Domination of Mister Mike
By Karen Singer
38 – Part 2 of 2
I know Ashley was
waddling worse than before, because being tied so closely together, I could now
feel her hip bump mine with every step that she took. Of course, there was no way that I could
possibly be waddling any worse at all, so it had to be all Ashley. Walk,
walk, walk, walk, walk. Did Joanna have
any idea in the world how much of a nuisance it is to walk around in such thick
diapers…and especially in diapers that were now messy? And while we’re at it, did Joanna have any
idea in the world how embarrassing it was for us to be walking around dressed
the way we were…let alone walking around in messy diapers? Okay.
I have no doubt in the world that Joanna knew perfectly well. I also have no doubt in the world that it’s
just what she wanted.
Walk, walk, walk. Where the heck were we going? Oh! Of
course. I saw the sign for the store’s
rest rooms. It was another minute before
another thought hit me, and all I could think was…this should be
interesting. I was a guy…okay, I was
dressed sort of like a baby girl, but I was still a guy. Ashley and her mother were both women. But Ash and I were currently welded somewhat
together. How exactly was Joanna
planning on accomplishing this? And of
course, I soon found out as we walked straight past the men’s room without
either Joanna or Ashley giving the door a single glance. Joann opened the door to the ladies room, and
I had little choice as she ushered both of us inside.
Was it too much
to ask that the ladies room would be empty?
Obviously it was, because there were two women in there. Two women who stopped their talking the
moment we walked in and paid us their full attention. My face wanted to say how sorry I was to
them. My current predicament didn’t
allow me to express that situation for more than a brief moment as Joanna led
us over to a clear area of the floor, then had us lay down.
“Don’t worry
guys,” Joanna said, “I’ll have you both cleaned up and fresh in a jiffy.”
Did that mean she
was going to hurry and get us out of there fast? I could only hope. And why…oh why…were those two women now
standing behind Joanna and watching us?
Didn’t they have the decency to give us some privacy? But then, for that matter, obviously Joanna
didn’t have the decency to do any of this in the privacy of my home. She had purposely brought us out into public
like this…to do just this. And all the
big diapers she had loaded into that new diaper bag she was carrying was all
the proof I needed.
Ashley’s diaper
cover got pulled down to her ankles. My
diaper cover got pulled down to my ankles.
Ashley’s dress got pushed up out of the way. My dress got pushed up out of the way. Ashley’s diaper was unfastened and opened…and
left that way, displaying the smelly mess inside, while Joanna unfastened my
diaper to display my own mess…right there in front of those two women. Not to mention exposing my totally encased
penis in front of them as well.
Question, is it
exposing yourself if your penis is encased in a chastity device? I mean, it’s not exactly naked is it? Oddly, I pondered just that while Joanna
cleaned Ashley up, then put a fresh diaper under her…without fastening it. Then it was my turn – finally! Joanna wiped me off, making me raise my legs
at one point, then just my rump at another point while she made sure to do an
extra-good job on me…which I was actually grateful for. The part I wasn’t so grateful about was that
she was purposely keeping me exposed in front of those two women…wait, now
there were three. Where had the other
one come from?
Ashley’s diaper
got fastened, and finally my fresh diaper got fastened. Ashley’s diaper cover got pulled up, then
mine. Finally! Finally we were dressed decently again. I mean…oh you know what I mean. I guess decently is a matter of opinion.
Ashley and I got
up from the floor and Joanna left us standing there, sucking on our pacifiers
in front of those three staring women while she left us alone to get rid of the
used diapers and wash her hands.
“Love your
outfits,” one of the women said.
Huh? They were talking to us? I know I blushed. I had no doubt Ashley was blushing too.
“Your outfits
are so sweet. Pretty,” a second woman
“Do you go out
often looking so…pretty?” Another of the women asked…which caused the other two
to start giggling.
I didn’t think an
answer was called for, so I just stood there and sucked my pacifier
“Do you two go
to day care together?” the third woman asked, which again caused the women to
all laugh.
“What’s your
names?” one of them asked us.
Not only was I
not interested in telling them my name, for once I found it in my favor to be
sucking on that darn pacifier which pretty much prevented us from talking to
“Iwellwe” I sort of heard Ashley say around
the pacifier in her mouth as she pointed at me.
In shock, I
looked at her. What the heck was she
doing? But there was humor in her
eyes. There’s no way she could be
possibly enjoying this!
“And your name
sweetie?” one of the women asked her.
Ashley shook her head vehemently, her pigtails and the ribbons still
tied to her big pacifier were whipping back and forth. But I got the impression that there was an
air of mischief in her actions. In
truth, she was acting like a child.
