Friday, July 20, 2018

Mister Mike - Chapter 33 – Part 1 of 2

The Domination of Mister Mike
By Karen Singer

Chapter 33 – Part 1 of 2

     I sat in my car and stared at the bank in front of me.  My bank.  The place where I worked.  Third floor, down the hall.  My own little shoebox office.  The kitchen safe sitting on the passenger seat next to me had unlocked itself halfway to work.  My male shoes were still in it.  I needed to change out of the five inch t-strap heels I had worn from home.  I needed to change…  I needed to change out of my damn diaper that was now stuck underneath the cupcake pattered onesie that was locked at the back of my neck.  I needed to change out of that diaper…I wanted to change out of that diaper, but because of a simple tiny lock, I had no chance in the world to do that.  I was going to have to go into work, not only today, but for the foreseeable future, wearing a diaper under my clothes.  And for the foreseeable future, at work, I was going to be stuck using those diapers.  It boggled my mind. 
     My one safe haven away from most of the humiliations in my life was suddenly far less of a safe haven anymore.  Joanna had deemed it doable, and at Ashley’s word, I was now…doing it.  Like it, or not. 
     As I sat there, I could feel the bulk of that pink diaper now attached to my butt.  Not nearly as bad as the super thick diapers I had to wear all too often, but horrible in its own way.  I could feel the bulk of the diaper.  I could feel the heat trapped in by those odd soft plastic pants over top of my diaper.  I could feel the added pressure and the tingling all up and down my legs from the pantyhose over top of my diaper and those plastic pants, but strangely, I barely noticed the feel of the onesie that kept it all inaccessible to me.  The onesie that literally forced me to wear that diaper where and when I didn’t want to.  The embarrassing onesie with the childish cupcake design and the zip up the back that locked with a key…that I didn’t have.
     I forced myself to finally remove my high heels and put my male shoes back on.  This time it felt like less of a relief than it usually did.  I took one more look at the bank in front of me, then got out of the car.  I was going to have to do this, like it or not…for the foreseeable future.  Like it or not?  I didn’t like it.  I didn’t like the thought of someone finding out.  I didn’t like the thought of having no choice but to use my diapers all day long – at work, and pray that nobody would notice.  I didn’t like the fact that as time went on and my diapers got wetter and fuller, I would probably start waddling a bit as I walked.  That was going to be embarrassing.  And I especially didn’t like how tight and restricting my damn chastity device was once again.  How the heck could it possibly grow so small all the time?  Amazing!
     Go in through the door.  Greet a couple of bank workers I barely knew.  Head for the elevator and take that up to the third floor with a couple of coworkers I knew much better.  How could they act so normal?  Oh, they weren’t plagued with any of my outlandish problems.  Walk down the hall to my office.  Turn in, take my coat off and hang it on the coatrack.  Go behind my desk.  And sit down.  I was there.  At work.  In my office.  At my desk.  In a damn diaper.  Could life possibly throw any more weird curveballs my way?  No way on earth!
     As I booted my computer up, I thought about Ashley.  She was at home today.  When I had changed her earlier that morning, she had actually asked me to put one of the super big diapers on her instead of the smaller pink ones.  She had said she was just planning on catching up on her schoolwork all day, and with the big diapers, she didn’t have to worry about the thing possibly leaking while I was at work.  That, and with her period now getting worse, she figured the big diapers were probably superior to any pads she could buy for it in the store. 
     When I had left that morning, I was surprised to realize that she seemed far more relaxed and cheerful than I remembered seeing her in a while.  Yes, I did realize that most of that was because with me heading out the door locked into a diaper, she had just achieved one of the major goals she’s had for me since the beginning.  She had one other major goal for me that she hadn’t managed to do yet, and that one scared me just as much as this one did now.  She was bound and determined that she would get things to the point where I never was able to use a toilet again.  I was now far more worried about that goal than ever before.  She had now achieved this one, and she had said she was working on that one.  As it stood right now, the only access I had to a toilet was at night before I got changed for bed, and in the mornings before she put my diaper on me for the day.  That was it.  All the rest of the time I was stuck in those diapers, and stuck using them.  A situation that made me feel absolutely frustrated and infantile all the time.  Made more so by my inability to do anything about it.
     Now, sitting at my desk, I did my very best to ignore what I now had to put up with and got to work.  Work at least helped me to forget.
     Joanna texted me about an hour later to find out how I was managing.  I seriously considered not answering her.  But old habits won out and I sent back that so far, I was doing okay.  But of course it was early and I hadn’t wet my diaper yet.  She texted that she would check with me later. 
     By the time eleven o’clock rolled around, I found myself looking at the time far too often.  The reason?  I had to pee.  And bad!  I just didn’t want to do it in my diaper, and especially not at work.  I didn’t want to have to sit around all day, at work, in a wet diaper.  So…I held it.  Yes, in the back of my mind I knew I couldn’t possibly make it all day, but that didn’t mean I didn’t struggle with it just the same. 
     By the time lunchtime came around, I was pretty much going crazy struggling with it.
     A head popped into my office.  “Lunch?”
