Friday, May 4, 2018

Mister Mike - Chapter 23 Part 2 of 2

The Domination of Mister Mike
By Karen Singer

Chapter 23 Part 2 of 2

     It was Joanna, of course.  “How you doin?” 
      “Not good,” she replied with a sigh.  “I talked to Ashley again.  She said you wouldn’t do anything she asked you to do.  You didn’t even make her lunch.”
      “Sorry,” I replied.  “But she pretty much chased me out of there demanding I tell her what a big sissy I am or making me curtsey.  And of course I refused.”
      “I’m sure,” Joanna sighed.  “Mike, it’s Tuesday.  They’re supposed to go ahead and take Ashley’s casts off on Friday.  I talked with my son Billy about getting a truck and helping me pick her up to bring her back up here.  But he has to work and can’t get off until Saturday.  Mike, is there any chance you’ll let Ashley stay there until then?  I’ll dive down there after work Thursday night.  I can spend the day Friday taking her to the doctor and then helping her pack.  But if you’d rather, I will come down there tonight and get her out of there.  But we can’t get most of her things until Saturday.”
     I thought about it for a moment.  “No, it’s fine.  She can stay…as long as she stops trying to order me around.  And if she does, she may not like some of the things I say back at her.”
     She seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.  “Understood,” she replied.  “That will be fine.  I promise though, I’ll be there Thursday, and Billy will bring a truck down Saturday morning.”
      “Good enough,” I replied.  “And Joanna, for what it’s worth, as relieved as I feel, trust me, I’m going to miss it too.”
      “Yeah,” she replied.  “Trust me that I’ll miss it as well.  I had…fun Mike.  Lots of fun.  Even though it was at your expense.”
      “Yeah.  Even then,” I replied.
     So Ashley was staying for a few more days.  I guessed I could put up with that.  Then I thought of something I should have asked Joanna about.  Was it worth it to try to move back into my own bedroom?  But it was only for a few more days, and Ashley had all her stuff in that room.  Just a few more days and I’d be back where I belonged.  And next week, I’d be totally free of Ashley and all the humiliations my life was full of.  I couldn’t wait!  And…I already missed it all.
--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

     An hour later, my phone rang yet again.  And again the caller ID showed that it was Joanna.  What more can go wrong?  “Hello?”
      “Yeah?  What’s wrong?”
     She sighed again.  “Nothing…everything.”
      “You want to tell me about it?”
      “Do you have time?”
      “Hang on,” I told her.  I got up and closed my office door.  Then went back to my desk.  “Okay,” I said.  “What’s happening?”
      “Oh Mike,” she replied.  “I know I shouldn’t want this.  I know I shouldn’t even suggest this.”
      “But…” I supplied for her.
      “But is there any way you’d be interested in continuing?”
     Now that surprised me.  “Continuing with the agreement, despite what Ashley did?”
      “Well, yes and no,” she replied.  “Actually, just you and me for a few days, until…um…Ashley straightens some things out.”
      “Straightens something out?  What?”
      “Mike, I know I shouldn’t do this or even suggest it, but I’m desperate.”
      “And Ashley is your daughter,” I added.
      “Yes!  Exactly!  She’s my daughter, and I can’t give up on her.  Not now, not ever!”
      “So what are you proposing?  Ignoring all the clauses in the agreement about Ashley needing to straighten out and do what she’s supposed to?”
      “Um…yes and no.  Mike, I haven’t talked to Ash about this yet, but what I’m interested in is kind of…you and me continuing…without Ashley for a few days.  Don’t let her push your buttons one bit!  Not at all.  But you’d still be doing whatever I want you to do.” 
      “But you wouldn’t even be here.”
      “No, but I would still know what you’re doing.”
      “So just for a few more days?” I asked.
      “Um…well, I guess that will depend on Ashley.  I know the agreement said no second chances at all, but Mike, in so many other ways, she was doing so well.”
      “But she didn’t even try when it came to her schoolwork.”
      “No she didn’t.  But Mike, I checked with the school, and Ashley can retake any and all her tests at any time to try to get a better grade.  What I’m thinking is that if she can retake those tests and do better by Friday, then we can let the agreement stand, otherwise, it’s over.  Completely!  But in the meantime, for a few days, you’d still listen to me…just not Ashley – at all!”
     I thought about it.  There was a lot to consider.
      “Mike?  Are you there?”
      “What do you think?”
      “I’m still thinking about it,” I told her.  “Yeah, in some ways, believe it or not, I really would love to continue.  But in other ways, it would be so much better if we didn’t.”
      “I’m sure Mike,” she replied.  “Tell you what.  You think about it.  I’ll call and talk to both you and Ashley about it tonight.  How does that sound?”
     It was a moment before I replied.  “Fine,” I finally said.  “We’ll talk tonight.”
      “Good Mike.  I really appreciate you just considering this…for me.”
      “And for Ashley,” I added, knowing that Ashley was her primary concern.
      “Yes,” she replied.  “For Ashley too of course.  But also…for me.”

