Friday, October 30, 2020

Monsters - Chapter 35 – Human Again – Part 2 of 2


By Karen Singer


Chapter 35 – Human Again – Part 2 of 2

 Alfonso was nervous and afraid.  Naked.  His wrists were manacled behind his back and his manacled ankles were bent and chained to his hands.  The exact same position he had woken up in, in the back of a van.  At least he was no longer gaged as he had been for that long drive.  But any food and water he was given had to be eaten on his belly, without the use of his hands.  The bastards!

Chinese bastards!  Everyone he had seen since he had woken up in that van had been Chinese, and he didn’t understand a single word of anything that had been said.  From everything he could tell, he was now somewhere in China…as unlikely as that seemed, but that’s the impression he got.  The last non-Chinese person he could remember seeing, was that…woman!  Death!  She had ripped the gasmask from his face, and the gas had done the rest.  She was the last thing he could remember seeing…although he didn’t really see her.  Her entire head had been covered, including her eyes.  Was she Chinese too?  He wouldn’t doubt it for a moment.  

Lying on his side, he had done his best to survey his surroundings.  In truth, he couldn’t tell much at all.  It was a small place with a concrete floor.  Wooden walls and a door.  Very plain.  Secured and chained as he was, he didn’t stand much chance of breaking out.  Especially since he had discovered another chain running to a large beam in the wall.  Whatever this place was, it had been built sturdy.

The door opened.  He watched as a man entered.  No surprise, he was Chinese.  But this one seemed different.  He acted different too.  Was this the man that would kill him? 

Xiang looked down at the chained naked man.  He smiled.  His practiced eyes wandered over the man’s body.  A black man.  It had been a while now since he had done anything with a black man.  It would be such a pleasure.  But unfortunately, this one was not going to be a plaything for his amusement.

“You are the one they call…Alfonso.  Correct?”

It was the first English words that Alfonso had heard.  “What of it?”

“I am Doctor Xiang.  A…medical doctor.  There doesn’t appear to be any lingering effects from the gas.”

“What do you want?” Alfonso demanded.

“To talk.”

“I’m not saying anything!”

Xiang laughed.  “Trust me.  You will.”

Alfonso didn’t like the sound of that.  He knew from his studies in mental conditioning just what some prison techniques could do to a man.  And China was particularly bad.

“Unfortunately,” Xiang continued, “questioning you is not going to be my pleasure.  But Miss Janice has kindly allowed me the opportunity to speak with you before I must leave.”

“Miss Janice?”

“Perhaps the most remarkable woman I’ve ever met,” Xiang replied.  “But you will meet her later.  So tell me, those…cages.  Was it you that developed them?  They are…ingenious.  I do wish I had the opportunity to study a subject in them for a much longer period of time.  I’ve already seen what it can do to a body, but…what it must do to the mind!  So, was it you that developed them?”

Even though Alfonso was proud of developing those cages, he decided that he wasn’t going to admit to anything.  If his position wasn’t so dire, he would have laughed at this man’s clumsy attempts to question him.  He stared up at Xiang and said nothing.

“Ah,” Xiang said with a shake of his head.  “No trust.  It won’t matter.  In a little while, I can guarantee that you will be wishing that Miss Carol had killed you instead of simply capturing you.”

“Miss Carol?” Alfonso asked.

“A young woman I have been asked to train a number of times in the past.  An assassin now, and I understand she is quite accomplished.”

“Is she the one they call Death?”

“Death?  I do not know.  However, I will concede that Miss Carol is quite deadly.  She has developed two main loves.  Guns, and motorbikes.”

“But you’re a doctor, and yet you trained her to kill.”

“Of course.  But then…curing people and taking care of them are not my main areas of expertise.  I’m far more interested in…how shall we say…torture techniques.  Being a doctor and understanding the human body as I do helps me to know just what will inflict the maximum amount of pain without killing someone.”

Alfonso’s eyes had gone wide as soon as Xiang had mentioned the word torture.  “You’re going to torture me?”

“Ah…as I said, not me.  Miss Janice has claimed that responsibility.”

“So this…Janice is going to apply the thumb screws.”

Xiang chuckled.  “Nothing so archaic.  Her methods are truly revolutionary.  To my knowledge, no one has ever come close to duplicating what she is capable of.  To a small degree, I am actually jealous of what she can do.”

“And yet you like to torture people.”

“Of course.  It’s just that my methods are more…physical than Miss Janice.  Her methods torture the mind and leave the body whole.”

That didn’t sound good at all to Alfonso.

I remember one case however, when I was called in to punish someone…after Miss Janice had done her work.  What she had accomplished was… truly awesome!  She had taken a healthy man and carefully constructed a completely new mind…a new brain as you will.  But not only did she do that, but she had put a type of switch in that brain so that with a simple phrase of words, you could go instantly back and forth from the old brain and person to the new brain she had created.  Quite remarkable.

“Sounds like hypnotism,” Alfonso said.

“Oh, I guess it is…of sorts, but believe me, it goes far beyond that.  Far, far beyond.”

“So if what she did to that person was so great, why did they call you in?”

Xiang chuckled again.  “What she did was so good, that the new mind she created in the subject, had no knowledge at all of his old life.  And unfortunately, her conditioning left him completely happy with what he was now.  That didn’t sit well with my employer.  She wanted the man to suffer.  So I was called in.”  He chuckled again.  “And what we did to that man…  He’s still suffering today.  And he will continue to suffer for the rest of his miserable life.”

