Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Training with Wolfie - Chapter 5 – Part 2 of 2

Training With Wolfie
By Karen Singer

Chapter 5 – Part 2 of 2

     The next morning, Brian stared at his phone, willing it to ring.  But it remained all too silent.  If his phone didn’t ring soon, then he would be faced with spending the entire day next door…as a dog!  Desperately, he wanted it to ring, but only silence filled the air.  And eventually, he knew that time had run out.  He wasn’t going to get called for a substitute teaching job today…or any other job either.
     He stared at the disappointing phone in a fog.  And when it did finally ring, it startled him.  “Hello?” he said excitedly, hoping against hope that it would be someone wanting him to teach. 
      “Brian?” Rosa’s voice came over the line.  “I see you’re not teaching today.  What’s keeping you?”
      “I’ll be there soon,” Brian replied sorrowfully. 
      “Brian!” Rosa’s voice cut through the line before he could hang up the phone.
      “Are you going to be able to pay your rent for next month?” Rosa asked, not very kindly.  Next weekend would mark the start of May.  She would be busy getting money from a lot of people all next week. 
      “Um…  Um…”  Brian was afraid he knew the answer to that one already, but it was hard to admit.  “I don’t know,” he finally replied. 
      “Which means no!” Rosa interpreted.
      “I haven’t gotten my check yet,” Brian countered.  There’s still this week and besides, I’ve still got to the tenth.”
      “Yes, but after the fifth, there’s a penalty fee.  Don’t forget that.”
      “I know,” Brian admitted sadly. 
      “I know you know,” Rosa replied.  “You pay it so often that it’s more like your normal rent fee now!”
      “I know,” Brian replied dejectedly. 
      “Since you’re not working, then get over here!  I know you’ve got nothing better to do anyway.”
     Brain hung up his phone.  She was actually right, he didn’t really have anything better to do.  But was being her dog better than doing nothing?  Somehow, he didn’t think so.  Not as far as he was concerned anyway. 
     A short while later, Brian was again naked, collared, on all fours, his hands bound into uselessness, and was rolling around on the ground with Wolf.  Rosa let them play for a while to help get the restlessness out of Wolf’s system.  Then, as she frequently did, she called them both up to the porch and put them again through their usual training routine.  She had plans to add to the routine, but not yet.  The result was that both Brian and Wolf performed everything reflexively – without hardly thinking about it. 
     Before she released them to go back out into the yard, she spotted Wolf’s pull toy that had been left out on the porch for the last few days.  She picked it up and threw it at Brian.  Brian tried to catch it in his “paws.”  “Your mouth, Brian,” she said.  “Catch it with your mouth!”  Brian didn’t even want to consider trying that one.  But Wolf had seen her throwing the toy and it immediately attracted his attention.  He pounced on the pull toy quickly and carried it triumphantly around in his mouth as he pranced around the porch with it.  “Well go get it!” Rosa said to Brain seeing him not moving yet.  “Go play!”
     Brian scurried after Wolf, who simply ran off past him to the other side of the porch.  Brian chased him as fast as he could, but it was really no contest.  With no hands, Brian couldn’t even grab the toy as Wolf ran past him.  But Wolf was certainly loving the game and being chased. 
     Rosa was going to go back into the house to work a bit, but she was enjoying watching the two of them playing together.  Of course, it was really no contest since Brian couldn’t move very fast and also couldn’t use his mouth the way that Wolf did – yet.  But she decided to sit for a few minutes and watch them play for a while anyway.
     Eventually, Wolf jumped down the steps out into the yard and Brian had to follow him.  Again and again, Wolf kept taunting Brian with the toy, carrying it close to him, but never close enough.  But finally, Brian actually managed to get one of his “paws” hooked through the larger end of the toy.  Instantly, the tug of war was on!  Wolf growled and pulled back one way, while Brian, his wrist hooked through the toy and his other “paw” trying to hold it there, pulled back the other way.  But Wolf’s pulling power was too great for Brian, pulling him down onto his stomach.  To counter the big dog’s power, Brian rolled over onto his back, extended his legs, and dug the heels of his feet into the ground, leaning back and pulling as hard as he could.  With his feet now braced, Wolf was no longer gaining ground on him.
     Something about what Brian was doing bothered Rosa.  She got up from her seat.  “Brian, she called.  “Stop using your feet!”
     Brian looked up at her, confused.  What was she talking about?  He wasn’t using his feet.  Not really.  But he rolled back to his knees again.  Wolf gave another huge pull and Brian was forced to let go of the toy before the big dog broke his arm.  Wolf trotted away with the toy triumphantly. 
