Friday, October 22, 2021

Too Old to be Young - Chapter 4 – Part 2 of 2


Too Old to be Young

By Karen Singer

 Chapter 4 – Part 2 of 2

 The darn bathing suit she had trapped him in was still just as tight and uncomfortable as it had been all night, despite the thinner diaper he was wearing.  He didn’t even try untying the string that held the straps together behind him.  He already had enough experience trying to untie it last night and again this morning, that he knew he didn’t stand a chance.  Even Jackie had trouble with it when she let him out of the thing earlier.  He was stuck!  And the situation was exciting him like never before. 

Experimenting, he decided to get dressed and put some clothes on over top of the bathing suit.  He was tempted to put something girly on, but he had enough excitement already.  He decided to dress normally instead.  Man clothes!  Normally he would have grabbed some underwear to put on, but that wasn’t exactly an option.  He grabbed a pair of socks though.  With them on his feet, he went into his closet and grabbed a pair of pants and a shirt.  He put them on along with a belt to hold his pants up, then he went to his full-length mirror to see how bad the diapers showed under his pants. 

It wasn’t the diapers underneath that caught his attention in the mirror first.  It was the bumps sticking out of his chest where the bra part of the bathing suit was.  He pushed them in with his hands, but the padding underneath was too stiff to stay that way and the bumps came right back as soon as he pulled his hands away.  Horrified, he tried pushing them in again and again, only to have them spring back into place.  If he ever had to go out…and he was hoping that right now he didn’t, he was going to have to find a way to deal with that problem.

He turned his attention lower, down to where his pants hid the diaper underneath.  He ran his hand up and down, all around the area, turning as far in each direction as he could.  Getting older was filled with disappointments, and one of them was that his butt wasn’t as big as it used to be.  Consequently, he saw no sign of the diaper underneath at all.  Especially since it was all held tightly in place by the bathing suit. 

Happy about that, but concerned and excited at the same time about the “breasts” sticking out from his chest, he headed back to his closet to grab a pair of shoes to put on, his mind already deciding on the low-heeled women’s pumps he wore most days whenever he was in the house.  Back in his closet, his eyes spotted the pumps right where he had left them when he had taken them off last.  But in looking down to put his feet into them, something appeared to be wrong.  Something appeared to be missing.  There was empty floor next to where all his women’s shoes were.  He stared at the blank spot, then turned all around searching his closet.  Every pair of his men’s shoes that he always kept in his closet appeared to be missing.  He searched the closet again and didn’t see them.  He hurried out of the closet and searched quickly around his bedroom.  None.  Room by room he ran through his house, looking for his missing shoes.  All his missing shoes.  He didn’t see any sign of them at all.  What had she done?  What had that demented woman done to him now?

Panicked, he picked up his phone and called her.  “I can’t find my shoes!” his panicked voice yelled into the phone.

It was all Jackie could do not to laugh.  “What do you mean?  I saw them in your closet.”

“They’re not there!  Trust me.  They’re not there.”

“Yes they are!” Jackie argued.  “I saw them.  All three pair of shoes you have.  The high heels, the low heels, and that ridiculous pair with the big white bows and the locks.”

“No.  I mean my men’s shoes.  Where are they?”

“Oh, those,” Jackie replied, finding it even harder to keep from laughing.  “I took them.  I’ll be getting rid of them permanently for you in just a few minutes.”


“Jim,” Jackie said.  “This was your fantasy, remember.  You wanted to be stuck in diapers and just women’s shoes, with no way out of either.”

“No.  But…I can’t!”

“What do you mean you can’t?  Of course you can.  In fact, just like you wanted, now you’ve got no choice.  And I intend on making sure you’re stuck with no choice in the matter from now on.  By the way, you really do need to get some different colored shoes.  Every pair you’ve got is black.  We’ll look into that problem another time, but soon.”

“But I can’t!  What if I have to go out?”

“Of course you’ll have to go out.  You can’t sit in that house forever.”

“But my shoes!”

“Jim, you’ve got three perfectly good pairs of shoes there.  Well, two and a half, although I can’t wait to see you go somewhere while you’re locked into that one pair.”

“But I can’t.  Bring my shoes back.”

“No Jim.  In fact, I’m leaving now to dump them all in a donation bin somewhere.”


“Jim, this is what you wanted.  This was your fantasy.  Welcome, to your fantasy!  See you at lunchtime.”

She hung up the phone, unable to contain her laughter anymore.  A moment later, she realized something else.  She had just said she was going to get rid of his shoes, and she intended on doing just that, but it would help if he could actually see her doing it…or at least going to do it.  She grabbed all of his shoes that she had gathered up and stuck them into a bag and went out to her car.  As she backed it out of the driveway, she suddenly saw him running across her lawn in her direction.  She noticed he was only wearing a pair of black socks on his feet.  She also noticed the breast forms from her bathing suit bulging his shirt out.  She chuckled at that as she stopped the car and let her window down.

“No!” Jim yelled as he reached the car.  “Don’t do it!”

Jackie wanted to laugh again.  “Sorry Jim, but it’s your fantasy.  They’ve got to go.”

“No.  I want to quit.  I don’t want this anymore.”

With a chuckle, Jackie replied.  “Too late.  You wanted no choice.”  She started backing out of the driveway again, then stopped.  She reached into the bag of shoes and brought one out.  She held it up so he could see.  Say goodbye to men’s shoes…forever!” with a cackling laugh, she stepped on the gas and quickly backed the rest of the way out of her driveway.  She was still laughing as she headed down the street, already picturing in her mind which donation center was going to benefit from the five pairs of men’s shoes she had with her.  They would benefit, and Jim was going to be stuck.  He was already stuck! 

She laughed again when she dumped all his shoes into the big collection dumpster.  She was still laughing when she got home.  Yeah, this stupid idea was going to be a bit of work on her part, but so far, she was getting more laughs out of it than anything else had given her in years.

In the house right next door, Jim sat in one of his living room chairs, staring at the narrow gap between his back curtains.  His men’s shoes were gone.  Gone!  The only shoes he had to wear now were all women’s shoes.  It was the stuff of his fantasies.  But now that it had become real, it was nothing but a nightmare.  What was he going to do?  Without a doubt, he was going to have to get another pair of men’s shoes – right away!  But to do that, he had to wear women’s shoes out in public to get them.  Unless he ordered them from the internet.  Yes!  It might take a day or two, but that was no problem.  He had no reason to go out of the house for anything for a few days yet.  

With that much decided, he headed for his computer.  Twenty minutes later, he was looking forward to an order being delivered for a pair of casual men’s shoes.  He felt somewhat relieved now that the order had been placed.  He was going to feel a lot more relieved once that order arrived, according to the tracking, Friday!  He hoped it would be early Friday.


1 comment:

Bruce said...

I think Jim is about to find out what happens when he breaks the rules. I bet he does not like it. Thanks again for hard work.