Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Hypnotized and Humilited - Chapter 27 Part 3 of 4

Hypnotized and Humiliated
By Karen Singer

Chapter 27 Part 3 of 4

“Moooo!”  The moo Marian let out was one of pure relief as the milking machine finally started draining the pressure off of her aching udders…breasts!  She shook her head a bit at the relief as the pressure started draining away, which made her bell clang again.  She hated that bell, but she was becoming more used to it…at least there in the apartment. 
As she closed her eyes, she thought again about Vivian.  The crazy woman had managed to find another totally yellow outfit again.  Totally yellow!  And as far as Marian could see, everything the demented woman had worn was different than the day before.  There was no doubt that those DVDs were working on her.  Now if she could just get time to finish the last DVD before tomorrow.  She had to get it finished!  She had to get herself out of the mess she was in – before she really did start believing she was a cow.  She mooed again at that thought.
Was Vicious Vivian coming tonight to hypnotize them again?  She was sure that she was.  If Vivian kept to her usual schedule, then she had no doubt at all that the crazy woman would be there.  Her only real question was if Vivian would be there before or after she was done being milked.  She was betting before.
The sudden knock on the door brought out yet another moo from Marian.  She had been right.  Vivian had shown up before she was done.  In fact, Phillip hadn’t even emptied her milking machine the first time yet.  A moment later, her vision was filled with the color yellow.
“Oh how marvelous you look,” Vivian said wickedly as she stood over Marian and watched the milk coming heavily out of her.  She quickly turned to Phillip.  “Farmer Phyllis, those bottles are going to need emptying soon.”
“Yeah,” Phillip replied.  “I was just about to do that when you arrived.”
“Well get to it.  Your cow is waiting!”
With the stupid wand still dangling from his wrist, Phillip switched off the machine and removed it from Marian’s neck.  He was aware of Mistress Vivian following him into the kitchen where she watched as he poured it all out into two baby bottles – filling one of them completely and more than half of the second bottle.  She didn’t say another word until Marian was hooked up to the machine again and the milk was flowing from her udders.  And then as soon as he was temporarily done with Marian, he turned around and she said, “Phyllis sucks her thumb!  Immediately he closed his eyes, raised his thumb to his mouth, and dropped into a very deep trance.
As always, Vivian was totally delight at seeing Phillip drop into the trance.  He looked even more precious this time dressed as a princess.  Especially with Dolly in his arms and that silly wand dangling from his wrist.  She sat him down on the couch, and while Marian was still being milked, started taking him deeper and deeper into his trance.  Since Marian still had a long time to be milked, she spent a longer time than usual trying to take Phillip deeper.  Then she pulled out her list for him and one by one, reminded him of absolutely everything that was required of him now.  By the time she was done with him, it was time for Marian’s milking to end.  She woke Phillip up and told him to take care of his cow. 
Marian had listened as Vivian had taken care of Phillip during her milking.  As much as she hated it, she had been hypnotized by Vivian so many times now that she herself had almost dropped into a trance as Vivian took Phillip deeper and deeper.  Fortunately, concentrating on the useless feeling of her fingers inside her kept her from that fate. 
She was surprised when Vivian told Phillip to release her from her stall the moment the machine was off of her neck.  She was surprised, but she wasn’t.  She was really surprised because Vivian had told him to release her so quickly.  Marian wasn’t looking forward to being hypnotized by Vivian again.  She dreaded the prospect of it.  But she already knew it was a foregone conclusion.  She mooed as she crawled out of her stall, but before she had a chance to even climb to her feet, she heard the dreaded command that immediacy sent her into her own thumb sucking trance.
Vivian didn’t take nearly as much time deepening Marian’s trance as she had with Phillip.  In fact, she didn’t spend nearly as much time with Marian at all.  There was a sale going on and she had money to save!  The fact that she rushed more than usual with Marian didn’t worry Vivian at all.  She still had Marian hypnotized and she was still putting everything into Marian’s pea sized brain again.  But the sale beckoned, and the moment she finished with Marian, she waved a quick goodbye to her playthings and was out the door.  As she left, all of Vivian’s thoughts were centered around two things, saving money, and the color yellow!  Hopefully, she would find lots of yellow things on sale tonight! 