Alfonso was growing nervous.  He already knew that the Chinese could be cruel, which didn’t bode well for him.  But something Xiang said gave him a hint of hope.  “So, this Miss Janice gave the man a new personality?  One where he was happy?”  As far as he was concerned now, if this Janice simply gave him a new personality, one that was happy, then that didn’t sound so bad.

“Oh no.  Not a new personality.  When she was finished with the man, he was no longer a man at all.  At least, not mentally.  No, she had removed every vestige of humanity from the man and carefully reconstructed his brain…into that of a dog.”

“A dog!”

“Yes.  It was really amazing.  Miss Janice hates men, you see.  But at the same time, she doesn’t like killing them.  So when she’s done with them, they aren’t men anymore.  Mentally, they aren’t human anymore.  And I understand she’s only gotten better at it since.  Unfortunately, that first time I saw her work, the subject was too happy in that new life for my employer’s taste.  She wanted him to suffer more.  So I was brought in.”

Afraid of what Janice might do again, Alfonso felt he had to ask.  “What did you do?”

“Oh,” Xiang said as he remembered it clearly.  “First we had his legs folded back permanently by having heavy steel bands welded onto them to make sure he would always stay on his hands and knees.  Then we covered his knees, his hands, and his genitals in very heavy rubber so he no longer had hands, there would be no way he could ever touch anything, or receive any sexual pleasure, and the rubber meant that the new permanent position of his legs would not deteriorate too much.  That thick rubber was like what they make automobile tires out of.  He has no trouble crossing a pavement highway now on a very hot day.  He can’t feel much of anything at all.  After that, we attached a ring from the rubber surrounding his genitals, and we ran cables from the rubber in his right hand, through the ring, and down to his left knee.  We did the same with his other hand and knee so that all his movements would be difficult and there was no way he could ever attack or try to fight back.”

Alfonso’s eyes were wide as he tried to imagine it. 

“And then, the brilliant part,” Xiang said as he remembered it all.  “A trainer was brought in and the…well, he really wasn’t a man anymore.  But a trainer was brought in and he was trained to behave as only an animal and nothing else…with the exception of one thing.  He was also trained to bring sexual pleasure.”

Alfonso remembered what he had done with the women under his care.  He too had trained them to become nothing but dogs that would also only provide sexual services.

“To this day,” Xiang continued, “if he doesn’t succeed in providing the necessary service, then he doesn’t get anything to eat at all, and I understand they are still giving him nothing but scraps and dogfood.  Of course, since they shipped him off to live in a brothel in China, he gets plenty of opportunity to provide that service.  Although in China, he also can’t understand what anyone around him is saying…much like any other animal.”  Xiang took in a happy breath as he thought about it.  “That has been his life for years now, and I see no reason why it won’t continue for the rest of his life.  But that was my first experience seeing Miss Janice’s work.  Remarkable.  Really.  And now lately, I’ve had the pleasure of working with her daughter as well, Miss Carol.”

“Her daughter?  Janice’s daughter, is Death?”

“I don’t know about this Death.  As I said, I only know that she is an accomplished assassin.”  He smiled.  “She has been interesting to teach.  Since she has an interest as well in…shall we say, cruelty…the two of us have had some interesting conversations.”

Alfonso’s imagination had no trouble picturing what kind of people had he fallen victim to.

“Are you sure you won’t speak to me about your remarkable cages and what else you’ve done?”

Alfonso tried to picture that scenario, and couldn’t.  What kind of people had he fallen victim to?

“Are you sure you won’t speak to me about your remarkable cages and what else you’ve done?”

Alfonso only stared at him, the shock of the things he had been told was too clear in his mind.  He couldn’t have spoken if he wanted to.

Xiang sighed.  “Too bad.  I’m sure we could have had a most enjoyable conversation.”  He nodded.  “I will leave you now to Miss Janice’s tender loving care.”

As Alfonso watched the man walking out, his mind was filled with nothing but horror at the things he had just heard.  What were they going to do to him?  And now this Miss Janice was going to take his mind and….  A small bit of something he had read in his studies fought to become clear.  There was very little evidence and the knowledge had come through several sources to get to him.  But the FBI and other authorities were looking for someone…a woman…who was a mind control expert.  And that woman left her victims as things that weren’t human.  Early subjects that were known could be brought out of it briefly with strong electrical shock, but they always reverted back to what she had done with them shortly after.  But nothing had been found at all that could bring back the few later victims they had found.  As far as medical science could tell, her later subjects were that way even more permanently than the earlier ones.

Could this Miss Janice the doctor had spoken about be that woman?  He very much feared he had fallen somehow into her clutches.  What would happen?  What would become of him?  And a large part of his academic brain couldn’t help but wonder, how did she do it?


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Slow and easy.  Brandy’s entire crotch didn’t just ache, it hurt.  There were stitches now in each of the places where she had been pierced, and all of the anesthetic had worn off.  Now Carol was “forcing” her to take a walk.  Something she knew would be very good for her stiff body, but also something that was now more painful than it would have been before the doctor had removed the cable holding her vagina closed.  But the doctor’s prognosis was that she would be left with no other impairment than a few small scars.  That was good…if it would ever stop hurting.

