Friday, October 26, 2018

Training with Wolfie - Chapter 2 – Part 2 of 2

Training With Wolfie
By Karen Singer

Chapter 2 – Part 2 of 2

     It was about twenty minutes later when she heard her door bell ringing.  Wolf, with his keen hearing heard it too and made a mad dash toward the porch, barking ferociously all the way.  “No Wolf!  No!” she shouted sternly.  “Stay!” she ordered while she cautiously opened her back door only wide enough to allow her to get through.  She quickly closed the door again keeping Wolf outside.  The big dog began barking ferociously again.  Rosa quickly walked through to her front door and let her friend inside.
      “Where’s the monster?” Connie asked, glancing around nervously.  “I hear him somewhere.”
     Rosa smiled. “Out back.  Let’s go see him.”
     Connie knew Wolf very well, but she still preferred staying away from him.  “Can’t we just stay in here?”
      “Not if you want to know what I’m up to,” Rosa replied with a hint of amusement.  She led the way to her back door and opened it cautiously.  “Stay!” she ordered Wolf.  “And be quiet!”  Wolf settled down, but not by much. 
     Connie cautiously came through the door.  “Stay down!” she ordered the big dog, remembering very well the way he used to jump all over her.  But Wolf didn’t jump on her at all.  Once he had sniffed her and knew who she was, he mostly ignored her. 
Rosa sat back on her swing and invited Connie to sit with her.  As they did so, Brian was just walking up the back steps.  Connie sat down next to Rosa, but her eyes were on Brain all the way.
     Connie, this is Brian.  He’s my tenant who lives next door.
      “Hi Brain,” Connie said politely, wondering if he was Rosa’s new interest.
      “Go play again,” Rosa said to Brian.  “Get Wolfie out of here so we can talk.”
     Brian turned around and ran down the steps which attracted Wolf’s attention.  “Come on boy, let’s go.  He took off at a run back out into the yard, and naturally, Wolf followed.
      “So what’s going on?” Connie asked.  “I suspect it has something to do with him?”
      “You suspect right!” Rosa replied.  She then spent a few minutes explaining how spineless her young tenant was and what she had in mind to do with him.  “So basically, my plan is to slowly push him more and more to see if he ever develops a backbone and stands up for himself.”
      “And if he doesn’t?” Connie asked. 
      “Then he’s in for a very unusual summer!”
      “And how far have you gotten with him?”
      “I’ve just barely started, but I’ll show you.”  She looked out into the yard.  “Brian!  Wolf!  Come!”  She watched as the two stopped their playing and Wolf made a mad dash toward the porch.  Brain came, but much, much slower.  “Sit!” she ordered Wolf as soon as he reached the porch.  She was happy to see him sit right where he was.  As soon as Brain reached the top of the steps, she ordered him to sit too.  Brain walked over to his usual seat and sat down. 
     Rosa pulled a treat out of her box.  “Speak!” she commanded to Wolf.  The big dog barked loudly and she gave him a treat.  She walked over to stand in front of Brain. 
     Brian was suddenly very uncomfortable.  They weren’t alone anymore.  This strange woman was there.  And yet, it still looked like she was going to order him to bark like a dog again – right in front of her!
     Rosa sensed his hesitation, but knew that this was just going to have to be another part of Brian’s training.  “Speak!” she commanded, looking him squarely in the eyes as if daring him not to do as she commanded.
     Brain cowered under her intense gaze.  He absolutely couldn’t believe she would ask him to do this. 
      “Speak!” Rosa ordered again, more firmly this time.
     More than a bit fearful of her, Brian finally let out a small bark.  He immediately looked shyly over at the other woman.  But she was just smiling and watching as if everything was perfectly normal for her.
      “That was a rather poor effort!” Rosa complained.  “I would hardly call that a bark at all!  Now do it right!  Speak!”
     Brain tried it again, a little louder.  But mostly, he was still bothered by the strange woman with them. 
      “Not good enough!” Rosa said sternly.  “Stop looking at her and pay attention to me!  Now do it better.  Put more force into it!  Speak!”
     Brain turned his eyes back to only Rosa and again attempted a better bark.
      “I want better!” Rosa complained.  “More force!  Now…speak!”
     Rosa’s continuing dominance over him felt like a huge increasing pressure against his brain that Brian couldn’t ignore.  He finally let out a louder more forceful bark, sounding much more like a real dog this time.