Phillip was nearly finished drinking another baby bottle by the time that Mistress Vivian left.  He had watched most of what Vivian had done with Marian – the same thing that Mistress Vivian always did – with both of them.  He was glad that Mistress Vivian was gone now – and not glad.  He wasn’t glad because now he had to go shopping.  And he wasn’t looking forward to it at all.
But before he could go shopping he had other things to worry about first.  “Hungry?” he asked Marian as soon as Mistress Vivian had gone.
Marian shrugged as she concentrated on that thought.  “I think so, but I’m not totally sure.”
Phillip rolled his eyes.  “You said you needed time to finish that DVD,” he said to her.
Marian nodded.  “I’ve got to finish it tonight,” she told him.  “It’s vital!”
“Yeah, I know that now,” Phillip replied.  He stared at her for a moment.  “Look,” he finally said, “I know you can’t help me tomorrow night.  But if there’s any chance at all of keeping me from doing that in the future, then I have to let you try.  After last night, I really don’t want to do anything at all to upset Mistress Vivian, but at the same time, I’m too afraid of what else she might do to me.  If you can somehow stop her with that DVD, then I don’t think I have a choice but to let you do it.  I’m not looking forward to tomorrow night at all.  It sickens me like you wouldn’t believe.  But I’m looking for any hope at all to get out of it as soon as possible – even though I’m more afraid of the consequences if she finds out.”
Marian was surprised at how amiable he was being today.  She had fully expected him to send her back to her stall at any moment.  Maybe it was the princess dress.  “Like I told you, those DVDs are already working on her.  I’m hoping that this will be the last DVD I have to make.  I’m pretty sure it will be, but I just need time to finish it…as a human.”
He again stared at her for a moment.  “I need to get out of what she’s got planned for me.  Somehow!” he said.
“Do you mind if I start working on it now?” she asked.
“He nodded,” if you want.
Marian didn’t wait a moment.  Her bell clanged horribly as she hurried to the desk where she started setting up her computer.  She was just sitting down to start working again when Phillip walked up and set a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a tall glass of Coke down on the desk next to her, along with one of her dreaded pills.  Marian’s stomach started growling.  “Thanks,” she said gratefully as she immediately reached for the sandwich.  The first bite of food was pure heaven.
“Marian,” Phillip said, “I’ve got to go shopping tonight.”
“I know,” Marian replied with her mouth full of food.
“What do you want me to wear?”
Marian looked at him.  He was being nice to her for once.  Did she dare go easy on him and dress him in something that wasn’t so outlandish?  She was about to do just that, when another thought hit her.  With her mouth still chewing, she asked.  “Phillip, can you be honest with me for a minute?”
Phillip was surprised by the question.  “I guess,” he replied.
“How bad was wearing that princess outfit for you today – honestly!  You looked like you were enjoying yourself more than once.”
Phillip thought about that as his face immediately turned red.  “Maybe,” he conceded.
Marian nodded.  “In that case, why don’t you leave it on while you’re shopping?  I have no doubt that if you enjoyed wearing it at the office, then you’ll enjoy wearing it out shopping too.”
Phillip’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head.  Just the thought of it was a total nightmare!  And…it was one of the nightmares that was also one of his fantasies.  His secret dreams.  Did Marian somehow know?  Or was she just being cruel…or kind?  He didn’t know which.  He gulped.  “You really want me to wear this?  Shopping?”
Marian only shrugged.  “Sure.  You look really…interesting.  And…to tell the truth, you kind of look like you’re dressed just to have some fun.  So why shouldn’t you wear it…and have some fun?”
Phillip’s head went spinning at that thought.  Have some fun?  Was she kidding?  But his reply was just the same question, “You really want me to wear this?”
Marian nodded.  “Have fun.”  Five minutes later, she certified that both Phillip and Dolly looked totally adorable, and watched as they walked out the door…leaving the apartment quiet.  With him having to be gone for the next few hours, Marian had all the time she needed to finish the DVD – as a human.  She mooed her satisfaction at the situation.

Princess Phyllis had to spend two hours wandering around in public.  He had to do some grocery shopping before he went home, but that wouldn’t eat up the entire two hours.  He had one other place he had figured earlier that he wanted to go to – that he also figured should prove interesting…especially given the way he was dressed.  He wasn’t sure if that other place would be one where he could spend much time though. 
