Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Too Old to be Young - Chapter 22


Too Old to be Young

By Karen Singer


Chapter 22


Dinner.  If you could call it that.  He had arrived with the pacifier in his mouth, only because she had phoned and told him to be sucking on it, but at least it was gone while he was eating.  Whatever it was he was eating.  Baby food.  It was difficult to figure out just what every mushy thing was on the plate in front of him.  Everything seemed to have the exact same consistency – mush.  Thin mush.  If it had been any thinner it would have been soup.  There were different colored things – the brown stuff he figured was meat of some kind, although when he asked Jackie what kind, she just smiled and said guess.  The rest of it was some kind of vegetables.  Green and orange.  Other than that, he wasn’t totally sure, although he had a suspicion that the orange gunk was carrots.  And for eating baby food, did she have to pile so much of it on his plate?  A little was bad enough.

He did figure out what was in his baby bottle though.  Apple juice.  He knew they hadn’t bought any at the store earlier that day, but he seemed to remember her buying some last week when they went shopping.  Now he was drinking it.  Without a doubt, it had far more flavor than the rest of his dinner.  In fact, the rest of his dinner didn’t have much flavor at all.  Consequently, none of it tasted very good.    

At least she didn’t try to spoon feed him.  He had to do that for himself…with just a spoon.  No other utensils were at his place at the table.  But really, if he had any other utensils, what would he do with them?  There was certainly nothing on his plate he could use a knife or fork with.  He had barely eaten anything before he knew what he was going to do as soon as dinner was over.  Go home and make something else to eat…and eat it!

Other than what he was eating though, his first dinner of only baby food was somewhat enjoyable.  It didn’t last very long though, not because of eating just baby food, but Jackie had to get ready for her weekly Wednesday night Bridge game at the Community Center.  Jim went home and fixed himself a sandwich to help get the bad taste of the baby food out of him mouth.  A sandwich, and lots of coffee!


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When he woke up Thursday morning, he certainly remembered taking the pacifier from his mouth, just like he remembered getting frustrated with the recordings and taking the headphones off, just like he remembered waking up three times to pee again.  Damn!  Those recordings weren’t doing anything at all!

His diaper was certainly bloated though.  He wondered how it could get that wet with just the few times he remembered waking up to pee, but of course, he was sure that he was dribbling more into his diaper each time he woke up and was simply too tired and too wet to notice.  Damn recordings.  He needed to find better ones.

He got up out of bed and waddled out towards the kitchen, wondering if his diaper felt heavier than ever.  It was always soaked.  He just wondered if it was more soaked today.  But then he had been peeing a lot last night.  Too much coffee!  He also had to wonder if that apple juice or the baby food he had eaten had anything to do with it.  He had no way of knowing though.

He set his coffee maker working and headed to his desk.  He had done enough work on his new very long story that he thought he was getting near the end of it now.  As he thought ahead, he was guessing just two or three more chapters.  The darn thing was an entire book!  And he only wrote short stories.  He had to admit, so far, the thing had turned out to be far different than he had expected, especially in the later chapters.

An hour later, he was drinking coffee while he worked on his story when his door opened an hour later, and Jackie walked in.

“Hi Jim,” she called.

“In here,” Jim replied as he tried to finish typing a paragraph before he stopped for his shower.

“Where’s your paci?” she asked as she noticed it wasn’t in his mouth.

“In the bedroom,” Jim replied as he kept working, typing as fast as he could.

“How’s the story coming?” she asked, noticing what he was working on.

“Pretty good…I think,” he replied.  “Not that it matters.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m the only one who’s ever going to read it.”


“Because I only write for myself.”

“What if I wanted to read it?”

“Don’t!  Besides, I’m very sure you wouldn’t like it.”  He finished typing and grabbed his bottle and took a quick drink of what little was left in it.  Two minutes later she was unlocking his onesie for him.  But before sending him into the shower, she grabbed his pacifier from the bed and shoved it back into his mouth.  With a laugh she sent him to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

While Jim was in the bathroom she wandered back to his computer and took a quick look at what he had been typing.  Oh my!  What she read wasn’t anything at all like the little bits she had read previously.  What the heck kind of story was it?  She had a feeling she would never know.  She went back to his bedroom where she grabbed a few things for him to wear from his closet.

When Jim came out of his shower, she put two of his daytime diapers on him, “talked” him into wearing pantyhose, then locked the diapers and pantyhose under another onesie.  Then she literally threw the skirt and blouse at him that she had pulled from his closet for him to wear. 

“I thought you weren’t supposed to be micromanaging everything for me,” Jim complained, including what clothes I wear every day.”

“I’m not,” Jackie replied.  “If you don’t want to wear them, then don’t.  I just figured you say you want to do it all for fun, but I never see you wearing any of it.  I’m just trying to give you a chance to have that fun.”