     To go, or not to go, that was the question – I was referring to lunch, not peeing.  I was going to say no.  I knew I should say no.  But if I did, then would he think something was wrong?  I had already told everyone I no longer had to take care of Ashley at lunchtime.  And I wanted everyone to think I was “normal” like everyone else. 
      “Sure!” I said with far more enthusiasm than I felt.
      “Paul says he’s driving today.  I think he just wants to show off his new car.”
     I did my best to chuckle.  “Yeah. No doubt.” 
     Oh how I was struggling as I got up from behind my desk and grabbed my coat.  I put it on as we walked toward the elevator.  I was absolutely going crazy not to fidget too much as we stood there and talked, and even worse on the slow ride down in the elevator.  Paul and another guy were waiting for us downstairs.  Together we all went out to his new car.  While the rest of them ooed and aahed over it, I stayed quiet.  I had another matter on my mind.  An urgent one.
     We went to one of our usual lunchtime haunts.  I regretted going with them the moment we walked in.  Food.  Food and drink.  Neither of which was going to help my aching bladder problem.  Both of which was only going to make matters worse.  When the waitress came, instead of ordering something larger as usual, I ordered just a basic cheeseburger and some fries.  Fortunately, through the talk around the table, nobody said anything about it.
     Remarkably, I was doing somewhat better after a few minutes of sitting there talking with them.  I was still desperate to pee, but somehow the intensity of the urge had lessened to a mild painful roar.  I did my best to put it out of my mind…until the waitress brought me the cup of coffee I should never have ordered.  I almost lost it right then and there.  I pushed the coffee away from me.  Normally, I had several cups during the morning at work, then another cup at lunch, then several more during the afternoon.  Today I hadn’t had a single cup so far, and just thinking about that cup of liquid right there in front of me was almost enough to make me pee.  Fight it Mike!  You can do it!  You can beat this!  So I fought it.  But trust me, the battle was getting worse.
     Our meals arrived far too quickly for me.  Usually I liked the restaurant’s fast service, but not then.  My cheeseburger and fries were set down in front of me, and now I was going to be expected to eat…like everyone else.  As the conversation swirled around…without me, I watched the others as they all started eating while they talked.  If I didn’t eat, then someone would notice.  I picked up my cheeseburger and took a big bite, and again almost lost the battle as I felt a tiny bit of pee squirt out of me.  The odd part was that the intensity of needing to pee was still in that slightly easier stage.  But I clamped down urgently and nothing more happened.  Whew!
     Bite after bite.  A few French fries.  More bites from my burger.  Slowly I ate my meal while continuing to fight the urge.  I never once even touched my coffee.  Did my struggling show on my face?  I hoped not.  I was doing everything I could to seem…normal – when I wasn’t.  The waitress left the checks just before we finished.  I reached for mine and at the same time a tiny bit more leaked out from my bladder.  No!  Stop it!  I clenched down hard again.  Whew!  I managed to stop it once again. 
     I got up to pay my bill and leave with everyone else, but of course the act of standing put my body into a totally different position.  A position more stretched out.  A position where the muscles weren’t all crunched up together.  The moment I stood, I felt myself pee a bit more…more than before.  I had to really fight to stop it.  Walking towards the cashier was another exercise in futility.  I noticed myself losing it a couple of times before I got to where I had to stand in line to pay my bill.  I felt like a little kid trying vainly to not wet his pants, and losing the battle.  And the truth was, I was not a little kid, but an adult – trying vainly to not wet his pants…and losing the battle. 
     By the time I paid my bill, my diaper was far wetter than when I had come into the restaurant.  But I still struggled to hold it.  The pressure had lessened some now, but it was still pretty bad.  I was getting tired too, and I knew it. 
     Somehow, I managed to sit in my friend’s car and make it all the way back to the bank without wetting anymore.  Most likely, releasing what I had already, made things much easier for me.  Because of that, I was feeling a little more confident as I got out of his car and we all walked toward the bank doors.  But standing up and moving around somehow made my need to pee that much worse again.  I soon found myself straining like never before to hold it back…and I realized halfway across the parking lot, that I was losing more than I was winning.  I had finally gotten to the point where no matter how much I was trying to hold back, it was still leaking out of me.  Damn it!  I was pissing into my diaper, while I was right there with all my friends. 
     By the time the elevator got to the third floor, I was done.  Nothing more was coming out of me…that I could tell.  The other thing I could tell, was that my pink diaper was now wet.  Wet, and there wasn’t one thing I could do about it.  Because of one tiny lock, I had no choice but to spend the rest of the day in that wet diaper, and make no mistake, I was already worried about the next time I would need to pee.  I was worried about it, and I dreaded it. 
     How the heck was I going to do this day in and day out?  There was no way.  How had Ashley managed it?  Ashley was on her feet more than I was.  Was it worse for her than it was for me?  I had no idea.  I only knew how difficult my situation was.  I guess I could sympathize with her plight, but I was far more concerned with my own circumstances.  Circumstances that I had signed up for.  Circumstances that resulted because with a stroke of a pen, I had told both Ashley and Joanna to make me the laughing stock of everyone.  Circumstances that literally crushed home the fact that I was a sick pervert, who actually got off on having to endure humiliating situations.  Get off on it?  Forget I mentioned that.  There’s no way I will ever admit that any of it turned me on.  No…way!

