Tuesday, January 21, 2025

My Funny Farm - Chapter 5 – Let’s All Go To Jail And Party


My Funny Farm

By Karen Singer


Chapter 5 – Let’s All Go To Jail And Party


“Can they really arrest us?” Jennifer asked.

“Yeah,” James confirmed.  “I think so.  Because of the way we did it, I think they could.  I hope they don’t.  I’m praying they don’t.  But yes, we could be in trouble.”

“Let’s hope not,” his wife replied.

“Or at least, let’s hope it won’t be too bad.”

“Yeah,” his wife agreed.  “Are we almost there?  We’re going to be late.”

“Almost,” James told her.  “It should be right up ahead.  But even if we’re late, something tells me they’ll wait for us.”

“Is that good or bad?” Jennifer asked.

“Who knows.”

A few minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot.

“It looks like most of the family is here already,” Jennifer noted as she looked at all the cars.

“Yeah,” James agreed.  He parked the car, then reached over and grabbed his wife’s hand.  “Let’s pray it doesn’t go too bad for us.”

His wife nodded, then opened her door and got out.

Inside, they were quick to notice everyone in the family already there.

“The receptionist said we’re meeting in there,” Emily told them as she pointed toward an open doorway.

It wasn’t the open doorway that held James’ attention.  His wife’s attention either.  It was the two uniformed policemen standing near one of the walls in the reception area.  James looked at his wife.  Neither of them had a good feeling about how things were going to go.

They entered the meeting room where a large circle of chairs had been set up.  As everyone sat down, nobody missed the policemen entering and taking up positions at the back of the room.

“Welcome everyone,” Doctor Clive began as she stood behind the chair at the head of the circle.  “I’m Doctor Clive, the psychologist in charge of your…grandfather’s…or your father’s…case.  I’m sorry for calling you all out here like this tonight, but because of the things he told me when we spoke yesterday, I’m extremely concerned.  And now we need to get to the bottom of it, and deal with it…one way or another.  I’m sure you noticed the two policemen that are here with us tonight, but I want to first introduce another member of the police force.  My sister, Detective Kinsley.  “Pat,” she said to a woman who was standing off to the side.

The woman detective walked over and took her place, standing behind the chair where the doctor had stood.  “Yes, I’m a police detective,” Kinsley told them as she moved her jacket aside and displayed the badge attached to the top of her slacks.  “And just so you know, I’m very much against this meeting.  If it wasn’t for my sister pleading with me to hold off, you’d all be under arrest already and the victim in this case would be in a mental facility right now where he could be cared for properly.  I want you all to know right from the start, that’s the direction I think this needs to go, and I even brought a few uniformed men with me to help arrest you all.  So good luck convincing me otherwise.”  She looked at the doctor.  “Sis,” she said before walking away.

Doctor Clive regained her place standing behind the only empty chair.  “When Mr. Bryson…your father or grandfather…was in here yesterday, he listed one abuse after another that’s been done to him, and he made it sound like you’re all to blame.”

“What do you mean abuse?” James asked.

“What do I mean?  Keeping him bound and helpless all the time.  Keeping him in wet and messy diapers until he’s got a painful case of diaper rash, forcing…”

  Ashley stood up quickly and angrily.  “Diaper rash!”  She immediately looked over toward Emily and yelled, “What the hell did you do to him?  He’s only been in your care for a few days!”

James stood up now too.  “What does bound and helpless mean?”

Emily tried to explain.  “Just what we did to him when we first put him in diapers to make him a baby.”

Doctor Clive asked, “Is that what he was talking about when he said the entire family ambushed him?”

“Ambushed?” Ashley replied.  “Yeah, probably.  We were all there and we all basically grabbed him.  Emily and her boyfriend held him down, and…I put a diaper on him myself.”  She finally sat down.

“Jared and Emily put some kind of bondage mitts on him to keep him from removing the diaper,” James explained before sitting down.  “We knew he wouldn’t like it.”

“That’s wrongful imprisonment!” Detective Kinsley pointed out loudly.

James winced, and nodded.  He turned to Emily.  “Did you keep those things on his hands?  All the time?”

“Uncle James,” Emily replied.  “You know he wanted out of everything.  You know that’s the only way we had to make sure he couldn’t get out of those diapers.  We were supposed to treat him like a baby…like he wanted…and that was the only way we had to make sure he used them.”

“But diaper rash?” Ashley exclaimed.

“That was…stupid of me,” Emily admitted.

“You think?” Ashley replied.

Detective Kinsley moved closer.  “You said you kept him bound in some kind of bondage mittens so he couldn’t use his hands.  Where did you get those things?  Did you get them just for taking care of him?”

“No,” Jared said.  “I had them.  Em and I are into some BDSM stuff.  The whole family knows about it now.  They were part of some of the gear Em and I collected.”

“BDSM…” the detective said.

“Hey!” Jared said quickly.  “Lots of people enjoy it.  So do we.”

“I didn’t say you couldn’t enjoy it,” Kinsley told him.  “What I’m saying is that there’s a big fat line between what’s good and what’s criminal.  Tell me, was it consensual?  Did you ask him if he would allow you to use those things on him?  Did he give you permission to tie him up and keep him that way?  Did he agree to let you keep him helpless all the time, for days and days with no end in sight?  Because it sure doesn’t sound like it to me.”  She got no answer to her question.  “BDSM is one thing…when it’s consensual, but without that consent it becomes a criminal act!  And you crossed the line!”

Jared stood up.  “Em and I aren’t married!” he declared.  “I’m not part of this family.  I’m leaving.”

“Jared!” Emily exclaimed.

“If you walk out of here now,” Detective Kinsley said, “I can guarantee it’s going to be in handcuffs, and these officers will drive you straight to the police station.  Tonya here told me about how you kept him tied up and in a painful position until he was seriously hurting…and then kept him that way for hours on end until he got a bad case of diaper rash.”

There was a bit of a staring match between her and Jared, but Jared finally sat down.

Ashley turned to Emily.  “How could you do that to him?  To the point of diaper rash?”

“It just…happened Mom.  Jared was being a pain about helping to take care of him and everything was left to me.”

“That’s no excuse!” Ashley told her.

Emily said nothing.

“Let me ask you all something,” Doctor Clive said.  “Since all this started, have any of you shown him any love at all?  Have any of you even said you love him?  Actually told him that?”

Everyone in the room seemed to look at each other.  Ashley finally half raised her hand.  “That first night, I hugged him when we put him to bed and said I loved him,” she told everyone.  “I haven’t had a chance to get back there yet.”

Doctor Clive looked around the room.  “Anyone else?”  Nobody said a word.  “How can you expect him to get better if nobody cares about him?  He desperately wants to kill himself.  Why shouldn’t he?  Nobody loves him.  Or at least, that’s the way it seems.  All you’ve shown him so far is abuse.”

“You can’t blame all of us,” Michael said.  “Nichole and I weren’t even there.”

“Were you there that first day when you all ambushed him?” the doctor asked.

Michael said nothing for a moment, then nodded.  “Yeah.  But we didn’t go back after that.”

“If you were there at the beginning with everyone else, then you were still part of it,” Detective Kinsley pointed out.  “Each and every one of you here is an accessory to the crime, which makes you all guilty!”

The doctor decided to step in and move on.  “Let me ask you about something else,” she said.  “Emily told me all this was supposed to be a form of therapy for him that was based on what appeared to be his interests and fantasies.  But if this is your form of therapy, will someone please explain to me what goals you’re expecting of him?”

“To not want to commit suicide anymore!” James was quick to point out.