     But of course, Wolf thought that this was a great game, so he began taunting Brian with the toy yet again, trying to get Brian to chase him and try to get it.  It took a while, but Brian was finally able to hook his “paw” through the loop in the toy again, and again the two of them went back to pulling against each other.  And again, to counter Wolf’s strength, Brian stretched his legs out and dug his heels into the ground. 
      “Brian!” Rosa’s voice cut across the yard.  “What did I tell you about using your feet?  Forget you have feet!”
     Feeling silly about it, Brian again rolled over onto his knees and immediately let loose of the toy before Wolf could hurt him. 
     Wolf ran off with the toy and laid down to chew on it for a minute, but then he was back with it again, trying to get Brian to chase him and play.  Brian was getting tired, but he bravely tried catching the toy again.  Having no hands to hold onto the thing made the task nearly impossible, but he kept at it and eventually, Wolf allowed him to get close enough to slip his “paw” through the loop one more time.  Again, the two of them went into their tug-of-war game.  And again, Wolf was winning. It was only out of desperation that Brian had to roll onto his back, extend his legs, and dig his heels in as he had done before.  But the moment he did….
      “Brian!  What did I tell you about your feet?  Stop it!”  Knowing she had to find a better solution to what was going on, Rosa went back into the house.  She went straight to her old “toy” box in the basement where she kept many things from her former occupation.  Quickly finding two nylon straps, she brought them back outside. 
     She whistled for Brian and Wolf to come back up to the porch where she once again put them through their “training exercises.”  Both of them seemed to be getting bored with the routine now – even Wolf.  But as long as the way they responded was becoming more and more automatic…more and more thoughtless, she was happy to continue repeating it.  When she was done, both Brian and Wolf got two dog treats.  She wondered how much Brian even tasted them or cared about what he was eating anymore. 
     As soon as Brian had finished his treats she told him to stand – on all fours of course, which Brian did.  Then she grabbed her straps. 
     Brian immediately felt a bit scared the minute he saw the black nylon straps in her hand.  He wondered what she was going to do with them. 
     Rosa knelt down next to him and grabbed his ankle.  She bent his leg back at the knee and wrapped the strap around his ankle and leg, pulling it tighter and tighter until the heel of his foot was firmly strapped to his leg.  Then she did the same with his other leg.  Now it would be as if he didn’t even have the lower extensions of his legs.
     She stood up feeling very satisfied again.  This was something she hadn’t planned on, but she found she rather liked the idea.  “Okay,” she said.  “You two can go play again.”  Then she simply turned her back and went straight into the house.  Unknown to Brian, she immediately went into the kitchen to watch him from her window where he couldn’t see her.
     Brian stayed right where he was for a few minutes, trying to figure out what to do about what she had done to him now.  He tried to move forward and learned that his movements felt strange and were slightly hampered by the straps she had put on him.  He turned his body to try to look at the straps, which was difficult.  Trying to undo them was as useless as trying to undo his collar.  He had no hands – it was impossible! 
     He could still move, it just felt a bit strange.  And since he was now confined to moving on his kneecaps, he quickly realized how much more tender they were than the way he had crawled about before.  She had taken away his talking, his walking, his clothes, his hands, and now had reduced his legs to half of what they were before.  How much more could she possibly do to him?  He wanted to scream in frustration, but making any kind of sound that wasn’t a dog sound would quickly bring a beating – something he really didn’t want!  Since she wasn’t around, he was tempted to scream anyway.  But in the end, he opted to forgo the human wail of anguish. 
     Wolf was laying down on the deck, his head flat on the floor.  But his eyes were wide open, watching him.  Brian crawled over to him and laid down too.  He couldn’t straighten out his legs to get comfortable the way he wanted to.  He tried turning over on his back, but with his legs bent backwards, it felt very awkward.  It was now more comfortable lying on his side, like Wolfie was.  Damn her!  He felt more like a stupid dog than ever!
     Rosa chuckled as she saw him trying to get comfortable lying down.  She hadn’t even thought about him being unable to lay comfortably on his back until she saw him trying it.  She wondered what he must think about everything, but quickly decided that it was probably better if she didn’t know.  She could pretty well imagine it anyway.