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

     My phone dinged a little after two in the afternoon.  I was expecting the text to be from Joanna, but I saw Ashley’s name instead.  Worry gripped my stomach as I opened the text to read it:  Package came for you.  Just talked to Mom.  We’re going out when you get home tonight. 
     Okay.  Not much detail on anything, but I was immediately worried.  The part that concerned me the most was the last part.  We were going out tonight?  Why?  Where?  Ashley had made it sound like Joanna approved.  Maybe she did, but I certainly didn’t.  I texted back:  What was in the package?
     The reply didn’t help:  A surprise.
     Now I was really worried!  The fear that gripped me made me realize I needed to pee again.  Not good.  I fought the urge and went back to work.
     What was in the package?  Why did we have to go out tonight?  Did Joanna have anything to do with us going out?  I had no answers.  Consequently, I had a more difficult time concentrating solely on my work, especially since my darn bladder was acting up again.  I kept picturing myself having to go out in public wearing my high heels again.  The worry about it ate away at me all afternoon.  My darn bladder ate away at me all afternoon too.  By four o’clock my nerves were a jumbled mess, not to mention how much I was straining to keep from flooding my diaper again.
     My cell phone rang.  Joanna.  I started to lose it the moment I saw her name on the caller ID.  I fought it back.  “Hello?”
      “Hi Mike.  I just wanted to see how you were making out?”
      “I’m…” I said between clenched teeth as I had to strain extra hard to hold back again.
     Damn it!  I was suddenly losing the battle right there and then, and I couldn’t stop it anymore.  I gave up – completely.  I gave up and relaxed all my bladder muscles, and felt all that pee rushing out of me, surrounding me inside that diaper. 
      “Mike?  What’s going on?”
      “Uuuh….”  I breathed a sigh that was for both relief, and for disappointment at giving up.  “Uh…I just now lost it and wet myself again, I whispered into the phone.  I couldn’t hold it anymore.”
     Joanna laughed.  “Oh Mike, I’m so glad you’re enjoying yourself today.”
     Enjoying myself?  It was a nightmare!
      “So Ashley told me that the other box finally got there today and…”
      “What’s in it?”
      “I’m not going to tell you.  It’s a surprise.”
      “Ugh!  That’s what Ashley said.  That, and that we were going out tonight.”
      “Yes Mike.  It’s Ashley’s idea, not mine.  But I’ll be interested to hear how it goes.”
     Of course she would.  “Where are we going?”
      “Well, for one, Ashley just wants out of the house for a little while.  And I can’t really blame her.”
     I considered loaning Ashley my car and letting me stay at home – briefly.  I quickly remembered that Ashley wasn’t the best driver in the world. 
      “Mike, Ashley wanted me to ask you if you would change that big diaper she’s been wearing all day for a smaller one before you two go out.  I told her I’d let you know.”
     So Ashley didn’t want to be embarrassed by it when we left the house.  Evidently, I was the only one who was going to be saddled with humiliation and embarrassment.  “Yeah.  Okay,” I replied.  In truth, I would much rather have kept Ashley in that one big diaper for the rest of the evening too.  Especially if we were going out.  That way she would have to put up with some of “fun” humiliation I had to endure as well.  It just didn’t sound like that was going to happen.
      “Good Mike,” Joanna said.  “You two have a fun evening.  I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
     Yeah.  I had no doubt that “we” were going to have a fun evening, but certainly not me.  I just didn’t understand how one person, Ashley, could be called, we.  Did she have multiple personalities or something?  Sometimes I actually wondered about that.

