Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Bet - Chapter 53 (Tuesday – Week 8 Part 4 of 10)

The Bet
By Karen Singer

Chapter 53 (Tuesday – Week 8 Part 4 of 10)

     As he walked, he felt the tug, tug, tug on his garters with each awkward step he took in the very high heels he was wearing.  He felt the pressure against the inside of his legs from the bulky diapers that now were starting to show below his girdle.  He felt himself peeing again from the worry of what he was about to do.  He saw only a few people in the hallways, none of them were anywhere close to him – fortunately.  But he had no doubt that every last one of them stopped to stare at him. 
     And there was the break room door just ahead.  Closed… for now.  He wanted to run so badly!  But running away wasn’t an option.  He almost laughed to himself.  He especially wouldn’t be running in the shoes he was wearing.  But the little bit of personal humor did nothing to dispel the feeling of total nervousness that he felt.
     Robin stopped at the entrance to the break room, but she didn’t open the door.  “I’ve been thinking about this since we left your desk a few minutes ago,” she said to him.  “And I think I’ll give you a choice.”
     Chad was instantly interested.  Was there a way out of this dilemma?  A way where he wouldn’t have to go in there?
      “You can either go in there just the way you are now – without pulling your skirt back down… or… you can pull your skirt down… and go in there acting like you’re happy and proud of what you’re wearing and you want to show it off.  Personally, I think you should act like you’re proud.  You’re the one who came into work dressed that way.  Somewhere inside, you’ve got to want to show it all off.  But the choice is yours.  And don’t try to pull that skirt down and not act happy about it all, because you know I’ll make your life far more miserable than it already is!”
     Chad heard all her words.  But what came through most loud and clear, was that he was going to have to go in there – no matter what.  He finally decided that it would look better if he pulled his skirt down to cover up his embarrassing girdle and diapers.  He bent down and wiggled his tight skirt back into place.  Then he stood up again and looked down at what he had done.  Pulling the skirt down did nothing to hide the embarrassing bows on his garter belt. 
      “Ready?” Robin asked him.
     He couldn’t speak, but he nodded. 
      “Then hold your head up and put a smile on your face.”
     Chad did his best to smile and look happy, but it wasn’t easy.  Not at all.
      “And when we get in there, you can get me a cup of coffee too.  And make sure both cups are full!”  Before he could react, she pushed the door open and walked through. 
     Chad was left standing where he was.  The door was closing behind her, but he forced himself to take a step forward and catch the door, which put him right in the doorway, as if it was a picture frame for him and him alone.  He saw Robin walking straight toward the women’s table… and he saw every woman who he had ever seen at that table in there looking straight at him.  He felt himself peeing yet again at the embarrassment as he forced himself to stand up straight and walk over toward the coffee pots as if there was nothing at all wrong in the world.  Yeah right!
     Robin didn’t have to turn around to know when Sissy had entered the room.  Every woman – and all the men at the other tables – were looking all too incredulously at him.  Some of the women were craning their necks because she herself was in their line of sight.  But as she got nearer, she saw the direction each of them were looking gradually move more and more in the direction of the coffee pots. 
      “Oh my God!” one of the women exclaimed.  “There are bows in the back too!”
      “Geez!  I heard, but I didn’t believe,” another woman exclaimed softly. 
      “I still don’t believe it,” another one replied.
     Robin found one of the seats that they had saved for her – right at the middle of the table.  There was another empty one too, obviously waiting for Sissy – if they ever let him sit down.
      “Look at his shoes!” another woman said.  “They’re gorgeous!  But I wouldn’t want to wear something like that to work.”
      “I don’t know,” another woman replied.  “I see a lot of the girls who come in here as summer help and they often wear heels that high.”
      “Yeah, but they’re all young kids!”
      “I’m just jealous,” another woman added.  “He’s got a figure I’d die for!”
      “It’s the belt,” someone replied.  “He’s just showing off!”
      “You’re telling me?” someone else said.  “Everything he’s wearing is showing off!”
      “Well, I guess if you’ve got it, you should flaunt it.  And right now, it looks like he’s flaunting it!”
      “A little too much, if you ask me!” someone chimed in.
      “Is it my imagination, or his he walking funny?” someone else asked.
      “It’s probably the shoes.  I doubt I could walk in them at all!”
     Robin took all the comments in with interest.  Yes, there was no doubt.  Everyone would be talking even more about Sissy after this.
     Chad couldn’t hear what the women were saying, but he did know they were all staring at him and talking about him.  Actually, he figured he was glad he couldn’t hear them.  He carefully poured two cups of coffee and carried them over to the table.  As he was carrying the coffee, he realized that having to hold the cups the way he was kept his arms away from his body – and especially away from everything below his waist.  There was no way he could hide anything about what he was wearing.  As if that was even possible!
     Trying his best to hide his nervousness, he approached the table and set one of the cups down in front of Robin and the other one down in front of his chair.  He started to sit.
      “Uh uh, Honey!” one of the women said quickly before he could sit down.  “You ain’t sittin’ down till we see it all!”
     Chad smiled.  “See what?” he asked in his girly voice – as if he had no idea.
      “Don’t give me that!  You know what I mean.  Now stand back a bit and let us take a good gander.”
     Chad nervously backed up a bit.
      “Now turn around Honey.  Slow.  So we don’t miss nothin’!”
     Chad did as she wanted.  When he finished he started to sit down again.
      “Wait a minute,” someone else said.  “I’m still looking!”
     Chad stopped right where he was.
      “Geez!  The woman said.  I can’t believe you wore something like that to work!  I mean, I love the garters and all.”  She giggled.  “My husband would really like something like that… but not for work!”
     Chad was saved from answering by another woman who said, “Like I said before, if you got it, flaunt it… and he sure is flaunting it!”
      “And like I said before, he’s making me jealous because he’s got a better figure than I do!”
     Chad took the opportunity to finally sit down as the women seemed to be discussing things amongst themselves.  He took a few sips at his coffee and after a few minutes, finally relaxed a bit when none of them said anything else to him – although he was still the entire center of their attention.  For a few moments, he actually figured that he might get out of there without having to answer any embarrassing questions at all.  He thought that, until…
      “So tell me,” one of the women finally asked him.  “Why the heck did you decide to dress like that today?”
     Chad immediately realized that every eye of every woman was once again focused directly at him.  But what could he say?  There was no way he could tell them about Mel and the bet.  That would reveal way too much!  No, there had to be something easier.  He shrugged his shoulders as he tried to find an answer.  “I don’t know,” he replied.  He didn’t know where his next phrase came from, but it just seemed to come out of his mouth.  “I just thought it might be fun.”  He heard Robin let out a small “umph” of surprise.  Several of the women were now staring with open mouths.
     The woman who had asked the question finally nodded.  “Fun?  Yeah, I guess I can see that.” 
      “I would guess it depends on what kind of fun you’re looking for,” another woman added.
     Chad was only surprised she didn’t ask anything more.  Actually, he figured most of them were still in shock.  But not all of them.
      “Hey Sissy,” someone else chirped up.  “Did you change what was spelled out on your nails yesterday?”
     Chad held his hands up and looked at them.  Feeling even more embarrassed, he shook his head.  “Not yet,” he replied.
      “Geez!  Someone is going to take a good look at you, and think… what kind of major sissy is this?”  There were some murmurs of agreement all around.
     Chad shrugged his shoulders again as he searched for another reply, but he didn’t have one.  Fortunately, he was saved by one of the woman at the table who suddenly stood up.
      “As much as I hate to, I got to get back to work.  I’ve been down here too long already.”  She looked at Sissy again and shook her head.  “I still don’t believe it,” she muttered as she turned and left. 
     She was quickly followed by about half the women at the table.  But as one of them got up to follow, she stopped.  “I sure hope you’re going to be here for break this afternoon too.  Cause I’m going to have a ton of questions to ask – that I don’t have time to think of right now.  And don’t be so late!”
     Chad only smiled.  But Robin replied, “He won’t be.”
     The table had thinned out, but it hadn’t emptied.  “Most of them came down here early,” one of the women still at the table said, “because they had heard rumors about what you wore today, but you got here so late that they couldn’t stay.”
     Chad suddenly felt guilty, even though he had no reason to feel guilty.  It wasn’t his fault that he was late. 
      “Sorry,” Robin replied for him.  “He kind of had his hands into something he couldn’t get out of.  You know how it is.”  Mentally, she was laughing at her own joke.  “But I did pass on word that we would be late this morning.”
      “I heard,” the woman replied.  “But I guess they didn’t get the message.  They were just anxious to see him.  The rumors upstairs have been flying!”
     Robin chuckled.  “I can imagine!”
     Chad wasn’t happy in the least to hear about the rumors, but he wasn’t a bit surprised.  He was sure that he had been the main topic of conversation through the entire company – for the last two months!
     The woman leaned forward toward Chad.  “So tell me, what really possessed you to wear an outfit like that?”
      “Like I said,” Chad replied.  “I thought it would be fun.”
     The woman shook her head.  “The only fun you’d be looking for with an outfit like that isn’t something you can do here at work!”
     Chad didn’t know what to reply, so he just shrugged his shoulders again before replying, “Sorry, but…”  And the truth hurt a bit as it hit him.  “For me, it is kind of fun.”
     Robin almost spilled her coffee.  The woman stared shocked for a moment before she shook her head.  “I guess – for you, I can understand. But I think you should have thought a bit more about what’s appropriate and what’s not for the situation.”  With that, she too got up and left.
     Chad felt bad. Dressing like this was not his idea.  He just had no say in the matter.  He looked to Robin for comfort.
     Robin leaned toward him just a bit.  “Finally!  I’m glad to see you saying something honest!”