     Rosa was finally pleased.  “Better,” she replied as she dug into her box and pulled out a dog treat.  She pressed it up against his mouth and was pleased to see him eat it immediately.  She never took her eyes off of him though until he had finished it. 
     Connie sat on the swing and just watched, fascinated by the whole process.  But she was too much of a professional to make any comment or even show any outward signs of anything she was thinking.
     Rosa walked back over to Wolf.  She knelt down in front of him.  “Shake,” she said as she held out her hand.  Wolf immediately raised his paw and she shook it.  Then she dropped it and gave him a treat.  She walked back over to Brian and knelt down in front of him too.  “Shake,” she said.  It was hesitant, but Brian finally extended his hand.  She pumped it up and down a few times, then she gave him a treat and watched until he had finished it.  She stood back up.  “Now go play again,” she said as she sat back on her swing.  Neither Rosa nor Connie said anything until the two were once again back out into the yard.
      “You know you’re crazy,” Connie finally said.
      “I know,” Rosa replied.  “But I just got this idea into my head and I can’t get it out.  You know how it is.”
      “Yeah,” Connie admitted.  “I know.  So exactly what do you have planned for him for the future?”
      “I don’t really know,” Rosa admitted.  “I’ll just keep plugging along, turning him more and more into a dog, and we’ll just have to see where it goes.”
     The two women talked for a while as they watched Brian and Wolf playing.  Finally, they saw Brian sit down and Wolf laid down with his head in Brian’s lap.  Brian rubbed the dog’s thick fur.  “I think they’re both ready for a drink,” Rosa decided.  “Want to give me a hand?”
      “Sure,” Connie replied as she got up from the swing.
     Rosa led the way into her kitchen where she got three glasses and filled them with tea.  Then she picked up Wolf’s water bowl from the corner of her kitchen and filled it with water.  She turned to Connie.  “Why don’t you get our drinks while I carry this out.”
     Connie grabbed all three glasses and followed Rosa back out to the porch where Rosa set Wolf’s water bowl down not far from the top of the steps.  Then Rosa grabbed one of the glasses from Connie.  “Wolfie!  Brian!” Rosa called.  “Come get a drink.”
     Wolf got up from Brian’s lap and headed toward her at a trot, but once he reached the steps, he bounded straight up to the top and quickly dunked most of his head into the deep water bowl as he drank greedily.  Brian, of course, was much slower.  Wolf was finally finished drinking by the time Brian got to the bottom of the steps.  “Sit!” Rosa ordered as she pointed at Wolf, and watched as the big dog sat right where he was like he was supposed to.  She waited until Brian reached the top of the steps.  “Sit!” she ordered as she again pointed with her finger.  As usual, Brian headed for his usual chair.  “Stop right there!” Rosa ordered.  Brian turned around, totally clueless.  “I said sit!  When I tell you to sit, you better learn to do it immediately, right where I want you to.  Now sit!”
      “But…” Brian started to protest.
     But Rosa wasn’t about to let him complain or even question her orders – not unless he really did develop the backbone to stop her.  “I didn’t tell you to ask any questions!” she yelled.  “When I tell you to do something, you just do it!  And fast!”  She pointed her finger at the floor.  Her voice dropped in intensity.  “Now it would really help with Wolf’s training if you were down at his level when we do this.  So…sit!”
     Brian gulped.  He couldn’t take his eyes off of Rosa and her commanding ways.  What was going on?  Why was she making him do this?  And in front of her guest no less!  He didn’t really understand her logic about being down at Wolf’s level.  What did that have to do with Wolf’s training? But she obviously wasn’t taking no for an answer, so he sat down on the porch floor, where her finger was still pointing.  Besides, she still frightened him a bit…in fact, now more than ever.
     Rosa smiled at him.  “That’s better.  Good boy.”  She actually reached out and patted his head for a moment.”  Brian felt more awkward and embarrassed than ever as she did it.  Rosa was still looking at him.  “Now…shake,” she commanded as she held out her hand. 
     Hesitantly again, Brian extended his hand and let her pump it up and down a few times. 
      “Good boy,” Rosa crooned.  Then she handed him his glass of iced-tea.  Rosa sat down on the swing again next to her friend to enjoy her own drink.  Since Brain was really thirsty from playing with Wolf, and was also anxious to get away, he drank much faster than the women. 
      “I hear you do substitute teaching,” Connie said to Brian as she enjoyed her drink.
