Friday, June 23, 2017

Revenge - Chapter 3

By Karen Singer

Chapter 3

 Steve woke up feeling well rested and refreshed, much more so than he ever would have guessed – given his state of mind when he had gone to sleep.  He walked into the bathroom and sat down to pee, although why he sat down to pee was a bit of a mystery to him.  He didn’t feel like he had to do anything else.  Unfortunately, it also put him in a position where he could see his red painted toenails all too well.  “Gotta do something about that first thing,” he reminded himself.
After that, he opened his medicine cabinet to pull out his shaving cream and razor…and he stopped and stared.  There, on the second shelf, in plain view where he could see it, was the bottle of red nail polish someone had used on his toenails yesterday.  Someone was playing a trick on him and was trying to rub it in.  His anger slowly began to grow, along with a realization that he should have thought of before – someone had been in his apartment, and he didn’t know who it was.  And that someone might still be there.
He reached up and took the bottle of nail polish out of the cabinet, then he grabbed the pile of feminine things that he had left dumped on his bathroom floor last night, and he threw them all angrily into the trash can. 
But the thought that someone else had been in his apartment still bothered him.  He had to make sure that person wasn’t still there.  Very carefully, he eased around every nook and cranny and looked into every closet he had, carefully checking for any sign of an intruder.  He even dropped down quickly and checked under his bed.  All clear…thankfully.  He double checked the lock on his door.  All secure.  Feeling better, he finally went back into the bathroom to shave and shower.  He didn’t know how someone had done what they had to him yesterday, but he knew he would eventually catch him, and he would make whoever it was – pay!  Dearly!
As soon as he was dressed, he was out the door and made his way to the closest pharmacy where he bought a small bottle of nail polish remover.  He felt very embarrassed having to buy it, but fortunately, nobody in the store said anything to him and he hurried home with it.  He spent the next little while working hard to completely remove the nail polish from his toes.  Then he took the bottle of remover that he no longer needed and started to throw it into the trash can on top of the other things he had put in there earlier.  But the trash can was empty.  There was no sign of the dreaded clothing he had thrown away just a short while before.  He threw the nail polish remover into the trash and did another check of his apartment.  Everything looked normal.  He could see no sign that anyone had been in there while he had been gone.
Later in the afternoon, he was finishing up his weekly laundry when he opened his dresser to put his freshly washed underwear away, and there, on top of everything else, was the dreaded pair of panties, the stockings, and the garter belt.  All were neatly folded and carefully put away.  How had they magically appeared in his dresser?  He grabbed them and threw them once again into the trash.  He spent the rest of the day installing a very substantial bolt lock on his apartment door.  Nobody was going to get past that without him knowing it!

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

The next morning he had to go back to work, and he dreaded it.  Monica had said she was going to tell all her friends.  He had no way that he knew of to stop her.  After his shower, he opened his dresser to pull out some underwear, and he stopped dead.  There, right on top of everything, was the pair of frilly panties, the stockings, and the garter belt.  How could they have gotten there?  Anger took hold of him as once again he pulled them out and threw them away.  Then he went into his closet and pulled out his softball bat and carried it with him as he again checked every spot in his apartment.  He was ready to kill anybody if he found them.  But everything was still clear and his door was still locked.  He was more puzzled than ever. 
Later, after he got to work, he was worried that the word of what he had been wearing on his date with Monica had gotten out.  He continually watched the faces of everyone to see if they were looking at him differently.  He was relieved to see no sign that anyone knew…yet.  But it was early in the day still.  Most likely nobody would know…yet.  He relaxed for a bit, but was more worried about how things would be later in the day, after Monica had a chance to tell everybody. 
At break time he almost didn’t go to get himself a cup of coffee for fear that someone would mention it, but fortunately nobody did.  At lunch it was the same.  He dreaded finding out that someone might know.  But lunch went fine as well. 
By midafternoon the worry and the dread was beginning to get to him and he finally phoned down to the shipping department and asked for Monica.  He spoke quietly into the phone so that nobody around him could hear.  “Uh…hi Monica.”
“Steve?  Oh, I’m soooo glad you called.”
She was glad he called?  Was that good?  “Uh, Monica, did you tell anybody…you know, about what happened the other night?”
“Oh Stevie, Stevie, Stevie.” 
Her tone of voice didn’t exactly sound very good to him, and it sounded even worse when her voice dropped in volume as she spoke again.  “Listen Stevie, I haven’t told a single soul yet, even though I want to, and I was planning to.  But I keep thinking that you wanted to explain what happened Saturday night, and I didn’t really give you a chance.  Well, if you come down here right now and explain it to me – in person, and do it the way I want you to, then maybe I won’t tell anyone.  Got that?  But if you don’t do exactly what I say, then trust me, I’ll make sure everybody knows.  Understand?”
Steve was surprised.  What did she mean?  But she was offering him the chance to save his reputation.  “Sure, you bet!” he answered quickly.  “I’ll be right down.”  He quickly hung up the phone and headed straight down to the shipping department, desperately trying to come up with a good explanation he could tell her.  Nothing he could think of sounded even remotely plausible.
When he got there, she was waiting for him.  “Hi Stevie,” she said.  “Come on back where we can talk.” 
Did she seem calm and relaxed?  Maybe this was going to be okay.  He followed her into the back room and then behind a stack of boxes.
“Okay,” she said, suddenly sounding all too firm.  “Pull your pants down!” 
“You heard me, I said pull you pants down.  I want to see what you’re wearing underneath today.”
“Oh,” he replied.  “Her request made a little more sense.  “No problem.”  He glanced around to make sure nobody could see, and he quickly lowered his pants to his knees.  But Monica looked disappointed. 
 “Ugh!” she grunted.  “No panties.”
“Of course not!  I never wear them!  I still don’t know how I was wearing them the other night.”
“Sure,” Monica replied, obviously not believing him. 
Steve started to pull up his pants again. 
“Don’t!” Monica admonished.  He stopped quickly, very surprised.  “You want a chance to explain it properly?  Then you come back here tomorrow and we’ll do it again, but next time, you better be wearing exactly what you were wearing Saturday night when you explain it!”
“What?” What she was asking was incomprehensible.  It made no sense.
“I figure that if you stand there like you are now, but in those panties and stockings you were wearing, then I might believe what you say.  There’ll be a lot less chance of you telling me something that doesn’t sound right.  But if you don’t, then trust me, I’m going to tell everybody I know.  Got that?”
Steve was shocked.  She wanted to see him actually wearing them while he explained it?  It didn’t make sense.  But what was he going to do?
“Now get out of here, I have work to do,” Monica said as she turned her back and walked away. 
Steve went back up to his cubicle in a fog.  He didn’t understand.  Why would she want him to wear those stupid panties again?  And to work no less!  He wasn’t sure he could do it…but what would happen if he didn’t?