The doctor nodded.  “That’s primary, and a good one.  But how are you planning on achieving that?  Do you have any system of goals that he can work on towards that end?  Any plan to monitor how he’s doing?”  She looked around the room and saw nothing but blank faces.  “If this is supposed to be some kind of therapy, warped or not, you still need to keep him moving toward a particular direction.  You need goals and rewards for him when he reaches those goals.  And yes, in some cases you may need some form of punishments too if he tries to backslide.  But he shouldn’t be living with punishments all the time, and certainly nothing like what’s already been done to him.  That’s counterproductive.  He’d want to commit suicide more than ever, and who could blame him.”

“How do we do that?” Ashley asked.

The doctor shook her head.  “It isn’t easy.  I’ll grant you that much.  But one way or another, you should have had some kind of workable system for not just watching over him, but dealing with him and helping him too.  That’s the most important thing here, not destroying his life.  You needed something he could at least work towards.  Some goal he could want to reach.  If it wasn’t for your family all getting together to watch over him, I would have suggested he be put into an institution, but with the entire family seeming to be that invested in it, I allowed him to stay home.  As it is, the way things stand right now, he might need that institution more than ever.”

“We were just trying to help,” James said.

“We all love him,” Ashley agreed.

“Just trying to help,” Doctor Clive replied.  “You’ve got a funny way of showing it.”  She looked around the room.  “According to what Emily told me, she and her boyfriend moved into his house a few months ago.  Is that right?”

“Yes,” Emily confirmed.  “Jared and I haven’t been out of school very long.  It’s a cheap place for us to live.”  She glanced over at Caitlin.  “Caitlin and Bill are moving in this weekend too for pretty much the same reason.”

The doctor started to say something, but her sister came over quickly and cut her off.  Detective Kinsley looked at Emily.  “Do you have a job?”

“Yes.  I’m the new middle school girl’s gym teacher.”

The detective looked to Jared.  “And you?”

“I got a job doing maintenance work for a corporation.”

The detective nodded.  “So you’ve both got decent jobs that pay okay, but not a lot.”

Emily nodded.  “Yes.”

Kinsley continued.  “And you said…who was moving in this weekend?”

“My cousin Caitlin and her husband Bill.”

“Where are they?” Kinsley asked.  She saw them hesitantly raise their hands.  She looked at Caitlin.  “And what kind of job do you have?”

“I’m a nurse,” she told the detective.  She nodded toward her Aunt Ashley.  “Like my aunt.”

Kinsley looked to Bill.  “And you?”

“I do accounting,” Bill told her.

“So you’ve both got good jobs as well,” Kinsley noted.  “I would think that with jobs like that, you’d at least be able to afford your own place.”

“We can,” Caitlin told her.  “It’s just that….”  She stopped.

“Just what?” Kinsley asked.

“We’ve got this plan,” Bill told her.  “If we can keep saving money like we have been, then in a few years we can buy a house and pay cash for it instead of getting a loan.  That will save us a fortune.”

“A house!” Kinsley exclaimed, unable to believe it.


Kinsley looked around the room.  Her eyes fell on the only two who had been mostly silent through everything.  “I was told there were three sets of grandkids.  I guess you’re the last of them.”  She saw both Nichole and Michael nod.  “Are you wanting to move into your grandfather’s house too?”

“No!” Michael replied.  “To be honest, we were against this whole thing.  If Gramps wants to do himself in, then he should have that right.”

Kinsley was shocked.  “You think he should be allowed to kill himself?”


“Okay.  Then what?”

“What do you mean?”

“Then what?  What do you hope to accomplish by letting him die needlessly?”

“If he wants to die, then he’ll be happier…and the rest of us can split whatever inheritance we’ve got coming.  We’ll all be happy that way.”

“Oh my God!” Kinsley exclaimed.  “And there we have it.  This half of the room are essentially grifters who want to mooch off him, stealing his money and spend it on themselves, and this half of the room simply want him dead so they can inherit his money.  Some therapy!  You all just want to steal him blind!”

“No!” James declared angrily.  He looked over at Michael.  “How can you say that?”

“Get real Dad,” Michael replied.  “It’s true!  We’d all be happier.”

“Not me!”  He looked to the detective.  “And just for the record, I’m the CFO for my firm and I make plenty of money.  And my wife is a top manager for the company she works for, and she makes almost as much as I do.  We’re not hurting for money at all.”

“And we’re not doing bad either,” Ashley said quickly.  “I’ve been a nurse most of my life, and Chris has his own construction firm.  All our kids simply haven’t put in the time yet to get where we are.  So don’t blame them.”

“Don’t blame them?” Kinsley said.  “How can I not blame them?  They’re the ones you’ve placed primarily in charge of taking care of your father.  They’re the ones I blame the most!”

Kinsley looked around the room at the entire family.  “So far, I’ve got wrongful imprisonment, assault, physical abuse, mental abuse, and I can probably press a pretty good case for grifting which would be financial abuse as well.  It all boils down to blatant abuse!  And you’re all guilty by association whether you actually did anything or not.  Is there anyone who can give me one good reason why I shouldn’t stop this and arrest you all right now?  And don’t tell me because you’ve got to go to work tomorrow.  I don’t give a damn!”

When she didn’t get an answer, Kinsley said, “Now, the victim in all this, your father or grandfather, is he home alone right now?  Is he still tied up and helpless, by himself?”

“No,” Emily told her.  “We’ve got a babysitter for him.”

“A babysitter?” Kinsley asked, surprised.

“There’s a woman we hired,” James explained.  “She needs money so she comes in to watch him whenever one of us can’t be there.  She’s someone Jared and Emily knew.”

“Oh good!” Kinsley said.  “Someone else I can arrest.”

“Please don’t!” James said quickly.  “She’s just trying to help.”

“Help?  By keeping him tied up and helpless?”

“She’s making sure he doesn’t hurt himself.”

Kinsley shook her head then looked to her sister, Doctor Clive.  “I don’t give a damn about whatever kind of therapy they thought they were conducting.  All I see are charges of abuse!  Abuse that has to be stopped.  You can sort this all out between them some other time.  Right now, I want to get to the father and see what condition he’s in…and release him.  Once we know if he’s alright or not we’ll decide if he needs a hospital or a mental facility.”

Doctor Clive nodded her head.  “I agree.”

Detective Kinsley looked around the room.  “As of right now, you can all consider yourselves to be under arrest.  These nice gentlemen from the police force will take all your information and you can either drive yourselves to the police station after that, or they’ll be more than happy to take you there themselves.  But get used to the fact that you’re going.”

James stood up quickly.  “I want to see my father first!  I had no idea of the things that were going on.”

“Me too!” Ashley exclaimed.  “I need to see him for myself.”

“Which means that maybe me and Jared should be there as well,” Emily told her.  “We’ve been primarily taking care of him.  If anyone has any questions, maybe we can explain what happened.”

“Explain?” Kinsley said.  “That should be interesting.  “Okay!” she announced to the entire room.  “If you want to go to the house before we book you, that’s fine.  But after that, we’re all going to the police station.  Like it or not!”


Friday, January 17, 2025

My Funny Farm - Chapter 4 – Trouble In Whoville – Part 2 of 2


My Funny Farm

By Karen Singer


Chapter 4 – Trouble In Whoville – Part 2 of 2


Several hours later, I was still there.  Still tied up on the floor.  Still suffering with that damn big gag in my mouth.  My backside was sore and itchy.  Painful really.  I couldn’t tell anyone how it felt because of that damn gag.  How long were they going to keep me like that?  I knew I had been lying there for several hours, not because of the clock, but because of the changing cartoons on TV.

