Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Training with Wolfie - Chapter 19 – Part 2 of 2

Training with Wolfie
By Karen Singer

Chapter 19 – Part 2 of 2

Bobo was lying in the living room lamenting the dog food Rosa had given him for dinner again, when he saw her coming in with the leashes in her hand.  Ugh!  Back to the yard for more training.  He could just barf.  He noticed that Wolf, on the other hand, now seemed excited about it, once he noticed the leash.  Stupid Wolfie.  You should know better.
He sat up as Rosa leaned over him to let her slip the choker leash around his neck.  Ugh.  He didn’t need anymore exercise today.  And why the heck was she putting the leash on him in the living room?  She usually either did that at the back door or out in the yard.  Were they going to play some new game with him now?  He hoped not. 
He watched as Rosa handed his leash off to Connie before she headed for Wolf.  Wolfie though, was so excited by the sight of the leash that Rosa was having a difficult time getting it on him.  Eventually, perseverance won out and Wolf started pulling against the leash toward the back door. 
“No Wolf!  No!  Heel!  Wolfie.  Stop!  Sit!”  She breathed a sigh of relief as Wolf finally sat and looked expectantly back at her. 
Bobo wondered what was going on too.  And then he felt Connie pulling on his leash, forcing him to standup and walk…no!  She was leading him toward the front door!
“Wolf!  Stop it!” Rosa ordered.  “Wolf!  No!  Stop pulling.  Wolf…sit!”  Rosa tried it again.  Wolf pulled again and she pulled back hard on his leash.  “No!”  It took her three more tries to get the excited dog under control enough to get out the door.  She paused to close it and lock it.  She saw Connie and Bobo already down on the sidewalk leading toward the driveway, waiting for them.  Something in her lurched with anticipation as she saw Bobo out in front of the house again, where anyone driving by could see him.  She really needed to find a way to take him out of the house more. 
She led Wolf down to her car where she opened the back door.  Wolf needed no help as he jumped right in and seemed to go crazy running around the back seat.  Before she let Bobo into the car, she lowered half of the split back seat so that the back of the seat became part of the floor for of the cargo area behind.  Then she turned back to Connie.  “Let’s get him in.”
Rosa led them around to the other side of the car where she hadn’t put the back seat down yet.  There was more room on the floor there for Bobo to climb in. 
Bobo didn’t want to get into the car, but he didn’t want to be out where anyone could see him either.  He did his best to try and climb up into the car.  He felt Connie helping him a little as she lifted his rear end up.  And then he was in.  Gratefully out of sight.  But with the other half of the seat down, he had almost no room on the floor. 
“Up on the seat Bobo,” Rosa ordered. 
Do what?  He didn’t want to get up there.
“Up!” Rosa said again.
Ugh.  No, no, no!  But he turned and did his best to climb from the floor onto the seat. 
“Now up off the seat,” Rosa said next. 
No!  Not up there!  Bobo turned to look pleadingly back at her.
“Up!” Rosa said.  “Move it Bobo!  Get up there!”  She pushed him a bit, and Bobo had no choice but to climb up into the now big back area where Wolf was running around to look out each of the windows.  As soon as he was there with Wolf, Rosa let the back seat down, giving them even more room in the back.  More room, but he was up higher, and there were windows all around.  Anyone could see him there.  What was Rosa thinking?  But he had no way to ask.  A minute later, he sat and stared out the big back window as Rosa backed her car out of the driveway. 
Where were they going?  What was Rosa trying to do?  This was…crazy!  He laid down on the floor, not only did it help keep him in place every time the car turned, but he was praying it would help to keep him out of sight of the rest of the cars.  He had serious doubts though if that would work. 
Rosa did her best to ignore the dogs in the back seat, but that was difficult.  Wolfie kept moving around to look everywhere he could, and Bobo, who she was most interested in, was just lying there, keeping his head down too.  She had a feeling he was hoping nobody could see him.  And what if they did?  Who was going to ask her about it while they were driving?  Nobody!  She smiled.  Maybe she should go the long way to Connie’s new house where she could take Bobo through a bit more traffic.  No.  Better not. Not this time anyway.  But next time?
The ride to Connie’s house was only five minutes.  Rosa was glad to see no cars or trucks in the yard when she drove into the driveway.  That meant she could take the two dogs in with her.  If any of the workers had still been there, she would have left them in the car.  Getting Wolf out of the car was easy.  The hard part with him was controlling him once he was out.  Getting Bobo out was another matter.  She had to order him out, and then wait while he tried to negotiate the drop from the floor of the car down to the ground.  But eventually he was out.  Rosa took Wolf’s leash and she handed Bobo over to Connie and they led the two dogs toward the front door of the house. 
Connie’s new house was set on a large semi-private lot, where it wasn’t easy for the neighbors or people driving by to see who was coming in or going out.  She knew that because of Connie’s profession, she had looked for just such a place so she wouldn’t have to rent a dungeon anywhere else.  As soon as her new house was finished, Connie would be working from home from now on.  Not paying the rental rates for her current dungeon would also save her quite a bit of money.  As it was, she now had a few customers that were coming to the basement of the house she was renting next door, but most of Connie’s equipment was still downtown.
Bobo was looking around desperately.  He was out in the open again where anyone could see him.  So far, he couldn’t see anyone else looking.  In fact, the way the yard and the trees were set up, he couldn’t even see any other houses.  Still, he was grateful when Connie led him straight to the front door.  But where was Wolf?  While Connie was unlocking her door, he looked back.  There he was.  Peeing against that bush.  Marking his territory probably.  A moment later, Wolf seemed happy and contented and literally pulled Rosa toward the door.
Bobo followed Connie into the house.  It was darker inside, and it smelled like…sawdust?  Looking around, the place was a wreck!  He had heard Connie and Rosa talking about renovations, but he hadn’t fully understood the scope of what that meant.  Moving forward because Connie was moving, he stayed with Connie as she moved further into the house.  And then Connie dropped his leash.
With the two dogs left to wander, Connie started giving Rosa a tour of what they had done to her house so far.  Room after room, they slowly wandered.  Bobo was staying right near them.  Wolf however was moving quickly through the house, smelling everything he could. 
Bobo panicked and froze at the sound.  And immediately he heard Wolf barking and running toward the front door.  He saw Connie running that direction too.
“Bobo here!” Rosa whispered urgently.  They were in the kitchen area.  There was no door on the pantry closet, but it was the best place Rosa could find for Bobo to hide.  She left him immediately to try and tend to Wolf who she could hear growling in the distance.  “Wolfie!  No!  Stop it!” she yelled as she hurried to find him.
“The foreman who had just stopped by to check something was standing outside with the door closed.”
Connie had grabbed Wolf’s leash and was doing her best to control him.  “Here, give him to me,” Rosa said as soon as she got there.  Connie gratefully handed over the leash.  Only when Rosa had Wolf under control did she open the door.  “Sorry about that,” she said to the man who was rebuilding her house.  “I was just giving my friend a tour.”
Seeing that the big dog was now under control, the foreman cautiously entered.  “I just wanted to see if they got the kitchen plumbing moved yet,” he said, keeping a close watch on Wolf.
“Oh!” Connie exclaimed.  She looked around and didn’t see Bobo.  Where was he?  In the kitchen?  “You have to check now?”
“It will only take a moment,” he replied. 
With his eyes still on Wolf, the foreman headed straight for the kitchen.  Connie and Rosa followed closely, Rosa holding tightly onto Wolf to keep him away from the man.
The foreman entered the kitchen and his eyes went straight to where the kitchen sink was going to be relocated.  Rosa, with Wolf, stopped in front of the open pantry door, hoping to block any sight he might have of Bobo, who she saw was cowering in the back.
From the back of the closet area, Bobo had seen the man walk by.  What should he do if the man saw him?  He didn’t have a clue.  And then his view of the man was totally blocked by Rosa and Wolf’s furry body.  In the back of the closet, he prayed the man wouldn’t notice him.
The foreman carefully inspected all the plumbing changes.  Taking his time to make sure it all appeared to be done the way it was supposed to be.  He finally stood up and smiled.  “Looks good,” he said happily to Connie.  Now we can start moving forward in here again.”
“You mean it’s finally going to start looking like something?” Connie asked, sounding relieved. 
“The new cabinets are ready, they just have to be delivered,” the man replied as he casually headed back toward the front door, once again keeping a close eye on what the big dog was doing.  He paused a moment as something white caught his eye back behind the dog and the woman standing with him.  Another dog?  But then the big dog moved closer to him and he decided he didn’t need to see if there was another dog in the house with them.  Besides, what did it matter anyway.  He beat a quick retreat out to the front door where he wouldn’t have to worry anymore about that big dog they had in there.
Once the man was gone, Rosa dropped Wolf’s leash.  Wolf barked a couple of times at the sound of the man’s truck starting up, but he did little else.  This time, Wolf stayed with the women as they went back to the kitchen to continue their tour of the house.  Bobo, just stayed in the closet until it was time to go home.