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

     I was quite happy to not put my male shoes into that plastic safe when I got back to my car after work.  There was actually a feeling of satisfaction about that. 
     I had spent much of the time since Joanna’s last phone call thinking about the problem.  Did I want to continue?  Ashley had messed up.  The agreement was now null and void.  I had no obligations to either of them anymore.  Freedom.  Blessed, total freedom.  And yet, I already missed the…allure.  The thrill.  The danger.  The drug like affect that all that humiliation brought me.
     But the bottom line was that I was far better off not playing the humiliation game anymore, at least not with Joanna and Ashley.  But Ashley wouldn’t be playing this time.  She wouldn’t be allowed, and I had no interest in even letter her order me around.  In fact, my mind played with all too many scenarios where I firmly told her off if she did try to boss me around.  I’d only be subject to the things that Joanna wanted…which I already knew were the kind of things that practically blew my mind apart.  And not only that, but it would only be for a few more days since I saw no way at all that Ashley was going to bring her grades up that much. 
     But my bottom line still seemed to remain.  I was better off not doing it anymore.  But the allure….  The danger….  The thrill….
     When I got home, the look on Ashley’s face was startling.  I didn’t know if I should be afraid, or glad to see it.  She was sitting at the kitchen table, and she was obviously angry and upset.  In truth, I thought it served her right.
     She saw me carrying the safe in one hand, and my heels in the other.  Her voice was nothing but nasty.  “You’re supposed to be wearing those things!”
      “Not anymore,” I replied with more calmness in my voice than I figured I should have.  “The agreement is over.”
      “But Mom said you and her were going to continue.”
      “Maybe!” I replied.  “That’s up to me.  And right now, I’m more than ready to put an end to all of it.”
      “Damn sissy!” she cursed.  “I’m not going home to her house!”
     I said nothing to that.  I had no doubt that Joanna was fully expecting Ashley to not want to go, and I was sure that Joanna would find a way to make her go.  And I couldn’t wait!
     I fixed a big can of ravioli for dinner, during which Ashley glared angrily the entire time, but never once said a single word.  All the better.  I didn’t need to hear her complaining anymore about anything.  I still cleaned up by myself after dinner, but then Ashley physically couldn’t since she was still stuck in those big casts.  But only until Friday.  Friday she would finally be free of them, and my mind turned to what a danger she’d be to the entire world then.  Yeah, no doubt about it, that agreement was much better being ended.  But the thrill….
     It was about eight o’clock when Ashley’s phone rang.  “Sissy Mike!” she yelled from her chair in the living room.  I ran to see what she wanted.  “It’s Mom,” she said as she put the phone on speaker.  “He’s here now,” she replied into her phone.
      “Mike?” Joanna’s voice came through, I wanted to talk to both of you about continuing our agreement, but if we do, there’s going to have to be some drastic changes since you Ashley didn’t live up to your end of the deal.”
     I saw Ashley roll her eyes.  “Just get on with it,” she said.
     The pause before Joanna spoke again told me what she thought of her daughter’s attitude, and I couldn’t have agreed more. 
      “Ashley,” Joanna said, “your school will let you retake any tests as many times as you want in order to get a better grade.  I’m coming down there Thursday night after work.  Friday I have to take you to the doctor.  On Saturday, Billy will be here with a truck to help move you out of there and up here with me where you should be.”
      “Bullshit!” Ashley muttered.
      “But…” Joanna continued.  “If you can retake both those tests and get at least a ‘C’ on both of them by Friday night, then not only can you stay there, you can boss Michael around again.  However…”
      “By Friday!” Ashley exclaimed.  “That’s only three days!”
      “Maybe less since I’ll have to see those better grades by Friday night and I don’t know how long it will take for the grades to be posted.”
      “That’s impossible!”
      “Then this talk is useless.  Like I said, I’ll be there Thursday night.  I’ll take you to the doctor, and Billy is going to help us move you out on Saturday.”
      “I’m not going!”
      “You will go, like it or not.”
      “I’m not going!”
      “You agreed, in writing, when you signed that agreement.”
      “I don’t care!  I’m still not going.”
     I felt it was time for me to speak up.  “You’ll go if I have to pick you up and put you in the car myself.  And I’m sure your brother will be more than willing to help as well.”
