My Funny Farm
Karen Singer
Chapter 5 – Let’s All Go To
Jail And Party
“Can they really arrest us?” Jennifer asked.
“Yeah,” James confirmed.
“I think so. Because of the way
we did it, I think they could. I hope
they don’t. I’m praying they don’t. But yes, we could be in trouble.”
“Let’s hope not,” his wife replied.
“Or at least, let’s hope it won’t be too bad.”
“Yeah,” his wife agreed.
“Are we almost there? We’re going
to be late.”
“Almost,” James told her.
“It should be right up ahead. But
even if we’re late, something tells me they’ll wait for us.”
“Is that good or bad?” Jennifer asked.
“Who knows.”
A few minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot.
“It looks like most of the family is here already,” Jennifer
noted as she looked at all the cars.
“Yeah,” James agreed.
He parked the car, then reached over and grabbed his wife’s hand. “Let’s pray it doesn’t go too bad for us.”
His wife nodded, then opened her door and got out.
Inside, they were quick to notice everyone in the family
already there.
“The receptionist said we’re meeting in there,” Emily told
them as she pointed toward an open doorway.
It wasn’t the open doorway that held James’ attention. His wife’s attention either. It was the two uniformed policemen standing
near one of the walls in the reception area.
James looked at his wife. Neither
of them had a good feeling about how things were going to go.
They entered the meeting room where a large circle of chairs
had been set up. As everyone sat down,
nobody missed the policemen entering and taking up positions at the back of the
“Welcome everyone,” Doctor Clive began as she stood behind
the chair at the head of the circle.
“I’m Doctor Clive, the psychologist in charge of your…grandfather’s…or
your father’s…case. I’m sorry for
calling you all out here like this tonight, but because of the things he told
me when we spoke yesterday, I’m extremely concerned. And now we need to get to the bottom of it,
and deal with it…one way or another. I’m
sure you noticed the two policemen that are here with us tonight, but I want to
first introduce another member of the police force. My sister, Detective Kinsley. “Pat,” she said to a woman who was standing
off to the side.
The woman detective walked over and took her place, standing
behind the chair where the doctor had stood.
“Yes, I’m a police detective,” Kinsley told them as she moved her jacket
aside and displayed the badge attached to the top of her slacks. “And just so you know, I’m very much against
this meeting. If it wasn’t for my sister
pleading with me to hold off, you’d all be under arrest already and the victim
in this case would be in a mental facility right now where he could be cared
for properly. I want you all to know
right from the start, that’s the direction I think this needs to go, and I even
brought a few uniformed men with me to help arrest you all. So good luck convincing me otherwise.” She looked at the doctor. “Sis,” she said before walking away.
Doctor Clive regained her place standing behind the only
empty chair. “When Mr. Bryson…your
father or grandfather…was in here yesterday, he listed one abuse after another
that’s been done to him, and he made it sound like you’re all to blame.”
“What do you mean abuse?” James asked.
“What do I mean?
Keeping him bound and helpless all the time. Keeping him in wet and messy diapers until
he’s got a painful case of diaper rash, forcing…”
Ashley stood up
quickly and angrily. “Diaper rash!” She immediately looked over toward Emily and
yelled, “What the hell did you do to him?
He’s only been in your care for a few days!”
James stood up now too.
“What does bound and helpless mean?”
Emily tried to explain. “Just what we did to him when we first put him
in diapers to make him a baby.”
Doctor Clive asked, “Is that what he was talking about when
he said the entire family ambushed him?”
“Ambushed?” Ashley replied.
“Yeah, probably. We were all
there and we all basically grabbed him.
Emily and her boyfriend held him down, and…I put a diaper on him
myself.” She finally sat down.
“Jared and Emily put some kind of bondage mitts on him to
keep him from removing the diaper,” James explained before sitting down. “We knew he wouldn’t like it.”
“That’s wrongful imprisonment!” Detective Kinsley pointed
out loudly.
James winced, and nodded.
He turned to Emily. “Did you keep
those things on his hands? All the
“Uncle James,” Emily replied. “You know he wanted out of everything. You know that’s the only way we had to make
sure he couldn’t get out of those diapers.
We were supposed to treat him like a baby…like he wanted…and that
was the only way we had to make sure he used them.”
“But diaper rash?” Ashley exclaimed.
“That was…stupid of me,” Emily admitted.
“You think?” Ashley replied.
Detective Kinsley moved closer. “You said you kept him bound in some kind of
bondage mittens so he couldn’t use his hands.
Where did you get those things?
Did you get them just for taking care of him?”
“No,” Jared said. “I
had them. Em and I are into some BDSM
stuff. The whole family knows about it
now. They were part of some of the gear
Em and I collected.”
“BDSM…” the detective said.
“Hey!” Jared said quickly.