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

     When I left the bank to go home, I had managed to make it all day and only wet myself twice.  That was twice too many for me, but at the same time, I figured that was pretty darn lucky.  I had tried to hold it back, but in the end, I had no choice in the matter.  That darn tiny lock had made sure of it.
     Once in the car, I put my five inch t-straps on my feet again and locked my male shoes away for the night.  That canister was infuriating!  My male shoes were right there, but I couldn’t even touch them let alone wear them.  I was stuck wearing my high heels…and we were going out tonight.  My stomach was still in knots over that.
      “Hi Sissy Mike,” Ashley pleasantly greeted me as I walked into the kitchen from the garage.  She was sitting at the kitchen table surrounded by her school work.
     Her greeting surprised me.  It was without a doubt the nicest she had ever greeted me when I came home.  That is, if you ignored the “sissy” word.  “Hey Ashley,” I said.  “How was your day?”
      “Good,” she said.  “I got a lot done here.”
      “Great!”  Was I really as enthusiastic as I sounded?  Nope!
      “Come on,” she said as she got up from the table.  “Mom’s surprise for you came in.”
     Yeah, I knew that.  But I wasn’t sure I wanted to see that surprise. 
     She led me back to her bedroom.  There was a box on the bed.  I could tell that it had already been opened.  I stood next to the bed and just stared at it.
      “Well…come on.  Open it,” Ashley urged.  Why did she sound so excited?  Her excitement only made me more fearful.
     I reached out and flipped up the lid on the box.  I saw…red!  Not red from anger.  The items in the box were red.  Shiny red…with a touch of gold.  To be more exact, the items were red patent leather spike heels, and the touch of gold was from the two prominent shiny brass locks on each of the ankle straps.  They were locking heels! 
      “Well come on,” Ashley said a bit too enthusiastically.  “Try them on.”
      Try them on.  Yeah right!  I pulled the shoes out of the box and took a good look at them.  The shoes had wide ankle straps that each had two side by side brass locks on them.  I noticed that all the locks were open.  I looked into the box and didn’t see anything else.  “No keys?” I asked Ashley.
      “Oh, don’t worry,” she replied.  “I’ve got them already.”
     Of course.  I should have known.  I looked at the shoes again.  They were red.  Shiny red.  The t-strap heels I had on and my boots were black.  How much more would the red shoes stand out than the black?  A lot!  Of that I had no doubt at all.  I looked at the heels.  I was guessing they were about the same height as the black t-straps I had on.  Five inches.  High!  I will not say that I thought they were fun or sexy.  I absolutely will not say that!
     Knowing I was going to have no choice, I carried them over to the chair in the room and sat down.  My eyes never looked away from those red heels the entire time my fingers fumbled with the buckles on my t-straps.  All too soon my black heels were gone and I was down to just my pantyhose covered feet…that exposed the alternating pink and blue polish Ashley had put on my toenails last weekend.  Polish I was completely able to ignore since I never had to see it.  Would it have been better to have some heels that showed that color instead of these red ones?  No.  Don’t even think it Mike.  Most likely those shoes would wind up being red as well. 
     I stuck my left foot into the red high heel.  It was tighter than I was used to since my t-straps had stretched some from the constant use they had gotten.  It was tighter, but it still fit well.  I stuck the right shoe on my right foot, glad that my alternating toenail color could no longer be seen.  As if that could possibly be my biggest problem.  I wish! 
     There was a big knot in the pit of my stomach as I removed the two brass locks from one of the shoes.  That knot got far worse as I brought the left ankle strap around that ankle.  To be honest, I was actually proud that I didn’t wet myself when I put those two locks in place and clicked each of then shut.  A few moments later, the right shoe was locked onto me too. 
     What was going through my mind as I did it?  Damn!  Stuck again.  Locked up again.  Another damn lock.  More damn locks.  My life was nothing but an ever increasing collection of locks that prevented me from removing anything the least bit humiliating.  Those pleasant thoughts, and so many more just like them absolutely delighted my thoughts. 