      “You fuckin’ jerk!  You probably would just to get back at me.”
      “You can count on it!” I replied.
      “I hate this!” she screamed.
      “Mike,” Joanna’s voice came from the phone.  “I’ll see you late Thursday night then.”
      “Okay,” I replied.  “See you then.”
      “Wait!  Just wait!” Ashley yelled.  She said nothing for a moment, then said, “If I retake those tests and pass, and the grades get posted by Friday night, I can stay?”
      “That’s what I said,” Joanna confirmed.
      “And I get to boss him around again?”
      “Yes,” Joanna told her.  “But Ashley, you didn’t let me finish what I started to say earlier.  Since you messed up so badly, then if that agreement continues there’s going to be some major consequences for you.”
      “What?” Ashley screamed.  “Like what?”
      “Like you’re going to suffer too!” Joanna told her.  “And I can tell you right now what punishment I’ve decided for your behavior.”
      “I don’t even want to know,” Ashley replied.  “But what is anyway?”
      “Since you like keeping Michael in diapers all the time, and since you’ve been acting like nothing but a spoiled brat…”
      “Brat!  Bullshit!”
      “A spoiled brat!” Joanna yelled back.  Her voice calmed down.  “Then, whether Michael wears diapers or not, you’re going to.  All the time!  And I’m going to limit when you can use the toilet for bowel movements.”
      “Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit!” Ashley exclaimed. 
      “And Ashley,” Joanna continued, “you’ll stay in diapers until your grades not only improve, but until you have an ‘A’ average in all of your courses.”
     I saw Ashley’s eyes nearly pop out of her head.
      “As soon as I see in ‘A’ average in everything you’re taking, you’re out of diapers and you can be normal again.  But the minute I see you backsliding, back into diapers you go.”
      “That’s…just…sick!” Ashley exclaimed angrily.  “Sick!”
      “So is keeping Michael in diapers all the time.”
      “He’s not in them at work,” she countered.
      “No, but you want him to be.  I just won’t let you do it unless I know for a fact no one there will be able to notice.”
      “I just haven’t figured everything out yet,” Ashley replied.  “Otherwise, he would be.”
      “But you’ll be in them all the time!” Joanna told her.  “Although like I said, there will be times when I’ll allow you limited use of a toilet for bowel movements.  But other than those times, you’re going to be stuck in them.”
      “Bullshit!” Ashley said again.  “I’m not doing that, and you know it.”
      “Then I’ll see you Thursday night, and Michael, Ashley will be gone by Saturday.  I promise.”
      “Good enough,” I replied.
      “Goodnight Michael.  Ashley, I’ll see you Thursday night.”  I heard the connection end. 
      “Bullshit!” Ashley muttered as she set the phone down.  “She wants me to wear diapers?  Not in this life!” 
“Whatever,” I said as I turned to go back to my office. 
      “And I’m not going home with her!” Ashley yelled at my back.  I ignored her.
     I hadn’t played any of my games much since Ashley had come into my life.  I hadn’t looked at any of the porn sites I used to go to day in and day out either.  I was playing a game when I heard Ashley yelling, “Sissy Mike!”  I purposely ignored her.  “Sissy Mike!”  I continued to ignore her.  I figured she had no right to call me a sissy anymore, even if I was one.  “Mister Mike!” 
     This time I stopped my game.  “What?” I yelled back.
      “Come here.”
     I sat and considered it for a moment.
     Somehow, she had said the magical word.  It actually surprised me.  I got up to see what she wanted.  “What?” I asked as I walked into the living room.”
      “I want to call my mother back and talk some more about what she wants,” Ashley said.
     That surprised me.  There was no way I could ever see Ashley letting herself be put into diapers – almost all the time.  Besides, there was also no way I could see her bringing up her grades that much in such a short amount of time.  “Are you sure?” I asked.
      “Just shut up,” she replied somewhat nastily.
     I watched as she punched her mother’s number on her phone.
      “Ashley?” I heard Joanna’s voice ask.
      “Mom…I wanted to talk some more about that agreement.”
     Joanna didn’t reply for a moment.  I was sure she was as surprised as I was.  “You’re sure?” Joanna finally asked.
      “I’ve got to wear diapers pretty much all the time?” Ashley asked.  “Except for when?”
      “Except for first thing in the morning.  Michael will let you use the toilet for five minutes each morning, and that’s all.  And that will be the only time you’ll be allowed to use it.  All the rest of the time you’ll be stuck using your diapers like the spoiled toddler I think you’re behaving as.”
     I saw Ashley roll her eyes at that.  “But how about my grades?” Ashley asked.
