Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Mercy Me - Chapter 9 - Part 3 of 5

Sorry.  When I mentioned that my posts might be sporadic, I didn’t think they’d be quite so sporadic as this.  I’m still here though.  Nothing wrong with me other than a diet I’m not happy about.  Lots of stuff is keeping me from writing as much as I’d like, but I’m still here.

Mercy Me
By Karen Singer

Chapter 9 – Part 3 of ?

      “Fido!” Mercy called as she walked toward the ladder he was working on.
      Ron was getting near the end of the driveway, and the closer he came to the road, the more nervous he was getting about the way he was dressed – in public!  Hearing Mistress over top of the chainsaw noise, he shut it off and looked down at her.
       “Stay!” Mercy commanded as if she was talking to a dog.  She walked up to the ladder again and like she had done before, reached into his panties and massaged his cock.
      Ben was in heaven again.  The only problem as she continued to massage him, was that there was a hurting ache inside his balls that was starting to grow as much as his cock did.  Like he knew she would, she removed her hands and pulled his panties back up way too soon.
       “Get down from there for a while,” Mercy told him.  “I’ve got water on the porch for you.  Go sit down and rest for a few minutes.”
      Ben gratefully got off the ladder.  He set his chainsaw down on the ground and headed for the porch.  He saw her heading for Twerp.  What a name!  Even though it did kind of fit.  But she had said she hadn’t decided on another name for him that she was happy with yet.
      There were several bottles of water on the porch and they were all cold.  He grabbed one, opened it and took a long drink.  He saw her sewing things sitting in one of the chairs, he chose a different one.
      Mercy watched Twerp, down on his hands and knees, everything on him spread apart by the devices she had put just above his elbows and his knees.  He was doing a great job pulling weeds.  Probably because moving from one position to another was so difficult.  “Break time,” she told him.  Instead of pulling him to his feet to walk up to the porch, she grabbed him around the waist and picked him up.  Just like that, she carried him up the steps and set him down on his feet.  “Chair!” she said as she pointed toward one of the seats.
      Michael hobbled over to the chair she had pointed at and sat.  She handed him a bottle of water.  His arms, while spread apart at the elbows, were still close enough that he could get the bottle to his mouth. 
      Mercy watched him starting to drink, then she leaned down over him and felt his diaper.  It looked and felt like it was still dry.  “Remember,” she told him, “no diaper changes until that thing is totally soaked, so I suggest you don’t hold back.”  She didn’t bother telling him that not peeing in the thing to keep it dry longer was also an option, but she wanted him to get used to wetting it.  She picked her sewing things up from her chair between them and sat down again.  As she did, she glanced across the street.  The guy there was halfway through his front lawn.  The cut part looked so much better.
       “Mistress,” Ben said.  “What’s with the guy across the street?  Is he another client you work with?”
       “No Fido,” Mercy admitted.  “Not yet at least.  But I’ll make no bones about the fact that I want him.  So I’m going to do everything I can to bring him over here more often.”
      Ben was actually a little surprised at the candor of the way she had replied.  “But he’s not a…uh…client?”
       “No.  Unfortunately.  And I’m afraid he may be a tough nut to crack.”
       “It sounds like he has no interest in what…me…and I guess Twerp there, are interested in.”
       “Not yet,” Mercy replied.  “But I want him to be.”
      Mercy smiled at him.  “Because he has skills I want.  Badly!”
       “Like you,” she said.  “I don’t usually find playthings that are as useful as you.  And I usually meet with them more than once before I bring them here and move forward.  But you, you know how to take care of my yard.  And I like my house to look nice!”  I insist on it looking nice.  I know it may not be exactly normal inside, but I’ve got the inside arranged just the way I want it, but outside, I want it to be someplace that when people drive by, they notice how nice it looks.”  She turned her head and faced him.  “So that’s the one biggest job I’m going to keep you busy with.  Keeping my yard looking nice.  Font and back.”
      Ron smiled.  “I can do that.  I love doing things like that.  And I know that all you want in exchange for the…uh…services you render…is for us to do things like that for you.”
       “Exactly right,” Mercy agreed.  “And that’s why I pretty much jumped all over you that first night we met.”
      Ron looked over at Twerp.  “And what about Twerp there?” he asked.  “What skill does he have that you wanted?”
      Mercy looked over at the little twerp.  “Amusement.  He amuses me.  Oh, he’ll be doing far more than that.  Last week he cut the grass for me.  I have other things I’m thinking of having him do too.  But he’s only been around here about a week longer than you.  He’s brand new to me too.  So we’ve barely just begun.”  She looked over at Twerp with as evil a grin on her face as she could muster.  “Isn’t that right, Twerp?”
      Michael didn’t miss the look on her face.  “Yes…Mistress.”
       “So if he’s new, and I’m new,” Ron said, “then how many other clients are you working with right now?  If I may ask.”
       “I’m surprised that you would ask,” Mercy noted.
       “Uh…only because you said you don’t take money and you need us to do things for you.”
      Mercy nodded.  “No.  It’s a good question and I don’t mind.  Right now, you two are the only playthings I have.”
       “What happened to the others?” Ron asked.
      Michael was particularly interested in the answer.
       “Life.  Moved on, and most of them away,” Mercy replied with a sigh.  “They all do that from time to time.  The last few I had were with me for quite some time.  Years.”
       “But they grew tired of you?”
       “Oh no,” Mercy replied.  “I’m pretty sure none of them did.  But the last one to leave me got a new job that completely kept him from coming around.  And the one before that also got a new job…in another state.”
      Michael felt he had to dare to ask.  “Do any of your…men…ever just quit?  Leave because it’s not what they like?”
      Mercy laughed.  “Yes!  Most of them.”
       “And you let them leave?  All of them?”
       “Of course,” Mercy replied.
       “Except me,” he stated.
      Mercy laughed.  “I told you before.  I’m going to give you an education whether you like it or not.  If you want to quit, then that’s fine, but I’m going to make it pretty damn difficult for you to even try, so I don’t recommend it!”
      Michael swallowed.  There was a way out, but she wasn’t going to make it easy for him to get there.
       “Are you wet yet?” Mercy asked him.
       “Uh…no.  Not yet.”
       “Keep drinking then,” she said as she looked from her sewing up toward the guy across the street, then back to her sewing.  “Do you like pizza Twerp?” she asked a she pushed the needle through her project.
       “I love it,” Michael replied.
       “I’m not even going to ask you Fido.  You’re a dog.  All dogs love pizza.”
      Fido felt his cock lurch.  “Yes Mistress,” he replied.  “I do love it.”
       “No surprise,” she said.  “I’ll order pizza for lunch.”
      Michael’s head jerked up at hearing that.  “Order?  To be delivered?”
       “Unless you’d like to drive out and pick it up,” Mercy replied, not even looking up from her sewing.
       “Uh…maybe not.”
       “Next week then,” Mercy replied with a sly smile.  “I hope you have to pee soon.”

