Friday, March 2, 2018

The Domination of Mister Mike - Chapter 13

The Domination of Mister Mike
By Karen Singer

Chapter 13

     I was at work Monday morning, blissfully enjoying being back in the normal world, if you didn’t count the panties I was wearing, when my cell phone rang.  Joanna!  “Hello?”
      “Hi Mike,” she said.  “I see from Ashley’s Facebook page that you had a busy day yesterday.”
      “You could say that,” I replied with more than a hint of frustration in my voice.
      “I thought you looked very nice in that dress,” she added with a bit of a giggle.
     Yeah sure!  “Were there a lot of pictures posted?”
      “Tons!  But don’t worry, none of them showed your face at all.”
      “Good!  I can’t tell you how embarrassing that was.”
      “Which means you enjoyed it.”
      “To be honest?  No.  Like I said, it was embarrassing.”
      “Which means you enjoyed it.”
     I made no reply.  I’d never admit how right she was.
      “Mike, I wanted to warn you…”
     Uh-oh!  “What happened?”
      “Just that I sent Ashley a couple of rather detailed texts this morning, pretty much ordering her to sign up for school and get all her financial aid straightened out before I get there on Friday.”
     That surprised me.  “You did?  What did she say?”
      “She hasn’t responded yet.”
      “Well I know she was up when I left because I bathed her and left her in her chair…with her fully charged cell phone.”
      “Oh, I have no doubt she got the texts.  I’m betting though that she’s more than a bit angry about what I sent.”
      “Could be,” I agreed.
      “So I just wanted to warn you that she may be a bit upset when you get home.”
      “Thanks.  I think.”

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

     As I did every day now, except Fridays, I headed home at lunchtime to make sure Ashley had something to eat.  I armed myself ahead of time with a fast-food chicken sandwich for her.  As always I drove into the garage and closed the door behind me. 
      “Ashley?” I called as I entered the house.  “I’m back.”
      “I’m here!” she replied as I went from the kitchen to the living room.  “Where else would I be?”
      “I’m just letting you know I’m here…and that I’ve got lunch.”  But I could already tell she was in a mood.
      “Do you know what my mother did?”
      “She texted me this morning.  She wants me to sign up for school – now!  And it has to be done this week!  And that includes all the dumb stuff that has to be worked out for financial aid.  Do you know how much stuff you have to do to get financial aid?  A lot!  It could take months for just that alone!”
      “Maybe that’s why she wants you doing it all now.  Besides, what else have you got to do?”
      “What else?  I’ve got lots to do!  I don’t have time for this stuff.”
      “Uh…”  I wanted to point out that in reality, she didn’t have anything at all to do, but she didn’t let me get that far.
      “My mother thinks she can get me to move back home if I don’t follow every little thing she wants me to do – to the letter!  But the financial aid can take forever, and that’s even if they let me into the school to begin with!”
      “You think there’ll be a problem with that?”
      “No.  Not at all.  It’s only the community college, and I already graduated from there once.”
      “So…what’s the problem?”
      “It’s just everything!  It’s…too much.”
      “So you’re giving up?” I asked hopefully.
      “Giving up?  You’ve got to be kidding.  I know my mother thinks I can’t last long at all without breaking one of those stupid rules she created, but she’s wrong!  There’s no way I’m going to let her make me move back home.”
      “So you’re going to do what she wants?  Apply for school?”
     She looked at me like I was crazy.  “Of course!  But the worst part is that according to one of her stupid rules, I can’t even express my opinions to her about things.”
      “You mean argue about it.”
      “That’s just it!  She usually thinks I’m arguing, when all I’m doing is letting her know what I think!”
     I didn’t reply.  I had no doubt that Ashley wouldn’t see things anyway except from her point of view.  “Here’s your lunch,” I told her as I opened the bag in my hands.
      “Before you leave,” she told me, “I need you to find my computer for me and help me get it all setup.”
      “You don’t want to use mine?”
      “I’d rather, but I can’t sit at your desk for long if I’ve got to keep my damn leg propped up all the time.  Besides, I’ve already got all my old school stuff on my computer and I’m going to need it.”
      “Sounds like a good idea then,” I told her.
      “So what are you waiting for?”
      “Find my computer!”
     Finding her laptop computer was hard enough, and I made a mental note to myself to move some of my storage boxes still in her room out to the garage, but finding her power supply in that room took forever.  After a dozen suggestions from her as to where to look, I finally found it.  Why on earth would she stuff it down into her big box of tampons?  I had to get an extension cord from my shop so her computer could be plugged in, and of course I had to help her get onto my home Wi-Fi connection.  But eventually it was all setup and ready, and I had to rush back to the bank – before I’d had even a bite of lunch myself.  I wound up eating while I was driving. 
     So now Ashley was going to be busy with school work.  Did that mean that she’d have less time to make me miserable?  I could only hope!