Her vagina hurt!  Her breasts hurt and flopped back and forth under her shirt.  She still couldn’t wear a bra, and had no interest in wearing one.  According to the doctor, if her breasts didn’t go back into shape by themselves, then she might require surgery.  He had suggested a good supporting bra.  But right now, she had enough discomfort, she didn’t need a bra to make matters worse.

“It’s beautiful today,” Carol said from her side as they walked out the back door, intent on simply walking around the grounds so Brandy could get some fresh air and exercise.

“You have no idea,” Brandy replied, completely enjoying the feeling of walking freely, even painfully, in the open air.  A blinding snowstorm would have been enjoyable weather to Brandy after what she had been through.

“What the heck?” Brandy said as she caught sight of the odd men squatting and moving around in the fenced in paddock next to the barn.

“Oh, they’re some of Mom’s work,” Carol told her.  My mother never did chickens before.  She wants to create a whole flock of them before we release them.”

“Release them?”

“Back in Las Vegas.  Mom is sure they’re going to be quite a sensation.”

“I have no doubt,” Brandy agreed.  The strange men that Janice had worked on didn’t seem to bother her at all.  Not like she had discovered just the presence of other men did.

They found Janice just inside the barn, talking with Mr. Wu.  “Hi Mom,” Carol greeted her mother.

Janice smiled at the sight of Brandy and Carol together.  “Out for a walk?”

“Yeah,” Carol replied.  “Just a short one.  Brandy is still hurting quite a bit from having that cable removed.”

“I have no doubt!” Janice agreed.

“What are you up to?” Carol asked.

“I was just about to go in and meet our new guest.  I’m actually looking forward to it.  I have no doubt that he and I are going to have a number of very interesting conversations…before I do something else with him.”

“Guest?” Brandy asked.

“Alfonso,” Carol told her.

Just hearing the name sent a major wave of fear through Brandy.  She turned around.  “Let’s go back to the house, okay?”  She started walking immediately. 

Carol turned and looked at her mother.  Both of them had worried expressions on their faces.



Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Monsters - Chapter 35 – Human Again – Part 1 of 2


By Karen Singer


Chapter 35 – Human Again – Part 1 of 2


Even muted by the curtains, the morning sun was strange enough to wake her.  Early in the night, she had rolled over onto her stomach, drawn her knees up to her chest and put her arms in the same position they had been locked into for so long.  Her chin rested on a pillow, supporting her head in the position she had been in for so long.  Instead of cold hard metal, she felt a soft mattress and bedding supporting and surrounding her.  Her mouth was closed though, but only by the weight of her head against the pillow where she rested her chin.  The position was the only one she felt comfortable in.

She opened her eyes.  Instead of seeing the empty beige wall, she saw stacked pillows and the headboard of the bed.  It was hard to believe.  She was free.  Mostly.  Her hands were still confined, and her vagina was still sewn shut, but that doctor had promised to do something about them tomorrow…today now.  In truth, her confined hands and sewn vagina felt normal.  What didn’t feel normal was everything else.  She was…free.  Rescued!  By Carol.  And Carol still loved her.

She breathed in deeply, letting that relief wash through her.  Sudden movement next to her caught her attention.  Slowly and painfully, she tried to turn her head to the side, but she didn’t get far before Carol was moving up closer to her.  She felt Carol’s arm going around her waist, and then her head was next to hers.  Soft loving lips kissed her cheek.

“Morning,” Carol said softly.  “How are you?”

How was she?  In truth, she was fantastic, only because she was free.  All the other things, the pain, the stiffness, the things that were still wrong with her, didn’t matter.  All that matter was that she was free.  It was amazing and fantastic.  Her jaw and mouth worked better today.  “Good,” she managed to say normally.  She felt Carol kiss her cheek again, and with some effort, Brandy was able to turn her head far enough to the side so the two of them could kiss properly.  Love.  After being reduced to nothing for so long.  After being a thing instead of a person for so long.  Love was the biggest difference.  And she felt that love strongly from Carol. 

“Time to roll over again and stretch out,” Carol told her.

Stretched out wasn’t comfortable.  But Brandy knew Carol was right.  She rolled her body over and painfully stretched all her limbs out straight. 

Carol kissed her lips again.  “I’ll have Natalia run you another bath,” she told Brandy.  “Then, do you think you feel up to coming downstairs for breakfast?  If not, I can have something brought up for you?”

The bath sounded great.  She’d had several the evening before.  The warm water seemed to help the pain and stiffness, not to mention how simply wonderful the warm baths felt.  “I want to be human again,” she replied.

Carol kissed her again.  “Good!”  She got up and went to the door to find Natalia, but Natalia was already waiting out in the hallway.  “Bath time,” she told the maid.  “Then she wants to go down for breakfast.”

Natalia smiled.  She had done as much as she could last night to help Miss Brandy.  She hurried into the room and straight for the bathroom there to draw Brandy’s bath.


--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---


Clothes!  She had been naked for so long, in front of so many people, it barely meant anything to her anymore.  But wearing clothes again, real clothes, had an effect on her that she hadn’t anticipated.  More than anything else so far, the clothes that Natalia and Carol were helping to dress her in seemed to emphasize that she wasn’t a thing.  She wasn’t a dumb piece of furniture.  She was human!

