Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Monsters - Chapter 7 – A Monster Situation – Part 2 of 2

By Karen Singer

Chapter 7 – A Monster Situation – Part 2 of 2

Carol led the way to a door she had found when she had been searching for something to use to tie them up with.  “I found the stairs to the upper floors back here,” she told Brandy. 
She opened the door and the two went through.  Before they reached the top of the steps, two men were aiming guns at them from above.  “Really?” Brandy said.  “Guns?”
“Who are you?” one of the men asked.
“Johnny sent for me,” Brandy told him a she kept going up.
“I’m not aware that he sent for anyone.  Who are you?”
Brandy reached the top.  The men moved back so she and Carol could stand at the top of the stairs.  She noticed four other men, all with guns in their hands watching them.  She looked at the one who had done the speaking so far.  “Put that gun away or you’ll be eating it before you know what happened.”
“And I’ll kill the rest of you.” Carol added.
The man grunted a laugh.  Brandy didn’t wait, her hands reached out and flipped the gun in his hand so it was facing backwards, at the same time, she pulled it into her own hand.  As she was doing it, her body was already in motion, moving to the side of him.  She pushed against his chest while her legs swept his legs out from under him.  He fell to his back and she shoved the gun into his mouth.
Carol had her own gun pulled before any of the others could react.  “Don’t move!” she told them all.
Brandy checked to make sure everything was secure, still holding the gun in the guy’s mouth, she asked.  “Where’s Johnny?”  She heard a door open and she looked up.
“What’s going on out here?” a man in a nice sport jacket and tie asked.
“Any of these men you want dead?” Carol asked.
“Not particularly,” the man replied.  “What do you want?”
“Johnny Morrow sent for me,” Brandy told him.
“I did?  Who are you?”
“Vinny sent me.”
The look on the man’s face changed to one of astonishment.  “Retribution!”
“If that’s the way you want to look at it,” Brandy replied.  “Are you Johnny?”
“Yes.  Come in.”  He looked around at his men.  “Put your guns away.  We need her.”
“And her?” one of the men asked, pointing his gun at Carol.
“She’s with me,” Brandy told them.
“Come in then.  Both of you,” Morrow offered as he retreated into his office.  He closed the door behind them.  The office was small with just a desk.  Morrow headed around to the back of it and sat down.  “This isn’t my usual office,” he told them.  “This building is one I’m still in the process of acquiring.  How did you find me?”
“We have…contacts,” Carol replied.
Morrow looked at her for a moment, hoping for more information, but it didn’t come.  “What’s with the mask?” he asked Brandy?”
“I find it better if I keep who I am to a discrete few.”
“And her?” he asked.  “She doesn’t have a mask.”
“Death doesn’t need one.”
“Johnny laughed.  “Death and Retribution.  Forgive me, but you two sound like a comic book.  Especially with that mask.”
“I know.  Sorry about that.  The nickname wasn’t my idea.  It just stuck somehow.  You asked for my help?”
“Yes!  I was beside myself before, and things are only getting worse.”
“Start from the beginning,” Brandy suggested.
“I heard through the grapevine that some of the other…organizations in town, lost a few men.  I kept listening, but I didn’t start worrying that much until I lost one of mine.”
“Knife slash across the throat?” Carol asked.
“No.  Shot.”
“Yeah.  Why?”
“We went to see Geovelli earlier and some of his men were murdered by someone who knew how to use a knife.”
“I heard his men had their throats slit,” Morrow replied.  “So, you’ve been to see Geovelli?”
“You weren’t due back until this afternoon.”
“I almost didn’t come back at all.  But I’ve got a business to run.  It’s just a bit harder to run it out of this office.”
“How many have you lost so far?” Brandy asked.
“Five.  Total.  But I know others have lost a lot more.”
“According to Geovelli, he said they seemed to start with the…uh…lower management types, but they’re moving up the ladder now.”
“That’s what caught my attention.  Did he tell you we had several meetings, all the bosses in town, about this?  I brought that up at the last meeting.  It wasn’t until then that anybody realized it.”
“But you did.” Carol stated.  What made you realize it?”
“I watched the reports of who was murdered every night.  My contacts keep abreast of who everyone is in town and what they’re doing.”
“Good business practice,” Brandy noted.
“Just like everyone else does,” Johnny replied.
“So you contacted Vinny to bring me in to help?”
“I won’t lie to you.  I’m scared.  For my life and my business.  We all are.  I heard rumors about you, about the things you’ve done in the past.  I also heard about some of the other things you’ve done, like branding Geovelli’s men.  His men!  When he hired you!”
“Johnny, you may be paying to bring me out here, but that doesn’t mean I won’t mess you up.  Or you men.”
He looked at her angrily.  “I get that, but I’m hoping it won’t happen.  Right now, I think the circumstances are pointing toward something so dire that it was worth taking the chance.”
Brandy nodded.  “I’ll…try to leave your men alone.  I just won’t make any promises.”
Morrow nodded.
“Who do you think is behind it?” Carol asked.
“Someone with a big organization,” Morrow replied.  “I know Geovelli thinks it’s Beastman, but while Vince is smart and absolutely ruthless, I don’t think he’s got the manpower to do what I’ve seen.”
“It only takes one good one,” Carol noted.
“But that one good one can’t be in multiple places at the same time.  I’ve heard of cases where three people were killed, in three different parts of the city, at the same time.”
“Well, so much for my theory that it was only one,” Carol muttered.
“True,” Brandy replied.
“If it wasn’t Vince,” Brandy asked, “who do you think is behind it?”
“If I had to guess, either Geovelli himself, or perhaps Omar Besinski.  They’re the two biggest in this city.  They’ve both got huge organizations, and the few men they claim they lost, they could easily replace with others.”
“We’ll check,” Brandy told him.  “Is there a number where I can reach you directly?  Since you’re hiding out here and I’m guessing you have a few other places in mind as well.”
Johnny pulled out a pad of paper, wrote a phone number on it, then tore the paper off.  My personal cell.  The only one I have.”
“Brandy nodded.  Thanks.”
“What were you doing in New York?” Carol asked.  “Geovelli was out there too.”
Johnny nodded.  “We both were.  Omar too.”
“Why?  Anything to do with this problem?”
“No.  A new drug.  Something that one of the…forgive me,” he said to Brandy, “mafia bosses in New York started working on a few years ago.  It didn’t get very far because the Feds caught him.  Now one of his relatives is trying to get the project started again.”
“New drugs?” Brandy asked.
“Yeah.  Long lasting.  Time released opium.  It’ll keep you high and junked up all day.  At the price we can sell something like that for, even selling less of it, we’ll make a fortune.”
“Makes sense,” Carol replied.  “I wonder why I haven’t heard anything about that down in South America.”
“South America?”
“She works there a lot.  She does what I do, but mostly in other countries.”
Johnny nodded.  “But you’re both here…I guess, working together?”
“Believe it, or not.”
“Ready to go Ret?” Carol asked.
“Yeah, uh…Dee.  We’ll get back to you Johnny.”
As they walked down the steps, Carol noted.  “Did he seem brighter to you than most guys?”
“Yes.  Younger too for someone in his position.”
“He was smart enough to call you in when he needed help,” Carol noted.
“Desperate is more like it.”
“True.  He didn’t care that you might…play with his men a bit.”
“I noticed.  I really need to watch myself though.  That’s not good for business.”
“But it is good for your reputation.”
Brandy brightened.  “Very true!”
As they walked out, they noticed that the couple they had “put together” were still at it in the office.  “I wonder how long they’ll stay like that?” Brandy mentioned.
“They can stay like that forever, for all I care,” Carol replied.
Brandy continued to stare at the still struggling couple.  “I think I’m definitely going to have to bring Ralphie out here.”
“Your secretary?”
“Yeah.  I think I’m going to need him more than I thought.”
“Is he that good in bed?  I thought that we…”
Brandy laughed.  “Don’t worry.  Making love with you was…maybe the best ever for me.  And as for Ralphie, well, you’ll just have to see when he gets here.”
“I can’t wait.”
“Where to next?” Brandy asked.  “Vince the Beast?”
“No.  I wouldn’t think so.  According to Morrow, Vince’s organization is too small.  He didn’t think he had the manpower to pull something like this off.”
“So where do we go?” Brandy asked.  “Your people won’t be able to get us that information until later.”
“How about back to the hotel.  I’m thinking a short nap wouldn’t hurt after last night.  Then tonight we can start looking again after we get the list.”
“A nap?  Your place or mine?”
Carol smiled.  “My sheets are already messed up.  Why waste yours?”
“But if I call Ralphie to come, I’d rather he see that we’ve been fully using my bed together.”
“In that case, your place works just as well.”
They climbed into a cab together and headed back toward the hotel.  “Wait!” Carol told the driver at one point.  I need to make a quick stop and run into the store.”  The driver pulled to the curb.  Brandy stayed in the car while Carol ran inside.  She was out a few minutes later and the cab continued its journey to the hotel.  Carol pulled three packages of thin rope from the bag in her hand to show Brandy.  “Something tells me that if I keep hanging around you, I’m going to need this.”
Brandy laughed.

