.  She said, “How are you, baby?”  Why did everyone emphasize that baby word so often?  Was that to remind them of what I was supposed to be, or me?

“Fine,” I said matter-of-factly.  Hey, I didn’t want to be in that position.  Especially not with some outside stranger watching over me.

I saw Emily hand her some kind of paper that she looked over briefly, then she nodded, and Emily was soon gone, off to school where she could terrorize the real kids for a while.  She was into BDSM.  I wondered if she enjoyed dominating those little kids.

I spent a little more time watching the worst cartoons on the planet while Mrs. Lowrey sat and read one of her books, but I noticed that she was glancing at the clock fairly often.  One of the cartoons ended and she grabbed the remote control and turned the TV off.  She got herself out of the chair and came over to me.  She reached her hand down towards me on the floor, wanting me to take her hand.  “Playtime,” she told me.

Oh boy, my favorite thing in the world.  Playtime.  I was never interested in playing golf, but I already knew I’d enjoy it a whole lot more than playing with…toys for newborns.  She got me to my feet, but before we took two steps she stopped me, pulled up the entire skirt of my dress, and did a rather thorough and embarrassing diaper check.  “Still dry?” she asked.  “Emily said to watch you carefully to make sure you’re not holding back.”

“She said that?”  I couldn’t believe it.

“I’ve got a long list of things to make sure of,” she told me.  “That’s just one of them.”

That much I could believe.  Why did Mrs. Lowrey have to be so…reliable?

It seemed like forever that I sat in that corner of my bedroom, not playing with the simple toys there.  But finally, Mrs. Lowrey checked my diaper again and then put me down for my morning nap.  She brought me a bottle of orange juice to drink and made a big point of making sure I knew my pacifier was right next to me on the nightstand before she turned out the light.  She also made sure to tell me she was going to let Emily and Caitlin know that my diaper was still dry.

Darn it!  “No I’m not,” I said quickly as I laid there on my back and let loose.  She came over, pulled the covers down, pulled my dress up, and did another diaper check on me.  I know she could tell I was still peeing right then and there, because she kept her hand in place so she could feel everything until I had pretty much stopped.

“Enjoy your nap,” she told me.  Did she have an evil grin on her face?  And to think I had liked her…sort of.

My morning nap was eventually followed by more playtime that lasted until she came and dragged me and my even wetter diaper out to the kitchen for lunch.  And of course, my peanut butter and jelly sandwich was followed by, you guessed it, more playtime.  How much playing could a person stand?  I was only faking it, and it was driving me nuts.  But oh, I was supposed to be nuts.  They had even put me in the nuthouse for it.  At least Mrs. Lowrey changed my diaper for me, although I wasn’t sure what was worse, having your granddaughters do something like that to you, or have a stranger do it.

Wonder of wonders, that playtime was followed by another half hour that I got to spend on the computer.  Guess what I looked at.  At least whenever Mrs. Lowrey popped her head in to see how I was doing, she barely looked in the door and then disappeared.  And…after the computer, I was put to bed for my afternoon nap.  Why did they always give me a bottle before putting me to bed?  Didn’t they know how often I woke up to pee?  How could a guy get any sleep?  Nobody seemed to care about that though.

Once my bottle was done and my pacifier was back in my mouth, I kept a careful watch for Mrs. Lowrey coming into the room…while I humped the bed again.  So far, my afternoon naps were the only enjoyable thing I could get out of this life.

Why do I always have to wake up to pee so much when I sleep, even when I’m only taking a nap?  It’s infuriating!  But eventually Mrs. Lowrey got me up and led me out to the living room again to watch TV.  But in leaving the bedroom, I noticed four big packages piled up along the wall near my bedroom.  “What are they?” I asked.

“No idea,” Mrs. Lowrey told me.  “Emily did say though that I should expect some packages to arrive today and to put them in your room for her.  I didn’t want to wake you while you were sleeping though.  Now sit while I find the shows Emily wants you to watch.”

Emily wanted me to watch something specific?  Why?

Mrs. Lowrey turned the TV on and one of my favorite cartoons I remembered from my first journey into this messy world had just started.  But a moment later, that cartoon was wiped from the screen as she changed the channel to a different cartoon that was far more babyish than the one that had been on the previous channel.  I was so disappointed.

I was starting to really appreciate that red dress of Emily’s that I was stuck in.  It was not only comfortable, but since it was a woman’s garment, I considered it to be fun to wear.  And that’s after I had humped the bed to death at the start of my nap.  I sat there and spread the skirt out around me and enjoyed wearing it far more than I was enjoying that poor excuse for a cartoon on TV.

I saw Mrs. Lowrey pick up one of the packages and carry it into the bedroom.  What the heck was in those packages?  They were somewhat big, and there were four of them.  And then I realized that whatever was in them was probably for me, especially since they were being moved to my bedroom.  Maybe I didn’t want to find out.

Emily finally walked in the door greeted me with a somewhat affectionate hug and a kiss on the cheek.  “How was your day?” she asked me.

“Do you really want to know?” I asked.

She shook her head and headed for Mrs. Lowrey.  The two of them talked for a few minutes before Mrs. Lowrey left for the day.  If Caitlin was changing her schedule, I figured I wouldn’t see her again until Thursday.  Probably.  She seemed to show up whenever everyone else wanted to go out.