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

     It was snowing as I drove home.  Fortunately, not much, and they were predicting only a little accumulation.  But with as cold as it was, I was more concerned with the ice that might be under that snow.  As I drove into my driveway, I decided that it wasn’t going to be enough to have to worry about shoveling.  This time.  It was next time I was worried about.  What would happen if it snowed worse and I did have to go out and shovel it?  I could just see Ashley ordering me to wear something really stupid as I did it – where all my neighbors could see.  I put those thoughts firmly from my mind as I went inside. 
      “It’s about time you got back!” Ashley yelled the minute I opened the door into the kitchen.  I couldn’t even see her yet and already I was wishing I was back at work.
      “What’s wrong?” I asked as I hurried into the living room.
      “My stupid, moronic, demented, and totally sadistic mother, that’s what!”
      “What’s she done now?”
      “It’s all this stupid financial aid stuff.  They say they need her tax records and there’s stuff she has to fill out, and my dumb mother thinks I can just send her all the forms and information with a click of a button.”
      “And you can’t?”
      “Don’t you start on me too!”
      “Why don’t you show me what you’re talking about.”
     It took me a little while to look into it all and get her taken care of.  In the end, it did require more than one simple click – but not by much.  I had to download the forms, and then we emailed them to Joanna for her to complete and then send back.
      “I’ll get dinner now,” I told her.
      “Not yet!”
      “Why not?  What do you need?”
      “I need you to get changed.”
     Oh!  I sighed.  “What do you want me to wear this time?”
     She smiled all too slyly, and I hated that.  “A bra with those things in it, that nice maroon blouse you’ve got, and those real high heels…and nothing else!”
      “Nothing else?” I asked skeptically.
      “Nothing!  And that includes the panties you’re supposed to be wearing.”
     Now I was shocked.  “You want me to be naked from the waist down?”
     She was still smiling all too broadly.  “Not totally naked.  You’ll still be wearing your shoes.”
     Yes, she was serious, as I found out when I had “mostly” changed and asked again about my panties.  She seemed all too delighted seeing me walk around the house practically naked.  In fact, several times she pulled out her phone just to take pictures of me as I walked by!  I can’t tell you how dumb I felt with my “you know what” hanging free on display and bouncing around with every step I took.  Dumb – and horribly embarrassed.  And I’m afraid that more than once I had to get hold of my thoughts and feelings to keep me from getting any more embarrassed by that thing being on display like that.  Even sitting down at the table to eat my dinner on my naked backside reminded me of my nearly naked condition.  It was something that I was finding almost impossible to ignore. 
      “Mister Miiiike…”
     Ugh!  “Yes?” I asked as I hurried from doing the dishes to see what she wanted.
      She laughed at me as I hurried into the living room.  “Hold still right there,” she said as she pulled her phone out again and took another picture.  “Okay,” she finally said.
     I turned back to finish the dishes.
      “No!” she said, quickly stopping me.  “I wanted to know what you were planning on doing tonight.”
      “Uh…not much.  I had thought about moving all the stuff I had stored in your room to the garage, but I don’t need to do that.”
      “No!  That’s a great idea.  Do it!  I need more room in there.  It’s about time you cleared all that junk out.”
     Five minutes later, I finished the dishes and began what I “thought” was going to be a fairly easy job.  Oh how wrong I was!  The “minor” problem was my shoes.  It’s more than a little difficult to carry big heavy boxes in five-inch heels.  In my normal clothes – with my normal shoes, I could have done it, but not in those shoes!  And the “major” problem of course, was Ashley.  No surprise.
     Before I even started, she had me turn her entire chair and footstool around so she could watch me easier.  And then the fun really started – for her.  I went to the room and grabbed the first box, figuring out right then that I wouldn’t be able to carry as much as usual in those heels.  But on coming back through the living room, Ashley stopped me, just so she could take a couple of pictures of me.  Was she taking pictures of all of me, from my head to my feet?  Or was she taking pictures of everything – below my waist?  I didn’t know how much of myself that box was really hiding, and I vowed right then and there to carry the rest of them…lower. 
     And then she said something that surprised me.  “Put it down.”
     Put it down?  I didn’t bother to ask why, but maybe I should have.  I started to set it down in front of me.
