Saturday, December 10, 2022

The Legend of Bastien - Chapter 11 – To Be the Queen – Part 2 of 2

 Don't know what's going to happen with this one.  I'm posting it late because I've been without internet for the past two days.  Fingers crossed you all can see it.

The Legend of Bastien

By Karen Singer


Chapter 11 – To Be the Queen – Part 2 of 2


It was getting close to lunchtime when Chris climbed back into Deputy Don’s truck at one of the farms.  It had been another dairy farm and all Chris could smell was cows.  As far as he could tell, he himself smelled like them.  But it was the taste in his mouth that was the worst.  Because of it, embarrassing or not, he had been forced to take more hits from his baby bottle than usual.  Consequently, he had already wet himself twice, the limit he figured for the toddler diapers he wore all the time now.  Fortunately, Deputy Don said he would drive by the bank so his mother could change him.

Tess didn’t even have to say anything to the bank manager when she saw Chris and the deputy enter the bank.  She ran to her son and hugged him.  She led him to the manager’s office.  The moment Hugh Jackman saw Chris and the deputy enter the bank, Hugh had left his office so Tess could use the room to change him privately.

“How bad?” Tess whispered to her son.

“Same as usual,” Chris whispered back.  “Except I’ve already wet myself twice, and I may have to go again soon.”

“I meant…the other.”

“Same as usual,” Chris replied.

“If you think you may have to wet again soon, try and wet yourself now.  I’ll change you and you won’t have to worry about it later.”  She watched while her son seemed to be preoccupied with something.

“I’m leaking,” Chris told her.

“Did you manage to wet again?”

“That’s why I’m leaking.”

Changing him was getting to be a normal thing for both of them – already.  In no time, she had him in a fresh diaper and had replaced the baby bottle in his purse with a fresh one.  “Have you eaten lunch?” Tess asked.

“Not yet.”

When they were done, Tess led him back out into the main room of the bank.  “Can I take him home and give him something for lunch?” Tess asked.  “You too if you like.”

“No thanks, Tess,” Deputy Don replied.  “We’ve got to keep moving for now.  Mrs. Bastien told Elijah Shultz we would be there by now already.”

Elijah Shultz.  The town undertaker.  The one person that nobody in the town wanted to visit, even though Elijah and his entire family were some of the nicest people in town.  “If you want, I’ll feed him, and you, later if you come by.”

“Maybe,” the deputy replied.  He immediately led Chris back out into the cold winter air.

The mortuary and town cemetery was located next to the cheese factory, as if it was put there to dissuade anyone from bothering the town’s main source of income.  As they approached the mortuary, Chris couldn’t take his eyes off that cemetery.  That was where everyone in the town who had died was buried.  The only time he had ever been in the cemetery was after his father had died.  He remembered that vividly. 

He had to wonder, if they killed him…when they killed him…would he be buried there like everyone else?  He had no doubt it was exactly what would happen to him…to his dead body.  Buried in the cemetery and forgotten, just like everyone else there.  And he was ready for it.  The sooner, the better!

The mortuary was part of the Shultz’s home.  Going inside however seemed like a solemn event, even though there was no funeral going on just then.  Both Elijah and his son Noah, greeted them warmly.  Chris was surprised to see both men wearing nice suits.

“Right this way,” Elijah told them as if he was leading them into someone’s funeral.  Chris and the deputy followed him through the mortuary and into their house.  Chris noticed Elijah’s wife, Grace, there waiting for them.

“Deputy Don,” she said, greeting the deputy.  “Chrissy.”

“Mrs. Shultz,” Don replied respectfully.  The Shultz family had been the undertakers in the town since the town had been founded.  The one family had always seen to the burial needs of everyone, and nobody ever brought up the possibility of changing it.

“Have you two had time for lunch?” Grace asked them.

“Not yet, Ma’am,” Don replied.  “Mrs. Bastien said you’d be expecting us about now and we didn’t want to be too late.”

Grace nodded.  “Then Chrissy and I will head off to the bedroom first.  Then I can fix you both something to eat while he’s taking care of Elijah and Noah.”

“We don’t want to trouble you,” Don replied.

“It’s no trouble, Deputy.  And I won’t hear a word otherwise.  This way Chrissy.”

As Chrissy followed Grace out of the room, he had to wonder, who would bow down to who, Grace, or Olivia Bastien.  Because everyone in the Shultz family certainly seemed to get shown an awful lot of respect.


--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---


“Mrs. Bastien.  Mrs. Bastien,” the school principal said as he stood up behind his desk, greeting the two most powerful women in the town as they entered his office.  “How are you today?”