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

     At lunchtime, Rosa called the two of them into the kitchen and gave them each one of the usual treats she gave Wolf whenever she ate.  Brian again chewed his with a great deal of difficulty.  When he saw that she was finished eating, he expected her to feed him.  But instead, she seemed to ignore both him and Wolf and she simply left the kitchen and went into her living room where she had a desk set up.  Brian crawled after her, wondering what she was going to do about feeding him.  But all he saw her doing was making phone call after phone call, handling her landlord business.  She had forgotten him! 
     Having nothing else to do, he laid down on the soft living room carpet to rest.  Wolf was sleeping on the hard kitchen floor.  Brian quickly realized that her carpeting felt much better on his body – especially his aching knees.
     Brian stayed right where he was, on the carpet, ignored by her.  Wolf slept in the kitchen, then moved to the living room, then back to the kitchen.  Every little while he had to find someplace different to sleep.  At one point, Brian watched as Wolf pulled one of his toys out of a box that was partially hidden under an end table.  The box seemed to be full of them.  Wolf laid on the carpet and chewed on the toy for a few minutes before getting bored with it and wandering off to someplace else.  A little while later, Rosa was walking by the toy, spotted it and picked it up.  She started to throw it back into the toy box, but she spotted Brian instead.  She threw it at him.  “Here,” she said.  “Something to chew on.”  Brian ignored the toy.  He certainly wasn’t going to put that dirty, disgusting looking thing anywhere near his mouth!
     Later in the afternoon, Rosa again shooed both of her dogs outside to play again for a while.  Brian and Wolf wrestled a bit – even though Wolf now won much more easily since Brian wasn’t used to having only part of his legs to work with.  Still, it was a lot of fun wrestling around with the big dog, and his fur still felt nice against Brian’s naked body.
     While they were outside, Rosa called them back to the porch twice for more training practice.  The routine was starting to mean less and less to Brian, other than it was sometimes a welcome break from the tiring play he and Wolf often engaged in. 
     At dinner time, Brian again kept his head firmly in his dog bowl to keep Wolf away.  Wolf again tried to get at his food, but soon gave up and Brian was able to relax and eat a bit easier than the night before.  After dinner, Rosa left the “dogs” in the house for a little while, mostly ignoring them, but before too long, she shooed both of them back outside again.
     Back in the yard, Wolf wandered out to the back corner to relieve himself both ways.  Brian simply squatted somewhere out of the way again. 
     The loud angry sound of a motorcycle coming into the driveway caught both Brian’s and Wolf’s attention.  Wolf immediately started barking ferociously as he ran back and forth between the gates on both sides of the yard, trying desperately to get at whoever had pulled into the driveway.  Brian, knowing that Rosa now had a visitor, crawled up close to the bushes by the deck in hopes that he would be less visible there.
     Rosa heard the motorcycle approaching and had her door open by the time Edward Tolliver got his helmet off and was walking up the front steps.  “You’re right on time, Edward,” Rosa said warmly.  “It’s good to see you again.”
      “And you too, Madam Rosa,” Edward replied, his British accent very evident.  Although Edward’s speech and mannerisms were polished and proper, his appearance was always in direct contrast.  Edward Tolliver was a huge man, probably close to three hundred pounds.  He was usually dressed in leather from head to toe, resembling the typical motorcycle gang members that you often saw in the movies. 
     In the living room, over top of Wolf’s barking out back, Rosa filled Edward in on exactly what it was that she was doing, and what she wanted him to create.  Wolf’s barking outside went on for quite a while before it eventually slowed down and finally stopped.
