Friday, March 29, 2019

Training with Wolfie - Chapter 25 The End

Training with Wolfie
By Karen Singer

Chapter 25

Sunday morning, Rosa woke to find that Wolf wasn’t in his usual spot next to her bed.  When she got out of bed to look further, she discovered that he wasn’t in the room at all.  It took only a little bit of searching to find him.  He was in the guest bedroom with Brian, only he was up on the bed – where he didn’t belong!  Brian’s arm was over top of him.  The two of them were sleeping together.  This time, Rosa let Wolf be. 
She headed for the bathroom, then the kitchen.  She had no doubt that the sound and smell of her making breakfast would bring Wolf out of the room pretty quickly.  She cooked sausage.  Enough for three.  Before she put the eggs on, she went back to the guest bedroom.  Brian was now awake and looking at her.  Wolf was still laying next to him.  Brian’s hand was running unconsciously through Wolf’s fur.
“Good morning my angel,” she said brightly.  Brian only looked back at her with questioning eyes.  She was very glad he didn’t try to talk.  “Wolf.  Down!” she said as she walked over to the bed.  Wolf stayed put.  She pulled the covers back for Brain, then she picked up the rolled up piece of newspaper.  “Remember what I said,” she reminded Brian sternly.  “Wolf!  I said down.  Now!”  The big dog finally crawled off the bed.  Once down, he stretched.
Rosa set the newspaper down for a moment.  Let’s sit up,” she said to Brian. 
Brian did his best to get his legs over the edge of the bed.  It was easier to move today than it had been last night.  He was soon sitting on the side of the bed again.  “Now let’s see if we can get you to your feet.”  Rosa reached out with both hands and grabbed his.  It took a try or two, but Brian was finally standing.  With Rosa’s help, they slowly made their way into the bathroom.
“Remember what I said last night,” Rosa said.  “In this house, we always sit.”
Brian knew he could nod as a reply now.  He nodded as Rosa helped him to the toilet.  It was still difficult for him to grab things, but he managed to pull up the hem of the nightgown he was wearing and sit on the toilet.  After being naked for so long and going out in the backyard like a dog, having Rosa stand there and watch him pee made no impression on him at all. 
“Very good,” Rosa said.  She pulled him to his feet again and led him over to the sink where she turned the water on for him and made sure it was warm before he washed his hands.  Like last night, the warm water seemed to help him.  He still couldn’t move his fingers very well, but they were slowly getting better. 
With Rosa’s arm holding him around the waist, they slowly made their way into the kitchen where she sat him down in one of the chairs.  “I’ll have breakfast ready for you very soon,” she said.  She turned to Wolf.  “Come on big boy.  Let’s get you out into the yard for a few minutes.”  Wolf went willingly, despite the smell of sausage in the kitchen.
Sausage, and eggs, and toast.  And coffee!  Brian had a lot of trouble picking up the fork.  He had trouble using the fork.  But ne managed.  He had to use both hands to hold the cup steady enough to drink from it without spilling it.  And the entire time he ate, Wolf laid on the floor right next to him.
After breakfast, Rosa let Brian sit right where he was while she cleaned up the kitchen.  Brian watched her as he sat petting Wolf’s big head in his lap.  When Rosa was done, she finally turned to him.  “Okay, let’s see if we can get you on your feet again.  It was easier this time.  Once on his feet, she grabbed him around the waist again, and walked with him around the house.  After a minute, she began holding onto him less.  Then barely at all.  Soon, he was walking by himself.
She kept him walking for a few minutes by himself before she had him go back into the bathroom.  This time, she turned the shower water on.  While she was waiting for the water to warm up, she removed his nightgown, but this time, she removed her nightgown and panties as well so that they were both totally naked.  She helped him into the shower, and she got in with him.  She scrubbed his whole body clean, then she took her shampoo and conditioner and went after his messy hair.  After the shower, she dried him off, then put the same nightgown back on him.
She left him there, sitting on the closed toilet seat while she went to her bedroom to get dressed.  When she came back, she began brushing and combing his hair.  This time she combed it all straight back away from his face.  Then she had him walk around on his own for a while more. 
All morning she kept him moving, or sitting and trying to move his fingers better.  It was slow going, but little by little, his muscles loosened up and the movement came back, but through it all, she never allowed him to speak…until late in the morning, shortly before lunch.  She sat him down at the kitchen table.  She sat across from him…and she set the rolled up newspaper down right in front of her where he could see it. 
“We’re going to practice speaking now,” she told him, “but you’re only allowed to say what words I say you can.  Nothing else.  And you’re going to say the words the way I want you to say them.  Nod your head if you understand.”
Brian nodded.
“Good,” Rosa replied.  “Now say…Wolf.”
“Uull,” Brian tried.
Rosa smiled.  “Wolfie.”
“Try it again, Wolf.”
It took a try or two before Brian’s tongue could get the hang of things again, but he was soon speaking Wolf’s name clearly.  And then Rosa changed things in a way that Brian never anticipated
“Now the hard part,” Rosa told him.  “Say Wolf again, but raise the pitch of your voice so that it’s higher.”
That really surprised Brian, but all it took was for Rosa to glance down at the rolled up newspaper and he did his best. 
“Better, but a little higher than that.”
Brian tried again.
“Now speak it like that, but try to say it softer.”
Rosa worked with Brian for half an hour before she finally stopped.  “Only dog sounds now,” she told him.  “No more talking.”  But it was with a smile on her face that she got up to make lunch for them all.
After lunch, Rosa trimmed his fingernails, enabling him to move his fingers better, but while she trimmed them, she didn’t trim them that much, she still left them very long.  But at least they were smooth now and looked better.  And then she started in on more lessons.  Grab it this way.  Try to walk more like this.  Move your hands like that.  It was all little things.  Simple things.  But things she was now emphasizing everything with her piece of newspaper.  To his horror, Brian got hit a number of times with her newspaper as she tried to mold him into what she wanted.
By the end of the day, Brian was more confused than ever.  And the next day, Rosa started all over again.  “I didn’t like the way you moved your hands.” Was punctuated with a swat from her paper.  “I didn’t like the way you moved your body,” brought another swat.  And the three times they sat down to practice talking brought even more swats with her paper.  But by the end of the day, Brian was finally allowed to speak like a human again, as long as he didn’t ask questions, and as long as he spoke exactly the way she demanded. 
The next day, Rosa woke up to find Wolf again in Brian’s bed.  She shook her head.  She had a feeling that like it or not, Wolf was forever going to stay close to him.  She wasn’t sure how she felt about that, but she also knew that trying to fight it might not be the best thing.  She had just torn a very good friendship apart, and she had no doubt that the two of them were still trying to hold onto whatever they could of it.
“Come on, my angel,” she said to Brian.  “Let’s get you up and moving.  She got Brian out of bed, and her lessons with the newspaper began all over again.