“Lots of people enjoy it. So do
“I didn’t say you couldn’t enjoy it,” Kinsley told him. “What I’m saying is that there’s a big fat
line between what’s good and what’s criminal.
Tell me, was it consensual? Did
you ask him if he would allow you to use those things on him? Did he give you permission to tie him up and
keep him that way? Did he agree to let
you keep him helpless all the time, for days and days with no end in sight? Because it sure doesn’t sound like it to me.” She got no answer to her question. “BDSM is one thing…when it’s consensual, but
without that consent it becomes a criminal act!
And you crossed the line!”
Jared stood up. “Em
and I aren’t married!” he declared. “I’m
not part of this family. I’m leaving.”
“Jared!” Emily exclaimed.
“If you walk out of here now,” Detective Kinsley said, “I
can guarantee it’s going to be in handcuffs, and these officers will drive you
straight to the police station. Tonya
here told me about how you kept him tied up and in a painful position until he
was seriously hurting…and then kept him that way for hours on end until he got a
bad case of diaper rash.”
There was a bit of a staring match between her and Jared,
but Jared finally sat down.
Ashley turned to Emily.
“How could you do that to him? To
the point of diaper rash?”
“It just…happened Mom.
Jared was being a pain about helping to take care of him and everything
was left to me.”
“That’s no excuse!” Ashley told her.
Emily said nothing.
“Let me ask you all something,” Doctor Clive said. “Since all this started, have any of you
shown him any love at all? Have any of
you even said you love him? Actually
told him that?”
Everyone in the room seemed to look at each other. Ashley finally half raised her hand. “That first night, I hugged him when we put
him to bed and said I loved him,” she told everyone. “I haven’t had a chance to get back there
Doctor Clive looked around the room. “Anyone else?” Nobody said a word. “How can you expect him to get better if
nobody cares about him? He desperately
wants to kill himself. Why shouldn’t
he? Nobody loves him. Or at least, that’s the way it seems. All you’ve shown him so far is abuse.”
“You can’t blame all of us,” Michael said. “Nichole and I weren’t even there.”
“Were you there that first day when you all ambushed him?”
the doctor asked.
Michael said nothing for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah.
But we didn’t go back after that.”
“If you were there at the beginning with everyone else, then
you were still part of it,” Detective Kinsley pointed out. “Each and every one of you here is an
accessory to the crime, which makes you all guilty!”
The doctor decided to step in and move on. “Let me ask you about something else,” she
said. “Emily told me all this was
supposed to be a form of therapy for him that was based on what appeared to be
his interests and fantasies. But if this
is your form of therapy, will someone please explain to me what goals you’re
expecting of him?”
“To not want to commit suicide anymore!” James was quick to
point out.
The doctor nodded.
“That’s primary, and a good one.
But how are you planning on achieving that? Do you have any system of goals that he can
work on towards that end? Any plan to
monitor how he’s doing?” She looked
around the room and saw nothing but blank faces. “If this is supposed to be some kind of
therapy, warped or not, you still need to keep him moving toward a particular
direction. You need goals and rewards
for him when he reaches those goals. And
yes, in some cases you may need some form of punishments too if he tries to
backslide. But he shouldn’t be living
with punishments all the time, and certainly nothing like what’s already been
done to him. That’s
counterproductive. He’d want to commit
suicide more than ever, and who could blame him.”
“How do we do that?” Ashley asked.
The doctor shook her head.
“It isn’t easy. I’ll grant you
that much. But one way or another, you should
have had some kind of workable system for not just watching over him, but
dealing with him and helping him too.
That’s the most important thing here, not destroying his life. You needed something he could at least work
towards. Some goal he could want to
reach. If it wasn’t for your family all
getting together to watch over him, I would have suggested he be put into an
institution, but with the entire family seeming to be that invested in it, I allowed
him to stay home. As it is, the way
things stand right now, he might need that institution more than ever.”
“We were just trying to help,” James said.
“We all love him,” Ashley agreed.
“Just trying to help,” Doctor Clive replied. “You’ve got a funny way of showing it.” She looked around the room. “According to what Emily told me, she and her
boyfriend moved into his house a few months ago. Is that right?”
“Yes,” Emily confirmed.
“Jared and I haven’t been out of school very long. It’s a cheap place for us to live.” She glanced over at Caitlin. “Caitlin and Bill are moving in this weekend too
for pretty much the same reason.”
The doctor started to say something, but her sister came
over quickly and cut her off. Detective
Kinsley looked at Emily. “Do you have a
“Yes. I’m the new
middle school girl’s gym teacher.”
The detective looked to Jared. “And you?”
“I got a job doing maintenance work for a corporation.”
The detective nodded.
“So you’ve both got decent jobs that pay okay, but not a lot.”
Emily nodded. “Yes.”
Kinsley continued.
“And you said…who was moving in this weekend?”
“My cousin Caitlin and her husband Bill.”
