Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Legend of Bastien - Chapter 14 – The Battleground – Part 1 of 2


The Legend of Bastien

By Karen Singer


Chapter 14 – The Battleground – Part 1 of 2


There was again no little bit of “fun” for Chrissy that night, and when he woke up the next morning, it was as if his cock inside that metal vice no longer existed.  Not that anyone in the world cared, except him.  And maybe his mother.  But then, nobody in Bastien cared about him at all anymore.  He was simply the town joke.  Someone they could all use and abuse to their heart’s content.  His entire life was nothing but one cock being shoved into his mouth after another.  All of them now blurring into sameness.  So many that he no longer cared who it was.  Men, women, everyone in Bastien.  All the same.

Day after day Chrissy felt worse about himself, and that depression grew with every day that passed.  The only thing he really had on his mind anymore was finding some way to end his life…that wouldn’t result in his mother getting killed as well.  But he never once found a way around that.

Tess noticed the problems with Chrissy too.  She couldn’t help but see how depressed he was.  She did her best to hug him and love him and tell him how much he meant to her, but that didn’t seem to help him any.  As long as he lived.  As long as he survived.  That was all that mattered to her.  She would trade her life in a moment to see him live, and live a normal life again.  She would give anything at all for that.  But so far, like Chris, she was locked into this hell that the Bastiens had created for them.


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Judy Johnson, Deputy Mike’s daughter, was seething mad.  Evy still got invited to Billy’s beer drinking parties after school every day, but no matter what she did she couldn’t seem to get herself invited.  How the hell could she ever marry Billy if she couldn’t even get his attention?  It wasn’t as if Evy was giving him blowjobs anymore.  She had heard Evy herself complaining that ever since Chrissy had happened, Billy seemed to be getting more than enough sex in his life, so he wasn’t as interested in her as he used to be.  Judy would be glad to try giving Billy a blowjob herself if it would help her position with him, but so far, she was getting nowhere.

She had heard all about what Evy had done to Chrissy with that thing she called a chastity device, from Evy herself.  All the girls, had listened, totally fascinated, as both Evy and Miranda had described the thing.  Heavy steel?  Rendering Chrissy’s cock completely flat like it almost wasn’t there?  And Billy had poured epoxy into the key slot to the point where you couldn’t even tell where the keyhole had been?  It all sounded unlikely to her, but not only had Miranda confirmed it all, Judy had heard her father telling her mother about it after he had seen it during one of Chrissy’s nightly punishment sessions, so she knew it was all true.

She had to find some way to get Evy out of the picture as far as Billy was concerned, and get herself into that picture instead – permanently!  So far, nothing she thought of had worked.  Something had to be done!  Something soon!  She wasn’t going to let that slut Evy steal Billy away from her and become the next Mrs. Bastien.  She was going to be the next queen of the world, and she would do anything at all to make that happen.  Anything!

She waited until evening one night, shortly before she went to bed.  She left her bedroom and found her father.  “Daddy?” she said, interrupting the show he was watching on TV.

“Yeah Judy?” Mike replied.

“Can I talk to you about something real serious?”

That got Mike’s attention.  “What?”

“You know what Billy is doing to Chrissy.”

“Of course.  Everyone knows.”

“And you know I want to marry Billy someday.”

“Something your mother and I are praying for.”

“Do you think it would help if I found some way to help Billy with what he’s doing to Chrissy?”

“Help him with it?”  Mike considered that, but it didn’t take him long.  “Without a doubt.  It’s common knowledge that the Bastien’s have to choose women that support and help them.  And right now, the only thing Billy still seems to be interested in is showing off what he’s done to Chrissy.  If you can show how much you’re willing to help him with that, or anything, then I would think that would be a big step in your favor.”


“What did you have in mind?”

“I don’t know yet.  But I’m going to think of something.”

“Let me know,” her father replied.  “I’ll help you all I can.”


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It only took about six weeks before Chrissy sucked enough cocks and serviced enough women in Bastien before their store debt was paid off.  Far faster than anyone in the town ever imagined it would take.  Betty talked with Olivia about it, and Olivia discussed the situation with Alicia, but between them they couldn’t find any solution to the problem.  They had made it a law that Chrissy would earn one dollar for each and every cock he sucked, so now Chrissy was building up credit in the store instead of paying off his debt.