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

      Ben was quickly growing tired.  Cutting his grass was a lot of work, especially since he was trying to do it as fast as he possibly could.  His hands ached because he couldn’t let go of the lawnmower to stretch them, making the job that much more difficult.  He got to the end of the row and turned around, he saw the damn woman herself waiting in his driveway for him.  He kept pushing the mower, cutting the next row of grass as he continually got closer.  At the driveway, he stopped to see what she wanted.
       “Looking good,” Mercy told him.  She held a water bottle up to his lips and poured some into his mouth.
      Ben drank it greedily.  It was cold and good.  “Thanks!” he said gratefully when she pulled the bottle away.
       “We’ll have lunch as soon as you’re finished with your lawn,” she told him.
       “On me,” she replied.  “Just finish cutting your grass first.”  She held the bottle to his lips again and let him drink.  “Now get busy!”
      Ben turned the lawnmower around and started on the next row, he was getting very close to the garden that bordered the front of his house.  When he got to the end of the row and turned around again, she was still there, waiting for him.  He cut along the edge of the garden.  By the time he was done, she was waiting for him to move into his backyard.  There was no gate, but he turned the corner of his house and began cutting the grass all along that side.
      Mercy stood watching him for a few minutes.  She looked all around at his backyard.  Mostly, it was an overgrown mess!  It was going to take him longer to cut it than it took for him to cut the front.  But that didn’t matter.  She would check on him a few times before he finished.  She went back to her own yard, noticing how nice the one side of the hedges looked now, even as bare of leaves as they were.  Fido had moved to the other side and was now working close to the fence there to make the hedges look the same as he had done next to the driveway.  Judging by what little she had seen Fido do so far, she already knew she was going to like having him work for her.  Now if only she could figure out a way to get Suzy Homemaker across the street to take care of the inside of her house like Fido was obviously capable of taking care of the outside.  That was the part she had to figure out.