     Mel checked her messages as she was catching a break between clients.  She saw one from Derek.  Smiling, she decided to take a minute to return his call.  As busy as she was, she was pleased when he answered so quickly.  “Hi Derek.  It’s Mel.”
      “Mel!  You are one hard woman to get in touch with sometimes!”
      “Sorry.  I’m just so bogged down today.  So what’s up?”
      “Just checking to see if you’re too bogged down for dinner tonight.”
      “Derek.  You know I have to stay close to Sissy for a while.  At this point in the game, I have to stay on him constantly.  I’m not going anywhere without him.”
      “So you’re putting me off again?”
     Mel hated herself.  “No, not really.  It’s just…”  She hated sounding like she didn’t want to see him again – when she did!  “Listen.  Instead of going out tonight, why don’t you come to my place for dinner?  I think I told you how good a cook Sissy is.”
      “Your place?”  Derek thought about that for a minute.  “Sure.  Why not.  At least I can see you for a while.”
     Mel instantly felt better.  She really did like Derek… a lot!  “Great!  See you at my place then.”  As she was heading in to see her next client, she suddenly felt like she had a lot more to look forward to tonight.

1 comment:

sarah penguin said...

Ooooh. More break time, what will happne, will she be showing her diaper by then? Derek, will they make friends agains? How soggy can one nervously soggy-making Sissy get? All these questions...will we get answers? :)