Olivia did make a few tiny changes though.  Instead of the deputies forcing everyone in town to use Chrissy’s services when they picked him up every day, other than coming first to her house and then the bridge, the deputies only took Chrissy to the farms and places where they knew everyone seemed to look forward to what a visit from Chrissy would bring.  And Chrissy was only forced to service anyone who really wanted him, which especially at the farms, was most of the workers.  There was one other change Olivia made to Chrissy’s schedule as well.  On Sundays the deputies no longer picked Chrissy up at all, but Chrissy was still on call for any requests anyone had for him, like for the beer drinking parties that Billy was still holding every single day.

Olivia was frustrated that Billy seemed to still be so fascinated with Chrissy.  She was hoping Billy would have at least started to slow down on his behavior towards Chrissy now, but that didn’t seem to be happening.  Like everyone else, Olivia was of the opinion that it was past time to put a bullet into Chrissy’s brain…and of course, his mother’s head too.  Rid the town of both of them…forever!  It was getting time now that if Billy didn’t stop his obsession over Chrissy soon, she was going to have to have a talk with her husband about it, and simply have him order Tom to kill them both.  It was time for Chrissy and his mother to be forgotten by everyone in the town.  Wiped out of existence.  Forever!


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While Chrissy was enjoying a lighter workload in his daily life, Judy had been anything but complacent.  Even though she was older than Miranda, Judy had always been one of Miranda’s best friends.  Of course, Miranda never realized it, but Judy had always been smart enough to realize that being Miranda’s friend could be a useful thing.  Now Judy knew that friendship could be even more useful. 

She tried to get Miranda to talk Billy into getting her invited to his beer parties, and Miranda did try, but Billy continually said no, refusing to let her.  Judy and Miranda both weren’t sure if Evy had anything to do with that.  Sometimes Billy listened to Evy, but more often lately, he didn’t.  With the party idea shut down, Judy began spending even more time with Miranda, talking privately, and as one of Miranda’s best friends, Miranda was more than glad to help steer Judy in the right direction.

Judy always knew that Miranda was smart.  Very smart.  And now Miranda confirmed that when Judy discovered that while Miranda didn’t know everything about the situation, she did know more than anyone ever thought about just what being a Mrs. Bastien meant.  It was Miranda herself who told Judy the most important thing of all about being a Mrs. Bastien, the ability to run the town.  Because it wasn’t the men who did that, it was the women.

As soon as Judy felt she had gotten as much out of Miranda about the situation as she could, Judy felt it was time to take things to the next level, and she asked Miranda for her help.  Miranda was glad to help.

The streets were a muddy mess, as they usually were that time of year, as the two girls left the school and trudged the distance from the school to Miranda’s house.  Judy had been there many times before, but this time things were different.  The girls went in the back door as usual and removed their muddy shoes just inside the door.

“Mom!” Miranda called as they walked into the kitchen.

“Hi dear,” Alicia said with a smile as she walked into the kitchen and saw the two girls.  She hugged her daughter, then looked over at Judy.  “Hi Judy.  You two going to study again?” she asked, seeing the books they both were carrying.

“Mom,” Miranda said instead.  “Judy needs to talk to you about something.”

“Oh?  What?”

Judy almost stopped to take a breath, but she forged ahead instead.  “I want to marry Billy someday and become his wife.  I know Evy already talked to you and Judge Bastien’s wife about it, but Miranda told me that Billy wanting to marry someone doesn’t always mean anything.  I want that job.”

Alicia was surprised…and she wasn’t.  The thing that quickly stood out to her was that Judy had used the word job.  And it was a job.  For her though, she had always loved her husband, Tom.  That had helped matters a lot, but she knew that the judge had never loved Olivia.  He had been forced to marry her because his parents had thought Olivia would be the best choice to run the town.  Alicia had to concede that Olivia was indeed the perfect person for the job.  But now here was Judy, wanting to be the next woman to enter that select succession.  “I see,” she said as she studied the girl.  Maybe we better sit down.