“Yeah, except I’m still locked up for another week!”

“And you said you still get a lot of enjoyment out of it.  Are you trying to tell me that wearing things like that isn’t any fun at all when you’re locked in that chastity device?”

“No.  I’m just saying that I can’t get the additional fun I’m really after.”

She smiled.  “So wearing that stuff is still fun, right?”

“Of course, it just…”

“Then wear it and enjoy it.  Just because you can’t enjoy something else doesn't mean you can’t enjoy that.”  She headed for the door.  “Now I’ll see you for lunch today.”

“Lunch!  But I thought it was supposed to be for dinner again.”

“It is, but I figured we may as well enjoy lunch again too.  Oh, and you better bring two more of your daytime diapers with you when you come.  I’ll change you there.  Oh…”  She smiled wickedly.  “And stick that pacifier back in your mouth and keep it there!”  She stared at him for a moment more with her wicked smile until she saw him go back to the bathroom and come out with the pacifier in his mouth.  She laughed.  “See you for lunch Jim.”  With that she was gone.

Jim stared after her until he heard his front door open and close again.  Damn her!  He pulled the pacifier from his mouth, then instead of putting it down, stuck it back in again.  Deciding what clothes to put on for the day was easy.  He grabbed the skirt and blouse she had pulled out for him.


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Damn he hated his life!  But the truth was…damn, he was enjoying his life.  The excitement was often more than he could stand…which didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy it.  He was just petrified more often than not.  Just before lunch, he stood in front of his door wearing two soaked diapers, pantyhose, a onesie, a blouse, a skirt, and his red high heels.  His fingernails were pink, and his hands held his purse and two more of his daytime diapers.  And in his mouth was a pacifier.  Pathetic!  Simply pathetic!  With a sigh, he opened his front door and stepped out into his carport.  He closed his door and hurried across the lawn, very aware of not only how he had to look, but also very aware of the pressure that damn chastity device was putting against this cock. 

Once at Jackie’s door, he knocked…and waited…and waited.  She finally opened the door, and he hurried inside.  She said nothing as to why it took her so long.  He finally figured she had kept him standing outside just to be cruel, hoping it would excite him.  Damn!  It worked.

Lunch was nothing special, except once again he drank apple juice from the baby bottle she was keeping for him.  After lunch, she changed him, then asked if he wanted to stick around for a while.  Telling her he wanted to get back to writing his story, he declined and went home, where instead of writing, he humped his bed uselessly once again.  If he didn’t get that cock restraint off soon and get some relief, his useless humping was going to wear a hole in his mattress. 

Later in the day, dinner with her was nice again…the dinner experience, not what he ate.  This time, when he got home afterwards, he again fixed himself a sandwich to eat.  But after eating so much of that damn baby food, he was too full to eat more than half of the sandwich.  Oh well, at least it got the taste of that baby food out of his mouth.  Mostly.


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When he woke up Friday morning, Jim’s thoughts weren’t on how wet he was.  They weren’t on the pacifier he had ditched soon after he had laid down to sleep, and they weren’t on the hypnotic recordings that were still playing in his ears because for once he had actually managed to keep the headphones on all night.  No, his thoughts were on something else.  It was Friday.  The day he and Jackie usually went to the supermarket together to buy their week’s worth of food.  As he laid there he realized something else about Friday.  It was the day he was supposed to have lunch with Jackie instead of dinner.  He was eating an awful lot of meals with her lately.

Before getting out of bed, he noticed that as usual, his diaper was overly bloated.  He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up.  Super bloated.  Nothing new.  As he waddled his way out toward the kitchen, he tried to remember how many times he had woken up to wet last night.  A few.  But was it two or three?  He honestly couldn’t remember.  It must have been three though…or more…since he was so wet. 

With the coffee maker working he went into his office and pulled up his story.  He had dreamed about the story a lot last night.  He often dreamed about it.  Now it was time to put those dreams into words.  Pausing to fill one of his small koozie covered baby bottles with coffee barely made an impression on his mind since he was soon heavily back into his writing.

“Jim…” Jackie’s voice called from his front door.

“Yeah!” Jim replied.  “Just a second.”

Jackie headed for his office where he seemed to be intently into his writing again.  “How’s it coming?” she asked.

“Good,” he replied, his head staring into the screen as his finger seemed to fly across the keyboard. 

“Where’s your pacifier?”

He took a second to look up skeptically at her before he went back to his writing.

Jackie left him and went to his bedroom.  She plucked his pacifier from his night table and carried it back to him.  While he was still typing she stuck her hand in front of his face with the pacifier.