He had a vague idea of where the store was and he drove there first.  Just getting out of the car was nerve wracking for him.  He saw a few heads from people on the sidewalk in front of the other stores turning to look at him.  After hooking his purse over his arm, he grabbed his wand so it wasn’t dangling from his wrist.  Dolly just seemed to automatically cradle herself in his other arm.  He was very aware of the people still watching him as he headed from the parking lot toward the row of stores.  He figured he looked stupid – but also like an overgrown child dressed the way he was.  With that “happy” thought on his mind, he was tempted to start skipping like a child for the amusement of the people watching him.  He gave into the temptation the moment he got up on the sidewalk, and skipped the last few yards to the store entrance.  He was sure the people had enjoyed the show.  Besides, none of them knew him.  None of them would ever see him again – hopefully.  And, it was his fantasy.  Marian had suggested he have some fun, and skipping like a child did indeed turn out to be…well, if not fun, it had certainly been thrilling – doing it right in front of total strangers.
As he walked into the store, his eyes were immediately caught by the faces of the two salesgirls behind the counter.  Their surprised faces and unbelieving stares told him how really silly he looked.
“Oh…my…God!” one of the girls exclaimed.
The other girl recovered faster though.  “I know you didn’t buy that costume here,” she said.  “We don’t have that particular one.  But we’ve got a few others if you’re interested.”
Phillip smiled.  The party/costume store probably would have a few more princess outfits that he would more than likely love to look at and perhaps buy – under different circumstances, but he wasn’t about to start down that road – unless nobody would ever find out.  “Um…he said hesitantly.  “Do you mind if I just look around for a few minutes first?”
“Feel free,” the girl replied.
“Where’s the party?” the other girl asked.
Phillip smiled as his brain tried to quickly come up with an answer.  “At a friend’s house,” he replied as he moved further into the store.  Finding the costume section was easy, and it had lots of tall racks with lots of costumes available.  All types of costumes.  He would have asked for what he was really looking for, but he was more interested in finding a way to just kill some time.  He turned quickly though as one of the salesgirls suddenly appeared at the end of the aisle.
“If you’re already dressed for the party, what do you need another costume for?”
Phillip smiled.  “It’s not for me.  It’s for…my girlfriend.”
“And you’re the one wearing the princess dress?”
He shrugged.  “It wasn’t my idea.  Trust me!”
“I believe it,” she replied. 
“If you want more princess dresses, we’ve got a ton of them on a rack in the back.”
“I’ll get to them,” he replied.  “But I really wanted to see if I could find her something different.”
“Okay,” she said.  “Let me know if I can help.”
Phillip kept slowly looking at things, but he noticed that the girl wasn’t going away.
“If you’re all dressed for the party, then shouldn’t your girlfriend be dressed already too?  Shouldn’t she already have a costume?”
Panic time again as Phillip forced his brain into action.  “Um…she ruined it by spilling something all over it,” he told her.  “Now she’s making me find her something else to wear.”
“And she sent you out like that?”
He shrugged.  “What can I say?”  He turned back to looking at the costumes on the shelves.
“What kind of costume did your girlfriend have?” the girl asked.
Would this woman never leave him alone?  He almost told her a cow costume, but at the last moment he decided on something different.  “She had a prince costume to go with my princess one.”
“Oooohhh.  Cool,” the girl replied.  “You’re switching places.  And she spilled something on it?”
“Um…Not quite.  I’m afraid I’m the one who did the spilling.  And now you know why she sent me out like this.  Do you know how bad red wine can stain white pants?”
“That’ll do it!” the girl agreed with a laugh.  “So it’s your fault!”
“Um…something like that.”
“Hey, we’ve got a few really nice prince costumes in the back too.  Want to see some?”
“Um, no.  I was kind of thinking of something a little more…in line with getting back at her for making me wear this – especially out to the store to get her a new one.”
The girl laughed.  “Uh-oh.  Getting back at her.  Are you sure you want to go down that road?”
Phillip looked at her for a moment.  “Absolutely!”
She laughed again.  “I hope you don’t lose her over this.”
Phillip had mixed feelings over that matter.  “Don’t worry.  I seriously doubt that can happen!”
“If you say so,” she replied.  “It’s your neck.”
Phillip didn’t reply, but his one thought was that it was literally his neck.  Not because of Marian, but because of Mistress Vivian!
“So, did you have anything at all in mind?”
Phillip really wished the girl would leave him alone, but it seemed like she was going to haunt him the entire time he was there.  “Um…no,” he replied.  “I’d really just like to look around and see if anything jumps out at me.”