Jared had never come back downstairs, and now Emily had disappeared as well.  Both of them leaving me alone and helpless.  Had they disappeared because I stank too much and didn’t want to be around me?  If that was the case, then they should have taken care of the problem.  Or better still, untie me and remove those damn mitts from my hands so I could take care of the problem myself.  I desperately longed for a good very long hot shower!

“Damn it all,” I heard Emily mutter as she finally returned.  Would she finally untie me?  I could only hope.  Would she finally change me?  I hoped for that even more.  Would she let me free so I could change myself and get cleaned up?  I had pretty much given up all hope about that.

“Shit!” she swore softly as she knelt down over top of me and began removing the straps that were binding my hands and legs.  “I guess I’m going to have to do this myself,” she fumed softly.

Was there trouble in Whoville?  It sounded like it.  If she didn’t want to deal with what a mess I was, then why did she make me go through it in the first place?  Not to mention, why didn’t she just let me deal with it all myself?

She helped me to my feet and led me into my bedroom where she had me get on top of my bed.  I noticed that the bed was still unmade, and everything looked just like when I had left it earlier that day – a mess!  She had me lay down on top of that protective pad that also needed to be changed, and she carefully began removing my diaper.

“Pew!  You stink!” she told me as she peeled it back.  She hadn’t said it unkindly, but again I wondered why she had made me mess myself if she didn’t want to deal with it.  She carefully used my wet and messy diaper to wipe my bottom off before taking the filthy smelly thing away.  I was glad to be rid of it.  She came back a minute later and began cleaning my sore backside…and her wiping hurt!

She chuckled.  “Somebody here has diaper rash.”

I was guessing it wasn’t her.

“Serves you right for being bad!” she told me.

Serves me right?  Okay, after being tied up and kept in that messy diaper so long, and now having to deal with diaper rash, not to mention that darn big…thing…still in my mouth, I had good reason now to think twice about…uh…being bad.

Once cleaned up and diapered again, she took me into the kitchen and sat me down at the table.  Uh…sitting with diaper rash isn’t fun.  Another reason to think twice about being bad.  I waited there while she worked around in the kitchen.  She came back a few minutes later and set a plate with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on it in front of me.  She freed that same left hand for me so I could eat the sandwich myself.  Then finally, finally, finally…she pulled that damn gag out of my mouth.  Instant relief!  I was so grateful to have it gone.

“Eat!” she ordered.

So I did.  Gladly!  While I was working on that sandwich, she brought me another baby bottle full of baby formula.  How to kill any kind of decent taste in your mouth!  I ignored the formula and finished the sandwich.

When I was done, she again bound my hand up in that mitt, pulled me out of my chair, which briefly set my diaper rash on fire, picked up my still full baby bottle, and pulled me all the way into the bedroom.

“Nap time,” she declared.

She laid me down on my bed, pulled the covers over me, and stuck that damn bottle nipple in my mouth.

“Hold it!” she ordered.  “And when I come back in a little while with your pacifier, that bottle had better be empty!”

Yeah, something told me she was serious about that.  I laid there sucking on that horrible tasting bottle while she left me.  When I was done, I tossed the bottle onto the floor.  I laid there happy to not have anything in my mouth for a while, despite the bad flavor that now was all I could taste.

How was I going to get out of this mess?  It was a life I certainly didn’t want.  I had to do something.  Anything!

But what?


--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---


On Monday morning, I knew that both Emily and Jared had to go to work.  Were they actually going to bring Mrs. Lowrey in to watch over me all day?  From what little I could see, it sure seemed like it.  Trust me, that concerned me.  Not only did I not want to be in my current babified position, but I certainly didn’t want anyone else to see me that way.

At least I had a clean diaper on when Mrs. Lowrey showed up, and Emily and Jared went out the door, but my hands were still bound up in those damn mitts they didn’t seem to be interested in taking off me.  The only thing other than my diaper that I was wearing was a t-shirt.  Oh, and my pacifier.

I wasn’t just embarrassed when she walked in and saw me sitting on the living room floor in front of cartoons, I was mortified.  I’m sure my face turned several shades of red, and I’m not talking about because of possibly trying to do anything to put something else in my diaper.

She came in and stood there, looking at me.  “Hm!” she said.  “They said they were doing it, but I wasn’t sure if I believed it.  But, well, here you are.  No matter, I guess.  If I can deal with you one way, then I can deal with you like this too.  Don’t worry about a thing.  I spent a long time talking with Emily on the phone and she gave me a list of everything I need to do for you.  It’s no problem at all.”

With that, she sat down in one of the chairs and pulled out a book, and ignored me.  I guess I was supposed to go back to watching cartoons on TV.  Which I did since I had nothing better to do.

All day, Mrs. Lowrey fed me…literally, changed me, gave me my bottles, and put me down for a nap.  At least she was nice about everything, unlike a certain other two people that I knew.  The longer I was in her care, the more like a baby I was beginning to feel.  I wasn’t even trying very hard to hold back and keep my diapers dry.  What was the use?

Eventually, Emily and her non-husband came home from work, and Mrs. Lowrey went out the door.

“At least he doesn’t smell,” Jared declared as he walked into the living room.

“Yeah.  Fortunately,” Emily agreed.

The night before, Emily had layered two diapers on me, cutting holes in the first one so that my pee could leak out into the second one.  I had still leaked a bit when I woke up the next morning.  This time when she put me to bed, she layered three of those diapers on me.  Trust me, the padding felt…uh…extreme.

When the light was turned out and I was stuck being attached to the bed, I discovered that I couldn’t get comfortable laying on my side because of the uncomfortable bulk between my legs.  But that bulk was nothing compared to how bad things got later as the diapers continued to swell all night due to my overactive bladder.  By morning, they were absolutely awful.  But…I didn’t notice a single wet spot anywhere around me.  Was that progress, or what?

Tuesday started out like Monday, but before long, Emily came home from work, and Mrs. Lowrey departed for a while.  What really worried me was that Tuesday was the day when we had been going to see that psychologist, Doctor Clive.  I couldn’t believe that Emily still intended on taking me there.  And if she did, would she let me wear anything other than a diaper and a t-shirt?  I nearly cheered when she brought me into the bedroom and started pulling my regular clothes out of the closet.

No, she didn’t release me in any way.  She simply dressed me.  It was good to be wearing a regular shirt again.  It was even better to be wearing pants, even if they were over top of a slightly wet diaper.  Shoes and socks were nice too.  Having to keep the pacifier in my mouth was not nice, but I wasn’t being given a choice.  And I couldn’t believe it when she grabbed my hand and pulled me out to the car, still wearing those darn mitts on my hands to keep them useless.  How was she going to explain them to the doctor?  I couldn’t wait to find out.

With me buckled into the back seat, she drove to the doctor’s office, then got out of the car and opened the back door for me.  She unbuckled my seatbelt because I certainly couldn't do it myself.  But she stopped right there and grabbed one of my hands.  One by one, she took those crazy mitts off of me.  I was so happy about that.  My left hand got let lose once in a while so I could eat, but this was the first time in days that my right hand was loose as well.  Straightening out my fingers was painful and wonderful at the same time.  I exercised my hands as best I could as she held my hand and led me all the way into the building…while in my head I was planning what I wanted to do.

We sat and waited in the reception area for a bit before finally getting in to talk with the psychologist.

“Hello Mr. Bryson.  How are you?” Doctor Clive greeted me kindly.