      “Yeah, I do,” Brian replied between sips of cool liquid.
      “What grades do you like to work with the most?”
     Brain shrugged.  “Anything I can get!  But I really prefer the younger kids.  The younger the better!  The older kids can be really awful.”
      “I’ll bet,” Connie replied.
     Brian finished his drink and started to get up.  “Just stay there,” Rosa ordered.  “I’ll get your glass.”  She got up from the swing and took his glass from him.  Wolf was lying down and appeared to be asleep.  “Wolfie is napping.  Why don’t you go over next to him and take a little nap too.”
      “But…” Brian started to protest again.
      “Did I ask for your opinion?” Rosa snapped.  “Now go lay down!”
     Still bewildered about what was going on, Brian got up and went over by Wolf where he laid down next to the big dog.  Wolf half-woke up and looked over at him briefly before laying his big head back down on the porch and closing his eyes again.  Brian stared at the porch ceiling.  He was tired, but he wasn’t about to take a nap!
     Rosa and Connie continued to talk quietly, mostly about Connie’s house, but they never once mentioned what was going on with Brian. 
     A little while later, Brain realized he had a small problem.  He had to pee.  He started to get up from where he was laying next to Wolf.  “Mrs. Murphy,” he said.  “I’ve got to go home for a few minutes.”
      “What for Brian?” Rosa asked.
     Brian was a bit embarrassed about telling her, but he didn’t have much choice.  “Um… I’ve really got to go to the bathroom.”
      “No problem,” Rosa replied.  “In fact, why don’t you just use the bathroom in my house?  That way you don’t have to go all the way back home again.”
     Actually, Brian was more than ready to go home and just stay there, but he reluctantly agreed to Rosa’s suggestion. 
     While he was inside, Connie commented, “I’m surprised you didn’t just make him go outside in the yard like Wolf does.”
     Rosa smiled.  “Give it a few days.  He’s not ready for that yet.  But very soon.”
     When Brian came back out again, he started to head for his usual corner chair.  “Ah-ah! Brian,” Rosa said, stopping him in his tracks.  She pointed back toward Wolf, and Brian immediately went back over to lay down next to him again, still wondering why.
     Brian almost fell asleep as he listened to Wolf breathing heavily on one side of him while the two women talked aimlessly about this and that on his other side.  But suddenly, Wolf woke up and Brian’s face got very wet as the big dog started licking him.  Brian could only laugh.  “Stop wolf!  Stop!” he complained lightheartedly as Wolf continued to lick him.  He pushed the dog away, but Wolf continued to pester him.  
     Seeing the two of them awake again, Rosa grabbed her box of treats and went over to them.  She pointed at Wolf. “Sit!” and watched as the big dog sat.  She pointed at Brian.  “Sit!” Brian pulled his body from a laying position to a sitting one on the floor.  “Good boys,” Rosa crooned approvingly.  She looked at Wolf as she raised her box of treats.  “Speak!”  The big dog barked.  “Shake,” she continued, still looking only at Wolf.  The dog raised his paw and she shook it.  Finally, she reached into her box and brought out a dog treat which the dog gobbled very quickly.
     She looked over at Brian.  “Speak!” 
     Brian, knowing what was coming, barked – fairly well. 
      “Shake,” Rosa continued as she held out her hand.
     Brian put his hand out, palm down for her and let her shake it up and down a few times.  Then he accepted the dog treat she held out for him.  This time, she only watched him chewing on it a few moments before she got back up and went to her seat on the swing.  “Good boys,” she crooned as she sat back down and saw both Wolf and Brian watching her intently.  “Now go back out and play for a bit.”
     Brian got back to his feet and gratefully left the porch, thinking all the way about how “odd” she was being toward him today.
      “I noticed you’re not telling him what’s going on,” Connie commented as Brian and Wolf walked slowly out to the backyard.
      “No.  He’ll figure it out soon enough,” Rosa replied.  “I don’t want to scare him off too soon.”
     Rosa let Brian and Wolf play for a while more together.  She called them both up to the porch one more time and made them each sit on the floor, speak, and shake hands.  Then she finally told Brian that he could go home again – if he wanted to. 
     Brian gratefully accepted.  He was tired of playing with Wolf now.
      “I’ll see you again tomorrow,” Rosa replied.  “And let me know if you don’t have any classes again.”
     Brian fervently hoped that he would get called to teach again.  Now more than ever!

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