Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Monsters - Chapter 36 – Broken – Part 1 of 2


By Karen Singer


Chapter 36 – Broken – Part 1 of 2


Where the hell was Alfonso?  Why wasn’t he answering his phone?  Vince Beastman angrily paced the room.  It wasn’t like Alfonso to not answer his calls, except perhaps when he was working with one of the girls or he was teaching a class.  But this was the third time he had called today.  What the hell was Alfonso doing that he couldn’t answer a call?  Was he that tied up with work?

Putting his phone away, Vince’s frustration showed as he strode out of the room.  How was he going to get back to Vegas?  How was he going to knock that damn blockhead off his throne?  How was he going to stand the damn jerk up right in front of all his own mercenaries and give the command to annihilate him – completely?  Because that’s exactly what he wanted to do.  He just didn’t know how.  Alfonso was the brain.  He needed Alfonso’s help.  But where the hell was he?


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Four Chinese men entered the room, and Alfonso’s heart raced.  The chain connecting him to the beam in the wall was removed, and the four men dragged his naked body out of the room and into another one.  From what little he was able to see outside of the rooms, he got the impression that this was some kind of barn for horses, but some of the stalls had been converted now into small rooms.  How many small rooms?  He didn’t know, and it didn’t matter. 

It took no time to drag him into another of those rooms where he saw a simple chair sitting in the middle of the floor.  They dropped his body next to the chair.  Before he knew it, they were fitting some kind of heavy metal collar around his neck, locking it in place.  He could hear and feel another chain locked to that collar.  The men removed the cuffs and chains binding his hands and feet, leaving him free now of everything except the new collar around his neck…and the chain attached to it that he now saw went around a heavy beam in the ceiling above.  He had more freedom than before, but he was still bound, just by a different chain.

He stood up, testing the collar to see if he could free himself.  He couldn’t.  The chain was too strong as well.  He noticed a small table with a drink cooler and a tall glass on it over by the door.  He headed that direction, only to be brought up short after a few feet.  The chain wouldn’t allow him that much freedom.  After being bound the way he had been, he walked around, trying to flex his aching muscles.  Mostly, he walked circles around the chair. 

He was anxious.  He had no doubt that this was where the questioning would begin.  He had no doubt, that this was where the torturing would begin.  Would he be able to hold up against it?  What would they do to him?  Hurt him, that was for sure.  He wasn’t as strong as Vince was.  Not nearly, but he had a strong, smarter mind.  Could he hold up?  He could only try.  He had to try!

The door finally opened, and a heavy-set woman stood in the doorway.  Not Chinese.  She wasn’t at all what he was expecting.  Was this the Janice woman that the Chinese man had told him about?  “You’re going to be the one to question me?” he asked.

“Oh,” Janice replied.  “I have questions, but most of them will have to wait for later.  She closed the door behind her and picked up the glass from the table and poured herself a glass of the cold iced tea.  She took a sip, then still holding the glass, she turned back to him.  “We’re guessing that you’re Alfonso,” she said to him.  “Is that right?”

She was going to be the one to question him.  Well, he wasn’t going to play her games!  He was smarter than that.  “I don’t need to tell you anything!” he said boldly.

Janice grunted a chuckle.  “Not yet,” she said as she set the glass down and picked up the remote control for the collar around his neck.  “But I’m quite sure that you and I will have a number of very interesting conversations in the future.  In fact, I’m looking forward to it.  Sit in the chair please.”

“Do what?”  The pain that immediately attacked his neck and ran all through his head and down his spine was like nothing he had ever felt.  He screamed and writhed, falling to the floor, his hands clawing against the collar.

“Sit…in…the chair!  Quickly!” Janice ordered.

Alfonso was breathing heavily now.  He had read much about electric torture.  He had studied it and even experimented a bit with it.  But it had never been used against him.  When he didn’t move immediately toward the chair, the pain came again.

“Sit in the chair!  Fast!” Janice yelled to get the point across while the pain was still attacking her victim.  The moment she let go of the button, she said it again.  “Sit in the chair, fast!  As fast as you can, or I’ll let you cook all day with that pain!”

Not wanting to feel the pain again, Alfonso moved toward the chair.  Before he got there, he felt another small jolt of pain from the collar.  But finally, he was sitting down.  It wasn’t until then that it dawned on him.  “You’re her, aren’t you?”

The question surprised Janice.  “I’m her?  Of course, I’m her.  I’m a woman.  What her are you talking about?”

You’re the one I read about,” he said.  “The mind control expert.  The only person to ever force that much control over your subjects.”