After she had the simple underwear, slacks, and shirt on…no bra, Carol took off to get ready for breakfast herself.  While Carol was gone, Natalia started working on her hair.  The brushing felt wonderful.  Natalia had washed her hair last night the second time she had been put into the tub, but today, the brushing felt better than ever.  She relaxed, closing her eyes and savoring the feeling…as her mouth unconsciously dropped into its usual open position.

A short while later, Carol was back.  With Carol holding onto her tightly, Brandy slowly made her way down the stairs.  She was walking.  Going down stairs, mostly by herself. She was moving around.  Going places.  She was…human again.  It seemed like every little new thing that she did emphasized that fact loud and clear.  Even if her hands were crushed and no longer worked anymore, even if she didn’t have a vagina anymore, it wouldn’t matter.  What mattered was that she was human.  She was moving around on her own.  She could talk.  She could do things.  She was human.

The breakfast table was set elegantly…like she remembered it.  The only people she saw besides Carol, were the servants as they finished the breakfast preparations.  Carol pulled out a chair for her and she sat – like a human – at a table.  Carol sat right next to her.


There was still some stiffness as she turned her head to look at the woman with the coffee pot.  “Yes please,” she replied as politely as she could.  She waited while the woman poured some coffee into the cup.  She reached out to pick up the cup, but she couldn’t.  She had no hands.  Frustrated, she set her useless hands back in her lap.  But as she did, she saw Carol reaching for her coffee cup.  Carol held it to her lips and tipped it up very slowly.  Her mouth worked much better now, and she was able to drink some.  “Thanks,” she said, still frustrated that she couldn’t do it for herself.  But she was sitting at a table like a human being.  She was drinking coffee like a real person.  Never mind that Carol had to help her.  She was human again.

“Good morning!”

Brandy turned her head and saw Janice approaching the table.  She went to Carol, hugged her and gave her a brief peck on the cheek.  Brandy was surprised when Janice did the same for her before going to the head of the table to sit down.  The servant was there immediately pouring her coffee.

Susan Wu and her father came into the room.  Something about seeing Mr. Wu there sent a tiny bit of fear through Brandy, but she pushed it away. 

“Morning!” the male voice from behind her was a surprise…and just the sound of it brought a touch of fear, even though Brandy knew that voice very well.  She felt hands touching her shoulder.  She felt her uncle leaning over her.  “Hi kid,” he said.  “Welcome back.”

One of her bound up hands went up to touch his.  “Thanks,” she said simply.  She watched as her Uncle Vinny moved around to the other side of the table with Sammy and they sat down to eat.  And then the doctor came in.  The strange man who had helped get her out of that cage.  He had visited her twice in her room last night, never doing more than just checking on her.  But she supposed that had been enough.  She couldn’t wait until he could free her hands…and she feared it just as much.  She had heard the comments he had made to the others about the possibility of her hands being crushed too much.  But still, even without hands, she would be human again.

She knew that Janice hated men – passionately.  But looking around the table, there were four men sitting there this morning.  She found that strange.  She wondered how Janice felt about it.  She knew how she felt.  In truth, all the men around her were making her nervous.

Servants came in and set plates of food in front of each of them.  Eggs.  Toast.  The whole nine yards.  It looked and smelled wonderful.  Brandy couldn’t wait to start eating.  It was a good thing her hands were useless, because she would have dug in immediately.  She was about to turn to Carol to ask for her help, when Janice began saying grace.  She had forgotten that odd little quirk about the woman.  Fortunately, grace didn’t last long, and as soon as she was done, she saw Carol sticking a fork into the food on her plate. 

Brandy opened her mouth wide, ready for her first taste of real solid food in…what seemed like years!  She felt the food going into her mouth.  Her mouth closed around the fork, pulling it off.  And tears ran down her face.  Solid food.  It was the first bit of solid food she had eaten in a very long time.  It was all she could do not to sob with joy.  Eating was slightly painful.  Not only was her jaw stiff and hard to move, all the places in her mouth where the ring gag had been attached still hurt.  But she was eating – food!  Real food!  Never mind that Carol had to feed her every bite, she was still eating – like a human!

She was human!


--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---


The breakfast dishes had been cleared from the table, but everyone else remained.  It was time.  Dr. Xiang moved and sat next to Brandy.  Brandy put both her bound hands on the table.  Xiang picked up her right hand and held it to examine it closely again.

“I don’t think the bones are broken,” Brandy told him.  “As the leather dried, it hurt for a long time.  Then…I couldn’t feel anything anymore.”

Xiang nodded.  “We will see.  He used a scalpel to cut the laces.  Very gently, he tried to peel back the leather, but gently wasn’t working.  The leather was still too tight.  He cut more of it, doing is best to not cut into Brandy’s hands.  Finally, the leather cover came off.  Underneath, the doctor was surprised to find layers of tape holding her hand in the closed position.  He quickly guessed that the tape holding her fingers in the right position had made putting the leather covers on much easier.  His scalpel went to work on the tape, creating an opening, then he pulled.  The tape came off and Brandy’s hand was revealed – crushed into an unnatural position.

Xiang studied the hand and especially the fingers carefully.  He felt each bone in her hand as best he could.  “You may be lucky,” he said softly, still examining the hand.  “Here we go,” he said as he grabbed her thumb.  Very gently but firmly, he pulled the thumb out straight.   Brandy cried out in pain.  Xiang stopped and felt the bone in her thumb again, he didn’t think it was broken and the joint appeared to okay as well.  “I don’t think it’s broken,” he told her.  “It has just been held too tightly for too long.  He moved the thumb a little bit, then moved on to the next finger.