She had greeted me so nicely.  I appreciated that.  But it wasn’t going to stop me!  I pulled the pacifier from my mouth, ready to let loose.  “I’m…”

Emily quickly grabbed my arm before I could say anything else.  She led me to a chair and had me sit before she sat down herself.  “He’s probably not happy,” she told the doctor.  “We…the entire family that is…have started a new therapy for him.  One that I have no doubt he’s not happy about.”

“Therapy?” the doctor asked, completely surprised.  “What kind of therapy?”

“Simply put, we’re going by what he said he’d like, and treating him completely like a baby.  We’re taking care of everything for him, so he doesn’t have to worry about a thing.”

“Oh, how nice,” the doctor replied with a smile on her face.  She looked at me.  “It sounds like your family found a way to give you exactly what you wanted.  Aren’t you happy?”

“Happy!  Are you kidding?  No!”

“Stop it!” Emily said sternly.  I ignored her, and so did the psychologist.

Doctor Clive seemed surprised.  “Why not?  I thought that’s what you wanted.”

“They don’t allow me to do anything!”

“Stop!” Emily tried again.

“Like what?” Clive asked.

“Like…I can’t even use the bathroom anymore.  Under my pants, even now, they’ve got me in a diaper.  And then after I wet myself, I’m not even allowed to ask to be changed.”

“So you’re saying they took into account all those things we mentioned about how much old people and babies are alike, and tried to give them to you…kind of like you wanted.  Right?” the doctor said.

“Like I wanted?  Let me tell you, until a few minutes ago, they were keeping my hands bound up in some kind of mittens so I couldn’t use them for anything.  I’m not allowed anywhere near a bathroom and have to use my diaper for everything.  I’ve got a painful diaper rash right now because they refused to change me just because I got mad and protested the cruel way they’re forcing me to live.  They punished me by tying me up and leaning me painfully against the wall, then when they pulled me away from the wall they left me tied up that way for hours!  I haven’t worn anything but a diaper and t-shirt since it started, and that’s even if I get a t-shirt to wear.  And I’m sick to death of drinking nothing but baby formula from a bottle.  I hate it!  I hate it all, but I’m not being given a choice in any of it.  Right from the start they all ambushed me, the whole family, and forced me into this.  All I want is my freedom…and them gone…out of my life.  I can’t believe my own grandchildren would treat me this way, and that includes my own children as well.”

The doctor looked completely shocked.  She turned toward Emily.  “You didn’t discuss this with him first?”

“Of course not.  We knew he wouldn’t like it.  We know it’s a bit unusual, but it’s what he said he wanted, and the bottom line is that it’s for his own good!  Not to mention, it goes right along with his favorite form of porn that he likes to look at.”

“And your entire family is in on this?” the doctor asked.

“Yes!  All of us.”

“Who’s all of you?  Tell me.”

“Mom and Dad.  My Aunt and her husband.  And my two cousins and their spouses.”

The doctor continued to look stunned for a few moments as she looked straight at Emily.

“So…ten of you then, is that right?”

I could see Emily counting it up in her head.  “Yeah.  All of us.”

“That’s it!” Doctor Clive said suddenly with a big wave of her hand.  “We’re done here today.”  She looked back and forth between Emily and me, then settled her gaze directly on me.  “You,” she said.  “I want to see you back here in one week!”  She turned her gaze directly at Emily.  “And you!” she said angrily.  “I want to see you, and your entire family right here for one big family session tomorrow!  And when he comes next week, I’m going to see him alone!  Nobody else, just him and me, like this is supposed to be.”

“The family can’t come,” Emily told her.  “We all work.  And trust me, most of them won’t come anyway.”

“Then book a session with my receptionist for tomorrow evening.  But I want all of your family here, every last one of you, tomorrow night.  Ten people!  Because if we don’t get some things straightened out right away, then I’m going to call the police and have you all charged with wrongful imprisonment!  And probably a few other things as well.  I’ll have no problem sending you all to jail!  So be here.  Tomorrow night.  Every last one of you.  Or jail…for all of you!”


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

My Funny Farm - Chapter 4 – Trouble In Whoville – Part 1 of 2


My Funny Farm

By Karen Singer


Chapter 4 – Trouble In Whoville – Part 1 of 2


Life got strange, real quick!  Before bed that first night, Emily and Caitlin both gave me a bath, and in the process, took the time to shave every hair from my body that was below my eyebrows.  Afterwards, finally dressed in a dry fresh diaper that I knew wouldn’t stay dry very long, Emily made matters completely worse when she sat down on the couch, and between Jared, Caitlin and Bill, they all made sure I laid my head in her lap so she could feed me my final bottle of baby formula for the night.  That was particularly not good for me since I was already getting desperate to pee again.  I had to find some way out of those diapers and soon, or I was going to be one very wet…baby.

When that bottle of formula was empty, Caitlin stuck that damn pacifier between my lips, then she and Emily put me into bed  That darn piece of rope was looped over one of my hands again and pulled tight, linking me to the bed.  I could pull my hand down as far as my waist, but that was it.  Getting out of bed would allow me to take a total of about one step, which meant that basically I was going nowhere.  Especially not into the bathroom, and not anywhere near where I might be able to find something to try and kill myself with.  I also had no way to kill myself because my hands were still bound up and useless in those too tight padded mittens.

It was only eight o’clock, and they were putting me to bed for the night.  Emily pulled the covers up over my nearly naked body.  Caitlin turned off the light, and without a word, the two women left me alone.  Alone!  I just couldn’t really enjoy being alone.

Please remember, I was already nearly bursting to pee and was trying to figure out what to do about it.  Plus, on a good night, before all of this, I usually got up two or three times during the night to pee, and that’s without drinking anything right before bed…like that bottle of formula they had just fed me.  Because of that bottle, I had no doubt that I’d be awake more than usual that night, trying to figure out how to pee without leaving the bed.  And I already had no doubt where all that pee was going to go.  I wasn’t looking forward to it.

I also wasn’t looking forward to spending the entire night in a wet diaper.  And I knew it was going to be the entire night because it had now been a long time since I had wet myself that one time earlier that day.  I wasn’t going to be able to hold out much longer.  Once again I squirmed around trying to fight it.  I pressed my one bound up hand that could reach against the front of my diaper.  I did everything I could to stop it, but none of it did any good at all.  Eventually, I felt it start happening just like it did before.  Lying on my back, the pee began leaking out a little at a time, then faster and faster.  It dripped down my skin and I could feel it puddling inside the diaper below my butt.  I gave in sooner this time.  I simply stopped fighting it.  It was going to happen anyway.  In moments I was soaked.

Yeah, there was no doubt at all, it was a horrible feeling.  Not to mention a horrible experience.  And what could I do about it?  Nothing.  Nothing at all.  They had gone out of their way to make sure I couldn’t do anything.

I wanted to turn over onto my side or my stomach, but I was afraid of what would happen with all that pee inside my diaper.  So I did my best to just lay there on my back for as long as possible.  Eventually, I realized that the diaper had absorbed most of the wetness and as far as I could tell, there was no longer a puddle underneath me inside that diaper.  I took the opportunity to turn onto my side, and despite how early it was, try to fall asleep.

Sleep didn’t come easy for me.  Not at that early hour, and especially because of all the angry thoughts raging through my head.  I wasn’t sure I’d be able to sleep at all that night, but eventually I must have at least dozed off, because I remember waking up when I realized I had to pee again, just like happened to me every single night.  I started to get up out of bed, but that’s when I felt the diaper I was wearing, and right after that, the mitts attached to my hands.  I realized that getting to the bathroom wasn’t going to happen.