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

One week.  One entire week.  Seven full days.  Rosa didn’t let Brian ask what was going on, but Brian was figuring things out.  He could move his hands perfectly well again.  He could walk perfectly well again, but he wasn’t allowed to move his hands, or walk, or even sit down like he used to.  And talking…that was the most difficult part.  But Brian had figured out what Rosa was trying to do with him.  Just not the why or anything else.  And for those entire seven days, the only thing he was allowed to wear was one of Rosa’s nightgowns.
On the eighth day, Rosa sat him down at the kitchen table.  She set the newspaper down in front of her as she usually did.  Brian expected more speaking lessons, but that’s not what happened at all.  This time, Rosa got serious again, but it was a different kind of serious.
“Don’t talk!” she said.  Just listen.  Understand?”
Brian nodded. 
Rosa looked at him for a moment, then took a deep breath.  Finally, she began.  “It’s time,” she said, “for you to start making some decisions about what to do with the rest of your life.”  She watched his face and saw the surprised reaction.  “I’m going to offer you a choice now,” she told him.  “I’ll give you all day today, and all day tomorrow to think about it, but by bedtime tomorrow night, I’ll want an answer.  And that’s the decision we both will stick to from now on.  Is that clear?”
Brian nodded hesitantly. 
“If you like, you can go back to your old life.  You can go today.  This morning if you want.  No strings attached.  The house next door is vacant again, and it’s been cleaned.  I’ll have what few things you owned taken from storage and returned to you immediately.  You can stay there free of charge for the next six months.  What’s more, until you get a job, I’ll give you a little bit of money to live on as well – until you get yourself a job.  After that, you’ll be on your own, and after that six months, I’ll either expect you to start paying your rent, or move somewhere else.”
She watched his face.  She could see he was relieved about some of what she had told him.  She continued.  “Brian, you can do whatever you want.  Get any job you want, but I highly recommend that you don’t go back to teaching school.  You weren’t cut out for it.  You simply don’t have the backbone to stand up to anyone.  And Brian, I think we’ve pretty much proved that point over the last few months.”  She saw the look on his face.  She couldn’t tell what he was feeling.  It was either puzzlement, or horror. 
“Before any of this started, all you did was complain about how those kids walked all over you.  And Brian, we both know now that it wasn’t their parent’s fault at all, it was you, and your total lack of any ability to stand up for yourself.”  She could see the feeling of hurt on his face.  So be it.
“Remember, you can leave and go back to your old life, in any way or form that you want, either after tomorrow night, or even right now if you want.  But Brian, I have another option for you to listen to and consider.  You can either go back to your old life.  Back to being Brian the spineless wimp.  Or…you can stay here and live permanently with me.  You’ll help me clean the house.  You’ll help me with my rental properties.  You’ll help me do many things.  But more importantly, what I really want, is simply, a companion.  If you stay with me, you’ll become the companion that I want – in the way I want.  And I think that over the last week you’ve already figured out a lot of what that will mean.  You won’t be Brian anymore.  Instead, you’ll become…Angel.  Together, we’ll shed that male exterior of yours that never worked for you at all, and together, we’ll create someone new.  Someone with confidence.  And I hope and believe, someone who will truly be happy.  That’s what I believe anyway.  That will be my wish, for me to be happy, but also, for you to be happy.”
She saw the wheels turning in his head, but she also saw the indecision.  “Think about it Brian.  You have until tomorrow night before you go to bed.”  She took the newspaper in front of her and unrolled it.  And then she ripped the paper in half.  “Go enjoy yourself now.  Go play with Wolfie if you want.  But think about what I said.  The choice…is yours.”