Janice chuckled.  “I see you’ve heard of me.  Where may I ask did you come by that information?”

“I’m working on my doctorate in psychology.  Particularly as it pertains to behavior control.  I was able to get hold of some papers from the FBI,” he told her.  “From there, I was able to meet with a few doctors in Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia.”

Janice smiled.  “I see.  Well, perhaps I can teach you a thing or two.  Tell me, did you get a chance to study any of the men down there?”

“I saw them.  I observed them.  I heard that electric shock was used to briefly bring some of them out of their altered mental states, but none of the doctors would allow me to see it.  I only got to observe their behaviors and nothing else.”

“And what conclusions did you come to?”

“That…something really affected them.  Their mental states appeared to be completely altered, as if there was no human side to them at all.  They appeared to be only whatever it was that they were now.  Most of them, I wasn’t able to decide what they were supposed to be at all.  One that I saw though, he looked and acted more like a praying mantis than anything else.”

Janice smiled.  “Ah yes.  One of my favorites.  I prefer turning men into nothing but bugs.  Bugs…I can step on and crush!

Alfonso gulped.  He had seen those subjects with his own eyes.  They were…mentally lost.  Each and every one of them.  Bugs!  That explained a lot of what he had seen.  “Is…is that what you’re going to do to me?”

“No,” Janice replied with a smile.  “I have something different in mind for you.  Something new I’ve been working on, Alfonso.  It is Alfonso isn’t it?”

Shit!  He had already given away too much.  He remained silent, forcing his lips closed.

Janice grunted a laugh.  “Alfonso.  The one who was torturing all those girls, warping their minds, trying to do what he shouldn’t have messed with!  Don’t worry, Alfonso, by the time I’m done, you and I will have spent more than enough time together.  Mind control is serious business.  It takes strength and cruelty.  But more than that, it takes intelligence and willpower.  You, Alfonso, are intelligent, but not enough!  I studied one of your girls.  I managed to undo everything you did to her.  You’re…not…good…enough…Alfonso!

“You…undid it?  How?  That should be…impossible!”

“How?  Let me show you.  Stand up.”

Stand up?  And do what.  But when he didn’t immediately move, the pain was back, driving through his skull and down his body. 

“You do what I say, as fast as you can, or you live with that pain for the rest of your miserable life.  Now stand up!”

Alfonso stood, still grasping at his collar.

“Sit down!”

Sit down?  He had just stood up.  But before that thought could fully register, the pain was back again.  Torturing him.

“I said fast!  Stand up!”

He stood as fast as he could.

“Sit down!”

The commands started coming fast…faster!  Stand up and sit down were only two of the many simple commands that assaulted him.  Every time he moved the wrong part of his body, he was attacked by a brief spell of pain.  “You don’t have time to think,” came through to him again and again.  “You can’t think fast enough.”  As the commands, unbelievably, continued to come even faster, his spinning mind didn’t know what to do.  He couldn’t process what was happening fast enough.  He couldn’t analyze anything fast enough.  It was either do what she said faster, or be tortured by the pain.  Trying to analyze what she was doing was left far behind.

“You don’t have time to think.  Raise your right arm.  Lower your left arm.  The only way to get through this is to let me do the thinking for you.  Lower your right knee.  Raise your left arm.  My will is your will.  Stand up.  Raise your left arm.  You can’t think fast enough.  Lower your right arm.  Sit down.  My will controls you.  Raise your right knee.  Lower your right knee.  The only way to survive is to let me do the thinking for you.  Stand up.  Sit down.”

He never knew.  The commands came so fast that he never even knew when his mind let go and tipped over the edge.  He only knew that if he didn’t do what she said then he would be assaulted by the pain.  Letting go was the only way.  Letting go and not trying to focus was the only way to survive.  Don’t think, let go.

The commands came even faster, mixed with other brief suggestions.  He didn’t know it of course.  His mind had let go already.  She was controlling him.  The commands came and each one was as if it came from his brain to control his body, when in reality, it came from her.  She was controlling him like a puppet…even though that thought never once entered his mind.  It couldn’t enter his mind.  His mind was already too far gone.

He didn’t know how long is lasted.  Thoughts like that weren’t possible.  The only thing possible for his mind was to follow each and every command he had been given.  Even just sitting calmly in the chair, his mind was still completely blank.  The only thing that mattered anymore was the words she was saying.  Her will…as his will.  Of course, he didn’t care.  All that mattered was her will.

