Sunday, September 22, 2024

Thanks for thinkinf of me

 Thank you someone for thinking about me and asking how I’m doing.  I appreciate that.

I don’t want to sound morbid or even depressing, but the truth is that I’m very worried about my health.  I recently spent an entire week in the hospital because of my heart again, and I can simply tell that things are not one hundred percent inside my body anymore.  I am still here though, and still working to do the best I can.

I really would like to live a few more years (who wouldn’t) just because I have an exciting movie deal in the works for one of the books I’ve written in my own name, and the movie company is so excited by it that they want to work on more of my books.  But movies take a lot of time to set up and arrange, not to mention film and everything else that goes with it.  We’re looking at 2027 as the earliest date for that release.  I hope I can actually see it.  That would be nice.

I do sometimes wonder if I might want to write another short story or something for this blog, but every time I try to think about it, I simply have no idea what to write.

So thank you once again for thinking of me.  I’m sending my love and appreciation to all of you!