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

“Come here my little angel,” Rosa said a few hours later as she sat on the sofa.  She pushed Wolf’s big head off her lap for a moment so she could pull her shorts and panties down and take them off.  “Come here my angel she called again.”
Bobo forced himself to his feet.  Maybe Rosa loved this, but he certainly didn’t.  But then, she was getting all the pleasure, while he got nothing but agonizing work!  Work, and further frustration.  Because all it did for him, was to remind him of what he couldn’t do.  Never mind that Wolf was probably just as frustrated as he was, but at least Wolf got to exercise his penis once in a while when he tried mounting him out in the backyard.  Lately, Wolf had been at it enough that it felt more like the big dog was trying to rape him, which he supposed was what it really was.  Fortunately, he had long ago learned how to keep Wolf from actually doing that. 
“That’s a good little angel,” Rosa cooed as Bobo once again stuck his head between her thighs.  His lips made contact with her lips down there, and his tongue reached out.  “Ahh!  My angel,” Rosa sighed happily.
Twenty minutes later, Rosa let Bobo go back to his hiding place between the chairs.  His face, as always was a mess.  She sometime laughed at the sight of him like that.  And he had no way to really wash it all off, other than to stick his face in his water bowl, which he sometimes did.  This time, she saw him briefly wipe at it with his front leg, smearing some of the mess there as well as his face.
She had been keeping him in this condition for some time now.  And Bobo was bringing her more delight than ever…in a number of ways.  But now a new thought crossed her mind.  It had been a long time for him.  A long time in one important way.  Dogs…real dogs…were one thing, but Bobo was still human under those bindings.  And for human men, going that long without a little relief wasn’t healthy.  But then, eating dog food more days than not wasn’t exactly healthy either.  But it wasn’t the dog food that was on Rosa’s mind.  It was sex.  And in particular, whatever buildup in Bobo’s body that probably needed to be attended to. 
She sighed.  Tomorrow she was going to have to tend to that little chore, whether Bobo liked it or not.  In the end, it was for his own good.

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