Friday, February 28, 2020

Monsters - Chapter 10 – Mexican Hat Dance – Part 2 of 2

By Karen Singer

Chapter 10 – Mexican Hat Dance – Part 2 of 2

They followed the man back into the restaurant, back to the table where Lozano and the other men were sitting.  They stopped right where they had before.  “We were almost gone,” Brandy told him.  “If we had been able to find a cab, we would have been.”
“But you weren’t,” Lozano pointed out.  “You were right outside still.  Waiting for me to call you back.”
“Uh, boss,” the man who had brought them back in said.  “They were halfway down the block, walking away.”
Lozano stared at the women for a moment, then laughed.  “You don’t even have your own car, and you expect to be able to help us?”
“Our transportation is still on the way,” Carol told him.  “It won’t be here until tomorrow.”
“Stupid women!” Lozano swore.  “Why did I even think you could help?”
“Why did you bother bringing us back?” Brandy said back to him.  “We could have found a cab by now and headed back to our hotel!”
“Throw them out!” Lozano ordered.  “Throw both those bitches out of here!”
Four men got up from the table and approached the women.  Brandy and Carol stood still and just waited.  One of the men reached for Brandy, and she moved.  So did Carol.  Brandy yanked on the man’s arm while her leg kicked out and caught the other man under the chin.  She spun the first man around, flipping in over onto his back and landed a vicious punch to his chin as he landed on the floor, knocking him out like her foot had done to the other man.  While she was doing that, Carol moved like greased lightning between the two on her side and hooked each of them under their armpits.  She pulled them off their feet and banged their heads so hard together that they both dropped unconscious to the floor.
Brandy and Carol resumed their places standing next to each other.  “You only did that because you were testing us,” Carol said to him.  “You didn’t believe what anyone else told you about us.  Now you’ve got a decision to make, and I suggest you make it very fast.  You can either work with us, or take a chance that by pissing us off we won’t wipe you off the map right now…or maybe that Ret here will come up with one of her famous pieces of retribution against you, and you’ll wish we had killed you instead.”
Lozano stared at the two of them, his face still in shock from the speed the two had displayed when they had taken down his men.  Finally, he spoke.  “I have seen assassins before.  I have hired a few of them.  But I have never seen anyone move as fast as either of you.  It is positively uncanny.”  His eyes glanced toward the floor.  “Are they dead?”
“Good question,” Carol replied.  “They may be.  I wasn’t trying to kill them.”
“I wasn’t either,” Brandy replied.  “But I’m not going to bend down to check on them when there’s a possibility that someone else may come at me.”
“Check for yourself,” Carol told him.
Lozano nodded toward two of his men.  They got up from the table and checked on their fallen comrades.  “These two are both out cold,” the first man said.  “They’re alive though.”
“Same over here,” the other man replied.
They both stood up from where they had been bending over their friends and headed for their seats. 
Lozano waited until his men were seated.  “It seems that at least some of what I heard about each of you may be justified.  I don’t like asking for help.  I especially don’t like asking women for help.  But if you think you can do something about whoever is trying to wipe me out, then I’ll at least listen.  Anything more, I cannot be guarantee.”
“We’re not going to guarantee anything either,” Brandy told him.  “We’re still trying to find out what’s been going on.  So for now, we just want to know what happened to the men in your organization who were killed.  Asking questions right now is the only way for us to find out who’s behind it and stop them.”
Lozano’s eyes glanced at the empty seats at the end of the table.  “Sit.  Both of you.”  He turned his head toward someone further behind them.  “Wine.  Tequila.  And appetizers for the ladies.”  He turned to Carol and Brandy.  “Anything for lunch?”
“We ate Chinese,” Carol told him.
Lozano made a face that told her he didn’t approve of Chinese food.
“Lozano,” Brandy said.  “How many men have you lost already?  The last report we saw said it was eight.”
“Nine now.  We lost another one last night.”
“What happened?”
“What happened?  We found Alonzo dead this morning.”
“Was he shot or was his throat cut?” Carol asked.
“Throat cut?  He was shot.  Just like all the rest of them.”
“Where did it happen?” Brandy asked.
“One of our warehouses.  He went out last night to grab some stuff for a delivery, and he never got there.”
“What kind of stuff?” Brandy asked.
Lozano shook his head.  “Unlike all the others in this city, we only have a few small casinos.  We deal in…other things instead.”
“And nobody saw anything?” Carol asked.
“We didn’t even know he was dead until this morning.”
“Do you have any video cameras around where any of your people were murdered?  Or even any in the general vicinity?” Brandy asked.
“Do you think that the places where these men work, would have video cameras?”
That told Brandy lot.  “How about any of the other murders.  Did anybody see anything at all?”
“Two,” Lozano said.  “Two of my men saw…almost nothing.  And in each case, it was too little to know much at all.”
“Can we talk to them?”
“You can talk to Daniel here.  You can talk with Juan too…if he ever wakes up.  He’s on the floor behind you.”
Brandy looked over to the man he had called Daniel.  “What happened?”
“Whatever actually happened,” Daniel replied, “happened before I had a chance to know there was something going on.  I came out of one of our buildings downtown, out into the parking lot behind the building, and I heard a shot.  I saw Sebastian fall to the pavement.  I ducked for cover and by the time I looked out, all I saw was someone’s back as they ran away.”
“Interesting,” Carol said.  “Tell me Daniel, could you tell if whoever it was had his face hidden?”
Daniel seemed surprised.  “I don’t know.  I did see that he had some kind of black cloth wrapped around his head.”
Carol glanced over at Brandy, then continued.  “How about the way he was holding his gun.  Was it a rifle or a handgun?”
“I didn’t see a handgun, but the shot sounded like a rifle.  Something powerful.”
Carol nodded.  “So you couldn’t see how he carried his rifle?”
“No.  I only saw his back.”
“Okay.  How was he dressed?”
“I don’t know.  Just like everyone else, I guess.  Nothing I really noticed.”
“How about his boots?” Brandy asked.  “Could you tell about them?”
“Not really.  I only saw him for that brief moment and then he was gone.”
“Is it possible,” Brandy asked next, that there could have been more than one of them there?”
“I don’t know.  Like I said, I only saw the one.”
Brandy nodded and looked over to Carol.  “It’s still sounding a lot like what we heard earlier.”
“Yeah.  I noticed that right away.  I’m betting the same two guys.”
“Two?” Lozano asked.
“Two in this crew,” Carol replied.  “We think they’re hired ex-military mercenaries.  The way they move, the way they carry their guns, and at least one of them is a very deadly shot.”
“So, who is hiring these mercenaries?”
“That’s what we’re still trying to figure out.”
“But you’re sure that these ex-military men are what we’re up against?”
“So far, that’s what it’s looking like,” Brandy replied.
“What worries me,” Carol added, is that where there’s one, there’s usually a lot more.  “I’m guessing at least eight to ten.  Probably working in two-man teams.  And as in all such groups, some of them will be skilled in different areas.”
“Skilled in different areas?” Lozano asked.
“Explosives, electronics, knives.  You get the picture?  We know that at least one of them likes working with knives.”
Lozano nodded.  “So how do we find them?”
“We just started looking.  But if they’re as disciplined as they seem to be so far, they’re going to be good at covering any trace of themselves.”
“So what should we do?” Lozano asked.
“Whatever you do, don’t let any of your men go anywhere in groups of less than four or five,” Carol told him.  “Everyone needs to stay together.  That may cut down on some of the murders.  But what I’m really worried about is them still picking their targets off from a distance.  As I mentioned, we know that at least one of them is a very good shot.”
“I’m worried about something else,” Brandy brought up.
“What?” Carol asked.
“In each case we’ve talked about so far, they knew exactly who to kill and where to find them.  That’s not easy knowledge to come by.”
“A mole, in every organization?” Carol suggested.
“It’s possible.  Either that, or they’ve got some really good surveillance.  And I wouldn’t rule that out either.”
“No.  You’re right.  A good group like that would probably have very good surveillance capabilities.  We need to be on the lookout for that too.”
“Do you want us to wake up Juan so you can talk to him too?” Lozano asked.
“Did he report anything different than Daniel?” Brandy asked.
“No.  except he never saw anyone at all.  He just heard a shot and the man walking right next to him died.  He never saw anything else.”
“Shit!” Brandy muttered.
“Sniper,” Carol stated.
Brandy looked up at Lozano.  “Can you do us a favor?”
“Call us a cab so we can get back to our hotel.”
“I’ll have one of my men drive you.”