      “You can’t boss Michael around at all until I see your grades at least up to a ‘C’.  If I can’t see your grades improve that much by Friday night, then you’re coming home with me on Saturday.  If you do somehow bring them up to a ‘C’ then you can not only stay, but you can start bossing Mike around again just like you were.  But Ashley, you’re going to stay in those diapers until I see you up to an ‘A’ average in all your courses like I know you’re capable of.  And the minute I see you backsliding again, you go back into diapers again.”
      “It’s bullshit!” Ashley muttered.
      “Then why did you call?” Joanna asked.  “I told you all this before.”
      “Because…”  But Ashley didn’t continue.  She sat there thinking.
      “Mike?” Joanna’s voice asked after the silence had lingered for a few moments.
      “I’m sorry I can’t get you out of that chastity device until Thursday night, but trust me, as soon as I get there I’ll unlock you.”
      “I figured that,” I told her.
      “I just wanted you to be sure,” she replied.  “Okay.  See you both Thursday,” she said.  “Goodnight.”
     But again Ashley didn’t say anything.
     Joanna waited a moment, then said, “See you both Thursday.”
      “I’ll do it,” Ashley said, nearly mumbling it.
      “What?” Joanna asked.
      “I’ll do it,” Ashley repeated a bit louder.
     Again it was a moment before Joanna spoke.  Finally she asked, “Are you sure?  You know what it’s going to mean?”
     I saw Ashley roll her eyes.  “Yeah.  I know,” she replied.
      “So you’re agreeing?” Joanna asked, for further confirmation. 
      “I said I would, didn’t I?”
      “Very well,” Joanna replied.  I could tell she was nearly as surprised as I was.  “I’m going to draw up a small amendment to our agreement and we’ll all sign it when I get there.”
      “Whatever,” Ashley mumbled.
     But now that things had moved into a direction I wasn’t quite as happy with, I spoke up.  “Um…Joanna?”
      “Yes Mike?”
      “Uh…since you’re going to all that trouble, and we’re going to be…kind of continuing with things…then…”
      “What is it Mike?” Joanna asked.
      “Then I think I should get some consideration for something I want.”
      “Something you want?”
      “And what’s that?”
      “I want to keep things a little less obvious in public,” I told her.  “That’s always been my one biggest concern.”
      “I know that Mike,” Joanna replied.  “But…”  Joanna was silent for a while.  I could tell she was thinking about it.  Then I heard her say.  “I’m sorry Mike, but I don’t think we can do that.  Not with what you’ve signing up for.  Mike, it’s either all, or nothing.  You can’t have it both ways.  You’re either in, or out.”
     I stood there and digested it.
      “Mike?” Joanna asked. 
     Still I said nothing.
      “Mike?  What do you want to do?  We can end this now, and Ashley comes home with me on Saturday, or we can continue.  But you now know that if we continue, that you won’t be quite as alone in being tormented.  Ashley is going to be stuck in diapers for a little while.  At least until she can get the grades I know she’s capable of.”
     Again I thought about it.
      “Mike,” Ashley said.  “If I can wear diapers for a few weeks, then you can go back to being the dumb sissy jerk we both know you really are.”
     I almost immediately said no, right there and then.  But Ashley did have a point.  I sighed.  “Okay,” I agreed.  “Just like before.  For me at least.”
      “Fine!” Joanna said.  I actually saw relief on Ashley’s face.
      “Now Ashley, you’re sure?  Because we’re going to start right now.”
     Once again Ashley rolled her eyes.  “Yeah Mom.  I can’t tell you how stupid I think this is, but I said I would.”
      “Okay,” Joanna said.  “Mike.  Go get one of your diapers and put it on her right now.  Ashley, you’re probably going to have to lay down on the floor for him to diaper you.  And Mike, make sure you get some of that diaper cream I gave you and coat her real well first.  Ashley’s skin is going to be more sensitive than yours is.”
     I left the living room.  I grabbed one of the diapers from my dwindling supply and then found that diaper cream that had helped me out of some uncomfortable situations.  By the time I was back in the living room, Ashley had slipped from the chair, down to the floor and had lifted that big housedress she was wearing up over her boobs.  I knelt down between her spread legs and pulled her panties off.
      “I hate this!” she hissed.
     I said nothing.  I slipped the fat diaper under her.  Coated her liberally with that diaper cream, then pulled it up between her legs and fastened it.  “All done,” I said.
      “Aaarrrggh!” Ashley yelled.  “I hate this!”
      “Then you know what you’ve got to do to get out of them,” Joanna’s voice came from the phone.  “Mike,” Joanna continued.  “Tomorrow, I want you to buy some baby lotion for her.  And Mike, when you go out to buy it, I’ll expect you to be wearing heels.  And you know I’ll want pictures of your heels – while you’re in the store.”
