Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Mister Mike - Chapter 36 – Part 1 of 2

The Domination of Mister Mike
By Karen Singer

Chapter 36 – Part 1 of 2

     Whether I truly considered myself it or not, I was the lowest of the low.  Part of my mind didn’t want to believe that.  Part of my mind still thought I belonged in that upper echelon of “normal” people.  But the rest of my mind knew the truth.  I was in a class all by myself, or pretty much that way.  I was…the lowest of the low.  Not fit for most human interaction. 
     And now my mattress pretty much reflected that status as well.  Sort of.
     The bigger mattress was…nice.  But in truth, I barely noticed the larger size.  What I did notice was the fact that it was lying on the floor.  Low!  Like me.  It felt different too.  Not uncomfortable, just different.  Of course the hard floor and lack of box spring could account for that.  Or perhaps it was just that it was a different mattress.  In truth, I didn’t care about any of that.  What I noticed instead was what the status of it being on the floor represented…low.  Just like me.  Consequently, I tossed and turned more than usual…more than just from waking up all too often to pee into my diaper.
     It was during one of those half-wakeful times that I heard something strange.  Something that brought me fully awake.  My bedroom door was open of course, so I was able to hear more of the sounds coming from the rest of the house, and this time I heard something very soft and very strange.  I immediately worried about someone trying to break into my house. 
     Despite how I was dressed, I got up and carefully headed for my bedroom door.  Was Ashley up and doing something, perhaps in the kitchen?  Ashley’s bedroom door was closed, but that didn’t necessarily mean anything.  I peeked out and saw nothing.  I also didn’t hear anything.  Maybe it was nothing.  Maybe I had imagined it.  I was about to go back to bed when I heard it again.  Soft.  Strange.  And it was coming from Ashley’s room.  I went across the hall and listened closer at the door.  The sound was coming from in there…and now I recognized it.  Crying.
     I softly opened the bedroom door.  “Ash?” I called softly.  No response except a slightly bigger sob.  I moved over to the side of the bed.  “Ash?  Are you okay?”
She rolled over quickly.  I could just make out her eyes in the dark room.  “Go away!” she ordered. 
     I started to turn, but her hand grabbed me.  “No.  Don’t!”
     I turned back to her.
     She started at me for a moment.  “Go away!”
     Surprise!  Obviously she was conflicted.  I sat on the side of the bed.  “What’s wrong?”
     She pounded on me with the side of her fist.  “Go away!”
      “What’s wrong?” I insisted.
     She turned away from me.  I sat waiting and was rewarded with another soft sob.  I laid down next to her on the bed and put my arm over her.  “What’s wrong?” I whispered.
     No reply, only more soft crying.  I laid and held her, and finally it came.  “It’s Mom.”
      “What about her.”
      “She tied me up.  She used rope to tie me up, but it was still the same.”
      “The same?”
     She didn’t answer.  Only more crying. 
      “Ash?  Why does she do that to you when she knows how much you hate it?”
     No reply. 
      “Ash?  Why does…”
      “Don’t ask!” she said in a very angry determined voice.  “Don’t ask.  Don’t ever ask!  Just…shut up about it.”
     Okay.  So it was something she didn’t want to discuss.  But I already knew that. 
      “What can I do for you?” I asked instead.
     She rolled over quickly again.  This time she slapped my face.  “Get out!  Get out, get out, get out!  Leave me alone!”
     The two of us stared at each other for a moment.  I finally nodded my head and got off the bed.  I went back to my own room, closing her bedroom door behind me. 
     I laid down on my mattress on the floor, wondering about her.  Wondering about her mother.  I remembered again that I had overhead that she had been kidnapped, but that didn’t explain Joanna’s behavior.  So why was Joanna doing this?  Why would Joanna go so far out of her way to be so cruel to her own daughter?  It didn’t make sense. 
     I finally drifted off to sleep wondering about all of it…only to wake a short while later when I needed to pee again.  Ugh!  There had to be something I could do about that so I could get more sleep.  But other than learning to wet myself in my sleep, I had no answers.  Of course the obvious answer would be to give it all up.  To quit.  To go back to my former life…or at least attempt to.  I had no illusions that it would be far more difficult than it sounded.  Not to mention temptation….  The allure….  The…thrill.

