Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Training with Wolfie - Chapter 13 – Part 3 of 4

Training with Wolfie
By Karen Singer

Chapter 13 – Part 3 of 4

Rosa pulled into her driveway.  She opened the back door.  “Out Bobo,” she commanded as she pulled on his leash.  There was no hesitation from Bobo this time, but she did see that he was having more trouble with his hind legs trying to place them while backing out.  Well, he was just going to have to get used to them being a big longer than they used to be.  And he was going to get plenty of practice with them. 
On a whim, instead of leading him straight into the house, she ignored Wolfie’s barking from the backyard and walked Bobo down to her mailbox again.  No mail yet.  Like she had done before, she walked him down to his old mailbox.  No mail there either.  Only then did she lead him back the way they had come and finally back into the house.  She took him through the house, unclipped the leash and led him out onto the porch where Wolf rubbed himself all over her, but not for long.  Wolf’s attention went quickly to Bobo. 
She was amused by Wolf’s reaction to Bobo.  He sniffed him all over, he examined him all over.  And he jumped on him, trying to get him to play.  But Bobo just stood there.  To Rosa, he seemed…scared.  Well, he’d just have to get used to everything.  She went back into the house to start preparing for something important that it was now time to do.  Something she had been waiting to do for a long time now. 
The first thing she did was to drag that big dog cage, from the end of her bed, all the way out to the porch.  She noticed Wolfie and Bobo out on the grass where Wolfie had Bobo’s tail in his mouth and he was pulling Bobo backwards by it.  “Play nice,” she called happily to her two dogs.  From the porch, she dragged the big cage out into her backyard, trying to find the perfect place for it.  There!  Not too far from the fence.  That should work quite well.  She noticed that neither Bobo nor Wolf were coming anywhere near the cage.  She had no doubt that neither of them liked the thing.  But sometimes, things like that were necessary for pets.  And she now had two of them.  She headed back into the house to get the few remaining things she would need.

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Bobo was having trouble playing with Wolfie.  He wasn’t used to his new front paws.  He wasn’t used to his new hind legs.  And he especially wasn’t used to having a tail…that Wolf seemed to like grabbing and pulling on.  Ugh!  He could just scream!  But he was too afraid of Rosa to actually do it. 
He saw the cage out in the yard.  There was no way he could miss it.  He had also noticed the way that Rosa had seemed to be trying to put it in just the right place.  Why?  He hated the cage.  He was sure that Wolf did too.  He was glad to play with Wolfie, far away from the thing.
And then he saw Rosa coming out of the house again…and he heard her calling him.  Wolf took off for her like a shot.  He turned and headed for the porch too, only much, much slower.  A tail!  Even moving slowly, he could feel the darn thing moving around back there.  A tail!  How humiliating can you get?