Like it or not, I was stuck struggling in my bed to not wet myself again.  I didn’t struggle nearly as long this time, and soon I was lying on my back with a puddle of pee under my ass, just like it happened earlier.  This time, it took a lot longer for that puddle of pee to go away.  At least, I hoped it had gone away.  I tried to go back to sleep.

Halfway through the night, after waking up two more times to pee, I realized the tops of my bare legs outside of that diaper were wet.  I was leaking!  If it wasn’t for that big protective cover they had stuck over my sheets, I’d be lying in a very wet bed.  And worse, my bed smelled, because I smelled…of my own damn pee!

Was this one of those situations they were supposed to worry about for me?  Trust me, it didn’t stop me from worrying about a number of problems that might arise from me staying in pee-soaked diapers all night.  Could someone my age really get diaper rash?  I was guessing it was a distinct possibility.  Probably even likely.


--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---


On Sunday morning, I was sitting at the table.  My pacifier was still in my mouth and those darn mitts were still keeping my hands practically useless.  Since Caitlin and Bill had left sometime the night before, Emily had gotten me out of bed that morning.  When she saw the state of my diaper and how much it had leaked, she was completely surprised.  What did she expect?  For once, I felt like I had gotten back at her a little bit.  All she did though was to make a few comments about how wet I was, as if I was a real baby, and then she changed my diaper right there on the bed.  At least I had a dry diaper to start the day with.  The question now was, how long would it stay that way?

Jared was sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee.  Emily set a bowl of…something in front of me.  The bowl had a teaspoon in it.  She then came around me, grabbed my left hand, and started unfastening that darn mitt that kept me from doing anything with my hand.  She pulled the thing off and I nearly screamed with joy.  I nearly screamed with pain when I tried to unbend my fingers.

“Don’t touch that over glove!” she warned me.  “Eat!”

She had freed my left hand.  My non-dominant hand.  Still, it was better than her feeding me.  While the others enjoyed cereal and coffee, I stuck the spoon into whatever was in my bowl and stuck a bit of it in my mouth.  Huh!  Yogurt.  I wasn’t that fond of yogurt, but I could easily deal with it.  I enjoyed eating for myself, happy for small favors.  Unfortunately, when I finished, Jared got up and stuck that darn mitt back on my hand again, making sure I couldn’t do anything for myself again.

Emily pulled me out of my chair and led me into the living room where she made me sit on the floor in front of the TV.  A minute later, I had cartoons filling the screen in front of me.  She came back and handed me another baby bottle of something to drink.  I was not happy to see baby formula.  Once again, I had to squeeze the bottle with my useless hands to hold it, and drink.  As expected, it filled my mouth with an absolutely awful taste.

As I sat there drinking and fuming angrily, I literally felt like such a child.  What else could I feel like?  Trust me, life wasn’t fun!

I’m not sure if they were trying to talk quietly and weren’t succeeding, or if they simply didn’t care if I heard a bit of their conversation taking place out in the kitchen, but despite the sound from the cartoon playing on the TV set, I did manage to hear some of what Jared and Emily were saying.

“How long do you think he’ll be able to hold out?” Jared asked Emily.  Naturally, I had no idea in the world what they were talking about.

“It’s hard to say,” Emily replied.  “When I dumped the yogurt into his bowl for breakfast, I mixed a stool softener in with it.  Eventually it’s going to work.”

“Nice!” Jared replied softly.  “How soon?”

“No idea.  It could be soon, it could be a while.  But eventually…”

“It’ll happen,” Jared finished.

“Yeah.  That pill will make sure of it.”

I was sorry I had heard that much.  Now I knew what they were referring to.  Emily had doctored my breakfast.  I was guessing that the stool softeners she used were the ones that I had kept with the other medications I had in the house.  I only took one when I absolutely needed it, which wasn’t often.  I knew they worked.  I also knew there was no telling at all how long it would take before they…stimulated my system.  Like Emily had said, it could be soon, or not till later that afternoon.

How long could I hold out without messing my diaper?  Wetting them was bad enough, I wasn’t looking forward to having a mess in them too.  And then of course there was the other question.  How long would they make me stay in the messy thing?  I didn’t want to find out.

When the bottle finally finished, I happily dropped the thing.  My arms were getting tired trying to hold it in place so I could drink it.  Two minutes later though, Emily collected the bottle, but not before shoving that pacifier I hated so much back in my mouth.

Sitting there in front of the cartoons, it wasn’t long before I felt the now familiar urge telling me I was going to have to pee soon.  In such a short time I had become far more aware of that feeling in my body than at any time in the sixty-eight years of my life.  I wasn’t particularly looking forward to sitting there in a wet diaper again, but fighting it wasn’t going to help me much at all.  I had learned that lesson as well too.  I held it for a while, but as soon as it was getting to be too much, I stood up and let loose in my diaper.  The usual feelings of disgust surrounded me, as did the pee inside my diaper.

“Where are you going?” Jared suddenly asked.

“Nowhere,” I told him, trying to speak clearly despite the plug in my mouth.

“Sit down, and stay there,” he told me sternly.


“I said sit!” he ordered.

I sat.  I had only wanted to tell him I had just stood up to pee, that’s all.  He didn’t have to get so huffy about it.

Two hours later, I was still sitting there in my wet diaper in front of the cartoons on TV.  I was sick of them, sick of sitting there on the floor, sick of wearing a wet diaper…sick of everything!  I was getting to the point where I was ready to explode, despite any consequences it might bring me.  But of course, that’s when things got worse for me.

I had peed a few hours earlier, now I had to do it again.  I fought with it for a while, knowing I was going to have to give in eventually, but in fighting with it, I suddenly realized I was now fighting with something else as well.  Those darn stool softeners seemed to be taking effect on me already.  Or was it the stool softeners and baby formula both going to work on my system.  I certainly couldn’t rule out what I had been drinking.  Either way, I was now fighting a big problem on both fronts.  I had no choice but to fight harder and longer.  I wonder if that was a mistake.  But not wanting to wet and mess yourself is only human nature, right?  At least, that’s how I saw it.  So I fought on…uselessly of course.

This time, I wound up peeing in my diaper while I was sitting on the floor.  But a moment after relaxing just enough to let the pee out, unfortunately, that was all it took to give the poop in my system a chance to come out as well.  Trust me, I squirmed all around, trying to find a decent position where I could manage to get all the poop, as well as all the pee out of me at the same time.

“Baby,” I heard Emily say from somewhere across the room.  “Are you going poo-poo in your diapers finally?”

Despite that pacifier in my mouth and the chore I was currently still trying to handle, I did my best to give her a nasty look.

“Good boy,” she crooned at me as if I was a real baby.

Trust me, just then I felt like a real baby.  It was…awful!  An experience I wouldn’t want to repeat again, even though I was very much afraid I would be repeating it.  How could I get out of this predicament?  Not to mention, how could I get out of the mess in my diaper?

There was no doubting what I had done now.  The smell was beginning to surround me in a major way.  I stood up carefully, trying to deal with the strange heavy mass I could feel all around my backside.  A feeling I couldn’t stand.  They had made me wet myself like an infant, and now they had made me mess myself like one too.

Yeah, I lost it.  Big time!  I spit the pacifier out of my mouth and yelled, “I hate this!  I hate you.  I hate all of you.  Let me go!  Stop this stupid stuff and get these damn things off my hands!  And for God’s sake, let me get cleaned up!”

“Bad boy!” Emily said sternly as she hurried in my direction.

“I think it’s punishment time!” Jared announced.  Did he sound a bit too enthusiastic about that?