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

     Somehow…we managed to negotiate our way through the week.  On Sunday afternoon, Ashley came to me and pleaded with me to let her wear one of her pink diapers instead of a big bulky one so she could go and visit with her friends.  I was busy out in the workshop so I really had no problem with that.  She was gone all afternoon and didn’t come back until she was worried about her diaper showing.  Other than my big diaper and boots, I felt like I was dressed more normally in my work clothes as I enjoyed working with the wood out in my shop.  Win – win!  For both of us. 
     I dropped Ashley off at work early Monday morning, then hurried to the bank.  Later that morning I got a text from my mother telling me she was back from Europe and had a “fabulous” trip.  I was glad.  I was even happier later that day when I changed Ashley’s diaper after work and she didn’t even mention making me wear her used one.  She didn’t unlock my onesie however and I got stuck wearing that same pink diaper I had been in since early that morning until we both got changed for bed later that night. 
     On Tuesday, I made sure to apply some of that greasy diaper rash ointment to my backside before I got diapered up for the day.  Or was that for the duration?  I again took Ashley to work, then went to the bank, anxious to get my male shoes out of their confinement and back on my feet. 
     Joanna phoned me later that morning to tell me my mother had called her and the two of them had spent a very nice evening talking on the phone.  I was quite surprised.  I had only gotten a text from my mother, nothing more.  Joanna explained it though by telling me that she and my mother had simply connected during her visit, and they now considered each other to be good friends.  Joanna did mention that my mother was quick to ask how the two “love birds” were doing.  Joanna told me that she had told my mother that Ashley and I were still close.  And then she clarified that by saying, “What I didn’t tell your mother, is that the two of you are close, but it’s closer to two years old than to the ages you really are!”  And then she went off talking about the way Ashley and I behaved in the store together – like two year olds!  As far as I was concerned, if she didn’t want us to act that way, then she shouldn’t treat us that way.  I didn’t actually tell Joanna that though.
     Ashley didn’t work on Wednesday.  When I got home Wednesday night, I again found the kitchen table littered with her school work.  In truth, I was very happy to see it.  I was even happier to get taken out of that used diaper I had been wearing since I got dressed that morning. 
     And then Thursday hit.  I think we both felt it.  Neither of us mentioned it, but I’m sure we both felt it.  Thursday.  One day closer to the long weekend that Joanna had mentioned.  One more day until Joanna would get there and it would start.  Neither of us had a clue as to what Joanna had planned, but we both knew it had to be something…special.
     I took Ashley to work again Thursday morning.  I expected a text or phone call from Joanna all day, but it didn’t come.  When I changed Ashley’s diaper after work, I asked if she had heard from her mother.  Like me, Ashley hadn’t heard a word.  I think both of us were growing too nervous to contact Joanna and ask about it.
     When I left the house Friday morning, Ashley was already in the process of moving her school things to the kitchen table.  As usual, we were both locked in our diapers and onesies…and of course I had a few other locks hidden on different things as well.  Just before I walked out the door, we both looked at each other but said nothing.  What could we say?  Joanna was coming sometime that day, and neither of us knew what to expect.
     Early that afternoon I got a quick text from Ashley.  She’s here.  Don’t know what’s going on yet, but she brought a big suitcase with her.  I didn’t bother texting back.  I knew the “fun and games” would be beginning soon.  I started praying that it would be one of her more “normal” visits where she didn’t do much of anything.  Um…what visit would that be?  Every time she came she brought total chaos.