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Rosa fed Wolf a couple of dog treats and had him sitting, then laying down on the porch before Bobo even got there.  She was glad when Wolf did everything perfectly…or close enough for him.  When he rolled over on his side while lying down, she didn’t even mind.  Bobo though, was moving slower than usual.  Was that because of the new additions to his body?  Or was he just reluctant to come anywhere near her.  Not that it mattered.  Right now, everything was going to be about him.  He just didn’t know that yet. 
Once Bobo reached the porch, she had him sit.  She watched as he did it.  The new leg coverings and tail made very little difference in the way he did it.  She was pleased to see the way the tail moved out of the way as he sat – just like Edward had said it would.  The man really was an artist!  A genius!  With Bobo sitting, she gave him two dog treats.  She lowered her hand and said, “Down.”  As he always did, Bobo behaved perfectly to the commands.  His new front paws looked better than ever in that position.  She loved not seeing his taped up hands anymore.  So nice.  She loved the short hairy pattern of the leather, the mostly creamy white background with the small patches of black against it.  All of it looked so good on him.  Maybe she should just keep him that way permanently!  But no.  She knew she could never do that.  But it was an interesting idea.
With Bobo lying down, she turned to Wolf.  “Wolfie, come!” she commanded.  It took a moment before Wolf went from lying on his side, to lazily getting to his feet, to him coming right to her, where he was more interested in getting more treats.  She gave him some, then grabbed his collar and led him straight into the house.  She left him there, closing him in.  Closing him away from what she now had to do with Bobo. 
“Bobo.  Sit!” she ordered and watched as Bobo, got into a sitting position.  She couldn’t miss the look of fright on his face.  Well, that look was warranted.  He was about to be in for the fright of his life…if he hadn’t figured things out already.  And there was one thing she was going to do with him now that she was sure he didn’t have a clue about.  She connected his leash to his collar and led him over closer to the porch railing where she tied the leash to the top of it.  “Sit!” she ordered again.  The look on Bobo’s face showed confusion along with the fear.  She could certainly understand.  In fact, it was what she wanted to see on that face right now.
She stood back from him to look at him again, purposely making him wait.  Purposely growing the anxious fear in him.  It was an old technique.  Sometimes those habits simply came out.  In her case, she very much enjoyed putting fear into the men she worked with.  And Bobo, despite what she had done with him, was still a man underneath.  Sort of.  He really never was much of a man she figured.  Not with his level of back bone.
She finally decided to sit down.  As she suspected, Bobo’s head never turned away from her.  He moved slightly, still sitting down, so he could see her better.
“Before we go any further Bobo, if you try to make any sound at all that’s not like a dog, just like always, then I can tell you that you’re in for the worst punishment of your life.  Very, very painful punishment.  We’ll get more into that later.  I just wanted to warn you about it right now…up front.  This little discussion will be the last time I ever talk to you as if you can fully understand me.  Ever!  At least, not for a very long time.  From this point on I’m going to be trying even harder to consider you to be nothing more than a dumb animal.  And I suggest that you start thinking of yourself that way too.”
Bobo didn’t know what to think.  He only knew that he was scared.
“Do you remember,” she started, “when we sat right here on this porch and had a little discussion about you not sticking up for yourself?  Not just once, but several times.  I remember them quite clearly.  Those discussions were what led us directly to this point.  They led us to where you are now…and where you’re going to be staying.
 “I’m sure you’ve figured out by now, that the time limit for you to get out of all this has now passed.  It passed the moment Tolliver put that first piece of leather on your front paw.  And even then, I was a little hopeful that you would finally figure it all out and get out of it.  But no, you didn’t.  You didn’t, because you couldn’t.  Because despite what you think about yourself, you didn’t get out of it, because you never once stuck up for yourself.  Through all the things I made you do, day in and day out, you never once tried to really fight back and stick up for yourself.  Never…once!”
Fight back?  All Bobo could think about was what she either did to him or threatened to do to him each time he put up any kind of resistance.
“All you had to do Bobo, was to fight back.  To stick up for yourself enough to show me that you weren’t going to let me get away with the things I made you do…because you were too much of a wimp to argue back.  Not once!”
Once again Bobo thought of her hitting him and threatening him with worse.
“And don’t think for a minute Bobo, that me hitting you with nothing but a simple piece of newspaper was anything that horrible.  Newspaper?  Come on Bobo!  Get real!”  She picked up the old worn out rolled up newspaper from the seat next to her and held it up.  “Newspaper never once hurt you.  It’s what they use on puppies.  Young puppies.  The sound scares them more than it hurts.  And trust me, this never really hurt you at all.  But just like a young frightened puppy, you were too much of a wimp to see that.  You never had the backbone to stand up to…a simple stupid piece of paper!”  She unrolled the newspaper, grabbed it, and ripped it in half.  Then she balled the paper up in her hand and tossed it aside.  “Newspaper!  Afraid of getting hit with a piece of paper!  Paper that could never in a million years hurt you.”  She shook her head.  “But you didn’t have the backbone to stand up for yourself…even against a simple piece of paper!  No backbone at all! 