“I think you’re absolutely right!” Emily agreed as she reached me.  “Bad baby!” she yelled.  “Bad!”

Who did she think she was kidding?  Certainly not me.  This was a game to her – obviously!  Except it was a game I knew I wasn’t going to like.

“Down!” she ordered as she pointed to the floor.

“No!” I protested.  “No more of this junk!  I’m done with it!”

I started to head toward my bedroom, but she grabbed my arm and twisted it, pulling it behind my back in a very painful hold.  Did I ever mention how strong she is?  Must be all that exercise she gets as a gym teacher.  But despite my efforts, I was soon forced down to my knees…in pain.  She kept me there like that until Jared had run upstairs, then finally came down again, his hand full of…stuff.

“I’ve got him,” he told Emily as he took the arm she was painfully holding.

“No!” I protested uselessly again.  I don’t know why I bothered even trying to protest.

He twisted that arm around and brought it down behind my back, pushing me flat to the floor on my stomach.  He grabbed my other arm and pulled that behind my back as well.  I felt him wrapping something around my wrists, and in seconds my hands were tied behind me, making them even more useless than they had been due to the mitts.  I kept squirming around, kicking and trying to get free.  Before I knew it, he was grabbing my ankles and tying them together too.  I wasn’t getting up from my position on the floor anytime soon.

Through it all, I kept protesting and squirming, wanting to get free.  Through it all, they kept ignoring my protests.  And then I felt him grabbing my head and pulling it backwards.  Emily knelt down in front of me, grabbed my chin to open my mouth, and shoved that same darn overly large penis shaped object in my mouth, completely shutting me up.  She buckled the thing behind my head, making sure it wasn’t coming out anytime soon.  I started shaking my head, trying to dislodge the thing, but as I already knew it was useless to even try.

“I think baby need an object lesson,” Jared said sternly.

Not knowing what to think, other than that I was in big trouble, I felt him grab me under my armpits and start dragging me over towards the wall.  He pulled me up until I was on my knees, then he shoved me a bit closer to the wall.  He leaned the entire upper part of my body forward until that gag in my mouth was all the way against the wall .  “Stay!” he ordered.

Stay?  He had to be kidding.  But I soon discovered that in the position he had put me in, doing anything but staying there like that would be very difficult.  I was on my knees with my body leaning forward against the wall.  I didn’t have the strength to pull myself upright from there, especially not with my hands tied behind my back.  And worse, I think the pressure of resting against the wall like that was pushing that darn gag even deeper into my mouth.

You want to know the truth?  I was frightened!  And then Emily had to go and make everything so much worse.

“Just for that,” she said.  “You can stay in that wet messy diaper for an extra two hours before we change you.”

Extra?  How long had she been planning on keeping me in it before?

I wanted to squirm around.  I wanted out of that position, but Emily and Jared were watching over me too closely, not to mention, moving from that painful position would have been difficult for me to begin with.  It wasn’t long before my body began aching and hurting.  I tried to tell them how much I was hurting, but with that big gag filling my mouth, I couldn’t.  It got so bad that eventually I felt tears forming in my eyes, and a little while later, I was actually crying – for real!

“I think he’s had enough now,” Emily decided.

“Are you kidding?” Jared asked.  “It’s only been a few minutes!”

“Jared.  Enough!” Emily insisted.

“Shit!” Jared cursed.  “You deal with him.  I’m going back upstairs.  He stinks to high heaven!  And don’t even think of asking me to change him.  That’s your job.”

“It’s what?” Emily shouted.  But he was walking away.

Emily pulled me away from the wall, then gently eased me down onto my side.  She pulled me over in front of the TV again and stood up.  “You can stay there like that for a while.  He’s right.  You stink!  And you’ve earned yourself an extra two hours in those diapers before I change you.”  With that, she walked away.

I stank?  Surprise!  What did she expect?  She had only herself to blame for that.  I squirmed around in my bound-up position, trying to get free, or at least find the most comfortable way to lay there.  On my side seemed to be the easiest for me, so I stayed and listened to the TV while I fumed over my fate…and how much I wanted to murder both Emily and Jared.

Two hours extra.  Extra to what?


Monday, January 13, 2025

You Were Wondering

 Hi All!

I’m glad you’re enjoying my latest story.  There’s still a long way to go with it though, so keep reading.

Some of you seem to be very interested in knowing if I’ll finish Under Her Thumb.  Right now, I honestly don’t know if I’ll do anything more with it or not.  I’d like to finish that one and also Mercy Me, I just have no idea if I ever will.  I’m thinking about it though, that’s all I can tell you.

Thanks again,


Friday, January 10, 2025

My Funny Farm - Chapter 3 – Ambushed – Part 3 of 3


My Funny Farm

By Karen Singer


Chapter 3 – Ambushed – Part 3 of 3


Enough was enough!  When were they going to let me free?  When were they going to stop their silly games?  I couldn’t wait.  Angrily, I could do nothing but sit and fume, while my mouth tried to chew, or lick, or do anything to dislodge that big thing they had stuck there that I now suspected was probably shaped like a penis.  Whatever they had done to me, I was thoroughly stuck for now.  Come on people, enough was enough.

And then Ashley, my own dear daughter, added insult to injury by bringing a baby bottle full of milk out to my recliner.  She set the bottle on the end table next to me and unfastened the strap holding that big dildo in my mouth.

“Uh!” I grunted, glad to have the big thing gone.  I was about to say something else when she suddenly pushed the back of my recliner down, moving my position until I was almost horizontal.  She quickly grabbed the baby bottle and stuck the nipple in my mouth.  “Drink!” she ordered.

I got one brief taste of what was in that bottle, and I quickly forced my head to the side, removing the nipple in the process.  “What is that?” I asked.  “It’s terrible.”

“Baby formula,” she told me.  “And I’m sure it tastes bad.  But you better get used to it, because you’re going to be drinking a lot of it from now on.”

She shoved the bottle nipple back against my firmly closed lips.  “Take it!” she ordered sternly.

Damn it!  I didn’t want to.  That stuff tasted awful!  But after a moment of struggling vainly with her, the nipple was between my lips.

“You should have no trouble holding that bottle there with those things on your hands.  Now take it!”

Like it or not, my hands went to each side of the bottle and pressed against it.  Holding the thing as well as I could.

“Now start drinking,” she said again.  “And don’t you dare stop until it’s empty, or I’ll sit here and feed you not only this one bottle, but another one too.  So if you only want just one right now, then get busy and drink.  Otherwise, I’ll make good and sure you get to enjoy two.”

She stood there and watched until I figured out that the stuff tasted bad enough that drinking only one bottle of it was preferable to having to get through two of them.  With those stupid things on my hands, I barely managed to hold onto the bottle well enough to keep it in my mouth.  I had done a lot of nipple sucking lately, so the bottle didn’t give me much of a problem…if you didn’t count the taste, or having to drink from it at all.  Ashley finally nodded and walked away, leaving me like that.

When I finally finished the bottle, I threw the thing angrily to the floor.  After drinking that, my mouth tasted awful.  I wanted a drink of something else to clear it out, but I was afraid they might only give it to me in another baby bottle, and what they gave me might be more of that lousy formula.  How did real babies stand the stuff?  Yuck!

Nobody was around me just then, and for once I didn’t even have a pacifier in my mouth.  As far as I could see, I had a darn good excuse to not go find one those pacifiers and put it where they all thought they belonged.  Deciding to not say anything about it and hope for the best, I sat there, still laid back in my chair, and fumed angrily.  As far as I could see, sitting and fuming over my situation was about all I could do.  In fact, with my hands bound the way they were, and the way I was dressed, I couldn’t think of anything I could do…period!  I was practically helpless.  I could just kill them all.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted when Emily came up behind me, leaned over the back of my chair, and stuck something against my lips.  Before I knew it, I had a pacifier in my mouth again.  Ugh!  But I knew it was inevitable.