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

     The end of the business day came.  I breathed a sigh…but not of relief.  I followed in a crowd out of the bank and out to the parking lot.  I got in my car and changed my shoes, locking my male shoes away for the next few days – until Monday morning, the next time I would be at the bank.  I would now be stuck wearing only women’s shoes, like it or not, until next Monday.  And it was only Friday.  How could I do it?  But then, how had I managed to do it for weeks now?
     I walked into the kitchen to the smell of something good cooking.  Ashley was still at the kitchen table with her school books.  I immediately felt better about things.
      “Hi Mike,” Joanna greeted me pleasantly.
      “Hi Joanna,” I replied.
     Ashley and I looked at each other.  I got the impression she still didn’t know what was going on…if anything was going on.
      “Um…can I put my work clothes on so I can keep working on that crib?” I asked – hopefully.
      “No Mike.  Not tonight.  In fact, you won’t be working on it at all this weekend.”
     Uh-oh.  Trouble.  “Oh?  Why?”
     She smiled one of those super wicked smiles.  “We’ll just have to see.”
     She turned to her daughter.  “Ashley, clear your things off the table now.  Then you and Michael go get undressed.  Leave your diapers on for now please, but take everything else off.  I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
     Yeah.  Without a doubt, something was up.  I helped Ashley carry her things back to the big master bedroom.  “What’s going on?” I asked quietly. 
      “No idea,” she replied.  “Mom won’t say, but trust me, I’m already scared.”
      “Yeah.  Me too.”
     A few minutes later, our clothes had been removed, our onesie’s had been unlocked and removed, and my heels had also been removed.  Ashley and I were standing in the master bedroom waiting on her mother to get there.  She arrived, but headed first into the other bedroom.  We continued to wait…on pins and needles.  Joanna came back…with rope in her hands.
      “Moooom!” Ashley exclaimed, the fear again evident in her voice.
     Joanna shook her head.  “Don’t say anything Ashley.  I told you last week we were going to continue with the trust games.”
     Ashley rolled her eyes and grunted angrily.  Then surprisingly, she held her wrists out for her mother to tie them.  I couldn’t believe it.  “Let’s just get this over with…please!” she said.
      “Not this time dear.  I have something else in mind.”
     Ashley grunted again.  “Why?  Why do we have to do this?  Especially me!”
     Joanna seemed to consider that.  Trust me, I was just as interested in the answer as Ashley was.   “Because….  Because we’re doing it,” Joanna finally replied.
     Ashley groaned this time…which was my feelings exactly.
      “Okay children,” Joanna said.
     Children?  Don’t think for a moment that I didn’t miss that word.
      “Hug each other.”
     Do what?  I know I looked at her, unsure if I had heard that right, and I’m quite sure Ashley did the same.
      “Hug!  Now!”
     Okay.  Ashley and I moved together.  I wrapped my arms around her and she wrapped her arms around me.  Then suddenly Ashley pulled away.  “Are you going to tie my hands around him so I can’t let go?”
      “Don’t worry about what I’m going to do dear,” Joanna replied.  “Our agreement is that you’re going to just do it.  Whatever I tell you.  So Ashley…”  She seemed to sigh.  “Trust me dear.  Please.  Please just do what I ask…and trust me.  Okay?  I’m not going to let you get hurt.  I promise.  I promise that with my life.  Trust me Ash.  Please.”
     I saw Ashley roll her eyes with frustration.  She came back to me and wrapped her arms around me.  She looked up at my face.  “Here we go again.  And I can’t tell you how much I hate it.”
     I nodded.  “Yeah.  I know.”  I didn’t say it, but I remembered every time Joanna had tied her in some way.  And I remembered last weekend after Joanna had left.  Ashley had been crying in her sleep because of it. 
      “You two can certainly hug tighter than that.  Kissy, kissy,” she sang mockingly.
     Ugh!  Ashley and I hugged “a little” tighter.  She tilted her head up toward mine and I bent down to meet her lips.  We kissed briefly.
      “Keep kissing and hold it like that,” Joanna ordered.
     Hold it?  Ashley and I kissed again, this time holding our lips together as if we wanted to kiss each other for a long time.  All of a sudden I heard a click. 
      “Good,” Joanna exclaimed. 
     I looked up and saw Joanna holding her cell phone.  “You took a picture of us?”
      “To send to your mother.  She still thinks you two are in love, remember?”
     I couldn’t for the life of me think of a reason why Joanna would want to perpetuate that myth.  “Now keep hugging…tightly!” Joanna ordered.  “In fact, keep kissing each other until I tell you to stop.”
     Not again.  But like it or not, Ashley and I hugged tighter again, and kissed…again.  Then all of a sudden Joanna was there, forcing her hand between us.  It was a moment before I realized what she was doing.  In fact, by the time I fully realized it, she was halfway there.  She had passed some rope between us, and was now tying it around my waist. 
      “Just stay like that,” Joanna ordered. 
     I felt Joanna leaving me and going over to Ashley.  All of a sudden I had to hold tightly onto Ashley as she tried to pull away from me.  I kept holding her tight so she couldn’t get away.
      “Keep holding each other!” Joanna ordered.  “Tightly!  And don’t stop kissing.”
      “Moom!” Ashley complained before I covered her lips with mine again.
     She struggled.  “Moom!” she managed to get out, trying to get away from me. 