  Still wearing nothing but one of her nightgowns, Brian headed out to the porch swing.  Wolfie came right up to him and he sat there petting Wolf’s big head and stroking his warm thick fur.  What should he do?  Go back to his old life?  Go back to teaching school?  He remembered the kids and how they were with him.  Impossible!  He shuddered.  But she would let him live in his old house for free for the next six months.  And she would give him money to live on.  He could find a new job.  A different job for sure.  She was right, he couldn’t teach school anymore.  He just…couldn’t!  Just thinking about it made him sick.
Or…he could live here as…Angel?  And he was pretty sure that living here as Angel, meant that she somehow wanted him to live…as a woman?  How the heck?  But she had been forcing him to talk differently – more like a woman.  And move differently – more like a woman.  He had no doubt she would continue to force him to do many things differently if he decided to do that. 
So what should he do?  Freedom, or….  Would he be free in any way if he went with what she wanted?  Her companion?  She wanted a friend around? 
All day long he thought about it.  Freedom, or….  Something else.  Shortly before dinner, he decided he had to take a chance and try to ask.  She might beat him raw for asking, but he felt he had to try. 
Rosa was in the kitchen making dinner.  He walked in and stopped watching her.  Trying hard to use the voice she had been forcing him to use, he said, “Rosa, can I please ask something.”
Rosa was surprised.  She turned around and smiled.  “Of course.  I was hoping you might.”
“If I stay here with you, as Angel.  What kind of freedom would I have?”
That’s a very good question,” Rosa replied.  “Let’s sit down.”  She turned the stove off and sat at the table with him.  “You would of course have more freedom to do whatever you like…but that freedom would come a little bit over time.  You’d get as much freedom as I feel you’re ready for.  I won’t let you go out and do anything alone, until I feel you’re confident enough.  Ready enough.  But once you reach that point, you’ll still live here with me, but you’ll have your own entire life as well.  It will simply be as Angel instead of Brian.”
Brian nodded.  “You want me to become a woman,” he said.
“Yes.  I do.  A woman, and my companion.  My helper.  Someone to keep me company.  Someone I can talk to.  Someone who will talk to me.  Someone…I can do things with.  And Brian make no mistake, you will also become a lover for me as well.”
Brian nodded.  “Thank you,” he replied.  He got up and went outside to think things through again.  It was a lot to think about.  And now that included…being her lover.  But would he get love in return? 
He went back into the kitchen.  Rosa was just setting the table.  He stopped behind the chair where he usually sat.  “You said you want me to be your lover, but would I get love in return?”
Rosa went to him and hugged him.  Her voice was a whisper.  “More than you think.  Much more than you think.  And Brian, in bed, I’ve had a lot of experience.  Both with men and women.  But to be honest, if you’re talking about sex, I’m not sure how much I’ll use you as a man.  That part may have to work itself out over time.  But I promise, I won’t let you go unfulfilled.  I want your new life, to be as fulfilling, in all ways, as possible.  I just see a different vision for you of your life than you’ve ever considered before.”
Brian nodded.  It was even more to think about. 
“Now sit down, and let’s eat.”
Brian fed Wolf his dinner that night.  And then later, he sat on his bed while Wolf sat in front of him.  He stroked Wolf’s thick fur over and over again.  “What should I do Wolfie?” he asked quietly. 
Wolf whined and laid his big head in Brian’s lap.  Brian pet his head like that, staring at his best friend for a few moments.  Then he got off the bed and knelt down on the floor where he hugged the big dog. 
He got to his feet and went out to find Rosa.  “Rosa?” he said trying hard with the voice she wanted him to use. 
“I think I like the name Angel.”
Rose jumped up, went to him, and hugged him.