Emily left me alone to just lie back in my chair.  I was angry at all of them.  I wanted to kill all of them, maybe more than I wanted to kill myself.  As far as I could see, I now had more reason than ever to commit suicide.  In fact, it seemed like the absolute best course of action for me.  Killing myself was the only thing I could think about as I laid there.  And after what they had done to me, killing myself would not only solve my problem, it would serve them all right!  Not to mention, it would hopefully make them all very sorry for the way they were treating me.

The only problem was, the way they were treating me would make actually finding a way to kill myself more difficult than ever, and suicide is never easy to begin with.  I could only lay there and fume about everything…in my entire life.

It was only a short while later when I noticed it.  The one thing that hadn’t even crossed my mind yet, since I had been so focused on my anger over everyone else.  It was the first notice my body was giving me that I would need to pee soon.  Damn it all!  Something told me that bottle they had made me drink hadn’t helped this situation at all.  What was I supposed to do about it?  Yeah, I already knew what they wanted me to do, they had explained that much to me pretty quickly.  But that didn’t mean that I wanted to do that.  It didn’t mean I was going to lie there and just wet myself.  No way!  Forget it!

I knew I had a while yet before I really had to worry about it, so I used that time to try to figure out what I could do, other than soak myself like an infant.  I desperately rubbed those thick mitts on my hands against the front of my diaper, trying to dislodge the tapes.  Didn’t work.  I tried using those mitts to push the diaper down over my hips to get it off.  Didn’t work either.  I was getting very frustrated.  Worse, the more I thought about having to pee, the more I felt the urgency to pee.  But I refused to sit there and wet myself like an imbecile!

I finally got out of my chair and went to the kitchen where the ladies were still cleaning up and talking.

“Hi Baby,” Caitlin greeted me.  “How’s it going?”

How’s it going?  She had to be kidding!  I wanted to take the plug out of my mouth, and I started to try and grab it with my hands, but that didn’t last long.  With the damn thing still in my mouth I said, “I need to pee, and it’s getting pretty bad.  I need out of this stupid diaper.”  It’s very hard to talk clearly with a pacifier in your mouth, especially when you’re angry.

It was Ashley though that answered me.  “If your diaper is wet, that’s not your concern,” she said.  “If your diaper is messy, that’s not your concern.  That’s our concern.  You don’t need to worry about those things anymore.”

“I am not going to wet myself!”

“Fine, then don’t.  But I have no doubt that eventually something is going to happen inside that diaper.  And eventually, something else is going to happen there too.  I suggest you start getting used to it.  You can’t avoid it.”


She chuckled.  “Go find something to occupy yourself with.  If you want, I’ll find some cartoons on TV for you.  But get out of here, we’re busy.”

“No!” I screamed despite the pacifier in my mouth.  “Get this damn thing off of me!”

Ashley chuckled again, reached out, and bopped me on the nose.  “You’re so cute when you’re angry.  Come on, I’ll put the TV on for you.”

I wasn’t the least bit interested in watching TV.  I was interested in getting that diaper off so I could use the toilet.  Of course, I was also interested in getting those damn things off my hands so I could use them again too.  In fact, if I could get my hands free, I’d be able to do practically anything again.  Despite myself, I followed Ashley out to the living room.

She pointed at the floor in front of the TV.  “Sit!” she said firmly.

“It isn’t TV that I want,” I told her, despite that damn pacifier distorting my words.

“I don’t care,” she told me.  “You’re not getting out of that diaper…or any other diaper.  Get used to it.  And get used to the fact that you’re going to be peeing and pooping in them…a lot!  Get used to how it’s going to feel.  And I suggest you start getting used to it all pretty fast, because nothing about it is going to change.  You asked for it, and now you’re stuck with it.”

“I didn’t ask for this!” I argued.

“Didn’t you?  It sure seemed like it to me,” she countered.  “Not to mention, treating you like this will make it easier for all of us to make sure you don’t go trying to kill yourself again…which I might point out you still keep insisting you want to do.  And we’re not going to let you.  Now park your backside on the floor and I’ll put some cartoons on for you.”

Ugh!  I was so angry.  Instead of the floor, I headed for my recliner.

“No!  Not there,” I heard her order.  I turned around.  She pointed at the floor.  “Here!  On the floor.  “You’re a baby now, get used to it.  Babies are better off on the floor.  Especially wet babies, like you’re going to be very soon.  The last thing we need is pee soaking all the furniture if that diaper leaks.  Other people have to sit in those chairs.  Your place is on the floor now…where you belong.  Now park it!”

I wanted to hit her, but I had no doubt it would do me no good, not to mention Jared and Emily would probably find some way to make my life even more miserable.  Besides, half the women in the house were watching what was going on closely.  I had no doubt they’d all side with Ashley in a heartbeat.  I glared angrily at Ash for a moment, walked a step closer to where she had pointed, and sat.  On the floor.  Where I didn’t belong!

“Good,” she said before grabbing the remote and turning the TV on.  It took her a minute to find some cartoons that seemed childish enough for her, then she left me with one final command.  “Stay there!”

Who did she think she was, ordering me around like that?  Who did she think she was to treat me like this?  If I could figure out a way around it, I’d throw her out of here immediately.  If I could figure out a way to finally kill myself, I wouldn’t have to worry about any of it, including having to pee, which now that I was sitting and compressing my bladder, was starting to become an even bigger issue.

There were colorful shapes moving around on the TV screen and childish music and dialog coming from the TV speakers, but I ignored all of it.  My only thoughts were centered around trying to get those damn things off my hands, and trying to get out of that damn diaper, and anything else I could possibly do to accomplish both.  And overriding it all was the constant battle of knowing that if I didn’t figure it out soon, I was going to be wetting myself.  Something I’m pretty sure I hadn’t done since I was two or three years old.  And I was sixty-eight!

I desperately rubbed at each of those mitts with the other mitt, which still did nothing.  I started using those mitts to press hard against the front of my diaper, hoping the pressure would help keep me from wetting myself.  I squirmed around and desperately did anything I possibly could to keep from doing the one thing I didn’t want to do.  But like it or not, none of it worked.

As I squirmed and fussed and tried as hard as I could, the inevitable began to happen.  Like it or not, sitting right there on the floor, I felt myself losing the battle.  It began a little at a time, pee leaking out of me.  Such a strange feeling.  I could feel a little of it coming out.  I could feel the wetness of it as it washed itself around my genitals, tickling my skin as it slowly ran downward toward my padded bottom, which as I continued to lose the battle, began to feel wetter and wetter.  What an awful feeling.  And then I seemed to lose the rest of it all at once and I realized I was now peeing nonstop into my already somewhat wet diaper.  The flood of pee soaked my skin as it ran all around me and down, flooding the bottom of my diaper that I was sitting on.  It was an absolutely miserable feeling!

As they had said would happen, I had wet myself like an infant.  Like a baby.  Despite all my efforts to stop it.  I could just kill them all.  Although the only one I really wanted to kill, was me.

I sat there like that for a few minutes, doing my best to recover after all my failed efforts.  The wetness inside my diaper was obvious, but no longer as bad as it had been.  I was guessing the diaper was absorbing most of that awful pee in there now.  I still felt wet, just not dripping wet.  None the less, it still felt…miserable.  Especially to sit in.