      “No!  Not there, behind you.”
     I turned around and lowered the box to the floor.
      “Hold it right there!” she said as I was all bent over.  I heard the camera on her phone clicking several more times.  “Stick your butt up in the air a little more,” she ordered.  Once again I heard her camera clicking.  “Okay, pick it up again and take it to the garage.” 
     The damn girl had taken pictures of my naked backside!  What, the front embarrassment wasn’t enough for her?  I guess not.  I heard more pictures being taken as I picked the box up again, and finally took it to the garage. 
     With the next box, I remembered to carry it lower.  But of course, that wasn’t good enough for Ashley.  Not to mention that it hid exactly the part of me she was most interested in seeing.  I had to stop in the living room again, lift the box higher, and then just for her amusement, shake my hips back and forth until she told me to stop.  And of course, shaking my hips, really meant shaking something else back and forth – while she took pictures of course.  She was a nurse.  Not only that, she had been living with the guy next door.  Not to mention the fact that I was pretty sure she’d had sex with lots of other guys.  What was it?  She needed to see how my equipment compared with theirs? 
     It was with the next box that things got really bad.  I was bringing a rather heavy box out of the bedroom, trying to carry it high enough that I knew she’d be able to see what I knew she wanted, when she again stopped me as I went though.
      “Can you hold that thing with only one hand?” she asked.
      “Um…I’m not sure,” I replied.  I moved my arms around and finally got one hand under the middle of the box.  “Maybe,” I replied as I took one hand off the box, trying to balance it there between my fake boobs and the one hand underneath.  I had to lean back a bit to let the box rest against my padded chest.  That seemed to help, but the box was heavy for that one arm.
      “Great!” she said happily, now play with yourself with your other hand.”
     Say what?  I came very close to dropping the box.  In fact, if it hadn’t been leaning against my padded chest, my dropping jaw might have knocked the thing to the floor.
      “Do it!” she ordered.  “Make it hard.”
     Uncertainly, I reached down and started stroking myself, while she took more pictures.  Even with the weight of that heavy box threatening to break my arm, the situation was such that I couldn’t help but start growing erect in a matter of moments – much to her amusement, and even more to my embarrassment.  I was quickly getting to the point where I didn’t know what would happen first, me spilling my load through an orgasm, or me spilling the contents of the box because I couldn’t hold it anymore.
      “Okay, stop!” she said suddenly.
     I quickly brought my hand from down below to help hold the box.
      “What are you standing there for?  Take the box to the garage!”  And then she snapped another picture.
     I know my head was spinning, but more than a bit bewildered, I carried the box to the garage, trying to hurry because my one arm was really tired.  And then on the way back, she stopped me again – and I hadn’t even been to her room to get anything else yet. 
      “Start playing with it again,” she ordered.
     I was still semi-hard since it had only been about two minutes, but I stood there and started playing with myself again while she snapped a few more pictures.  It was much easier to do without the heavy box occupying half my mind.  Once again I was starting to picture the final release when she commanded, “Stop!  Now go get another box.”
     She was playing with me.  Well, that much I knew before we even started.  I wasn’t sure how much I liked this game, but to be honest, I was liking it a whole lot more than some of the other things she had me do.  The part that concerned me the most though was all the buttons she seemed to be pushing on her phone as I walked off.  I purposely selected a box that was somewhat smaller, but even still, I only carried that one box back out.
      “You know the drill now,” she said.  “Every time you walk past, you play with yourself till I tell you to stop.”
     For once, I wasn’t the least bit surprised.  The smaller box was easier to manage with only one arm as I went to work.  Once again, it was only a very short time before I was fully hard…and she had taken three more pictures.
      “Okay,” she said as she was pushing buttons on her phone again.  “Take it to the garage.”
     I took a few steps and stopped.  “Are you really trying to post those pictures to Facebook?”
     She looked at me like I was crazy.  “No.  Of course not.  I’m sending them to my Mom.”
      “You mother?”
     She laughed.  “Yeah.  She’s enjoying the heck out of this.  In fact, who do you think suggested I have you stop each time and keep yourself nice and hard?”