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

Carol lay naked in Brandy’s bed while Brandy, also naked, walked around her bedroom and talked on the phone.  “Ralphie!  Stop begging!  I told you I want you to come, and that’s all there is to it!”
“But Miss Brandy,” the voice on the other end replied.  “That’s out in…I’d have to fly out there.”
“Yes.  And I expect you here tomorrow as early as possible.”
“But Miss Brandy…”
“Ralphie!  You know what happens when you argue.  Just for that, when you show up here, it better be in some very wet diapers!”
“No Mistress.  Please!  No!”
“Ralphie!  You want to make it worse?”
“No,” the contrite voice replied.
“Then you know what you have to do.  I’ll text you more instructions tonight.”
“Yes, Miss Brandy.  But Miss Brandy,” he tried again, “please, may I take a train instead?”
“No!  I told you I want you to fly.  And get here early.  I may not be here in the room when you arrive.  In fact, I probably won’t be, but it wouldn’t be the first time.  You know what to do.  At least, you better if you don’t want to make things worse for yourself.”
“Do I have to do this, Miss Brandy?” the pathetic voice came back.
“Ralphie, I’m working with a woman who made a man nail his own cock to a tree stump.  Then she made him drive nails through each of his testicles to nail them down as well.  And the only way he had to get free, was the knife she left him.  At least you still have your useless cock.  Would you like me to turn you over to her for a while?”
“No.  Please, Miss Brandy.  I’ll be there.  Just like you asked.”
“Good!  See that you follow all my instructions.”
“I’ll will, Miss Brandy.  I’ll be there.”

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