One by one, he pried each finger free, examining each one carefully.  “I believe you have been very lucky,” he told Brandy.  Like the rest of your body, your fingers will need exercise for you to regain full use of them, but otherwise, I see no other problems.”

Brandy’s face contorted in pain as she tried to open and closer the fingers of her hand.  They moved, but with difficulty and pain.  But…they moved!

Xiang started on her other hand.  It was another slow and painful process, but eventually Brandy had two hands again.  Even more human!  She vowed that the next time she sat down to eat, she would feed herself!  “Thanks,” she told the doctor, a bit breathlessly as she tried to painfully work her fingers.

“Now we must see to the last part of what they did to you,” Xiang told her.  “Your vagina.”  He looked up at Susan.  “Perhaps the bedroom would be the best place?”

“Definitely!” Susan agreed.

“I think this is our cue to leave,” Vinny announced.  He went around and hugged Brandy.  “I’m glad they found you, and everything seems like it’s going to be okay.  Sammy and I are going home now.  Call if you need anything.  Love you kid.”

This time, Brandy was actually able to grab his hand with hers.  “Love you too, Uncle Vinny.”

Vinny looked over at Carol.  “I take it you’re going to find this guy Vince and put an end to him?”

It was Susan that answered.  “We already know where he is and we’re tracking him closely.”

“I don’t plan on killing him,” Carol told him.  “I plan to capture him.  He’s going to wish we had killed him instead.”

“And I’m looking forward to working with him,” Janice added.

After seeing what Janice was capable of, Vinny only nodded.  There was no doubt about it, Janice could be a fate worse than death.  He was glad she had told him that she would never come after him.

“Thanks,” Vinny told Janice.  “Take care of my niece.”

“Don’t worry,” Janice replied.  “We will.”

Vinny had no doubt at all that Brandy was in good hands.  “Take care kid,” he said as he patted Brandy’s shoulder, then he and Sammy headed up to their rooms to pack.

“The bedroom then,” Xiang said as he too got up from the table.

As they all headed slowly for the stairs, Susan stopped Xiang and whispered.  “This time, if you have to do anything to her, don’t cause her any pain.  If it’s necessary, as I have no doubt it will be, a little anesthetic might be advisable.

Xiang got the message loud and clear.  “Of course,” he agreed.

The only man in the room was Doctor Xiang, but the room still seemed to be filled with people.  Brandy was totally naked again, a state that no longer bothered her in the least.  As Xiang prepared a local anesthetic, her eyes swept briefly around the room.  Carol was sitting on the bed right there next to her, holding tightly onto her hand.  Susan Wu hovered nearby with Janice slightly behind her.  Both Natalia and Susannah were looking on from the other side of the bed.  Brandy felt more comfortable with all the women surrounding her.  She would have felt even better if the doctor wasn’t there.  But the doctor had to be there.  Why couldn’t they have sent for a woman doctor?  She was grateful though, so she said nothing.

“Little prick,” Xiang said softly to Brandy as he held the hypodermic needle ready.

Brandy’s first thought though was to think that the size of someone’s dick that was about to enter her, but the slight pain she felt quicky dissolved that illusion.  Her muscles tightened at the pain that was probably amplified because the shot had been given in such a sensitive place.  She felt the needle being removed.

“And again,” Xiang said.

Brandy felt the pain from the needle again, now in a different place, then again, then one more time.  Four shots of the local anesthetic.  Each shot had hurt, but at least it was over now.  Now all she needed was to get that cable out of her vagina.  As she thought about that, memories of making love with Carol flashed through her mind.  Wonderful memories.  Would she ever be able to feel what she had felt before?  She desperately hoped so. 

“Can you feel this?” Xiang asked.

“What?” Brandy asked, her mind coming back to what was happening. 

Xiang nodded and grabbed the wire cutters that had been found for him to work with.

The only thing Brandy could feel down there was some slight tugging.  No feeling at all really.  Just like it had been since she had been captured.  No feeling.  No pleasure.  No love.  She felt Carol’s hand tighten briefly against hers.

Carol leaned over. “How you doin?” she asked.

“Good,” Brandy replied, turning her head to Carol and managing to kiss her lips.  “I’m just praying I’ll be able to enjoy something again.  Anything!  Even just a little bit.”

Carol kissed her lips again.  “You will Babe.  I promise.”

While the slight tugging and pulling continued, Brandy’s mind went back to remembering the love sessions between her and Carol.  Love.  Love.  Love.  She’d been to bed with many men before.  Several women too.  But none of them came close to what she felt with Carol.  None of them!  As Xiang continued to work on her, she remembered those wonderful steamy sessions where they expressed their feelings for each other.



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Friday, October 23, 2020

Monsters - Chapter 34 – Extraction – Part 2 of 2


By Karen Singer


 Chapter 34 – Extraction – Part 2 of 2

 Xiang was anxious to see his new patient.  He had gotten a description of what had been done to her from Susan.  He had even seen the picture that Carol had taken.  But all that did was to spark his imagination.  For someone who lived to find new methods of cruelty, the opportunity to see someone else’s handiwork was a rare treat.  Never mind that it was a patient he would have to help.  He was still anxious to examine what had been done.