     Suddenly it made more sense to me.  No wonder I was enjoying myself more.  With a bit of a smile, I continued on to the garage.  Trip after trip, box after box.  Knowing that it was really Joanne who was enjoying this so much, I made it a point to only carry one box at a time now, and I tried to make more of a show out of it, putting more motion into whatever I was doing.  At times I did carry more than one item, but mostly I tried to drag it out.  Besides, I actually was enjoying the situation.  And if I was enjoying it, then why shouldn’t I drag it out? 
     But the boxes and items gave out finally.  All of the things I had stored in that room were now cluttering up my garage instead.  “All done,” I told her as I came back into the living room.
      “Great!” she replied.  “I can’t wait to see it.”
      “Want me to show you now?” I asked.
      “No, it will be bedtime soon enough.  I can see it then.”  Then she looked at me and smiled wickedly again.  “Mom wants me to make sure you do two things now.”
     I didn’t reply.  I looked at her somewhat skeptically instead, waiting to hear what new monstrosities would be thrown at me. 
      “Mom says I have to make sure you stay hard for the rest of the evening, and she also says I have to make sure you don’t cum at all.”
     It was only mildly shocking, but still a shock.  Stay hard?  Don’t cum?  Pleasure…and torture.  Definitely Joanna! 
      “Now play with yourself again till I tell you to stop,” she told me.
     I did, but it was different now…now that I knew the promise of release wasn’t going to come.  But that certainly didn’t stop me from growing fully hard again.
      “Good!  Now turn me back around so I can see the TV.”
     I turned her around, which earned me another few moments of making myself hard again.  After which I was told to stand where she could see me and watch TV.  I was supposed to keep myself hard, but make sure I didn’t cum. 
      “Can I sit down?” I asked.  My feet were killing me.”
      “No, of course not.  I want you enjoying those silly heels as much as possible.”
     It figured!  I stood there and played with myself a bit, then stopped before things ever got too far.  And…I got to watch TV.  Sort of.
      “Get it hard!” she yelled in the middle of the most interesting part of the program where my mind wasn’t on my cock for a change.
     My hand went quickly back to work, most of my interest in the program suddenly removed.  It happened several more times.  My mind would wander, my penis would shrink, and she would yell.  Wasn’t she interested in the program?  Or was she only watching my cock?  I had no way of knowing because she always seemed to yell at me the moment I even started to get the least bit soft.  It became…nerve wracking!
     Finally, the last show ended and she declared that she wanted to go to bed.  I helped her hobble to her room first where she looked around and approved.  “Much better!” she declared, before making me pump my shrinking cock back up again.  Then I helped her get to the bathroom where she shut the door in my face as she always did.  She came out with her nightgown on, but the first words out of her mouth were orders for me to get it hard again – even though it still was. 
     I got her settled in her bed, and again had to pump myself up.  But finally she said, “Get your nightgown on now and go to bed.  See you in the morning.”  And then that crafty smile was back again.  “Have a good night, Mister Mike.  And don’t forget to leave your bedroom door open so I can hear you.  Do you think you’ll last more than a minute?  Ha!  I bet you don’t.  In fact, when you go out, leave my bedroom door open too so I’ll have no trouble hearing you.  Goodnight Mister Mike….”  She laughed as I went out with my cock fully hard.  Darn her! 
     I quickly made sure the house was secure, then I went back to my room and threw my nightgown on.  I prepared my usual tissues, got into bed, and turned out the light.  The humiliations and constant stimulations of the evening were hard at work on me long before I even went to bed.  And even though Ashley was listening, I couldn’t help myself.  I was humping my bed almost immediately.  The built up need was like a huge block of pressure waiting to be released.  That plus everything else sent me over the edge in a huge wave of release.
      “I was right!” Ashley suddenly called. 
     Mortified, I looked up to see her standing in my bedroom doorway looking in at me.
      “Less than a minute!”  With a laugh, she turned herself around and hobbled back to bed, this time, closing her bedroom door behind her.
     I sighed as I cleaned myself up.  I laid there trying to sleep, but half an hour later, I had three more tissues put together and I was once again exercising my body on my bed.  This time it took me much longer.  This time it was much more satisfying.  And this time, I prayed that Ashley couldn’t hear me. 

1 comment:

Chicago Karen said...

What was that all about?