He learned about the impossible wall then.  The wall that completely blocked his ability to access his own will unless she gave permission for certain things.  The impossible wall that only grew stronger and stronger every time he sat up, stood up, sat down, or laid down.  Every time he moved, he would get a vision of that amazing wall growing stronger and stronger, making his own will even more impossible to reach.  Of course, her will was his will now, and he no longer had any desire to reach his own will.  Not that he had the brain power anymore to realize it.

And then came the strangest command of all.  The command where she woke him up completely.  His spinning head cleared…some.  He realized things again.  But the biggest thing he realized was that the only thing that would ever matter for the rest of his life, was her will.  Whatever her will said he should do, then that was his will too.  Her will…was his will.  And right now, her will was that after he awoke, he would go willingly with whoever wanted him, and he would talk to them and tell them absolutely everything they wanted to know about.  Everything.  And he would do that gladly, because it was her will.

Calmly, naked, he waited while the Chinese men removed the collar from his neck.  The collar that no longer mattered.  He remembered the pain it could bring, but it felt like a century now since he had felt any of that pain.  Her will now controlled him.  She could control him faster than his own mind ever could.  It was the only way to avoid the pain.  When asked, he followed the men out of the room.  He followed them into another room, where they told him to sit in a chair.  And…he told them everything he possibly could, answering each and every question they had for him. 

Hours and hours of questioning.  The time didn’t matter.  The only thing that mattered was that he would follow her will.  And her will was that he would gladly answer every question he was asked.  That was her will.  So that was his will.


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“How much does it still hurt?” Carol asked.

“Some,” Brandy admitted, referring to what had been done to her vagina.  “A lot less when I don’t move.”

“I believe it.  How about when you do move?  Any better?”

“Yeah.  Some.”

“Better enough to take another walk?  You need the exercise.  Xiang said to give you as much as possible.”

“He’s not the one who hurts!”

“No, but he’s also right and you know it.”

“Yeah,” Brandy admitted.  “I know.”

“So let’s go.  Just a simple walk and nothing else.  Slow and easy.”

Brandy gave in.  “Let’s go somewhere else though.  I don’t want to go toward the barn.”

“Okay.  No problem.  We’ll go out the front and head that way.”

Brandy held out her arms and Carol pulled her from the chair she had been sitting in.  She followed Carol out the front door and down the steps.  The air felt good.  Moving felt even better.  Her vagina didn’t feel better though.  The tiny sutures seemed to burn with every step she took.  Still, she was out.  She was moving.  Even the pain reminded her that she was human again.  She cherished the feeling with every slightly painful step she took.

“Is there any particular reason why you didn’t want to go out back this time?” Carol asked, mostly for something to talk about.

There was, but Brandy didn’t say it.  It was the men.  The barn was full of men.  The house wasn’t.  Right now, there was only Susan’s father in the house, and she rarely saw him since he spent most of his time in the barn…where the rest of the men were.  She made no reply to Carol’s question. 

“Bandy?” Carol said.  “Did you hear?”


“My question.”


“Is there a reason you didn’t want to walk out back?”

Again, Brandy was silent. 

“Brandy?”  Carol waited for an answer, but she got none.  She stopped Brandy and faced her, holding both her arms comfortingly, but firmly.  “Brandy, what’s wrong?”  She asked the question, but again there was no answer, instead, she saw the troubled look on Brandy’s face.

“Brandy, tell me,” she said gently.  “You can tell me anything.  You know that.  What’s bothering you?”

“I’m scared,” Brandy breathed more than spoke.

“Scared?  Of what?”  When she got no answer, she asked again.  “What?”

It was hard for Brandy to admit it.  “Men,” she said almost as softly.

“The men scare you?  What men?”

“All of them.”

Carol was very concerned.  This wasn’t the Brandy that she knew.  The Brandy she knew was absolutely fearless.  “Brandy, you’re free now.  We rescued you.  You don’t have to be afraid of anything anymore.”  She had spoken the words, but she didn’t like the blank, uncaring look that was now on Brandy’s face.  “Brandy,” she said softly.  “Tell me what’s wrong?  Why do the men scare you?”

Brandy’s face slowly changed from uncaring to something between anger and total fright.  “I’m scared!” she said loudly.  “Okay?  I just am!  And I can’t help it!”  She tore loose from Carol’s grasp and hurried as fast as she could back toward the house.

Carol followed, but more slowly.  Brandy was scared?  And evidently, she was very scared.  That was worrying.  Worse, she didn’t know how she could help the one person in the world that she truly loved.  Scared!  She wondered if her mother was done yet with Alfonso.  She needed desperately to talk with her now.  Maybe her mother could tell her how to help Brandy.


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