Since he spent a lot of time at the Wu’s compound in North Carolina, he knew Susan and her father very well.  He had met Janice on a few occasions, finding her work fascinating.  He had been asked to tutor Carol off and on for several years too.  Teaching her what things could hurt the human body more than others.  He also had to teach her quite a bit about first-aid and what to do in case she got hurt or shot.  Knowing what he did about Carol, he was amazed the girl was still alive.  But Carol too had a head for cruelty, and so working with her sometimes generated some interesting conversations.

After a long flight across the country, then another long trip to Janice’s house from the airport in Los Angeles, his body was tired, but his mind was excited and was totally focused on the problem ahead.  A problem he couldn’t wait to see. 

After a brief opportunity to freshen up inside the house, Susan and her father escorted him through the back door and out toward a large barn.  It wasn’t the sight of the barn though that caught his attention.  As they walked, his eyes fell on what he saw wandering around in the fenced in yard next to the barn.  There were a number of… “men”…wandering around, in the most ridiculous position, acting in the most curious manner possible.  Janice’s work, he had no doubt.  The woman was an absolute genius!

“Chickens,” Susan told him, offering no other information.

“Ahh,” Xiang replied.  “Most ingenious.”

“Don’t let Janice know if they’re a bit difficult to figure out,” Mr. Wu added.  “She seems a bit sensitive about it.”

“Of course not,” Xiang agreed.  “But now that you mention it, I have no difficulty seeing it at all.  I must study them more later.”

“I’m afraid they’ll have to wait until after we take care of Brandy.”

“Ah yes,” Xiang agreed.  “I can’t wait!  This sounds very interesting.”

Xiang was led into the large barn and into one of the rooms created from several of the horse stalls.  In the room, he saw Carol, but more importantly, his eyes went immediately to the large object sitting on the table that was draped with a blanket.  The only part of that object he could see was a head sticking out from the blanket, fastened by some kind of metal brace.

“Dr. Xiang!” Carol exclaimed, relieved that he had finally arrived.

“Miss Carol,” Xiang greeted her with a small bow.  But his eyes went immediately back to what was on the table and what dominated the room.  He took a moment to savor the sight before him, his eyes studying not just the blanked covered body, but the sight of the head sticking out from it.  Almost giddy with the anticipation, he asked, “can we remove the blanket now?” 

One of the group of workers who had entered the room with them pulled the blanket away and Xiang got his first real glimpse of what had been done to the woman.  It was exquisite!  Genius!  As his eyes appeared to study the cage and the woman’s predicament, Xiang’s mind was salivating over the horror of the situation.  Nobody else could see that though, even though Xiang had no doubt that Susan, her father, and possibly Carol, could probably guess the delicious emotions and thoughts running through him just then.

“We need to get her out!” Carol reminded him, trying to get Xiang to do something – sooner rather than later.

“Of course,” Xiang replied, barely acknowledging the remark as he continued to stare at the arrangement.

He moved closer.  His hands now running slowly over almost every part of the cage from the base of Brandy’s neck to the very back.  When he got behind her, he found another surprise he hadn’t seen before.  Someone had sewn the woman’s vagina shut with steel cable.  Very nice!  His fingers ran lightly over the threading then followed the catheter down to where it was draining out into a plastic container.

“She had a big bucket hanging from her breasts,” Carol told him.  “One of the whores we rescued told us they didn’t allow the bucket to be emptied until it was overflowing, and then they had to put it right back on again.  She was in constant pain.”

“Yes,” Xiang said softly, imagining just what had been done to the woman.

His continued his examination of the cage, going along the other side of it, heading very slowly back toward the front.  This time, he took more careful note of how the head was held so immobile.  Coming fully in front of her, he saw the way her mouth was open.  His fingers moved her lips aside so he could examine the ring gag better.

“I couldn’t pull it out,” Carol told him.  “It seems to be fastened to her gums somehow.”

“Yes,” Xiang breathed softly again, his mind continuing to imagine what the woman in that cage must have felt.

“I wanted to cut the covers off her hands,” Carol said next, but Susan was worried that the leather may have broken the bones in her hands. 

This time, Xiang nodded and moved his examination to her hands.  “Wise,” he said softly as he felt the leather.  “The leather has become hard.  As with everything else, we will have to be very cautious to remove them.”

Once again, he began a slow tour around Brandy, going slightly faster this time, but still examining everything closely.  When he got to the far side of her, he stopped to look under her at what had been done to her breasts.  The distention told the story of a lot of weight pulling at them for a very long time.  The woman would need surgery to make them look normal again.  In his opinion, believe it or not, her breasts might be the least of her problems.

“Doctor,” Carol said.  “Can we at least start undoing the welds now?”

In a way, the question irritated Xiang.  He could stare at the woman like that in the cage device forever.  Savoring it.  But he had been brought out here to remove the woman from the cage, not keep her in it.  Unfortunately.  He finally nodded and looked at Mr. Wu.  “They can start cutting the welds, but do not open any of it.  She will need to be removed very carefully.  Her body will be weak.  It will have to be supported as we go.”

Mr. Wu turned to one of the men in the room and nodded.  The man was there with his equipment just for that purpose.  Instead of cutting the welds with a torch as had been used to weld the cage shut, he would cut the metal with a special saw instead so the woman in the cage wouldn’t be injured.