      “Yeah,” I replied, not happy about that at all.
      “Now Mike,” Joanna said, “do you have any more of that silver tape?”
      “The duct tape?”
      “Whatever it is.  Do you have any?”
      “I know there’s some left.  I’m not sure how much though.”
      “Then while you’re out tomorrow buying the baby lotion, you can stop and buy more of that tape.  Right now, I want you to get that tape and use it to seal the toilet in Ashley’s bedroom so she can’t get into it.  Then tomorrow morning, you can let Ashley have five minutes in your bathroom to do whatever she wants on the toilet.  Then you put one of those big diapers on her, and seal that toilet with the tape too.  Understand?”
      “Yeah,” I agreed.  “I’ve got it.  But what about me?  Do I have to still wear the diapers too?”
      “No Mike.  Ashley is the one who likes you wearing them.  You can stay in panties instead.  She can see you wearing something comfortable while she’s stuck wetting herself like a baby.”
      “I like it!” I exclaimed, glad to know I’d be out of diapers.  At least for now.  And if Ashley couldn’t bring up her grades, then permanently!
      “And Mike, when you get home from work, you can remove the tape from your toilet, but only for while you’re there.”
      “Got it!” I said.  “I’ll take care of it.”  In my mind though, I was thinking about Ashley, and how turnabout was fair play.
      “Damn it!” Ashley exclaimed.  “I can’t even get my legs together.”
      “No you can’t,” I chuckled.  “I can’t either when I have to wear those things.  Not even close.”
      “Okay you two” Joanna said.  “See you Thursday.  Goodnight.”  She hung up.
      “Ahhh!” Ashley screamed her frustration again.  Then she looked at me with nothing but pure anger in her eyes.  “Get me up!  I can’t do it myself.”
     Stuck in those casts covering her entire left arm and her entire left leg, she really couldn’t do it herself, like so many other little things.  I lifted her up and set her in her chair.
      “Get me my books for school.  There’s no way I’m ever going back to live with my mother!”
     A little while later, Ashley was hard at work studying, and I had thoroughly taped the toilet in the master bathroom shut.  I found it quite humorous that now Ashley was the one stuck in those big fat diapers.  I couldn’t wait to hear just how much she “enjoyed” using them. 
     When bedtime came, Ashley told me to ignore her and just go to bed.  She’d go when she was ready.  I checked to make sure the house was secure, then went to the bathroom to relieve myself.  Before leaving the bathroom, I left a little surprise for Ashley.  Then, with one last glance at her hard at work in the living room, I went to bed, closing the bedroom door behind me.  Was there a chance that I’d be back in my own bedroom soon?  I hoped so.  As hard as Ashley appeared to be studying now, I didn’t see her bringing both those grades up that much in such a short amount of time. 
     For once, not having to wear a diaper to bed was simply wonderful.  Not having to drink from a damn baby bottle before I went to sleep was almost as good.  And knowing that Ashley couldn’t order me around anymore was the ice cream and cake to my entire life.  If only my chastity device was gone.  That was the only thing now that really bothered me. 
     What a day.  I turned out the light to go to sleep with nothing but happy thoughts on my mind.
     But the storm that raged all day that Tuesday wasn’t quite done yet.  The storm had withheld one last major blow…until now.  And that blow announced itself when my phone rang.  I quickly found my phone in the dark of the room and saw that it was my mother calling me.  At that time of night?  And she was calling instead of texting?  Something major had to be wrong.  “Hello?” I said, more than a bit worried.
      “Michael,” My mother’s happy sounding voice came back.  “How are you?”
      “Uh…fine,” I replied.  “What’s going on?”
      “Oh Michael.  You know we’re going to Monte Carlo in a few weeks, and I just thought that I hadn’t seen you in some time.  So I made arrangements to leave here a day early and stop there before I go on to Atlanta for my overseas flight.  I can’t wait to meet that lovely girl that’s living with you now.” 

1 comment:

Chicago Karen said...

And this lovely girl would be?
You know, Mike, there are women, intelligent, understanding, beautiful women, who will humiliate you any time, day or night, your place or theirs, publicly and/or privately. They’ll put you in diapers, chastity, have you worship their feet, put a collar and leash on you and make you their dog, dress you as anything from infant to sissy boy to schoolgirl to hooker. At reasonable rates. And when your time is up, your good until the next time you get the urge. Oh well, too late, I suspect. Expect more phone calls before Thursday night.