“That’s why the kids in school walked all over you.  That’s why you couldn’t control them.  From what I gathered from you, they all treated you that way, from the very youngest of them to the very oldest.  All of them.  It wasn’t the parents who didn’t teach them properly, the problem was you.  You never once showed them that you deserved even the slightest bit of respect.  No Bobo.  I’m sorry, but as Brian you were simply a failure!  With no backbone at all, you couldn’t control any of the kids, even the youngest of them.  And because of it, you were never meant to teach.  Not kids anyway.  Probably not anyone.  A teacher has to demand respect.  And you couldn’t do it!”
Bobo still didn’t believe her about that.  It wasn’t him, it was the parents.  All of them.  They should have taught their kids better!
“But all that is in the past now Bobo.  All of it.  You’re not going back to teaching…at least not for a while.  What you do later in your life of course, will be up to you.  I’m merely trying to make a point with you and teach you something.  But I’m afraid that that something has now become something much more.  Something different.  Something even I never expected.  And the consequences are now what they are.  There you sit – like a dog.  And here I sit – as a human.  And you will be continuing to sit…and live, like a dog, until I decide otherwise.  And I’m afraid Bobo, that you’re going to be living that way for quite some time.  Not only to make the point with you, but because I find that I rather enjoy it – far more than I ever anticipated.”
She leaned forward.  “Now here’s the rub Bobo.  Here’s the interesting part for you.  After some time, and I don’t really know how long, but how soon you get out of that life and return to the world of being human again is going to be up to you.  But not in the way you think.  After some time has passed, you becoming human again is going to be determined by me seeing just how much you’ve accepted the fact that you’re now nothing more than a dog…an animal.  The only way you’re going to get to be a man again…even as little of a man as you were…will be by me seeing that you’ve accepted yourself as nothing more than my pet.  A dog.  And that you’re comfortable and happy living that way.  Only then will I consider turning you back Bobo.  Only then.  So you’re only hope of getting out of this sooner rather than later Bobo, is to forget you were ever human to begin with, and start thinking of yourself as being nothing but a dog.  A real dog.  And for my part, well, I’m afraid that I’ve rather enjoyed training you along with Wolfie, so I’m going to continue to try to find new ways to teach you to be…nothing more than a dog.  So Bobo, you still have that, whatever it may be, to look forward to.”
Bobo tried to take that in.  In order to be human again, he had to forget he ever was human?  That was ridiculous!  His worrying was quickly interrupted when he saw her getting up from her seat…and he was even more worried when he saw what she had in her hand now.  And it looked nothing but frightening.  His eyes went wide and a cold fear sank into his stomach.
“I’m done hitting you with a simple piece of rolled up newspaper Bobo.  From now on, the consequences of you not behaving completely like a dog are going to be very real, and very painful.  See this?” she said as she held up the small cruel whip in her hand.  “This is called a cat o’ nine tails.  It’s a form of whip that’s been used for serious punishment for centuries.  As you can see, mine has nine leather tails, and each of those tails has a knot on the end.  This kind of whip, and many different variations of it, has existed from ancient times.  It has always been used to inflict horrible pain.  This whip can flay the skin right off of a person with very little effort.  I’m done using newspaper on you Bobo.  From now on, every little infraction of you not behaving completely like a dog will be met with pain from my whip.  Real pain!”
Bobo couldn’t take his eyes off of the whip.  The thing even looked cruel and painful.  Just seeing it in her hand scared him nearly to death. 
Rosa untied his leash from the porch railing.  “Bobo. Stand,” she ordered as she pulled the leash tight. 
Still staring in fear at the whip in her hand, Bobo stood. 
“I’m going to hit you with this thing, just once Bobo.  Not because you’ve done anything wrong, but only because I want you to know how this thing can hurt.  That’s the only reason I’m doing this, so you’ll know the consequences of not behaving properly.  But Bobo, even when I hit you now, if you make even the slightest sound or behave in any way at all that I don’t like, like a dog, then I’m going to keep hitting you, keep punishing you, until you do start showing me how a dog reacts and behaves.  And Bobo, know this, even now, I won’t be hitting you in anger with it.  So in the future, if I do have to punish you, it’s going to hurt even more.”
Bobo was scared.  Very scared.  She was going to hit him.   Whip him.  And if he made even the slightest sound that wasn’t…  Her arm suddenly went up and then came down.  And his back exploded in searing pain.  He yelped, hoping it sounded like what a dog would cry.  He also tried to desperately pull away from her. He wanted to get away from that thing.  He didn’t want to get hit with it again.
Rosa smiled.  “Very good Bobo.  Very good.  Just like a dog.  A real dog.”
Bobo felt somewhat relieved, but his back was stinging something fierce.  He couldn’t imagine what it would feel like if she hit him much more with it.  She could probably kill him. 