     I held her tightly and felt Joanna passing the rope between us again.  Then she went to the other side where I was guessing she was tying it off.  I was also guessing that Ashley and I weren’t going to be able to stop holding tightly onto each other for a while. 
     Joanna came back and passed the rope around my waist and between us again.  I could feel her tying it in the same place where she had tied it before, then she went around Ashley and did the same, again passing the rope between us.  She came back and again did some more tying, only this time to Ashley. 
      “There!” Joanna said as if she was breathing heavily from exertion.  “You can let go of each other now.”
     I dropped my arms, and was almost surprised when the two of us separated easily.  Ashley quickly moved away from me, but not for long as all of a sudden my side jerked toward her and she was brought up short.  She quickly tugged again, trying to move away from me.  But she couldn’t.  I could see the panic in her rising as she realized what had been done to us.  There was now two layers of rope tethering us together.  It was tied to my left side, and the other end was tied around Ashley’s waist to her right side. 
      “Calm down Ash!” Joanna told her.  “This is just something different.  And I know it’s not hurting you.”
     I saw Ashley level an angry snarl at her mother, but she stopped trying to pull away…which was now impossible anyway.
     Joanna seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.  “For the rest of the weekend,” Joanna said, “you two are never going to be further apart than you are right now.”
      “What?” Ashley exclaimed angrily.
     Joanna however ignored her and started working with the rope now tied to both our waists.  My best estimate was that the rope that separated us was about eight inches long, and that was it.  And according to Joanna, we were going to be staying like that for the entire weekend?  How?
     Joanna started going around us and tucking the ends of the rope into the layers that were wrapped around our waists.  “There,” she finally said.  She stood back and looked at us standing side by side.  “Perfect!” she declared.  Then her face clouded.  “Or maybe not.  Just a minute.” 
     She left and went across the hall, when she came back, she shoved a pacifier into each of our mouths…and I jerked in surprise.  This pacifier wasn’t like any I had sucked on before.  It was much bigger.  If filled a good portion of my mouth, and I now noticed that it was so big that my tongue couldn’t even get around it.  A moment later, I heard Ashley grunting in surprise as Joanna shoved one of those big pacifiers in her mouth too. 
      “Much better,” Joanna declared.  “See that those things stay in your mouths, or trust me, I’ll have no problem tying them there.  And as long as they’re in your mouth, no talking!  In fact, I don’t want to hear any sounds of any kind from either of you.  Got that Ashley?”  She stared determinedly at her daughter for a moment, who was staring angrily right back at her.
      “Okay children.  Back to the kitchen with you now.  You two can set the table together.”  She walked out.
     Ashley and I stared at each other.  Words weren’t necessary…despite the big pacifiers stuck firmly into our mouths.  And don’t think for a moment that I missed Joanna’s use of the word “children” again.  The word that I had long ago figured out would bring us nothing but embarrassment.  We both tried examining the rope that now tethered us together.  Two times around each of our waists.  Two layers of it passing between us.  And all of it tied firmly to both of us with the ends wrapped further around the rope around our waists.  It wasn’t going anywhere, and we weren’t going far from each other.  Like it…or not. 
     Just moving from where we were standing to the door took some figuring out.  Like it or not, everything we did now had to be done side by side, together, with Ashley always on my left side and me always on her right.  We made it easily enough to the bedroom door, but then we had to go sideways through the door since we both couldn’t fit at the same time.  In fact, it was difficult for the two of us to get up that narrow hallway.  But once in the family room, we had more room and could walk much easier. 
      “There you are children,” Joanna said as we entered the kitchen.  I saw her looking us over, and I suddenly realized she was doing everything she could to not burst out laughing.  Yeah, we must have looked quite a sight together.  Two people tied together, wearing nothing but diapers – wet diapers.  Oh, and sucking on baby pacifiers.  What could she possibly have to laugh about? 
     Ashley and I went about the now arduous task of setting the table.  Not being able to talk to each other was a big hindrance.  It took some trial and error, and more than a few angry looks between the two of us, to get the simple job done.  Before we started, Joanna had us move the chairs so that there were two right together along one side of the table again.  Guess where we sat.
     To add insult to injury, Ashley and I had to sit there and watch Joanna eating, while we ate…nothing!  Silently sucking on our pacifiers, we had no choice but to watch as Joanna ate her entire dinner, and trust me, she didn’t seem to be in a hurry about it at all.  But once she was done, she all of a sudden got up from the table and walked out of the kitchen.  We, of course, stayed put.  She was soon back though and threw something onto the table in front of us.  And I died as soon as I realized what it was.  Bibs.  Baby bibs.  Fairly large baby bibs.  Matching baby bibs that each had pink baby bottles and rattles and said ‘A Baby Girl’ printed all over them.   