Feeling defeated, I climbed to my feet and made my way into the kitchen.

“You’re supposed to be watching TV!” Ashley said the moment she spotted me.

“I’ve got a problem,” I tried to say as clearly as I could around that damn pacifier.

“What?” she asked, her eyes already going to my diaper.  Was she trying to suppress a laugh?

How could I say it?  I didn’t want to say it, but I had no choice but to force myself.  “I’m wet!” I announced angrily.

“Yes,” she replied.  “I can see that.  Go back and watch TV and enjoy it.  We’re still busy.”

“But I’m wet!” I argued.

“Baby,” she said, trying to sound irritated, despite the fact that I knew she wanted to laugh instead.  “I hope for your sake that you’re not asking to have someone change you.  We told you that’s not allowed.  You don’t worry about if you’re wet or messy.  That’s for us to worry about, not you.  You don’t worry about things like if you need your diaper changed or not.  That’s our job, not yours.  So don’t even think about asking anyone to change you.  Now get back in there and watch TV, or I’ll tell Jared that you’ve been bad, and we’ll see what kind of punishment he decides to give you.  And I have no doubt that it will be something painful.”

The message was clear, they weren’t going to let me out of my now soaked diaper.  I just hope they wouldn’t leave me in it too long.  Was it possible for someone my age to get diaper rash?  I had no doubt it was something I should be concerned about.  But how about them?  Were they concerned about things like that?  I could only hope.  Like it or not, I turned and headed back to the living room.

“And sit on the floor!” Ashly reminded me.

Why did they all have to be so cruel?  Just because I was tired of living without my wife?  Just because I wanted to die so I could be with her again?  Just so I could die so I wouldn’t feel so horribly depressed anymore?  They were all making my life far more miserable than it had been.  And in the process, they were making it even more difficult for me to do the one thing I now wanted to do more than ever.  Die!

How was I going to handle this situation?  I didn’t have a clue.  The colorful cartoons were still moving around on the TV screen.  The inane dialog was still coming from the TV speakers.  Like it or not, I sat my soggy bottom down on the floor in front of the TV set.  With little else to look at or do, I watched.  Despite myself, those cartoon characters held some of my interest, but most of my mind was still occupied with my situation, and how I could possibly get out of it.  I still didn’t have a clue.

Like it or not, I watched TV for a while, until all of a sudden, all the men came back in through the door.  All of them looked at me.  None of them spoke to me.

“Ready for dessert?” I heard Caitlin ask them.

They all headed for the kitchen, leaving me alone with the cartoons.  Bill came back and sat on the couch.  He had a small dessert plate with a slice of one of the pies on it.  Jared came back and headed straight for the remote control to the TV.  The cartoons disappeared and the football pregame show filled the screen instead.  A vast improvement I was happy about.  I just wasn’t happy about having to sit there, dressed as a baby, in front of all of them.  Jared then added insult to injury by sitting down in my recliner.  I could have clobbered him.

One by one, the men started coming back into the living room.  And then Emily was there in front of me, reaching down and pulling up on my arm.  “Come on baby,” she said.  “Let’s get you some yummy pie.”

That was the first good thing I had heard since all this started.  I just wasn’t sure how good it was.  I was looking forward to that pie, more so because of how bad my mouth still tasted after drinking that bottle of baby formula.

Holding my hand, Emily led me to the kitchen table, where she sat me down in one of the chairs.  It was Caitlin though who set my piece of pie down in front of me.  I stared at it.  “What’s this?” I asked around my stupid pacifier.  What I saw was a small plate full of mashed up…something.

Caitlin though seemed to ignore what I said.  Instead, she reached for the plug in my mouth and finally removed it, before grabbing a napkin and wiping all the slobber from my chin.  Then she left me like that.  How was I supposed to eat?  My hands were useless.

One by one, the ladies began sitting down at the table.  Caitlin came back and sat right next to me with her own piece of pie.  A beautifully cut, beautiful looking piece of pie.  Not like what was on my plate at all.  As the women talked, mostly ignoring me, I could do nothing but watch as they all began eating.  And then Caitlin took her fork and used it to grab some of the mashed-up mess on my plate, and then she held it up near my mouth.

“Choo-choo,” she said.  “Open wide for the train.”

She had to be kidding!  But I dutifully opened my mouth, and she shoved the messy pie into it, before going back to her own pie and the conversation.  At least the pie in my mouth tasted good.  Apple, I noticed.  One of my favorites.  Although any flavored pie would taste much better than that lousy baby formula.  Little by little, I got fed by her, while they all continued to eat and talk.  I could hear the football game starting on TV out in the living room.  In some ways I would rather be out there with the guys.  In truth though, I didn’t want to be either out there or here in the kitchen.  I wanted to go somewhere I could be by myself for a while.  But of course, being by myself had been a rare luxury for some time now, and I was guessing that luxury was going to become even more of a luxury for me if they were going to insist on keeping me in this state.

Eventually, Ashley and Emily left the table while the rest of the women continued to talk, and Caitlin finished feeding me my pie.  It was a few minutes before the two women came back.  “All done?” Ashley asked Caitlin.

“Just now,” Caitlin confirmed as she grabbed a towel and began wiping my mouth clean for me.  But then of course, she picked up that stupid pacifier and stuck it back where I didn’t want it.

Emily stood right next to me and grabbed my hand.  “Come on baby,” she said.

Now what?  Was she finally going to get me out of that wet diaper?  It was all I could think of.  With her holding my hand, she and Ashley led me into my bedroom.  I immediately noticed that the covers had been pulled back and someone had stuck some kind of protective pad on top of the exposed sheets.

“Okay, nap time baby,” Emily announced.

I was flabbergasted.  Nap time?  I was about to argue, but both Emily and Ashley pushed me backwards onto my king-sized bed, right on top of that protective pad.  Then Emily climbed on the bed with me and sat right on top of my body, holding me down.  Ashley grabbed one of my useless hands and slipped something over that hand and onto my wrist, then she pulled it tight.  I realized she had attached a rope to that arm.  Rope that was tied to the headboard.

“That should keep you there till you finish your nap,” Ashley told me.  Luckily, Emily got off me with one of her signature chuckles.

And then I saw Caitlin come into the room…with a baby bottle in her hands.  “Here you go,” she said as she handed the bottle to Emily.  Emily immediately pulled my pacifier out, then held the bottle nipple to my mouth.

“You know the drill,” Ashley said sternly.  “Hold that bottle and drink it.  All of it!”

The rope attached to my arm easily gave me enough freedom to do that much.  It just wouldn’t let me leave the bed to go far enough to matter.

The contents of the bottle surprised me.  I had already seen that it didn’t look like more baby formula.  As I drank it, it took me a moment to figure out what it was.  Apple juice.  I hadn’t had any in…many years.  Despite drinking it from a baby bottle, and despite the fact that I didn’t want anything to drink in the first place, it actually tasted pretty good.  Not at good as that piece of mashed-up apple pie I had just finished, but still pretty good.

The women stayed there until they made sure I was doing as they wanted.  Ashley leaned over me and hugged me while I was drinking.  “Enjoy your nap,” she said.  “I’ll see you in a few days.  Love you baby.”  And then she walked out, followed by Caitlin and Emily, who turned off the light, leaving me in semi-darkness.

I didn’t want a nap.  I didn’t want to be stuck in a wet diaper.  I didn’t want to  wear diapers period.  I didn’t want to have to suck on pacifiers or anything else.  I didn’t want any of it.

The only thing I wanted, was to die.  Was that too much to ask for?