My Funny Farm
Karen Singer
Chapter 13 – The One Week
Anniversary – Part 3 of 3
Eventually Nichole woke me up from my nap and brought me
downstairs for lunch. The counter tops
were loaded with pizza boxes. The pizza
smelled great. Ashley, Emily, Caitlin,
and Bill were still missing, but everyone else was gathered around the dining
room table. I was put into my usual
chair and Ashley set a baby bottle of juice in front of me. Nobody said anything so I pulled that big
pink pacifier from my mouth. A few
minutes later, Nichole set one of my colorful plastic plates in front of
me. I couldn’t believe it. The plate held a slice of pizza. An entire, uncut, slice of pizza. I didn’t even have to worry about eating it
with those dumb baby spoons. I picked up
the pizza and took a big bite.
While I ate, I tried my best to listen to what little talk
was going around the table. None if it
told me a thing about what was going on or even hinted at the trouble that
Nichole had let me know was out there. I
was still being kept in the dark about whatever it was. I didn’t like that. It worried me. And this was supposed to be some kind of
weird therapy where I didn’t have to worry about anything.
Guess what was on TV again when Nichole took me back
upstairs. Sponge Bob. Yeah, it was far more interesting to watch
than what I was now used to seeing.
Nichole continued to keep a close eye on me all afternoon,
including making sure I was always sucking on that damn pacifier properly. Why did everyone seem so focused on
that? Did it have anything with everyone
wanting me to be declared incompetent?
It was all I could conclude.
There was no computer time for me that day, but they did
still make me take my afternoon nap. It
wasn’t as much fun without the porn before it, trust me, but at least it was a
brief relief from Sponge Bob.
It wasn’t until late in the afternoon when Ashley and Emily
came up to the room.
“All done?” Nichole asked them.
“Pretty much,” Ashley confirmed. “How has he been?”
“Just fine,” Nichole told them.
I was very glad she didn’t tell them that I hadn’t always
been as wet as she expected me to be.
“Are you ready to see what we’ve done?” Ashley asked me.
I was more afraid to see it than anything else, but…. “I guess,” I replied hesitantly.
She held out her hand and I got up from the floor and took
it. She led me down the stairs and all
the way into my bedroom…or what used to be my bedroom. I was shocked. The once beige walls had been painted a soft
pastel pink. The white wood moldings
were the same, but they looked completely different against that pink. There were a lot of things though that caught
my eyes more than the soft pink color of the room.
Where to start…. For
one, there was now a fairly large wooden crib in the room, complete with bars. The barred crib railings were all up, but
through those bars I could see girly looking bedding already on the mattress. I figured the top of the mattress to be
roughly waist high and the bars of the crib extended up about another three
feet above that. I was guessing it would
be a bit dangerous for me to try climbing over to get out of it, but at least I
figured it was doable if I had to. I
couldn’t miss the baby mobile hanging from one end of the crib. The mobile had small animals hanging from it. I had no doubt they expected me to sleep in
that thing from now on. In fact, since
it was now the only bed in the room, there was no doubt at all that I’d be
sleeping in it. My stomach lurched at
the thought.
Not far from the crib was what I was guessing had to be a
changing table for me. It was painted all
white and the entire lower portion of it had shelves that held baby wipes, baby
lotion, baby powder, and the rest of it was stuffed with diapers, waiting to
stick on me. The top of the table
appeared to be some kind of padded plastic that didn’t quite match the wooden
color of the crib, but it was close. Like
the crib mattress, the top of the changing table appeared to be about waist
high so I could get up onto it with a bit of effort, but I also saw a child’s
stepstool in front of it to make getting up and down easier and safer. On one side of the changing table, I noticed
a round diaper pail that was another new addition to the room.
One of the main things though that caught my eye in the room
was the one thing that looked completely out of place with everything
else. Against one of the walls was a good-sized
sofa. I studied the thing seriously,
very happy to see it in my room.
“That’s not for you to sit on!” Ashley told me. “That’s only there because Emily and Caitlin
can’t get into that crib to hold you and feed you your bottles anymore. Other than when they’re doing that, stay off
it. The sofa is for them. Your place is on the floor.”
What a way to spoil the only good thing in the room. My eyes now fell on the new dresser in the
room. It too was painted white with some
pink designs on it. It was a lot smaller
than my old dresser. I didn’t want to
look into it to see how they had managed to get all my things into that thing.
All that…. All of
that…was nothing though compared to the one other thing in the room that
completely dominated everything else. Stretching
out from one corner to fill a major portion of the room, was an entire fenced
in area. The fencing was all colorful plastic
panels about two feet high, with one panel swung open like a gate. Inside that fence I saw not just my old toys
they had been making me play with, but a few new toys as well, including a few
small stuffed animals. I also noticed a
very girly looking fleece blanket folded up on the floor of the new play area. Just looking at it, I had no doubt where they
were planning on making me spend most of my time.