“Busy,” Olivia told him as she and Alicia took the two chairs in front of his desk.

“I have the file you asked for, right here,” Hugh told them as he grabbed the folder from his desk.  I also pulled a few others in case you’re interested in anyone else.”

“Good,” Olivia said simply.  “But right now, we’re primarily interested in Evelyn.  Tell me about her.”

“She is one of the brighter girls in the school, of course.  To be honest, she’d be a good fit for any position at all in the town.”

“Are there brighter girls?” Alicia asked.

It was a moment before Pomeroy nodded.  “Yes.  A few.”

“My son is a junior this year,” Alicia said.  “Which girls would be the brightest that are close to his age?”

“Well, Deputy Mike Johnson’s girl, Judy, for one.  She’s kind of a standout.”

“Judy,” Olivia said.  “I’m not sure I remember her.

“I know her,” Alicia said.  “She’s the girl who won best chickens in show the last two years in a row.”

“Oh yes, I remember her now,” Olivia replied.  “And I also seem to remember that her father, Mike, won the title a record five times when he was growing up.”

“Like father like daughter?” Alicia said with a laugh.

“Perhaps.  But we’re not here to talk about chickens.”

“No, of course not,” Alicia agreed.  She turned to Pomeroy.  “So, Hank’s daughter Evelyn is one of the better, more rounded girls in the school?”

“Without a doubt,” Pomeroy replied.

“Okay,” Olivia said.  “We’ll keep our eye on her.  Now tell us about some of the other brighter girls who are roughly Billy’s age.”


--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---


It was two thirty in the afternoon when Tess got a call at the bank from Betty Tucker at the dry-goods store.  “Hi Tess,” she said to her friend.  “Are things going any better?”

“Not really,” Tess replied.  “If anything, it’s all worse than ever.”

“Oh?  How?”

“The sheriff has introduced random checks, day and night, on Chris…sssy, to make sure we’re doing what that damn law says we should.”

“Oh.  That sounds…”

“Like trouble!” Tess finished for her.

“Um…yes.  Listen Tess, a few of the clothes we ordered for Chris have come in.  Why don’t you stop by after work and get them.”

“Thanks Betty, I will.  I also need something I can spread over his poor backside.”

“Diaper rash?”

“No, bruising from the beatings they make me give him every night.”

“Oh,” Betty said with more than a touch of seriousness in her voice.  “Do you think it’s serious enough to let Doc Flannery look at it?” she asked, referring to the man who served as the community doctor, even though he had never been anywhere near a medical school.  His wife served as his nurse.

“No,” Tess replied.  “I think just something simple should take care of it.”

“Okay, no problem,” Betty replied.  “By the way,” she added.  “I just thought you might want to know.  Olivia Bastien called earlier today and cancelled forty-nine dollars worth of your credit for Saturday and another thirty-eight dollars worth for Sunday.  Tess, what the hell are they doing with him?”

“Dragging him around to each and every farm and making everyone there use his services whether they like it or not.  And according to what Chris…ssy tells me, there’s a lot of people who don’t want it…mostly the women though.  Betty, from what I hear, the Bastiens are forcing everyone to do it, so don’t be surprised if you get a call from them someday about it too.”

“You’re kidding!  I hope not.  It’s not right.”

“You and I both know that what’s right has never had anything to do with the Bastiens.”

“I didn’t hear you say that,” Betty replied.

Tess said nothing.

“Anyway,” Betty continued, “If this continues, at that rate, it’s not going to take long for Chris to get you completely out of debt.  But what I want to know is, what happens after he erases that debt.  Do you start earning money?  Tess at that rate you could be rich in a year.”

“Don’t bet on it, Betty,” Tess replied.  “To be honest, Chris and I will be lucky to be alive a year from now.”

“True,” Betty agreed seriously.  “I think I’ll talk to Olivia about it anyway.  See you later then.”


--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---


Was it going to happen every day now?  That’s what Chrissy was wondering when the deputy dropped him off at the sheriff’s office and he found Billy waiting for him inside.  He wasn’t sure which was worse, the farms, or Billy’s beer drinking parties.  The farms he decided quickly.  They were much worse.

He wasn’t surprised to see any of Billy’s usual gang there again.  He wasn’t surprised to see Miranda and Evelyn either.  He wasn’t surprised to see all the beer they seemed to drink every day.  He also wasn’t surprised when the minute he got into the courthouse Miranda and Evy were all over him checking to see if his diaper was wet.

“Soaked!” Miranda crowed to them all.

“What a baby!” Evelyn stated nastily.