“Okay,” she replied.  “Just let me know if I can help.”
Phillip smiled at her and went back to looking over what they had – as slowly as possible.  But the darn girl was still there!
“So what’s with the big doll you’re carrying?” she asked.
Phillip wanted to scream.  “Um…part of the costume,” he told her.
“I don’t get it,” she replied.  “It doesn’t go with the rest of the outfit at all.”
“Um…I think it’s supposed to be something along the lines of being childish or something,” he told her.  “I guess the doll is supposed to make me look like a young kid playing dress up.”
She laughed again.  “No wonder you want to get back at her so badly.  But why didn’t you just leave the doll in the car?”
Phillip realized now that as long as he was there, the girl was going to continue to bother him with questions.  “Um…I didn’t think of it,” he lied.  He knew it was a bad answer, but it was the best excuse he had.
“Dumb!” she replied.
He couldn’t have agreed more.
“Want me to hold it for you at the front counter?”
“No,” Phillip replied a bit too quickly.  “I mean, it’s okay.  I’ve got it.”  Fortunately she didn’t say anything to that, but it was only moment before she had another question.
“And you had to carry the wand in with you too?”
Exasperated at her constant questions, Phillip held up his left hand and dropped the wand.  It dangled from his wrist.  “It’s attached.”  He swung the wand up into his hand and caught it cleanly.  Then he went back to perusing the shelves of costumes while she giggled. 
“So what time does this party start?” she asked next.  “I mean, you’re all dressed, but you’re spending a lot of time now trying to find a costume for your girlfriend.”
Phillip had already had enough of her questions.  “We’re probably going to be late,” he replied, doing his best to control his temper.  “And in this getup, I don’t really care.”  She laughed at his answer, but he didn’t care that she had laughed.  He really just wanted her gone!  He decided he needed to get out of there sooner rather than later.  “Um…you know what would be a really great costume for her?”
“What’s that?” she asked.
“A cow!  Do you have anything like that?”
“A cow costume?” she asked, totally surprised.  “That’s not even close to her original prince costume.”
“Yeah, but trust me, it would be perfect for her…um…after putting me through this!” he said as he held his arms out to signify what he was wearing.
“A cow!” she said again with a shake of her head.  “Yeah, we’ve got one around here somewhere.  It’s not something many people are interested in though.  Are you sure you want to take a look at it?  I think the prince and princess theme would be a whole lot better.”
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Phillip replied.  “Let me see the cow costume.”
“It’s your neck if she gets mad,” the girl said as she walked past him and led the way around toward one of the far shelves of costumes.  She had to hunt around for a few minutes to find it – a few minutes that Phillip had no problem waiting though since it was taking up time and she wasn’t asking him any questions.  Eventually though, she found it high up on the shelf.  “Got it!” she exclaimed happily as she struggled to pull the big box down. 
“Can I see it before I buy it?” Phillip asked.
“Of course!  I wouldn’t want you to buy something you didn’t really like.  And from what you told me earlier, I’m still thinking another prince costume might be better for you.”
“Um…no, let me see this instead,” Phillip insisted.
“It’s your head,” the girl replied.  She laid the box on the floor and opened it.  From it, she pulled the black and white costume and held it up in front of her so he could see the whole thing.  Phillip stared at it and smiled broadly.  But before he could say anything, she stooped back toward the box and her hand came up with something else in black and white.  It’s even got this cute little hood with the horns on it.”
“I’ll take it!” Phillip exclaimed happily.
She shook her head.  “Like I said, it’s your neck!”
“No problem,” Phillip replied.
Once the costume was boxed up again, he followed her to the front check-out counter where she rang up the sale.  Phillip sat Dolly on the counter and opened his purse.  His credit card was naturally in his wallet.  And that of course was another opportunity for the girl to ask yet another embarrassing question.
“I get that your girlfriend is making you carry the purse,” she said.  “I mean, there’s no pockets on that dress, although why you’re not wearing a pair of pants under it makes no sense to me.  But that’s up to you…and your girlfriend I guess.  But why are you carrying a woman’s wallet in your purse too?”
Phillip didn’t have an answer for her question that he felt comfortable telling her.  He almost angrily held out the credit card toward her.  “Can you just ring this up and let me get it home before I get in more trouble for being late?”
“Like I said, it’s your neck.”

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fitting revenge... a cow costume! PERFECT!!!