My eyes roamed around the room and now noticed that my
closet door was open. I walked over for
a closer look. All my clothes that had
been in there were gone. All of
them! In their place were a few dresses,
skirts, and some blouses. Girly stuff. On the floor of the closet, I noticed two
pairs of women’s shoes. One pair of black
flats and the most out of place thing of all, a pair of pink high heels. I stared at them in disbelief.
Ashley suddenly took my hand and led me through the gate in
the play area. “Sit!” she ordered. “I know you probably don’t know what to think
about all of this, but it’s something we’ve had in the works for a while
now. Chris had one of his workers build
the changing table for you, and the rest we found either on the internet or we
bought somewhere in town. I’m not going
to ask what you think about any of it, because it doesn’t matter to us. This is the world we decided to build for
you. We just couldn’t get it done before
now. So in a way, you’re almost starting
all over again with your therapy, because now you’ve got a place where
everything is designed to help you adjust to your new position in life…a
baby. And a baby girl at that. We’re all hoping that you’ll come to love
this room. We put a lot of effort into
it, and we all think it came out great.”
With that, she left me sitting there on the floor while she walked
out of the play area and closed the gate.
I watched as she walked over to talk with James, Emily, and
Caitlin. I could just hear a bit of what
they were discussing.
“We think that’s all he’s going to need,” Emily told James
and Ashley. “If it works, why waste the
money on more diapers if he doesn’t really need them?”
“Not only that,” Caitlin added, “but when Mrs. Lowrey is
here, she’ll only have to worry about changing him after lunch, and that’s
it. And he’ll still be wet for his
afternoon naps.”
“He better be!” Emily said.
“We’re still working on that.”
“Doctor Clive told us it was probably going to take a
while,” James told them.
“I know,” Emily replied.
“And I know he’s getting there, but he’s still fighting it.”
“She told us he would,” Ashley reminded her.
“Yeah. We’ll keep
working on him though.”
“As for your idea,” Ashly replied. “I guess…try it. See if it works. As long as he’s well protected with the baby
lotion and powder, he should be good.
But at the first sign of problems, we may have to reconsider.”
“Of course!” Caitlin told her. “Although I think the only problem is going
to be that he may be stuck in wet and messy diapers a bit longer, but like you
said, as long as he’s well protected the only problem is that he may be a bit
more uncomfortable for a while.”
“And the smell!” Emily said.
“That’s going to be a problem too.”
“Not too bad though since those diapers are so thick,”
Caitlin told her.
“Yeah. Either way,
I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
Something told me they were making changes to the way they
were going to keep me in diapers all the time.
From what it sounded like, I would be subjected to less diaper
checks. I considered that to be a good
thing. But the reverse side of it
sounded like I could be stuck in messy diapers for longer periods of time. That part didn’t sound good.
Later that evening, they took me into the bathroom for my
usual evening bath and shave. That was
when I noticed something else had been carried out – the toilet. Unbelievably they had even removed it. I pointed at where it was supposed to
be. “Why did you take that out?” I
asked. “I’ve been good. I haven’t even tried to come into here
instead of using my diapers, let alone try to use the toilet.”
“We know,” Emily told me.
“But now there’s nothing there to even tempt you to try and use it.”
“And nothing to remind you that you’re anything but a baby,”
Caitlin added.
I got my usual bath along with them shaving everything on me
again and then letting me brush my teeth.
Naked, they led me out of the bathroom and had me climb up onto the new
changing table. What I hadn’t seen
before were the two white straps that were fastened to the table. Emily pulled one of them across my chest and
fastened it, not too tight at all, but I had no doubt that getting up from
there would take me a moment since I’d have to undo that strap. Fortunately, they didn’t do anything at all
with the strap that would have gone over my legs. Emily then lathered and powdered me before
Caitlin pulled the thick night diaper up between my legs and fastened it. Then they undid that strap and had me sit up
on the changing table while they dressed me in a new long nightgown. I was glad for the nightgown. The evenings were starting to get more than a
bit cool. I liked the fact that it was
something feminine to wear even more. I
certainly didn’t tell them that though.
After that, I got to try out the new sofa while Caitlin sat
at one end and had me lay down with my head in her lap while she fed me my
evening bottle of formula. When that was
done, it was time to face my new prison.
The crib. And a prison it
was. I was put in it, and the entire
barred side of it was raised, essentially locking me in. From my back, I looked up at the top of the
bars. They seemed to be so far above
me. I looked out around my entire new
room. It seemed strange and frightening looking
at it through those bars. I didn’t feel
comforted by those safety bars being there.
Instead, I felt trapped, like an animal in a cage.
Catilin looked through the bars of my prison. “Suck,” she said softly. “Out.
Suck…out…suck…out….” She again
set up the rhythm she wanted for my pacifier.
After this much practice, I had no trouble getting it going. She watched me for a while before she stood
up. Night-night,” she told me
softly. “Suck…out…suck…out.”
She and Emily turned out the light and left the room. I was stuck in a new world . A world that
included prison-like bars. A room where
everything around me made me nervous and afraid…and excited at the same time.
I no longer even had to think about it.
It just happened on its own.
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