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

After work, all Steve knew was that he needed something to take his mind off it all.  So he went to the gym for a good workout.  He figured there was nothing like working up a good sweat in the weight room to make someone feel like a man again.  He breathed in deeply and smiled at the very thought of it.
After changing into his workout clothes in the locker room, he headed for the weight room.  At least he planned on going there, but instead he found himself walking into the room where the women were about to start their aerobics class.  And he couldn’t seem to turn around and leave, no matter how much he wanted to.
“Are you joining us here today?” the shapely instructor asked.
Steve was going to say no, but instead he found himself lining up in the very first row getting ready to exercise with the women.  What was going on?
“Suit yourself, Sweetie,” the instructor laughed.  Then she started the class, and to Steve’s horror, he found himself trying to follow her every movement along with the other women.  No matter how much he didn’t want to do it, he was still doing it.  He couldn’t stop!  And he was really working up a sweat.  Worse, the longer he kept at it, the more feminine he thought the way he was moving was.  He even noticed the instructor and some of the other women watching him closer.  But he couldn’t control it in any way.  What was going on?
He was not only completely panicked over his situation, he was completely exhausted by the time the class ended.  “Looks like you need this class, Sweetie,” the instructor said to him.  Did she have to keep calling him Sweetie?  “You know, there’s a men’s class later on if that would make you feel more comfortable.”
Steve wanted to say that he didn’t even want to be in the class he had just attended, but once again his body seemed to have other ideas.  “Oh no,” he found himself saying – in an all too sickeningly sweet voice, “I really like this one.  I’ll be back!” 
The instructor smiled knowingly.  “Like I said, suit yourself.”
Steve had wanted to go to the gym to feel more like a man again.  Instead, he had acted more like a simpering wimp.  Worse, everyone had seen him do it.  Could he ever go back again?
He hurried home in a totally panicked state.  What was going on?  He didn’t have a clue.  And then there was Monica – that thought stopped him dead.  He walked over to the trash can where he had thrown the panties away several times already.  Once again, they weren’t in the trash can where they should have been.  Almost afraid to look, he opened his dresser drawer.  He wasn’t the least bit surprised to see them neatly folded there once again. 
How could he wear them to work?  He remembered what Monica had said about telling everybody.  Because of that, how could he not wear them?  Everyone would know!  He’d be the laughing stock of the entire company!  He closed his dresser drawer again, this time leaving the panties right where they were, and went to bed.

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

Dear Susan,

Something strange is happening and I don’t know what to do about it.  Remember that girl, Monica, that Steve had the date with a few nights ago?  She just ordered Steve to be wearing the same panties and stockings we were wearing the night she saw them, tomorrow to work – and she wants to see them while he tells her why he was wearing them.  It’s so odd.  I’m not sure what to do about it.  Any suggestions?

In other news, Steve decided he needed a good workout at the gym tonight, although he didn’t exactly get the workout he expected.  He wanted to go into the weight room, but I saw a women’s aerobics class starting instead.  I certainly felt a lot more comfortable in there, but since I kept Steve awake through it all, he certainly didn’t feel comfortable at all.  I guess he now knows that somehow his body can do things he doesn’t want it to, but he doesn’t have a clue as to why.  I guess I should go easy on that ability for a while, but I wasn’t the least bit interested in muscle building with the weights tonight.  I’m a girl for heaven’s sake!

Let me know if you have any suggestions for what to do about Monica.

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

Susan stared at her computer screen and tried to digest what was going on.  This girl Monica was certainly confusing the issue.  She finally shook her head and typed a short reply to Karen.

Dear Karen,

For now, just let Steve handle everything to do with Monica.  Just sit back quietly for a while and watch.

1 comment:

sarah penguin said...

Hmm :)