“You’re not
going to tell us your name?”
Ashley shook her
head determinedly again. Was she smiling
behind that big pacifier?
“You told us
your friend’s name,” one of them pointed out.
“I’m not sure I
exactly got it,” another of the women mentioned.
“I didn’t
either. Not that it matters,” the third
woman said.
Whew! Hopefully they would drop that line of
questions now. I glanced over to the
sinks to see Joanna finish drying her hands on a paper towel. Then she turned away from them…and heading
into one of the stalls instead of trying to rescue us. I had no doubt she was doing that on purpose!
And then the door
opened, and in walked another woman…with a baby on her hip. She took one look at the crowd, and I guess
Ashley and me, and came straight over.
“What’s going on?”
“It seems we
have two…um…adorable…young ones in here today,” one of the women told her.
“We just watched
their…mother I guess, changing their diapers for them.” Her voice lowered to a whisper as her face
scrunched up a bit. “Messy!”
“Ooohh,” the
woman with the baby replied as she looked us over. She came forward and grabbed the hem of
Ashley’s dress, pulling it out. Then she
looked at her baby. “Aren’t their
dresses cute?” she asked her baby, as if it could answer. “Would you like an outfit like theirs? I bet you would my darling. But you’ve got other outfits just as pretty
at home.” She looked at Ashley and me
again. “Maybe I should start having you
wear them more often when we go out.
Obviously they look a lot prettier than the play clothes I’ve got you in
now.” She stepped back and looked at
Ashley and me again. “They
are…interesting outfits. Aren’t they?”
she seemed to be asking her baby.
“Adorable!” one
of the other women agreed.
Another one added.
“I feel
positively horrible,” the woman with the baby said. “Bringing my daughter out in just these play
clothes when these two are dressed so…nicely.”
One of the women
started giggling uncontrollably…which caused the others to giggle too.
“Did you see
their shoes?” one of the women asked.
“How could I
miss them,” another of the women replied.
“Those big pink bows are hard to miss.”
“No, I mean did
you notice the locks on them?”
“I noticed,”
another of the women replied.”
“Locks?” the
woman with the baby asked. I saw her
looking closer. “They do have locks.”
“I guess that’s
because some babies hate to wear shoes and keep taking them off,” one of the
women replied with an obvious giggle.
The woman with
the baby laughed. “Just like mine!”
I looked up to
see Joanna approaching – finally! “Are
my babies behaving themselves?” she asked.
one of the women managed to get out before breaking down in a total fit of
smiled. “Aren’t they? I think they’re both so precious that I just
had to treat them to a day out today to show them off.” Her statement brought more laughter from the
rest of the women.
“I noticed
you’ve got them tied together so one of them can’t wander off and you can keep
track of them better,” one of the women noted.
“Well, you know
how some children can be,” Joanna replied.
“They’ve got the shortest attention spans and if something catches their
eye, well, I didn’t want to have to go chasing one in one direction while the
other wanders off a different way.”
Once again the
women laughed.
“Now if you’ll
excuse us ladies,” Joanna continued.
“We’ve got shopping to do.” She
picked up the sheets and blanket from the floor. She handed Ashley the sheets to carry this
time and me the blanket. Then she
grabbed that big diaper bag and turned toward the door, but she stopped two
paces later to smile and look at the woman’s baby. “So beautiful!” she said. “What’s her name?”
“Ashley,” the
woman replied happily.
“Ashley!” Joanna turned toward her daughter. “This one is Ashley too. She’s my Ashley.” Joanna turned to me next. And this is her twin sister Michelle.”
“Twin?” one of
the women asked, before starting to laugh all over again.
shrugged. “Well, close enough. Come along children,” she said. “Let’s see if we can find you a treat for
being so good today.”
A treat? I just wanted to get out of there. I just wanted to get out of the mall. I just wanted to go home! But according to what Joanna had just said,
home wasn’t exactly in the cards…yet.
When would it be? And…a day out
today? What was Joanna’s definition of
‘a day out?’ As far as I was concerned,
it had already been a day out. In fact,
it might have been a whole week out already.
We got back into
the main part of the store. Joanna
turned to us. “Don’t forget to hold
hands children. I’m sure you can carry
those things with your free hands.”
Once again, our
hands linked with that pink tether between them. We had to follow Joanna all around the
housewares department, then all around the women’s department. It was while she was looking through the
girl’s department that I suddenly felt my nice fresh dry diaper filling up with
warm pee. Ashley! I looked over angrily at her…and then let
loose with my own pee into her diaper.