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

The two women walked through the front door of their hotel.  Going through the lobby, Carol suddenly grabbed Brandy’s arm and stopped her.  “Looks like we’ve got news.”
Carol nodded her head in the direction of a Chinese man heading towards them.  “A messenger.”
“How do you know?”
“He works as one of the waiters for that Chinese restaurant.”
The man walked up to Carol and bowed slightly.  “I have been sent with a message,” he told her.  “The Duchess has arrived and wants to see you tomorrow.”
Carol brightened.  “Really?  I can’t wait.  Where is she?”
“Same place as last time.”
“Will the bike I sent for be here by then?”
“Later tonight,” the man replied.
“Perfect.”  She turned to Brandy.  “We’re going riding tomorrow.”  She turned back to the man.  “Thank you, your news is very good.”
The man bowed, then walked away.
“The Duchess?”
“My mother.”
“Your mother is a duchess?”
“No.  Not really.  Although everyone treats her like a queen.  It’s a code name they use for her…a lot!”
“I’m going to finally get to meet your mother?”
“And until then?”
Carol smiled.  “Let’s see what fun we can find.”
“Got any rope?” Brandy asked.
“You know I do.”
“Good.  Because I want to find some dumb Mexican patsy, and tie him up in such a way that the strain will probably cause him to rip his own balls off.  After that Mexican hat dance we just went through with Lozano, I’m ready to kill the next Mexican we see.”
Carol laughed.  “I have no doubt that between the two of us we can find someone to play with.”
“And while we’re doing that,” Brandy continued, “I need to make sure that poor little Ralphie gets his share of fun as well.”
“I can’t wait.”

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