     When Rosa had explained everything, Edward pursed his lips in thought.  “You said he’d be wearing them for a long time, without them being removed?  How long?”
     Rosa shrugged.  “A few months for certain.  Quite possibly…longer.”
     Edward only nodded.  The long time factor was where the real problems occurred.  It would give him much to think about.  “Can I see him?” he finally asked.
     Rosa smiled.  “He’s out back with Wolfie.  I’ll call him in.”  But before she left the room she turned back to Edward.  “Um…if possible, I’d like for him not to know what it is that you’re going to be doing for me…or him.  I’d prefer to keep him as much in the dark about it as possible.”
     Edward only smiled.  “I think we can manage that,” he replied.  “At least, for now.”
     While Tolliver stayed in the living room, Rosa went to her back door.  The minute she started to open it though, she had to fight against Wolf to keep the big dog from getting in.  “No Wolf!  No!  Stay!”  But Wolf knew there was someone else in his house and was frantic to get at him.  “No Wolf!”  In desperation, she went all the way out onto the porch and closed the door behind her.  “Wolf!  Sit!” she finally ordered.  Surprisingly, Wolfie sat like he was supposed to.  “Good dog,” Rosa crooned, amazed that Wolf had actually done it.  Wolf barked a few more times, then was finally quiet. 
     Rosa looked around for Brian and just spotted his back semi-hidden by the bushes.  “Brian!  Get up here.  Now!”  Brian poked his head up to look.  He hadn’t heard the motorcycle leaving, which meant that her guest was still in the house.  But he only saw her on the porch and no one else.  Cautiously, he crawled away from the bushes and toward the steps.  Climbing the steps with his legs strapped up was harder than ever, but he had done it a few times now and was getting more and more proficient at it.  “Hurry up!” Rosa commanded as she waited, not so patiently. 
     As soon as Brian got to the top of the steps, Rosa opened the door again.  Wolf started to get up to head for the door.  “Stay!” she yelled at the big dog.  She was pleased to see him sit back down where he was.  “Come on in the house, Brian” she said as she held the door open and watched to make sure that Wolf was going to remain out of the way.  But Brian knew that she had company there, and he was fairly sure it wasn’t her friend Connie who had seen him several times before.  Brian sat down instead, like a dog because it was now the best way for him to sit. 
     Rosa saw Brian balk at coming into the house.  “Come, Brian.  Come!” she ordered.  But Brian was too scared.  He didn’t want anyone else to see him the way he was.  Rosa quickly went over to him and grabbed him roughly by his collar and pulled.  Brian was forced to follow her as she dragged him through the door and into the house.  She was only glad that Wolf was staying out of her way for once.  “When I tell you to do something, you better do it!” she muttered angrily as she closed the door behind them. 
     Still holding onto his collar, she reached up and grabbed Wolf’s leash that she kept hung by the back door.   As she leaned down and clipped it to his collar she whispered threateningly, “I suggest you be on your best behavior…or you’re going to be one sorry puppy!” 
     Brian was scared to his bones.  Especially when she stood up and he still felt her pulling hard on his collar.  No, she was pulling on the leash, which was attached to his collar, but it amounted to the same thing.  As she walked slowly through the kitchen, keeping the leash pulled up tightly all the way, Brian was forced to follow wherever she went.  All the way into the living room where he immediately saw one of the biggest men he had ever seen in his life.  Scary looking too!
      “Here, he is,” Rosa said as she led Brian into the living room.  “Sorry it took so long.  Wolfie can be a real handful.”
     Edward looked down at Brian.  From the barking I’ve been hearing, I take it that this is not Wolfie.”
      “Not even close!” Rosa replied, then added, “But we are making progress.”