As the man moved in to work on the cage, Xiang moved around to Brandy’s head to deal with the ring gag in her mouth.  “Can I get a chair?” he asked.  “This may take a bit.”  A chair was quickly found, and Xiang sat in front of Brandy and examined the gag more carefully. 

As the Chinese man in front of Brandy examined the gag in her mouth, loud noise and a strong vibration ran through her body.  It was irritating, but it was also the biggest sign of hope she had yet.  They were removing the cage.  They were really getting her out of it!

As Xiang stuck his fingers in Brandy’s mouth to help him see and feel the situation better, he noticed that her tongue seemed to be working overtime against his fingers.  Not trying to push them out, but licking them.  Interesting.  “Can you keep your tongue away my dear?” he asked Brandy.

Brandy was surprised.  She had been conditioned to use her tongue to the best of her ability the moment anything was put into her mouth.  It took a slight bit of effort, but she stopped licking his fingers and tried to keep her tongue out of the way.  With so much of his hand in her mouth so often, it was difficult.

Xiang studied the gag carefully, he now suspected that the tabs on the gag were hinged cleats of some sort, simply stuck into her gums on both the inside and outside of her teeth.  At any rate, the only way to remove them would be to yank them out.  “Can someone bring me my bag?” he said, referring to the medical bag he had arrived with. 

One of the workers brought it to him and he searched inside of it.  He pulled out a pair of latex gloves and put them on.  Next, he removed a long flat tool from his bag.  “I’m afraid this is going to hurt,” he said to Brandy.  Actually, it was only with certain clients that Xiang ever bothered to use anything to lessen the pain.  He lived to cause pain.  He could have given the woman a local anesthetic so that she wouldn’t feel any pain, but he didn’t bother to ask. 

Using the flat tool, he had to force it with some difficulty under the edge of the cleat, hurting Brandy more in the process.  He was finally able to pry the thing out.  It took some doing and there was quite a bit of blood.  He carefully looked closer at the tiny cleat.  It was barbed like a fishhook so that once it was in place, it couldn’t be removed.  No wonder there was so much bleeding.  Easy to get in, impossible to get out.  But there was no help for it.  Prying the things out was the only solution.  One by one, he popped all the cleats on the inside and outside of her gums.  After that, he still had to work hard to get Brandy’s mouth open far enough to extricate the thing.

“Finally!” Carol breathed from beside him.

Xiang grabbed some gauze and blotted it against each of the wounds.  The bleeding continued.  It would have to stop on its own, which he was sure would take a little while.  They could give the woman some water when he was done.

But now that the gag was out, Xiang noticed something else, Brandy’s mouth was still in the exact same open position.  “The ring is gone now,” he told Brandy.  Can you close your mouth?

Brandy’s mouth was in pain.  She tasted and swallowed a lot of blood.  The ring was gone.  She could feel it gone.  She tried to close her mouth, and couldn’t.  “Oooo,” she said, trying to say no.  She kept trying, but her jaw seemed to be stuck.

Xiang placed his hand under her jaw and gently pushed it up.  Brandy cried in pain, but slowly her jaw closed.  “Open,” he told her with his hand still on her jaw.  He gently pulled the jaw down and slowly her mouth opened, but Xiang could tell it was with some pain and difficulty.  “Close,” he said.  Again, he had to help her close her jaw.  “I’m afraid it’s going to take a bit for your muscles to loosen up again,” he told her.  “But I’m sure that your jaw will work just fine…given a little time.  He checked the bleeding in her mouth briefly.  It was already slowing down.  Good.

He looked up at Carol.  “Can we give her a bit of water so she can rinse her mouth?”

By the time a bottle of water was brought in, Xiang was surprised to see that Brandy’s mouth was open again in the same position it had been before.  He allowed Carol to move in and tilt the bottle and pour the water into Brandy’s mouth, but her mouth remained in the same open position.  “Can you swish some of that water around?” Xiang asked Brandy.

Brandy tried, but the only thing she could move well with her mouth, was her tongue.

Xiang nodded.  “It will come in time,” he told her softly.

He moved around behind her and with one practiced pull, removed the catheter that had been up inside her.  As expected, there was no more urine in her system to leak out.

As the man continued to saw away at the welds, Xiang moved to Brandy’s side where he knelt down and studied what had been done to her breasts.  Basically just piercings.  It took him a few minutes, but before long he pulled both the piercings from both of her breasts.  He left her like that and stood back while the man continued to cut the metal welds.

While they waited, Carol moved in front of Brandy again and gently pushed her mouth closed, she released it and it slowly went back to the same open position.  She hugged Brandy’s head.  “We’re getting there,” she whispered into her ear.  “Very soon now.”

The man cutting the welds finally looked up and nodded at the doctor.

“Very well,” Doctor Xiang said as he moved closer.  “Let’s see if we can figure out how to open this thing and get her out.  I believe we’re going to need to start with her head, but once we release it, she may not be able to support it.  Someone may have to hold her head up.”

“I’ve got it,” Carol told him quickly.

Xiang nodded, and with the help of one of the Wu workers, they unfastened the steel band that went all the way around Brandy’s head.

“Aaaahh!” Brandy grunted in pain as the pressure was released.  It felt like she had suddenly been gifted with a giant headache.  But nobody seemed to notice or care.  She felt Carol grabbing her head and holding it, and then she felt the device being removed completely from her head.

“I’ve got you Babe,” Carol whispered.

Brandy was glad.