“Where are they?” Kinsley asked. She saw them hesitantly raise their
hands. She looked at Caitlin. “And what kind of job do you have?”
“I’m a nurse,” she told the detective. She nodded toward her Aunt Ashley. “Like my aunt.”
Kinsley looked to Bill.
“And you?”
“I do accounting,” Bill told her.
“So you’ve both got good jobs as well,” Kinsley noted. “I would think that with jobs like that,
you’d at least be able to afford your own place.”
“We can,” Caitlin told her.
“It’s just that….” She stopped.
“Just what?” Kinsley asked.
“We’ve got this plan,” Bill told her. “If we can keep saving money like we have
been, then in a few years we can buy a house and pay cash for it instead of
getting a loan. That will save us a
“A house!” Kinsley exclaimed, unable to believe it.
Kinsley looked around the room. Her eyes fell on the only two who had been mostly
silent through everything. “I was told
there were three sets of grandkids. I
guess you’re the last of them.” She saw
both Nichole and Michael nod. “Are you
wanting to move into your grandfather’s house too?”
“No!” Michael replied.
“To be honest, we were against this whole thing. If Gramps wants to do himself in, then he
should have that right.”
Kinsley was shocked.
“You think he should be allowed to kill himself?”
“Okay. Then what?”
“What do you mean?”
“Then what? What do
you hope to accomplish by letting him die needlessly?”
“If he wants to die, then he’ll be happier…and the rest of
us can split whatever inheritance we’ve got coming. We’ll all be happy that way.”
“Oh my God!” Kinsley exclaimed. “And there we have it. This half of the room are essentially
grifters who want to mooch off him, stealing his money and spend it on
themselves, and this half of the room simply want him dead so they can inherit
his money. Some therapy! You all just want to steal him blind!”
“No!” James declared angrily. He looked over at Michael. “How can you say that?”
“Get real Dad,” Michael replied. “It’s true!
We’d all be happier.”
“Not me!” He looked
to the detective. “And just for the
record, I’m the CFO for my firm and I make plenty of money. And my wife is a top manager for the company
she works for, and she makes almost as much as I do. We’re not hurting for money at all.”
“And we’re not doing bad either,” Ashley said quickly. “I’ve been a nurse most of my life, and Chris
has his own construction firm. All our
kids simply haven’t put in the time yet to get where we are. So don’t blame them.”
“Don’t blame them?” Kinsley said. “How can I not blame them? They’re the ones you’ve placed primarily in
charge of taking care of your father.
They’re the ones I blame the most!”
Kinsley looked around the room at the entire family. “So far, I’ve got wrongful imprisonment, assault,
physical abuse, mental abuse, and I can probably press a pretty good case for grifting
which would be financial abuse as well. It
all boils down to blatant abuse! And
you’re all guilty by association whether you actually did anything or not. Is there anyone who can give me one good
reason why I shouldn’t stop this and arrest you all right now? And don’t tell me because you’ve got to go to
work tomorrow. I don’t give a damn!”
When she didn’t get an answer, Kinsley said, “Now, the
victim in all this, your father or grandfather, is he home alone right
now? Is he still tied up and helpless,
by himself?”
“No,” Emily told her.
“We’ve got a babysitter for him.”
“A babysitter?” Kinsley asked, surprised.
“There’s a woman we hired,” James explained. “She needs money so she comes in to watch him
whenever one of us can’t be there. She’s
someone Jared and Emily knew.”
“Oh good!” Kinsley said.
“Someone else I can arrest.”
“Please don’t!” James said quickly. “She’s just trying to help.”
“Help? By keeping him
tied up and helpless?”
“She’s making sure he doesn’t hurt himself.”
Kinsley shook her head then looked to her sister, Doctor
Clive. “I don’t give a damn about whatever
kind of therapy they thought they were conducting. All I see are charges of abuse! Abuse that has to be stopped. You can sort this all out between them some
other time. Right now, I want to get to
the father and see what condition he’s in…and release him. Once we know if he’s alright or not we’ll
decide if he needs a hospital or a mental facility.”
Doctor Clive nodded her head. “I agree.”
Detective Kinsley looked around the room. “As of right now, you can all consider yourselves
to be under arrest. These nice gentlemen
from the police force will take all your information and you can either drive
yourselves to the police station after that, or they’ll be more than happy to take
you there themselves. But get used to
the fact that you’re going.”
James stood up quickly.
“I want to see my father first! I
had no idea of the things that were going on.”
“Me too!” Ashley exclaimed.
“I need to see him for myself.”
“Which means that maybe me and Jared should be there as
well,” Emily told her. “We’ve been
primarily taking care of him. If anyone
has any questions, maybe we can explain what happened.”
“Explain?” Kinsley said.
“That should be interesting.
“Okay!” she announced to the entire room. “If you want to go to the house before we
book you, that’s fine. But after that,
we’re all going to the police station. Like
it or not!”