Rosa tossed her cat o’ nine tails onto the seat.  “Come Bobo,” she said as she slowly led him down the steps and into the yard.  Bobo dared not put up any resistance, not with his back still stinging so painfully.  Rosa stopped for a moment and looked down at him.  “Oh,” she said, “in case you didn’t pick up on it earlier when we visited Tolliver, I’m going to be considering you to be a female dog from now on.  I think Edward has done a very nice job of ridding you of any sign at all that you’ve got a penis somewhere inside there.  So from now on, you can either lift your leg when you pee, or not.  That’s entirely up to you since female dogs don’t always do that.  And of course, I also won’t have to worry anymore about you getting any strange sexual ideas during the night.”  She chuckled.  “I think with the way that Wolfie often plays with you, that he sometimes thinks you were a female dog too!  I guess he might have been right.”  With a laugh, she pulled on his leash and got him moving again.
Rosa led him all the way over to the cage that she had placed near the fence.  She opened it, but before she pushed him inside, she stuck her arm with the end of the leash way into it.  She fished the end of the leash through the top of the cage as far from the door as she could.  “In!” she ordered, and watched as for once, Bobo put up no resistance at all to crawling into the cage.  She tied the leash to the bars on the far side of the cage.  Bobo had plenty of room to either sit or lay down, but he wouldn’t be able to turn around in the cage.  She wanted him to stay there just like that.  She wanted him to see his old house…and what would be happening over there very shortly. 
“See your old house Bobo?” she said.  “You don’t live there anymore.  You couldn’t pay your rent very well anyway.  So for now, you can look at it, and remember, and realize, you’re not going back there again.  It’s not your house.  You live here now, with me.  You don’t live like a person anymore.  You live…as a dog.  Because Bobo, from now on, you are a dog.  Nothing but a dog.  And you need to learn and remember that.”
With that, she left him there and went back into the house.  Oh darn she was turned on.  Very turned on.  But she had no doubt that Connie would be along very soon, so there was no time at all to do anything at all about it. 
Bobo laid down in the cage.  He really couldn’t do much else.  The cage didn’t offer enough room for him to sit up comfortably.  Not like a dog anyway, and with his legs bound up, he didn’t have much choice to sit any other way.  His time limit was up?  All he had to do was fight back?  She was crazy!  He had tried.  But each time she had yelled at him and hit him…with nothing but that rolled up piece of paper.  Nothing but that.  Could he really have gotten out of all of this?  Could he?  It sure didn’t seem like it.  Every time he tried to put a stop to it….  He started remembering time after time, her doing nothing but yelling at him.  Ordering him.  And he also remembered how it felt each time.  She was always so…dominant.  So…frightening.  How do fight someone like that?  Was he that much of a wimp?  Was he that…worthless?
A sound pulled him from his thoughts and a new fear raced through him.  It was the sound of a car door closing.  From where she had placed his cage, he could just see between the two houses to the driveway…his old driveway.  His car was still there, but now someone else was too.  Could they see him?  He waited in fear, but saw and heard nothing else…until. 
He heard the back door to Rosa’s house opening.  He saw Wolf running down the steps.  And behind Wolf, he saw Rosa and her friend Connie.  Hopefully, it had been Connie that he had heard.  But if it was, why would she park in his driveway?  Wolf was suddenly there, poking his nose against the bars of his cage.  But a minute later, both Rosa and Connie were there as well. 
“Oh!  He’s got a tail!” Connie exclaimed. 
“Not he anymore.  Thanks to Tolliver, Bobo is now a she?”
“Really?” Connie exclaimed.  “How did he do that?”
“I’ll have to show you later.  In fact, there’s a lot about Bobo now that I can’t wait to show you.  But right now, I want him to see you moving into his old house.  I want him to see that he no longer lives there.  I want him to realize, that as a dog now, he can’t have that kind of house anymore.  About the only kind of house he’s ever going to have for a while, is a dog house!”
“Are you going to buy one?”
“I’m not sure,” Rosa said.  “I hadn’t thought about it.  Come along dear.  Let’s get you settled in.”
Bobo was forced to lay in his cage, knowing that someone else was now moving into his house.  What about his things?  What had she done with them?  Were they all gone now?  He never really had that much, but everything he did have was precious to him…because he had so little.  As he laid there and watched, and listened to the sounds of Rosa and Connie taking things from her car into the house, it did nothing but drive home one unavoidable fact.  Rosa had taken him and turned him into a dog.  About as close to a real dog as he figured he could possibly get.  And like it or not, he had never once done anything to stop her. 
Maybe, he deserved it.

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1 comment:

Natasha said...

I must admit, when I knew what this story was to be, in the beginning I was very disappointed and didn't think the subject matter was of Karen's fabulous standard. I'm ashamed to say I was so SO wrong. Karen is doing an amazing job of telling the story and I'm not ashamed to say that just like Rosa, I am amazed at how much of what she has done to Bobo has turned me on. I long for a superior Female to have that much authority/control over me. Keep up the good worrk Karen.

Sissy Natasha