The look of anger she gave me was just…precious. What the heck had Joanna spiked our bottles
with, because we were both peeing way too much.
Joanna spent an
incredible amount of time in the baby department, not buying anything, but
literally looking at everything. Have
you any idea how much attention Ashley and I got while we followed her
around? Especially in that
department. Trust me, everyone was
looking at us. Joanna certainly
noticed. At one point she softly said,
“It’s a good thing you two are so young yet, otherwise I’d have you both
curtseying for all the people looking at you.
But then, we all know that baby girls as young as you don’t know how to
curtsey yet.” She turned back to her shopping
while I marveled at how tight my chastity device had suddenly gotten.
Joanna finally
paid for the sheets and blanket, while Ashley and I stood right there next to
her, all too much the focus of everyone’s attention. Then, fortunately, Joanna led us right out of
that store the way we had come in and straight back to the car. Hooray!
Or maybe not. Joanna opened the
trunk and put the bag with the blanket and sheets in it, then turned and led us
straight back into the mall again.
Oh…no! I heard Ashley grunt with
frustration…and a moment later, my diaper filled with her pee again. I purposely held mine this time. Waiting for a better opportunity.
Into that mall
again. Straight through that department
store, and then out into the mall proper we went. Walk, walk, walk! Where the heck were we going…so slowly? Did I need to wonder why everyone we could
see was looking at us? No, I don’t think
I needed to wonder about that fact at all.
Trust me, things were bad enough before in that one big department
store, but now, here where thing were more open and more people could see us, I
felt totally panicked inside. Not only
was I worried about all the people seeing us, what if one of my friends
happened to be shopping there that day.
Okay, since I had taken the job at the bank and moved to the city, I
didn’t really have any friends other than the people I worked with at the
bank. But they were friends that I
knew. And having one of them see me and
find out about me would ruin me.
I was starting to
really have to pee now. I was just about
to let it out when Joanna said, “Ah. Now
there’s a good idea.” Suddenly she was
moving a bit faster, and I now saw her target.
A place on one of the corners of the mall…that sold coffee and
Hmmm! I decided to do my best to hold my pee just a
bit longer. Hopefully. The need was getting pretty intense. Joanna stood us off to the side of the line,
which suddenly was moving much slower as everyone paid more attention to Ash
and me than to what they were doing there.
And trust me, just the close scrutiny of those half a dozen people right
next to us almost made me lose my pee right then. And…yeah…I should have just let loose. I mean, it was going into Ashley’s diaper
anyway. But I was still hoping for
something better.
And that
something better actually happened.
Joanna finally got to the head of the line and ordered Ashley and me
both vanilla ice-cream cones. She handed
Ashley the first one. “Babies who behave
so good get treats,” she told us. She
handed me the other one. “I know you’re
really too young for cones like this, but that’s all they have today. Try not to make a mess.” She turned back to the window to get her own
cone, then she led us over to a small table with chairs. She moved two of the chairs around so Ash and
I could sit down, then she pulled our pacifiers out and let them dangle from
the straps attached to our dresses.
I was barely
paying attention to what Joanna was doing though. I was paying more attention to Ashley. I saw her looking at her ice-cream. I saw when she was just about to bend her
head down to eat some…and I let loose as her head was just heading for it. Her mouth went over the top of the ice-cream
cone to eat it…and I must have timed it just right, because my pee hit her
diaper at just the right time. She was
so surprised that her face wound up buried in it.
“Uuuuhhh!” she
screamed, totally shocked. She looked
angrily over at me. Her face was now a
“Ashley!” Joanna
said angrily. “What the heck are you
doing?” She sighed loudly. “I swear.
But Ashley never
even looked at her, she was looking only at me…with murder on her mind. “He just peed my diaper, just as I was trying
to take a bite!” she declared angrily.
“You did that on purpose!”
I’m sorry. I just didn’t have it in me to be contrite
about it. I laughed. “Yeah, I did,” I admitted.
“Humph!” Joanna
grunted angrily. “Eat your ice-cream,”
she said with more than a bit of an angry edge to her voice. “And try
not to make such a mess!”
I couldn’t help
it. I laughed all over again…as I
started licking at my ice-cream cone. So
good…despite so many people watching us.
When we finished
with our ice-cream, Joanna wiped Ashley’s face, commenting again on how messy
Ashley had gotten herself. Ashley just
looked at me with that murderous look once again while Joanna wiped my face
off. And again I laughed.