     Those were the things running through my mind.  My emotions had their own list.  Dread.  Doom.  Ridicule.  Humiliation.  And…um…no.  There was absolutely no sense of sexual excitement in me at all.  Think about it.  How could there be?  That darn chastity device totally prevented any chance of me feeling the least bit of sexually stimulation by anything at all.  Especially when it had shrunk down to what felt like its microscopic size again.  Ouch!  Why did it do that?
     I took a chance and stood up.  Yeah, much like my t-straps, only a bit tighter.  The wide ankle straps felt all too much like the straps from my other shoe locks…and I didn’t even need those other shoe locks for these shoes.  I looked down at my feet.  You couldn’t miss them if you tried.  And that was just the shiny toes of the shoes.  I lifted my pants legs just a bit.  Darn, did those red ankle straps have to be that wide?  Not to mention, did those locks have to be that big?  I think they were actually bigger than any of the other locks in my now very large collection.
     Ashley laughed.  “They’re going to stand out on you like a sore thumb.”
     To be honest, I’d much rather deal with the sore thumb.  The thumb wouldn’t really be noticeable, and it would probably hurt a whole lot less than the pressure from my chastity device.  How the heck could it possibly shrink like that?  It was impossible!
     Ashley sat on the bed facing me.  “I told Mom I wanted to get out of here for a little while tonight since I’ve been cooped up in this house so much.”  She smiled.  “She said she didn’t blame me.  So I’ve decided we’re going out tonight.”
     I dreaded asking.  Going out was the last thing I wanted to do.  “Where?”
      “Well…that’s just it.  I’ve only got a little bit of money I can spend.  I get paid tomorrow, but it will only be for one day of work.  Twelve hours, and that’s all.  That will give me plenty to get by on for the next week as far as my meals go at work, but since I’m getting that money, Mom isn’t going to give me anything else anymore.  So I’ve got to be careful with what I’ve got.”
      “It sounds like staying at home is the better option,” I told her.  “It would be the responsible thing to do.”
     She shook her head.  “No, I’ve got to get out of here for a little while.”  She stared at me for a brief moment.  “If we go out to eat somewhere, I figure I can spend twenty dollars with no problem.  If I buy my meal, can you pay for yours?”
     That surprised me.  “Sure.  That’s no problem.  I can certainly do that.”
     She seemed relieved.  “So where can we go that I can get something nice to eat…for twenty dollars?”
     I thought about that.  “I guess that depends on how much or what you want to eat.”
     Her face fell.  “I don’t really want fast food.  I want to try…something different.”
      “What do you mean…different?”
      “You know.  Something besides hamburgers.”
     Oh.  I thought about it for a moment.  “Tell you what.  We’ll go someplace decent.  If your meal is more than twenty dollars, I’ll just throw that in toward the total.  How does that sound?  I’ll cover the rest.  Just don’t go purposely ordering too much.”
     Her face brightened again.  “Deal!” she said enthusiastically.  “Thanks Mike…for doing that.”
     What the heck was up with Ashley?  She was actually being…NICE!  “You’re welcome,” I replied. 
      “Great!” she said as she jumped up from the bed.  Now get this humongous diaper off me and get me into one of those comfortable pink ones.  And let’s get out of here!”

--- §§§§§§§§§§ ---

1 comment:

Chicago Karen said...

Yes, it’s the incredible shrinking locking chastity cage, as seen on TV! Just look at it getting smaller and smaller! Order yours now! Have your VISA or Mastercard ready and call 1-555-555-5555. And if you order within the next 20 minutes, you’ll get FREE this deluxe tuck-away pouch! You can even wear them together. Maybe. So get the incredible locking shrinking chastity device, PLUS the FREE tuck-away pouch, but wait, there’s still more! We’ll throw in this locking chastity belt for her as an extra bonus! You get the cage, the belt, AND the tuck-away pouch for the one low price plus shipping and handling. Call now!

So does this count as Ashley and Mike’s real first date? Sigh