That evening, I was subjected to a dinner of colorful baby food.  No, that’s not right.  I couldn’t call it food.  I could only call it…um…maybe baby mush.  It certainly tasted better than that baby cereal they had given me for breakfast the day before, but not much better.  And of course, after dinner it was my chore time again.  This time, after clearing the table and loading the dishwasher, they had me carry the bag of used diapers from my bathroom and put it near the garage door.  Bill showed up then to carry it the rest of the way out of the house to put it into the big trashcan out back.  I was glad they hadn’t made me walk out of the house dressed the way I was.  I wasn’t wearing any shoes!

From there it was back to cleaning the kitchen and then helping with the laundry again.  Through it all, Caitlin and Emily were either not far from me, or were helping me do those simple everyday tasks.  After a day of nothing but playtimes and cartoons, I enjoyed doing those everyday normal things more than I usually would have.

It wasn’t until bedtime that I discovered what was in those four packages that had arrived.  Well, I discovered what was in one of them.  The others, I still didn’t know.

As usual, it all started with a bath.  They didn’t mention shaving my body again, for which I was glad, but they did carefully shave my face for me.  After that, Emily and Caitlin both took a washcloth to every part of my body, and they both scrubbed me vigorously.  My hair also got washed with baby shampoo.  I knew that stuff wasn’t supposed to sting my eyes if it accidentally got in them, and I was tempted to try it out.  I thought better of the idea though.

After being scrubbed clean, they both dried me off and let me brush my own teeth again.  Then they laid me down on the bed.  That was when I realized what was in one of those packages that had come in.  Diapers!  And they were very thick diapers by the looks of what I briefly saw in her hand.  Caitlin had me lift my butt and she shoved the thing under me.

“New diapers?” I asked.

“Yes” Caitlin confirmed.  “We’re trying these to see how they work.”

“It looked thick,” I told her.

She bopped me playfully on the nose and said, “That’s because someone I know wets so much every night.”

I wonder who she was talking about.

Emily moved in and did her lathering act with the baby lotion followed by the baby powder.  And then Caitlin moved in again.  I expected her to pull the diaper up between my legs, and I was actually looking forward to it, just to see how…uh…interesting it would feel.  Didn’t happen!  Instead, she and Emily rolled me over on my stomach and Emily began spreading more of that baby lotion on my butt, particularly my asshole.

“You were bad!” Caitlin told me sternly while Emily was sticking her fingers up my ass.  “Mrs. Lowrey said you were holding back, and you still haven’t made any stinkies in your diapers yet today, so we know you’re holding back.”

“You know the punishment for that,” Emily finished for her.

I immediately felt her pushing that miserable butt plug into my ass.

“Just relax,” Emily told me.  “It’ll go in easier.  But one way or another, it’s going in.”

“And it’s staying in!” Caitlin finished.  “All night this time!”

I was flabbergasted.  “All night?  No!”  But at that point, Emily managed to wiggle the darn plug in far enough past the widest point and it suddenly sucked itself into me.  “No!” I cried again.  I immediately needed to poop.  Except I knew that it wasn’t poop that I needed to…uh…poop out me.”

I got rolled over onto my back, and Caitlin pulled that new diaper up between my legs and fastened it firmly.  “Hopefully, just that one diaper should do for you at night now,” she told me.  “We’ll see how well it works in the morning.”

I could feel the thickness of the diaper between my legs, but most of my attention was on trying to poop that big plug out of my ass, that I knew I wouldn’t be able to poop out of it.

“I’ll get his bottle,” Emily said.  “Do you want to do the honors?”

“Sure,” Caitlin replied.

Emily left the room and Caitlin climbed over me onto the bed.  She pulled me up so my head was resting on her breasts.  I knew what was coming, but trust me, my attention was still on trying to push that darn plug out of my ass.  And yes, I could tell the diaper they had put on me was a lot thicker than the diapers I had been wearing.  It just still wasn’t my main point of focus.

Emily came back and handed Caitlin my bottle, and once again I had to lay there and drink it while she literally fed it to me.  I drank, but the entire time I laid there, I was still trying to poop that plug out of my backside.  As it did the last time I was in that position, the diaper prevented it from moving very far, and I got nowhere with it.

I was so absorbed with trying to get that plug out of me, that I suddenly realized I was sucking air through the bottle.  Caitlin removed the thing from my lips, leaned down and kissed me.  “Good baby,” she crooned softly.

I didn’t care, I only wanted that plug gone.

Caitlin got up and stuck my pacifier between my lips.

“Night-night, baby,” she told me softly, then she turned out the light.

I didn’t know what time it was, other than early.  I was guessing somewhere around eight o’clock.  But bedtime was always too early for me anymore.  I rolled around on the bed trying to find some position where I could actually poop that plug out of me, but nothing worked at all.  In the process, I got a good feel for how thick that diaper was between my legs, not to mention all the padding that now surrounded me.  It felt very different than even the three layers of the cheaper diapers they had been using on me.  I also noticed that the thickness of the diaper made it almost impossible for me to close my legs together.

Eventually, I got tired of trying to fight the plug.  It wasn’t going to come out no matter what I did.  I had no choice but to lay there and suffer with the need to poop.  It was such a strong need that when I felt the slightest need to pee, I pushed that out of me right away.  It seemed to take no time before that wetness disappeared into that thick diaper.

I laid there pondering how miserable my life was.  Why couldn’t they just let me die…in peace!  Every single day seemed to bring me nothing but more reason to commit suicide.  And this was supposed to be therapy for me?  I guess it was.  Therapy to show me how much dying was preferable to living.

It was only simply exhaustion that allowed me to finally fall asleep.