We headed out to
walk the mall again, pacifiers naturally back in our mouths. Walk, walk, walk. Stop to let some people ask questions and then
take pictures of us. Joanna took the
opportunity to have one of the people take a picture of all three of us
together with Joanna’s phone. What if
someone posted one of those pictures to the internet? Most likely at least someone would. What would happen then? I didn’t want to contemplate that any
further. I had enough to deal with just
then, and most of it was the nerves in my stomach.
Walk some
more. Talk to a few more people. Turn into a store. What?
I was shocked, although now that I think about it, I really shouldn’t
have been. The store was a big toy
store. Ashley looked at me again as we
went inside. Yeah, we were both worried
about what might come next.
There were people
in the store of course, but not nearly as many as were out in the mall
proper. That much was somewhat of a
relief. I just didn’t know what Joanna
had in mind now, and not knowing wasn’t a relief at all! We followed her around the store until she
found the baby toys…of course. Where
else would she be going in there with the two of us in tow?
Joanna slowly
looked at so many toys. Different
toys. Many different kinds of toys. I finally realized she had only dragged us in
there as someplace to take us for a while…when she went and proved me
“Oh, isn’t this
precious!” she suddenly declared as she picked up a toy tea set with a pink
teapot that looked more like some kind of cartoon character, two cups, and some
fake colorful cake slices.

She finally stopped in front of something else
and just seemed to stare at it for the longest time. And trust me, it was something totally
dumb! “Hmm,” she mused out loud. “That looks to be about right.”
Huh? About right for what? But she picked it up and carried it with her
as well. I again looked at Ashley and
she looked at me. What the heck were we
going to do with a set of colorful plastic shapes that went over some spindles?
She turned the
corner and came across a row of dolls.
Dolls, dolls dolls. I noticed
Ashley’s eyes roaming all over the place now.
Joanna seemed to be looking around more as well. All the way down the entire length of the
aisle, Joanna led us very, very slowly while she picked up a few dolls to look
at them, then finally put them back.
Whew! That is, until she got down
near the very end of the aisle. “Oh
look!” she said as she practically pounced on another doll. She picked it up. Held it.
Hugged it. Looked at it closely
again. Then showed it to Ashley. “Isn’t it just precious?”
I saw Ashley’s
eyes go wide.
“Here,” Joanna
said as she shoved the doll into Ashley’s hands. “Hold that.”
She turned back to the shelf, grabbed another one and gave it to me. It was a doll, dressed all in pink, with a
dress that said ‘my first dolly’ on it.
Oh great. Just what I always wanted. Not!
And not only that, but just holding that thing seemed to act like a
remote trigger for whatever mechanism was in my chastity device that seemed to
make the darn thing shrink! And trust
me, it was shrinking just then.
Joanna finally
led us up to the front where she paid for all the toys. The tea set and the blocks went into a
bag. The dolls got the tags removed and
went into our free hands. Oh great. I was going to be even more of an
embarrassment walking around the mall.
Unfortunately, we
hadn’t even gotten out of the store yet, when Joanna spotted something else…and
made matters that much worse for Ashley and me.
Need I say it? Oh, you really
don’t know what it was? Yes, Joanna
spotted something, dragged Ashley and me right over to it, and paid for
it. What was it? Well, technically it was two things. One for Ashley, and one for me. It was…I mean they were…oh you know what I
mean. In one word, it was –
balloons! Pink balloons. Filled with helium. One for Ashley, and one for me. And no, Joanna didn’t trust us to just hold
them. She tied one of them to Ashly’s
free wrist, and one of them to mine. Now
Ashley and me were flanked with two big balloons floating over our heads, while
we now carried “our” dolls in those same hands.
And with the balloons tied to us, there was no getting away from
By the time we
got out into the mall proper, I had no doubt that even more people were looking
at us. How could anyone possibly miss us
now? And yes, I saw more than a few
people taking pictures. It was so
unnerving that I couldn’t blame Ashley in the least when she let loose and peed
into my diaper again very shortly after we left that toy store.
And then it
happened. The worst possible thing in
the world. Well, perhaps the second
worst possible thing in the world, but trust me, it was bad, bad, bad! We had been forced to stop and stand still,
again, because there were a number of people right in front of us, a few of
whom were trying to take our pictures before they would let us move on. It was right then that the something bad,
bad, bad happened. And it happened with
just a single word. “Ashley?”
We turned at the
voice, and I heard Ashley moan, “Mmmmmmm!”
Her hand holding mine suddenly squeezed like she was trying to break
it. Ashley’s best friend Amanda was
standing right there.
Joanna moved in
quickly before Ashley could say anything else.
“Ashley! Don’t you dare take that
pacifier out. I’ll handle this.”