     Rosa continued to hold the leash tightly while Edward looked Brian over carefully.  Brian was nearly shaking with fright and embarrassment, but since Rosa was pulling so tightly on his collar – with her leash, he had little choice but to remain where he was, and silent.
     Edward finally bent down and grabbed Brian’s feet, both of them at the same time.  He twisted them inward toward each other and finally grabbed them both with one hand and held them that way. “Hmm,” he mused as his brain raced through ideas. 
     Brian wanted to scream, but he forced himself to remain silent.  He didn’t want to face whatever Rosa might do to him. 
     Rosa wanted to tell Edward that she had only just strapped his legs up like that to make a point with Brian today…that he didn’t need to worry about it.  But if she said anything now, it would let Brian know too much that she didn’t want him to know…yet.
     Edward finally let go of Brian’s feet and Brian immediately felt a wave of relief.  “Let me see his hands,” Edward asked as he moved around in front of Brian and knelt down. 
      “Sit!” Rosa commanded and pulled up a bit harder on the leash.  Brian immediately went into his sitting position.
     Edward picked up one of Brian’s taped up hands and examined it carefully, then the other one.  Then he stood up again.
      “Let me get back to you in a day or two,” he said to Rosa.  “I’m going to have to think about this a bit.”
      “But are you going to be able to do something?” Rosa asked. 
      “Oh yes,” he looked down at Brian to signify that he didn’t want to say too much in front of him.  “There are just some pesky little problems that are going to need to be considered.  That’s all.”
     Rosa smiled.  “Thank you, Edward.  I look forward to hearing from you then.”
     Edward smiled down at Brian.  “Don’t bother to show me out,” he said.  “I can see that you’ve got your hands full right now.  Until later, dear Madam,” he said.  Then he left.
     Rosa kept Brian’s leash tight the whole time.  She didn’t release it until Edward had closed the door behind him.  “You did very well,” she said in her no-nonsense voice.  Then she leaned down and unclipped the leash from his collar.  The moment she did, Edward’s motorcycle roared to life out in the driveway, and Wolf’s barking roared to life on the back deck.
     Later that night, Rosa spent a few minutes considering the fact that Edward Tolliver had spent so much time looking at Brian’s legs.  She could easily call him, probably right now in fact, and tell him to not worry about them, that it was just his hands that she was mostly interested in.  But as she considered it, she had to consider just what it was that she was doing with Brian.  Turning him into a dog, of course.  But more than that, she was trying to make a point with him.  And of course, in doing so, she was trying to strip him of as much humanity as she possibly could.  And of course, the lower extremities of his legs could certainly be a part of that process.  Maybe even a big part of it.  In the end, she decided that even though Tolliver was going to charge her an even bigger arm and a leg for what she would get, she would go ahead and gladly pay for it.  Tolliver did come up with some amazing things.  It would probably be worth it in the long run.

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

     That night, Edward Tolliver stayed up late drawing.  Rosa had indeed presented him with a challenge.  Similar things to what she wanted could be easily purchased over the internet, or he could make them for her.  But none of them would really meet the problems that had to be overcome.  He was going to have to be creative.  And as long as he was being creative….


Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE where you are taking this story! Even though I am bracing myself for the amazing roller coaster ride with its ups and downs and twists and turns.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful part of your life with me. I have always been a huge fan of your stories.


erica said...

Thank you so much for all your work. You are one of the most prolific and cfreative writers I know.