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

Connie rang the doorbell.  It had been a month now since she had been to see Rosa.  They had talked a few times on the phone, but only a few. From inside the house, she heard Wolf’s deep loud bark.  She wasn’t afraid of Wolf anymore.  In fact, she actually liked the big dog.  But the strange thing was Bobo.  Every time she mentioned Bobo to Rosa, she had changed the subject and refused to talk about him.  She could only surmise that Bobo, was now back to being Brian again, and was long gone.  And she couldn’t blame him one bit!
The door opened and Connie was suddenly quite surprised.  Rosa hadn’t opened the door, but another woman had.  Except closer examination told her that it wasn’t just another woman, but Brian – dressed as a woman.  She stood there wide-eyed, taking him in.  He was wearing a rather nice dress.  He had small heels on his feet.  He was wearing makeup.  And the biggest change of all, his hair had been styled and bleached to a light blonde. 
“Hi Connie,” Angel said brightly as she held the door open for her. 
Connie came in, but her eyes never once left the person in front of her.  “Brian?” she finally asked.
Angel smiled, but it was Rosa who came up and answered.  “It’s not Brian anymore, and it won’t ever be Brian again.  Connie, I’d like you to meet my new companion.  Connie, this is Angel.”
“Angel?” Connie asked, still staring in disbelief.  She finally turned her head to look at Rosa.  “Companion?”
Rosa smiled.  “Yes, from now on, Angel will be living with me, and helping me with everything I need.”
Connie stared back at Angel.  “Angel?” she said, still trying to come to grips with it.
Angel smiled.  “Believe it or not, I can’t remember ever being this happy,” she told Connie.  “For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m wanted.  And needed.  And…loved.”
Connie looked back and forth between the two of them, then she finally smiled at Angel.  She went to her, and hugged her.  “Hi Angel,” she whispered.  “I can’t tell you how happy I am for you.”