Chris did his best to let it all wash over him.  It wasn’t as if he had a choice in the matter.  They certainly didn’t seem to see it that way though.  He barely heard the words that Miranda spoke to Evy.

“Do it again Evy,” Miranda said to her.

Evelyn laughed.  “Gladly.”  She sidled her body right up against Chrissy like she had yesterday and groped under his skirt, rubbing her hand against the front of his diaper.  “Did you enjoy what I did to you yesterday?” she teased.

Chris purposely said nothing, even though what she was doing to him felt so good.  He also remembered vividly how she had stopped before anything more could happen, and that had almost been painful.

“Do you like having sex?” Evy asked him.  When she didn’t get an answer, she demanded the question.  “I said, do you like having sex?  Getting your rocks off!”

Now Chris had to answer.  “Yeth (Yes),” he managed to say.

“Oh, so now you admit that when you give blowjobs to all the guys and you lick the women out, you’re really enjoying it.”

“N…no!  Not at aww (Not at all).”

“And I don’t believe you!  Tell me, are you a big baby?”

“No,” Chris replied cautiously.

“Huh!” Evy said as she continued to stimulate him through his soaked toddler diaper.  “You wear diapers like a baby.  You wet and mess them like a baby.”

“He drinks from nothing but baby bottles,” Miranda added.

“That’s right!” Evy said as she started rubbing faster, feeling how big he had grown inside his diaper.  “So who drinks from baby bottles, and wears baby diapers all the time, and wets and messes themselves like a baby.”  When she got no answer, she shouted, “Who?”

“A…baby,” Chris was forced to reply, even though his mind was mostly focused on the feelings inside his diaper and the direction he was quickly going.

“So, let’s revisit that question again.  Are you a big baby?”

“Yeth (Yes),” Chris was forced to reply, although in the state he was rapidly approaching, he didn’t really care about what he was saying or what Evy was saying.

“And do babies ever have sex?”

He was getting close now, trying harder to push his raging cock against her hand rubbing the outside of his diaper.

“I asked if babies ever have sex!” Evy demanded.

“N…no,” Chris replied.

Evy rubbed particularly hard and fast for a few moments.  Chris started breathing harder.

“Then why should you!” With that, she pulled her hand away and stepped back.  Chris was left gasping with no relief.  His knees bent and his hands went to the front of his diaper as he desperately wanted her to finish.  He started to rub the front of his diaper with his own hands to finish, but Evelyn again knocked his hands away, not letting him.  He was stuck, with no way out!  Just like with the rest of his life.

A few minutes later, hurting and sore inside his diaper, the girls were gone, and he had Billy’s cock stuck in his mouth – again.


--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---


That bitch!  Evelyn got invited to Billy’s little parties, but she didn’t.  She could just kill Evy.  Evy thought that just because she had given Billy a few blowjobs that she was his permanent girlfriend and would one day wind up as his wife.  But Judy knew that it didn’t work that way.  She also knew that ever since Chrissy came along that Evy was worried because now Billy wasn’t interested in blowjobs from her anymore.  But still, Evelyn got invited to Billy’s parties, and she didn’t.  She could just kill that bitch!


--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---


“Hello Grandma?”

“Billy!  How are you?” Olivia asked, pleased to hear from her grandson.

“Great!” Billy replied.  “Uh…Evy…uh…Evelyn said you wanted me to call you and let you know about what she wants to do.”

“Yes.  She and I had a nice little chat earlier today.”

“Uh…anything I need to know about?” Billy asked.

“No!  That’s between Evelyn and me.  But I won’t give her permission to do anything to Chrissy without your say-so.  Chrissy is your toy, not hers.”

“Yeah, thanks,” Billy replied.  “So anyway, yeah, I think what she wants to do with him is cool.  It should be a real blast.”

“Then I’ll call her father and give them the go-ahead.”

“Okay.  Thanks Grandma.”


--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---


In the dark of the night, like he had done the night before, Chris quietly laid in his bed, thrusting his hips against his mattress while his hands rubbed the front of his diaper.  This was the one and only good thing he could see about wearing diapers all the time.  His mother would never know what he was doing, and he didn’t even have to worry about cleaning up the mess.  It seemed like no time before he was done and could relax enough to sleep. 

The problem on his front side had been taken care of, but he still felt the sting of where his mother had given him ten very, very hard spanks.  Ten, that was in reality more like fifteen because Deputy Wyatt hadn’t liked how hard she had hit him.  Despite the ointment his mother had spread all over his backside hoping it would help matters, so far, his rear end still stung.  It always hurt now, all day.  He had a feeling it might stay that way for the rest of his life…at least, until he could figure out some way to kill himself.


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