       “Put those on each other please,” Joanna instructed. 
     Put them on?  I was still trying to make sense of them being there.  But I saw Ashley reach for one…and then she giggled.  All of a sudden I felt her reaching around my neck with the straps from the thing and tying it in place.  She looked at me and giggled again.  Feeling silly, and embarrassed, I picked her bib up and tied it around her neck.  The bib was big enough to come down nearly to the tips of her naked nipples.  Again she giggled as she grabbed it and looked down at it.
      “Children…”  We turned and saw Joanna holding up her phone.  A quick click, and she had taken a picture of us.  Embarrassing.  Ashley giggled again.
     While I sat and watched Joanna dishing out our dinners, I was surprised when Ashley lightly grabbed my arm, then leaned over and put her head on my shoulder.  She stayed like that until Joanna pulled the plugs from our mouths and told us we could start eating. 
     Dinner was good, as it always was when Joanna cooked, even though Ashley and I kept bumping arms as we went about eating.  At one point, Ashley picked up her baby bottle of milk to take a drink, then all of a sudden changed direction with it and stuck the nipple of it in my mouth.  She laughed while I took a drink before pulling my lips away.  She put the bottle down. 
     What was up with Ashley?  All of a sudden she was acting like this was fun!  Question.  Was it?  I couldn’t help but recognize that there was that certain part of me that was really enjoying this new bit of humiliation.  It was that one part of me that was different from everyone else.  That part of me that was responsible for the humiliating position I was currently in.  But I wasn’t thinking of it as fun in the terms that Ashley seemed to be.  So should I just try to go with the flow and relax into it more like I suspected Ashley was trying to do?  Somehow, I just couldn’t do that.  I’m not even sure I would know how to do that.

1 comment:

Chicago Karen said...

You are one dumb sissy, Mike.