The three of them all sat at the kitchen table.  Alicia knew that Judy was older than Miranda.  She was Billy’s age, but Judy and Miranda had always been good friends.  Because of that, she let Miranda stay for this bit of discussion.  “Why do you think we should pick you over someone else?” Alicia asked Judy.

“Because I’m your best choice.  Yes, Evy is smart, but not as smart as I am.  I’ve got the best grades of any girl in the school, and it’s been that way for years.  And you know I can not only support Billy in whatever he wants, I’m smart enough to find ways to, if not control him, then to at least make him see reason on some things.”

“Reason?” Alicia asked, surprised.


“Like what?”

“I don’t know.  Like…I think Billy’s parties every day after school aren’t a good idea.  Do you have any idea how drunk some of those guys get most days before they get home.  My dad mentioned a few times how he’s had to rescue some of Billy’s friends after they drove off the road after those parties.  I think they’re not only dangerous, but disgusting!”

Alicia hadn’t heard about that.  She knew how drunk Billy often was, but she hadn’t heard or even thought about the other boys.  And she should have!  “You just said that you knew you had to support Billy in what he wants, yet you’re saying we should stop his afterschool parties, when that’s exactly what he wants.”

Judy shook her head determinedly.  “You know what I mean.  Just because Billy wants something doesn’t mean he should have it.  Yeah, maybe he can party once in a while.  Once a week maybe, but not every night.  Someone is going to get hurt, seriously, if they keep going like they are.  And worse, if Billy doesn’t stop and straighten out soon, it won’t be Chrissy that’s the laughingstock of this town, it’s going to be Billy!”

Alicia was suddenly angry.  “What do you mean?”

“If Billy doesn’t stop drinking everyone is going to see him as nothing but a pathetic drunk!”

Both Alicia and Miranda sucked their breath in.  “Is it that bad?” Alicia asked after a moment.

“His friends driving off the road because their too drunk?  Everyone knows Billy does nothing but drink…every day.  It’s starting to sound like it.”

Alicia looked at her for a moment, then finally said, “And you think you can control Billy enough to put a stop to them?”

“Not me, but I know you can.  But that’s not the point.”

That surprised Alicia too.  “It isn’t?”

“No.  The point is that Billy needs to be supported, but someone also needs to make sure he doesn't go overboard with things.”

Alicia knew perfectly well how Billy was.  She also knew that Billy had been getting worse about things lately.  Even she couldn’t control him anymore, and her husband didn’t seem to be interested or even willing to discipline him.

“And you think you’re capable of doing that.”

“Yes.  I am.  Billy may be the scariest thing in this town right now…”


“Yes!  And you know it.  Lately he’s been pushing people around more than ever.”

“Okay,” Alicia said.  “Go on.”

“As his wife, and after all Miranda has told me about what you and the judge’s wife do for everyone in Bastien, Billy would have no choice but to listen to me.”

Alicia wasn’t so sure about that.  Billy was going through a stage right now where he was simply unreasonable.  She changed direction.  “Do you share any classes with Billy in school?”

“Yes.  A few.”

“Which ones?”

“Math, history, and science.”

“Are you good at math?” Alicia asked.

“I’m one of the best in the school.  I was in that special class where stupid Chrissy insulted Billy.  I couldn’t believe it when that happened.  Before that, Chrissy was like…super smart.  Amazing!”

“Until then.”

“Yeah.  It’s a shame.”

Alicia didn’t answer that.  “And how does Billy do in that class?”

Judy was suddenly on thin ice.  “Uh…okay,” she replied.

“Does he usually answer the questions correctly?”

Things were suddenly getting worse.  “Uh…the teachers rarely ever ask Billy a question, in any of his classes.”

“Why not?”

Judy was suddenly scared.  She wanted to tell the truth, but she was worried it could get her in big trouble.

“Mom!” Miranda suddenly butted in.  “Don’t ask that!”

Alicia suddenly grew concerned.  “Why not?”

“Just…don’t!” Miranda told her.

Alicia looked at Judy.  “You’re afraid,” she said.

Judy said nothing.  “Tell me.  Truthfully.  Both of you!” she added, looking at her daughter.  “What really goes on with Billy in school?”