Ashley moaned
again, and I felt her knees giving out on her as Amanda looked at us with a
wondering look on her face. I quickly
let go of Ashley’s hand and wrapped my arm around her waist to hold her up
before she hit the floor.
“Ash, what are
you doing?” Amanda asked.
But Joanna was
now between Amanda and us. “Ashley can’t
speak to you today,” she said firmly. I
noticed more than a hint of steel in her voice.
I also noticed a sob coming out of Ashley. Her knees tried to give out on her again and
I literally had to hold her up.
Otherwise we both would have wound up on the floor.
“But what’s
going on?” Amanda asked as she tried to look past Joanna to stare at Ashley,
who I was now trying to hold up with both arms, even though she was now bent
over limply and crying her eyes out.
“Ashley is being
punished,” Joanna told her in no uncertain terms.
I saw the look of
surprise on Amanda’s face. “Is this
“Don’t ask!”
Joanna cut her off quickly. “Don’t say
anything. She’s being punished. That’s all you have to know.”
There was
something in there that I was missing.
And I had a sneaking suspicion it had something to do with me.
“But she’s my friend,”
Amanda said. “My best friend. And I haven’t gotten to even talk to her in a
long time now.”
“Ashley isn’t
able to communicate today,” Joanna told her.
Amanda seemed to
look back and forth between the limp crying form of Ashley I was now trying to
hold up with two arms, and her mother.
Suddenly, she pushed her way past Joanna and right up to Ashley and me. She reached out and touched Ashley’s
shoulder. “It’s okay Ash,” she
said. “You should have told me
something. I haven’t heard from you in
like…forever! You wouldn’t answer my
phone calls, and the few texts you sent me told me nothing. Is this what’s been going on?”
Joanna pulled
Amanda away. “I told you, Ashley can’t
talk today.”
Amanda stood
there staring at Ashley, still limp in my arms, still crying her eyes out. Amanda finally looked up at Joanna. “Well then, can I come over later today and
see her? Can she talk to me then? She’s my best friend Mrs. Desmond.”
Joanna seemed to
be angry as she considered that. She
shook her head. “You can come over, but
Ashley won’t be able to talk to you. And
if you do come over, you’ll have to promise to deal with her…with both of
them…on the level that I’ve got them in today.”
Amanda’s eyes
went wide. “You mean?”
“Take it or
leave it,” Joanna told her. “But Ashley
won’t be saying anything coherent to anyone this weekend.”
Amanda’s jaw went
slack. My jaw nearly went slack.
Ashley just cried harder.
“I’ll think
about it,” Amanda finally said.
nodded. “We won’t be home for some time
yet. And if you do come, just remember
what I said.”
Amanda’s face
seemed to screw itself up into something showing her anger, but she finally
turned away and hurried off, pushing her way through the crowd that had
gathered round us. In truth, I was glad
to see her go. Now I could concentrate fully
on Ashley, whose weight was currently breaking both of my arms.
“Set her down,”
Joanna told me. I gladly went down to
the floor, where Ashley huddled into herself against me, still crying her eyes
“Ashley!” Joanna
said sternly to her. “Stop your crying.”
But Ashley
couldn’t stop crying. Not yet at least. Joanna tried again, only this time, far more
compassionately. “Ashley,” she said
again, her hands reaching out toward her daughter. Even with the rope tethering us together, she
managed to drag her daughter into her arms, where she held her and whispered
softly to her.
I now had time to
look around. We had gathered quite a
crowd. But there was nothing I could see
that we could do about that. Ashley’s
crying was slowly settling down.
“Better?” Joanna
asked softly.
I saw Ashley nod,
then shake her head angrily. She didn’t
say anything but the look of hatred she leveled at her mother couldn’t be
Joanna’s face
went stern again at her daughter’s expression.
“Okay then,” she said. “Get up
from there. Let’s get out of here.”
That part I was
happy about, trust me. But now Amanda
knew. And she was Ashley’s best
friend. And it was something that I knew
that Ashley had been trying very hard to keep secret. What would happen now? And for that matter, there had been a lot of
people at the mall all day. Were any of
them from the bank where I worked? Would
I be hearing about it come Monday? I
certainly hoped not. I thanked my lucky
stars that I had a bank job that didn’t involve me dealing with any of the customers.
1 comment:
Speaking as someone who spent too many years in retail, that’s the best kind of job to have.
Didn’t those dresses come with matching bonnets? Too bad. You could use a big playpen and two big baby high chairs. Maybe Joanna will make those your next projects.
That was so sweet of Joanna to buy you your first dolly. What a nice Mommy!
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