Jim quickly pulled his head back as her hand was suddenly in his way.  She shoved the pacifier into his mouth.  “Keep it there!” she said sternly. 

Jim gave her a nasty look.

“Finish what you’re working on,” she told him.  “I’m in no hurry.  Just keep that thing in your mouth.”  She almost laughed at the look she got from him, but he was soon back to his typing.  Two minutes later, he finished.  “Done?” she asked.

He plucked the pacifier from his mouth.  “For now,” he replied.

She shoved the thing back into his mouth.  “Keep it there!” she said sternly again.

He pulled it out.  “How am I supposed to talk?”

She pushed it back in.  “With it in your mouth.”

He rolled his eyes and headed for his bedroom.

While he was in the shower, she pulled out a few things for him to wear.  When he came out, she put one of his nighttime diapers on him, and again “talked” him into wearing pantyhose under his locked-on onesie.  Jim was glad she didn’t “suggest” anything else.  He just hoped that his thick nighttime diaper wouldn’t be too visible under his pants while they were shopping.

She left him then with orders to come to her house when he was ready.

He was never going to be ready, but he knew that didn’t matter.

He caught himself peeing a tiny bit twice before he left the house.  It didn’t bother him because he was sure it was too little to make much of a difference in how noticeable his diaper would be.  Especially those diapers.  Carrying his purse and with his pacifier in his mouth he crossed the lawn to Jackie’s house, already knowing that he was going to profoundly refuse to keep his pacifier there while they were out.

He knocked on her door and had to wait a minute before she answered it.  He wondered if she was trying to be cruel again, but when the door opened, she came out already holding her purse.  They got into her car, and he removed the pacifier before she got out of the driveway.  It went straight into his purse.  He was so glad when she didn’t mention it again.

They shopped, as usual.  But this time Jackie suggested he probably didn’t need to buy as much of some of the things he usually ate since he would be replacing those meals with baby food.  He figured she probably had a point.  She also not just suggested, but she grabbed a large bottle of apple juice and put it into his cart for him.  “Buy it!  Drink it!” she told him.  “You need something other than coffee once in a while.”

“Why?” he asked.  He never did get an answer. 

As they shopped, after a while, he realized that she was buying a lot more food than she usually did.  Why?  She was buying more and he was buying less.  Until they got to the baby aisle again where she spent a long time selecting this and selecting that and putting it all into his shopping cart for him to pay for.  By the time they left that aisle, he had more baby food in his cart than everything else.

At the checkout counter, he felt embarrassed buying that much baby food, but the cashier never said one thing about it.  She also didn’t say anything about his purse that he had to dig through to find his credit card, but he didn’t miss the fact that she was staring at it with an odd look on her face.  He was happy to get out of there.

As soon as the groceries were all in her car and they had gotten in, Jackie paused before starting the car.  “Pacifier!” she ordered.

“When we get home,” Jim replied.

“Now!” Jackie ordered.

Ugh!  Jim opened his purse, found the damn silly thing, and stuck it into his mouth.  “Happy?” he asked sarcastically around the thing in his mouth.

Jackie smiled and drove him home.  They unloaded everything into Jackie’s house first where she separated everything she would be keeping, especially the baby food, then Jim carried what was left back to his house.  He put the items that needed to be refrigerated away, then headed straight back to Jackie’s house again for lunch.  All with the damn pacifier in his mouth…except while he ate lunch.

Jim went home after lunch to continue working on his story, but when she showed up later in the afternoon to change him, she invited him to have dinner with her again.  Having no problem with the invitation, he accepted.  Once again he ate two meals during the day with her, and this time, at her suggestion, he stayed for a while after dinner to watch a TV show with her.  It was a pleasant way to spend the evening, even if she did insist on him keeping the pacifier in his mouth.


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It was odd.  Very odd.  And don’t think for a minute that Jim didn’t notice.  He just didn’t say anything about it.  Saturday he had lunch and dinner with Jackie, although dinner was baby food.  Sunday he had lunch and dinner with Jackie, although lunch was baby food.  Monday he had lunch and dinner with Jackie, having baby food for lunch again.  Every single day!

Yes, he couldn’t help but notice.  What he couldn’t figure out, was why?  Fortunately, the time they spent together was comfortable.  Enjoyable.  Unfortunately, all the time they spent together, other than while he was eating, she made him keep that damn pacifier in his mouth.  Was that what it was really all about?  Making sure he sucked on the damn thing?  He supposed it was possible, but he couldn’t be sure.  Still, it was enjoyable. 

Day after day, two meals a day, he counted the days as the week went buy.  The more days that past, the more time he spent thinking about Tuesday night.  There were two major things he was worried about for Tuesday night.  What would they saddle him with next, and equally important, would he ever get out of that damn chastity device? 

He prayed and prayed for relief!


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