With the neck piece gone, Xiang decided to attack the portion of the cage that went around her waist.  When it was removed, nothing at all seemed to happen with her position.  One by one, the parts of the cage were opened, exposing Brandy’s entire body, but she still didn’t move at all, but by now, Xiang didn’t expect her to.  She had been stuck in that position far too long.  While Carol continued to hold Brandy’s head, four men picked Brandy up out of the cage device and set her down on the floor – still in the same position.  Brandy’s body position didn’t change at all and Carol had to continue to hold her head.

Brandy was out!  To her, it was an amazing feeling.  She just couldn’t move anything in her body yet.  In fact, despite being out of that cage, she didn’t even try to move anything yet.

“Turn her onto her side please,” Xiang requested.

Brandy felt her body being slowly and carefully turned onto her side.  Carol let go of her head and laid it on the floor.  It was an amazing experience.  A new position.  She could now see a bit more than she could before.  But still, she kept her body tightly in the same folded shape.

“Now move her onto her back,” Xiang directed. 

Slowly, Brandy was turned, still in her folded position, onto her back.  Nothing on her moved from the shape it had been in for so long, not even her mouth that was still wide open. 

Xiang took Brandy’s right leg and gently but firmly pulled.  It took some tugging and Brandy cried out in pain, but he continued pulling until the leg was fully straight.  After a moment, he gently pushed it bent again, then pulled it out, trying to work the muscles a bit.  One by one, he pulled all of her limbs straight, working each one just slightly, until she was finally laying flat.  Seeing the difficulty he had experienced in doing it, he made a difficult decision.  “No more today,” he said.  “Let’s get her in the house if we can.  I recommend warm baths every few hours, then let her sleep.  Food and drink are going to be essential as well, but this is as far as I dare go with her today.  Tomorrow, I’ll take a look at her hands and what has been done to her vagina.”

Susan started giving orders.  “Wrap her in that blanket and carry her inside.  She turned to one of the female servants.  “Tell Natalia to run a bath for her.”

Brandy was free.  So why did it hurt so much?  Why was it so difficult for her to move her limbs?  She was stretched out, but being stretched out wasn’t comfortable.  She wanted to pull her legs and arms in and contort her body back into the shape she had been stuck in for so long. 

Her vagina was still sewn shut…not that she could feel it anymore, and she still had no hands at all…if she would ever have hands again.  But she was free.  She knew that now with a certainty and a relief she never thought she would feel. 

Carol had come for her.  Carol had rescued her.  Carol was here with her, doing everything she could to help her.  Carol hadn’t abandoned her at all.  It had just taken Carol a very long time to find her.  But Carol did still love her.  She held onto that one thought as her body was picked up and carried from…wherever she was.

Carol watched as Brandy was wrapped in the blanket and picked up.  She followed as she was carried into the house and all the way up to her room where she was laid on the bed until her bath was ready.  She sat down on the side of the bed next to Brandy, whose mouth was still wide open.  She leaned in close.  “I love you,” she said. 

Brandy, with difficulty, nodded her head.  “Uu oo too,” she managed to say, her mouth barely moving.   “Taks,” she added, trying to say thank you for getting her free.

Carol leaned over and kissed her cheek.

“Her bath is ready, Miss,” Natalia announced.


--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---


Ralphie barely saw her.  He had stood with everyone else just outside of the room where they had worked on Brandy for what seemed like an eternity.  What was wrong with her?  He knew a doctor had been called in, but he had been told nothing else.

In the crowd of people watching the open door where Brandy was, Ralphie happened to look around.  His eyes stopped still and stared.  Brandy’s uncle Vinny and his friend Sammy were there.  He locked eyes with Vinny and felt fear going through him.  Vinny finally turned his eyes away to look back at the open doorway.

Things suddenly seemed to be happening.  Everyone was pushed back out of the way and he saw Brandy, wrapped in a blanket, being carried out of the room.  He followed with everyone else out of the barn, but like most people, he stopped just outside of it as Brandy was carried into the house…where he wasn’t allowed to go.

He felt a hand touch his shoulder and he turned, and almost passed out.  Sammy was there.  Sammy motioned with his head to the side, and Ralphie saw Vinny standing there, waiting.  Totally afraid, Ralphie went with Sammy to see what Vinny wanted.

“You’ve been Brandy’s toy for a long time,” Vinny started.  “As much as I don’t like it, or you, Brandy is fond of you.  After all she’s put you through, I was more than a bit surprised to hear that you were the one who found the way for the Wu’s to rescue her.  For that, I have to thank you.  For that, I owe you now.  But that’s all it is.  I owe you, even though it’s something I seriously doubt you’ll ever get the chance to collect.  Since Brandy owns you, you still belong to her.  As far as I’m concerned, nothing has changed.  Understand?  I just want you to know, that I’m grateful for what you did.”

Ralphie was amazed.  As he had been taught so strenuously to do since he had arrived back at the mansion, he automatically grabbed his skirt and dropped a small polite curtsey before speaking.  “Thank you,” he said gratefully.

Vinny nodded and walked off with Sammy toward the house.

Vinny owed him?  But as Vinny had said, it was a debt he would most likely never be able to collect.  But still, he felt very much relieved.  He didn’t need to be worried about Vinny being out to murder him anymore.

Brandy was back.  His life of hell would continue, like it or not.  But at least he now knew where he stood…and he knew he no longer had to worry about Brandy’s uncle.