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

      Ben had just one thought on his mind as he pushed the lawnmower back across the street at nearly a run.  He was exhausted from cutting the grass so fast.  And now his only thoughts centered around the one thing that had been on his mind from the moment she had locked him to the lawnmower – getting his pants back and getting the hell out of there!  Once again she had played her games with him, despite him telling her not to.
      Mercy smiled as she saw him hurrying so fast across the street with the lawnmower.  She noticed Fido, halfway down the row of hedges now, stopping to look.  Twerp was watching him too.  She got up and set her sewing aside and grabbed the water bottle she had been giving him drinks out of.  She headed for her garage, the one place she knew he was hurrying to get into.  He was breathing hard, despite the three water breaks she had given him on his backyard alone.  “All done?” she asked as he breathlessly slowed down and pushed her lawnmower into the garage.
       “Yes,” he breathed, panting from the exertion.  “Now unlock me from this thing.”
       “Bring it over here,” Mercy said as she walked over to the area where she usually kept the thing.  She waited for him there.
      Ben pushed the lawnmower over to where she wanted it.  He was still panting.  Still breathing hard from the exertion.  He just wanted her to unlock him so he could go home.
       You…need some exercise!” Mercy noted at the way he was panting.  “You’re out of shape!”
       “I sit behind a desk all day!” Ben argued.  “Now get me out of this thing!”
      Instead of unlocking him, Mercy held the water bottle to his lips.  He drank greedily for a moment, then pulled his head away.  “Unlock me!” he demanded.
       “Not yet,” Mercy replied with amusement in her voice.
       “Damn it!  Let me go!”
      Mercy ignored him and went around behind him.  Her hands reached inside his underwear.
       “No!  Let me g…g….”  Ben’s words were cut off as her hands started massaging him again.  “No…” he said weakly.  But it was clear from the weak tone of his voice that he was loving what her hands were doing.
      Mercy worked on him with both hands.  Using the skills she had learned over the years to bring him as much pleasure as possible.  “Doesn’t that feel good?” she whispered.  “Doesn’t that feel nice?”  She got no answer.  She didn’t need an answer.  She had a pretty good idea of what state he was in just then.  “It feels so good,” she whispered.  “So nice.”
      Ben was in heaven.  The feeling of her hands was so amazing that he forgot all about his own hands being locked to her lawnmower.  Her whispered words did nothing but emphasize what he was feeling.  And it did feel so good.  So nice.
      Mercy watched him carefully.  She knew when he was starting to head toward an orgasm.  With one hand, she kept massaging him, but more slowly.  With her other hand, she reached up and unfastened his left wrist from the lawnmower.  He barely seemed to notice as his hand stayed right where it was.  She switched hands inside his underwear and unlocked his other hand.  Once again, both of her hands went back to work on him.  He was breathing harder now.
       “Come,” she whispered as she pulled both her hands out of his underwear and wrapped her arm around his chest, pulling him backwards.  “Come with me,” she whispered.  Still holding him, she led him into her house, directly to her kitchen table.  Once again, she reached into his underwear and went to work on him.  “Lean over and put your hands on the table,” she told him.
      Ben was in such a state that he didn’t even think about not doing it.  Her hands were incredible.  She was making him feel so good.  And now they were alone.  He wanted nothing more just then than for her to finish and bring him to a complete orgasm.  He leaned over and set his hands on the table.  He felt her hands leaving his cock, leaving his underwear.  A moment later, she grabbed his underwear and slowly, very slowly, pulled them down to his knees.  Yes!  It felt so good!  Her hands were back a moment later.  Then they were gone again.  She was gone, but not far.  He heard her pulling a chair up behind him.
       “Sit down,” she said as she placed the chair where he could sit.
      Ben sat, and was rewarded to see her moving in front of him, her hands went back to his cock.  Pure heaven.  His own hands hung limply at his sides.  He didn’t want to get them in the way of what her amazing hands were doing to him.  And then, she stood up and moved behind him again.  More!  More!  More!  He waited.
      Mercy moved a little way behind him and grabbed something from the floor by the wall.  She knew he didn’t see her do it.  From behind, her arms went back around him again, one of her hands going directly down to his cock, giving him the pleasure he so desperately wanted.  The other hand went under his right arm and across his chest.  She switched hands on his cock for a moment as her other hand grabbed the strap she was wrapping across his chest and brought it under his other arm.  Quickly, before he knew what was happening, both her hands left his cock and grabbed the strap, pulling it tight against the back of the chair.
       “What?” Ben shouted as he realized what she had done.  His head was totally confused.  He had been so focused on the feel of her hands on his cock that he didn’t notice the strap until now.  And she was pulling it tighter.  “No!” he shouted as he started to struggle.  He tried to lean forward, but the strap was too tight.  He tried to stand up, but he couldn’t.
      Mercy stepped back away from the chair.  Locking the strap behind him had been quick and easy.  He was trapped there now, and with the contour of the back of her chairs, there was no way he could get up.  She walked around in front of him again.
       “Let…me…go!” Ben insisted angrily.
      Mercy smiled wickedly as she leaned down and grabbed his underwear and pulled them completely off his legs.  She tossed his underwear aside then reached down toward his cock again.
       “No!” Ben said as he struggled to keep her hands away from him now, but she was so strong that she quickly captured both of his wrists and held them out of the way with one hand while her other hand went back to work on his cock.  “Let me go!” Ben insisted…as her hand went back to work on him.
      Mercy ignored his words and what he thought he wanted.  Once again, she brought him to the point where if she kept it up, he would have an orgasm.  Then she pulled away and walked away.  “Lunch will be in a little while,” she told him.  “We’ll play more later.  Right now, I have other guests to consider.  Stay there and enjoy yourself,” she teased.  “I’ll be back in a little bit.”  She walked out to her garage, leaving him fastened to her kitchen chair.
      Ben went crazy struggling to get loose.  He could reach back behind the chair somewhat, but he couldn’t reach the lock.  He struggled madly every way he could to get loose, and couldn’t.  Damn that woman!  She was nothing but trouble.  Big, big, trouble!  Every damn time he came near her.  Now he was stuck, sitting in her damn chair, with his cock on full display.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, I love way this is going. Keeping the twerp in diapers is wonderful.
I very much appreciate your hard work and effort you put into this. Thanks again.