“Mom…” Miranda said, somewhat exasperated.  “I’ve already told you that.”

“Yes.  You told me he’s nothing but a big bully.  You’ve told me that he hasn’t really passed any classes in a long time.  But what else is going on?  Why don’t the teachers ask him questions?  Are they purposely trying to leave him out?  Are they purposely trying to not teach him?”

Miranda sighed.  “No Mom.”

“Wait a minute,” Alicia said, then turned to Judy.  “You want to be the next Mrs. Bastien.  You tell me.  Tell me the truth.  Are the teachers purposely not teaching my son what they should?”

Judy looked at her for a moment.  She glanced quickly at Miranda, then back at Alicia and forced herself to tell the truth.  “No.  It’s just that for as long as I can remember.  Years!  Billy has never once answered a single question that any teacher has asked with anything remotely like the answer they wanted to hear.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Mrs. Bastien,” Judy said.  “Billy is smart.  Real smart.  Like Miranda,” she added as she nodded towards Miranda.  “But he doesn’t pay the least bit of attention in class.  He doesn’t have to.”

“But what does that have to do with the way Billy answers questions?”

“Billy doesn’t answer questions.  He never has.  Ever!  Every time a teacher asks him a question, he tells jokes instead.”


“Every time a teacher dares to ask him something about what’s going on in class, Billy instead tells some made up joke about something else.  And most of the time, they’re amazingly funny.  Really good.  So the teachers don’t hardly ever bother to even talk to him unless they have to.”

“He tells jokes instead of answering the questions?”

“Always Mom,” Miranda confirmed with a roll of her eyes.

“And you didn’t tell me?” Alicia asked her daughter.

“Why should I?  It’s his life.  Besides, he really is funny, and sometimes those classes need the distraction.”

Alicia wasn’t so sure.  She looked directly at Judy.  “I’m going to stop this right here and now,” she said.  “But this discussion isn’t over.  At least not the one about you wanting to marry Billy someday…someday a long time off still.”

“But getting closer,” Judy pointed out.  “Close enough that it’s time to start thinking about it.”

Alicia nodded, knowing that Judy was right.  “I’ll call you when I’m ready to talk to you about it again.”

“Thanks Mrs. Bastien,” Judy replied.  “I really do want that job, and I have no problem wanting to marry Billy either.  Like I said, he’s smart.  Real smart.  He just needs a woman’s touch to keep him going in the right direction.”

Alicia wondered if maybe Judy wasn’t right.  But Judy or Evelyn…or someone else.  The right person was going to have to be found who could do just that.  Judy it seemed, already knew that situation.  “I’ll let you know.  Probably soon,” Alicia told her.

“Thanks,” Judy replied again.  “And in the meantime, I’m still going to try and figure out something I can to with Chrissy to show Billy how much I do support him.  In everything!”

“With Chrissy?”

“Yeah.  Of course.  Right now, Chrissy is the only thing in the world that Billy seems to be interested in.  Chrissy was Billy’s idea, and he’s trying to find every way he can to flaunt that idea all over the place, so everyone knows what he did to him.  Around the school, he keeps reminding everyone that he’s the one who thought up what to do about Chrissy.”

Alicia nodded.  “I see.  We’ll talk Judy.  Soon!”

When the two girls were gone and out of earshot, Alicia picked up her phone and called Olivia.  “We’ve got another one,” she said.

“Another what?”

“Another contender to be Billy’s wife.”


“Judy.  Deputy Mike’s daughter.”

“The one who won the best chickens last year?”

“Like her father.  She’s also the one that Pomeroy seemed to think was a standout among the girls in school when we talked to him.”

“Yes.  I remember.  I guess maybe we better have a little talk with Judy then.  Maybe together if you want.”

“That was what I was thinking.  I also want to sit down and talk with you and the judge about something else too.  And maybe Tom should be there as well for that discussion.”

“Oh?  Sounds serious.”

“Probably not as bad as I made it sound, but I think it may need a bit of input from all of us.”

“Why don’t you come over tonight after dinner and discuss it with me.  Then I’ll determine if we need a family council to figure things out.”

“Sounds like a plan.  See you later,” Alicia agreed.


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