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

It was a beautiful spring day.  Rosa and Angel had been very busy getting another of her new rental properties ready for someone to move into.  The house next door had been rented to a salesman who was away quite often.  Rosa and Angel sat on the porch swing together enjoying a glass of iced tea.  Wolf was out in the back of the yard, doing his business back there. 
Rosa put her hand on Angel’s arm.  “Angel,” she said.  “You’ve been the best thing in my life in many years.  Is there anything you’d like?  Anything at all I can do for you?”
Angel watched Wolf way out in the yard.  She turned her head to Rosa.  “Can I do something?”
Angel told her.
Rosa considered it.  “Okay.  But just this once, and only for today.”
Half an hour later, Rosa opened the back door and let Angel out.  Angel saw Wolfie rolling around on the grass.  She barked.  Wolf heard it and reacted instantly, picking his head up to see.  A moment later, he ran up the steps and was licking Angel’s face.  Angel nuzzled him back and barked playfully.  Together the two dogs ran down the steps and out into the yard, where they played like the two best friends they still were. 
Rosa sat and watched the two of them.  Bobo was back again, but only for the day.  But Rosa had no doubt that she would let Angel play this way with Wolf again.  She just wouldn’t let her play that way too much.  She needed Angel now.  She was forever grateful to have Angel in her life.  And she was sure that Angel felt pretty much the same way.  But once in a while.  Once, every so often, she might let Angel, and Wolfie, play.

The end.


Kenneth said...

Thank you for yet another great story.. only thing i'd have liked to read was a bit more questioning from Brian/angel about Rosa's reasons for doing what she did.. was it simply because she could or whatnot.. i could have thought that Brian had spoken about his fear for more punishment and what it had done for his obeying Rosa and for his mental state of mind. Maybe that would have turned the story into something different and i wouldnt dare say if it would make it better :D.. in any case, Thank you again for letting us all meet Wolfie and Bobo and Rosa.

Alana said...

Karen, once again a beautiful story with many wonderful twists and turns. The training that Bobo had to endure and the relationship between Wolfie and Bobo was very imaginative. Thank you for all your exciting stories you bless us with over the years. Please let me know (you have me email) if you are going to put this story into e-reader format so I can read it again. I usually miss or forget some parts of the story. I found and older story you wrote on called Peace in the house. again an interesting read...
Love your work Karen,

Anonymous said...

Grear story but I do not like the end. The last chapters seem to be written in a rush. In my opinion Brian shoud have stayed Bobo for the rest of his life.
(Sorry if there are any mistakes. I am not a native speaker.)

Ferrin's demise said...

Reading your work in the way that you publish it on Blogger is such a different way of experiencing a story. It seems so much more personal since I can see the work progress over a few months. I am grateful for the time and effort you invest in your stories and I can of course understand that you might want a break. Still, I am looking forward to whatever is next.

Aldo LĂłpez said...

Woooww! Thanks so much for making my lockdown easier with this great story!
A bit dissapointed that Bobo got free from his predicament, but it is not my story.
I could not stop reading from the start to the very end for hours and hours on a row, even not being English my language.
I am a bit ashamed to recognize that I am one of those silent readers that almost never leaves any feedbackthough knowing how important it is for you writers that so generously share your effort. But here you have me, with tired red eyes, thanking you for such a great work.
I just wonder how it is that I had never reached to this story before, despite all my searching for stories.
For sure it is the best story ever read by me on this topic, and I have read hundreds, short and long, for free and paying, in English and Spanish.
Truthfully, thanks.

Anonymous said...

I'm late to the party, but wow what a story. This such such amazing story, that I manage finish all in one day. The ending was very sweet and make me smile. Please do continue to write as you're so talented and I have just discover you, so I will reading more of your stories.